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Single product scaling and relative-to-reference scaling were compared on the basis of numbers of significant differences among chocolate milks and among vanilla yogurts using both trained and untrained panels. The study involved 920 comparisons among product means with appearance, flavor and mouthfeel attributes. Although there were a greater number of significant t-tests when the relative-to-reference scales were used by both trained and untrained panels, the differences between scale types were minor. Panels showed no advantage with the type of scale they used first. The two methods may be used with equal efficiency for sensory evaluations.  相似文献   
1. Analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (microsatellites) in 379 individuals, collected from 15 localities in northern Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG), demonstrated that wild redclaw crayfish ( Cherax quadricarinatus ) populations consist of two highly divergent Australian lineages and two PNG lineages.
2. The disjunction between the two Australian lineages occurs over a distance of approximately 200 km in the south-western corner of the Gulf of Carpenteria. These data conflict with an earlier study that detected no significant differentiation in 23 variable allozyme loci in redclaw sampled from northern Australia, but concur broadly with the previous recognition of two morphologically distinct species ( C. quadricarinatus and C. bicarinatus ) across northern Australia, and a third species in PNG ( C. albertsii ).
3. The inferred timing and patterns of divergence evident in the molecular data presented here closely align with a similar pattern reported in a co-distributed freshwater decapod crustacean, and broadly reflect patterns in some vertebrate taxa with similar distributions across northern Australia and PNG.
4. These congruent patterns most probably reflect periodic Plio-Pleistocene land and freshwater connections between Australia and New Guinea.  相似文献   
With representation of the global carbon cycle becoming increasingly complex in climate models, it is important to develop ways to quantitatively evaluate model performance against in situ and remote sensing observations. Here we present a systematic framework, the Carbon‐LAnd Model Intercomparison Project (C‐LAMP), for assessing terrestrial biogeochemistry models coupled to climate models using observations that span a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. As an example of the value of such comparisons, we used this framework to evaluate two biogeochemistry models that are integrated within the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) – Carnegie‐Ames‐Stanford Approach′ (CASA′) and carbon–nitrogen (CN). Both models underestimated the magnitude of net carbon uptake during the growing season in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems, based on comparison with atmospheric CO2 measurements and eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem exchange. Comparison with MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements show that this low bias in model fluxes was caused, at least in part, by 1–3 month delays in the timing of maximum leaf area. In the tropics, the models overestimated carbon storage in woody biomass based on comparison with datasets from the Amazon. Reducing this model bias will probably weaken the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon fluxes to both atmospheric CO2 and climate. Global carbon sinks during the 1990s differed by a factor of two (2.4 Pg C yr?1 for CASA′ vs. 1.2 Pg C yr?1 for CN), with fluxes from both models compatible with the atmospheric budget given uncertainties in other terms. The models captured some of the timing of interannual global terrestrial carbon exchange during 1988–2004 based on comparison with atmospheric inversion results from TRANSCOM (r=0.66 for CASA′ and r=0.73 for CN). Adding (CASA′) or improving (CN) the representation of deforestation fires may further increase agreement with the atmospheric record. Information from C‐LAMP has enhanced model performance within CCSM and serves as a benchmark for future development. We propose that an open source, community‐wide platform for model‐data intercomparison is needed to speed model development and to strengthen ties between modeling and measurement communities. Important next steps include the design and analysis of land use change simulations (in both uncoupled and coupled modes), and the entrainment of additional ecological and earth system observations. Model results from C‐LAMP are publicly available on the Earth System Grid.  相似文献   
The capacity for marine fishes to perform aerobically (aerobic scope) is predicted to control their thermal tolerance and, thus, the impact that rapid climate change will have on their populations. We tested the effect of increased water temperatures on the resting and maximum rates of oxygen consumption in five common coral reef fishes at Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. All species exhibited a decline in aerobic capacity at elevated water temperatures (31, 32 or 33 °C) compared with controls (29 °C); however, the response was much stronger in two cardinalfishes, Ostorhinchus cyanosoma and O. doederleini , compared with three damselfishes, Dascyllus anuarus, Chromis atripectoralis and Acanthochromis polyacanthus . Aerobic scope of the two cardinalfishes was reduced by nearly half at 31 °C compared with 29 °C, and virtually all capacity for additional oxygen uptake was exhausted by 33 °C. In contrast, the three damselfishes retained over half their aerobic scope at 33 °C. Such differences in thermal tolerance between species, and possibly families, suggest that the community structure of reef fish assemblages might change significantly as ocean temperatures increase. Populations of thermally tolerant species are likely to persist at higher temperatures, but populations of thermally sensitive species could decline on low-latitude reefs if individual performance falls below levels needed to sustain viable populations.  相似文献   
