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Bioenergy could play a major role in decarbonizing energy systems in the context of the Paris Agreement. Large-scale bioenergy deployment could be related to sustainability issues and requires major infrastructure investments. It, therefore, needs to be studied carefully. The Bioenergy and Land Optimization Spatially Explicit Model (BLOEM) presented here allows for assessing different bioenergy pathways while encompassing various dimensions that influence their optimal deployment. In this study, BLOEM was applied to the Brazilian context by coupling it with the Brazilian Land Use and Energy Systems (BLUES) model. This allowed investigating the most cost-effective ways of attending future bioenergy supply projections and studying the role of recovered degraded pasture lands in improving land availability in a sustainable and competitive manner. The results show optimizing for limiting deforestation and minimizing logistics costs results in different outcomes. It also indicates that recovering degraded pasture lands is attractive from both logistics and climate perspectives. The systemic approach of BLOEM provides spatial results, highlighting the trade-offs between crop allocation, land use and the logistics dynamics between production, conversion, and demand, providing valuable insights for regional and national climate policy design. This makes it a useful tool for mapping sustainable bioenergy value chain pathways.  相似文献   
We studied the significance of four hydrophobic residues within the 225–230 region of apoA-I on its structure and functions and their contribution to the biogenesis of HDL. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of an apoA-I[F225A/V227A/F229A/L230A] mutant in apoA-I−/− mice decreased plasma cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and apoA-I levels. When expressed in apoA-I−/− × apoE−/− mice, approximately 40% of the mutant apoA-I as well as mouse apoA-IV and apoB-48 appeared in the VLDL/IDL/LDL. In both mouse models, the apoA-I mutant generated small spherical particles of pre-β- and α4-HDL mobility. Coexpression of the apoA-I mutant and LCAT increased and shifted the-HDL cholesterol peak toward lower densities, created normal αHDL subpopulations, and generated spherical-HDL particles. Biophysical analyses suggested that the apoA-I[225–230] mutations led to a more compact folding that may limit the conformational flexibility of the protein. The mutations also reduced the ability of apoA-I to promote ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux and to activate LCAT to 31% and 66%, respectively, of the WT control. Overall, the apoA-I[225–230] mutations inhibited the biogenesis of-HDL and led to the accumulation of immature pre-β- and α4-HDL particles, a phenotype that could be corrected by administration of LCAT.  相似文献   
Germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes contribute to approximately 18% of hereditary ovarian cancers conferring an estimated lifetime risk from 15% to 50%. A variable incidence of mutations has been reported for these genes in ovarian cancer cases from different populations. In Greece, six mutations in BRCA1 account for 63% of all mutations detected in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of BRCA1 mutations in a Greek cohort of 106 familial ovarian cancer patients that had strong family history or metachronous breast cancer and 592 sporadic ovarian cancer cases. All 698 patients were screened for the six recurrent Greek mutations (including founder mutations c.5266dupC, p.G1738R and the three large deletions of exon 20, exons 23–24 and exon 24). In familial cases, the BRCA1 gene was consequently screened for exons 5, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. A deleterious BRCA1 mutation was found in 43/106 (40.6%) of familial cancer cases and in 27/592 (4.6%) of sporadic cases. The variant of unknown clinical significance p.V1833M was identified in 9/698 patients (1.3%). The majority of BRCA1 carriers (71.2%) presented a high-grade serous phenotype. Identifying a mutation in the BRCA1 gene among breast and/or ovarian cancer families is important, as it enables carriers to take preventive measures. All ovarian cancer patients with a serous phenotype should be considered for genetic testing. Further studies are warranted to determine the prevalence of mutations in the rest of the BRCA1 gene, in the BRCA2 gene, and other novel predisposing genes for breast and ovarian cancer.  相似文献   