We developed microsatellite loci for the southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis). Twelve microsatellite loci were identified. Eight loci were polymorphic and sufficiently variable in 62 individuals (expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.707 to 0.880) to investigate population structure. All loci conformed to HWE except Dfr‐14, which showed heterozygote excess, and no two loci deviated from linkage equilibrium. The loci were tested for cross‐species amplification in four species of Dendroctonus (D. valens, D. terebrans, D. brevicomis, and D. ponderosae). Seven loci were polymorphic in at least one of the species tested.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation may influence the genetic structure of populations, especially of species with low mobility. So far, these effects have been mainly studied by surveying neutral markers, and much less by looking at ecologically relevant characters. Therefore, we aimed to explore eventual patterns of covariation between population structuring in neutral markers and variation in shell morphometrics in the forest‐associated snail Discus rotundatus in relation to habitat fragment characteristics. To this end, we screened shell morphometric variability and sequence variation in a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene in D. rotundatus from the fragmented landscape of the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany. The 16S rDNA of D. rotundatus was highly variable, with a total of 118 haplotypes (384 individuals) forming four clades and one unresolved group. There was a geographic pattern in the distribution of the clades with the river Rhine apparently separating two groups. Yet, at the geographic scale considered, there was no obvious effect of fragmentation on shell morphometrics and 16S rDNA variation because GST often was as high within, as between forests. Instead, the age of the habitat and (re‐)afforestation events appeared to affect shell shape and 16S rDNA in terms of the number of clades per site. The ecologically relevant characters thus supported the presumably neutral mitochondrial DNA markers by indicating that populations of not strictly stenecious species may be (relatively) stable in fragments. However, afforestation after large clearcuts and habitat gain after the amendment of deforestation are accompanied by several, seemingly persistent peculiarities, such as altered genetic composition and shell characters (e.g. aperture size). © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 839–850.  相似文献   
As part of a Global Biodiversity Hotspot, the conservation of Sri Lanka's endemic biodiversity warrants special attention. With 51 species (50 of them endemic) occurring in the island, the biodiversity of freshwater crabs is unusually high for such a small area (65 600 km2). Freshwater crabs have successfully colonized most moist habitats and all climatic and elevational zones in Sri Lanka. We assessed the biodiversity of these crabs in relation to the different elevational zones (lowland, upland and highland) based on both species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Three different lineages appear to have radiated simultaneously, each within a specific elevational zone, with little interchange thereafter. The lowland and upland zones show a higher species richness than the highland zone while – unexpectedly – phylogenetic diversity is highest in the lowland zone, illustrating the importance of considering both these measures in conservation planning. The diversity indices for the species in the various IUCN Red List categories in each of the three zones suggest that risk of extinction may be related to elevational zone. Our results also show that overall more than 50% of Sri Lanka's freshwater crab species (including several as yet undescribed ones), or approximately 72 million years of evolutionary history, are threatened with extinction.  相似文献   
Species of Aspergillus produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites, and recent genomic analysis has predicted that these species have the capacity to synthesize many more compounds. It has been possible to infer the presence of 55 gene clusters associated with secondary metabolism in Aspergillus flavus ; however, only three metabolic pathways—aflatoxin, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and aflatrem—have been assigned to these clusters. To gain an insight into the regulation of and to infer the ecological significance of the 55 secondary metabolite gene clusters predicted in A. flavus, we examined their expression over 28 diverse conditions. Variables included culture medium and temperature, fungal development, colonization of developing maize seeds and misexpression of laeA , a global regulator of secondary metabolism. Hierarchical clustering analysis of expression profiles allowed us to categorize the gene clusters into four distinct clades. Gene clusters for the production of aflatoxins, CPA and seven other unknown compound(s) were identified as belonging to one clade. To further explore the relationships found by gene expression analysis, aflatoxin and CPA production were quantified under five different cell culture environments known to be conducive or nonconducive for aflatoxin biosynthesis and during the colonization of developing maize seeds. Results from these studies showed that secondary metabolism gene clusters have distinctive gene expression profiles. Aflatoxin and CPA were found to have unique regulation, but are sufficiently similar that they would be expected to co-occur in substrates colonized with A. flavus .  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The balance of essential elements (e.g. carbon [C], nitrogen [N], and phosphorus [P]) between consumers and their resources influences not only the growth and reproduction of the consumers but also the nutrients they regenerate. Flagellate protists are significant predators of aquatic bacteria and directly influence nutrient flow to higher trophic levels and, through excretion, influence the mineral element composition of dissolved nutrients. Because the element stoichiometry of protists is poorly characterized, we varied the resource composition of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and used it to grow the mixotrophic bacterivorous flagellate Ochromonas danica. Using a mass balance approach, the element composition of O. danica was found to vary depending upon the nutrient composition of the prey and ranged between 482:36:1 and 80:12:1 (C:N:P molar). Homeostasis plots suggested that flagellate protists weakly regulate their element composition and are likely to regenerate different elements depending upon the nature of the element limiting growth of their prey.  相似文献   
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