The climate impact of bioenergy is commonly quantified in terms of CO2 equivalents, using a fixed 100‐year global warming potential as an equivalency metric. This method has been criticized for the inability to appropriately address emissions timing and the focus on a single impact metric, which may lead to inaccurate or incomplete quantification of the climate impact of bioenergy production. In this study, we introduce Dynamic Relative Climate Impact (DRCI) curves, a novel approach to visualize and quantify the climate impact of bioenergy systems over time. The DRCI approach offers the flexibility to analyze system performance for different value judgments regarding the impact category (e.g., emissions, radiative forcing, and temperature change), equivalency metric, and analytical time horizon. The DRCI curves constructed for fourteen bioenergy systems illustrate how value judgments affect the merit order of bioenergy systems, because they alter the importance of one‐time (associated with land use change emissions) versus sustained (associated with carbon debt or foregone sequestration) emission fluxes and short‐ versus long‐lived climate forcers. Best practices for bioenergy production (irrespective of value judgments) include high feedstock yields, high conversion efficiencies, and the application of carbon capture and storage. Furthermore, this study provides examples of production contexts in which the risk of land use change emissions, carbon debt, or foregone sequestration can be mitigated. For example, the risk of indirect land use change emissions can be mitigated by accompanying bioenergy production with increasing agricultural yields. Moreover, production contexts in which the counterfactual scenario yields immediate or additional climate impacts can provide significant climate benefits. This paper is accompanied by an Excel‐based calculation tool to reproduce the calculation steps outlined in this paper and construct DRCI curves for bioenergy systems of choice.  相似文献   
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase is a ubiquitous human enzyme, the inherited deficiency of which leads to a specific metabolic-neurological syndrome. Native acrylamide isoelectric focusing revealed that the human enzyme consists of different numbers of isoenzymes depending on the tissue of origin. The erythrocytic enzyme has the most isoenzymes while the enzyme from cultured fibroblasts has only a single isoenzyme. The isoenzyme pattern of the erythrocytic enzyme changes on storage of the crude hemolysate at 4 C. Treatment of the stored crude hemolysate with 4.5 m urea and 0.35 mm -mercaptoethanol results in an isoenzyme pattern similar to that of the fresh crude extract. Thus the additional isoenzymes are generated on storage not by covalent modification of the enzyme but probably by binding of small molecules to the enzyme or to association of the enzyme molecules. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase has been purified to 80% homogeneity in three steps, DEAE Sephadex chromatography, heat treatment at 85 C for 5 min, and hydroxylapatite chromatography. Denaturing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the erythrocytic enzyme revealed that the erythrocytic enzyme is composed of three major types of subunits (1–3) with the same molecular weight but different isoelectric points. In contrast, the fibroblast enzyme is composed of only a single type of subunit, which comigrates with subunit 1 of the erythrocytic enzyme. Since there is a single genetic locus in humans for HGPRTase (the enzyme is X linked) (Nyhan et al., 1967), the observed subunit modification of the erythrocyte enzyme appears to be the result of posttranslational modification. These findings provide a simple explanation for the observed electrophoretic properties of human HGPRTase. A patient with 0.5% of HGPRTase activity in his erythrocytes was found to have small amounts (> 0.5% but < 5% of normal) of the erythrocytic HGPRTase subunits.This work was supported by a grant from NIAMDD, National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service. L. J. G. was supported by a fellowship from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. D. W. M. is an Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  相似文献   
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) generate F-actin-rich adhesion pedestals by delivering effector proteins into mammalian cells. These effectors include the translocated receptor Tir, along with EspF(U), a protein that associates indirectly with Tir and contains multiple peptide repeats that stimulate actin polymerization. In vitro, the EspF(U) repeat region is capable of binding and activating recombinant derivatives of N-WASP, a host actin nucleation-promoting factor. In spite of the identification of these important bacterial and host factors, the underlying mechanisms of how EHEC so potently exploits the native actin assembly machinery have not been clearly defined. Here we show that Tir and EspF(U) are sufficient for actin pedestal formation in cultured cells. Experimental clustering of Tir-EspF(U) fusion proteins indicates that the central role of the cytoplasmic portion of Tir is to promote clustering of the repeat region of EspF(U). Whereas clustering of a single EspF(U) repeat is sufficient to bind N-WASP and generate pedestals on cultured cells, multi-repeat EspF(U) derivatives promote actin assembly more efficiently. Moreover, the EspF(U) repeats activate a protein complex containing N-WASP and the actin-binding protein WIP in a synergistic fashion in vitro, further suggesting that the repeats cooperate to stimulate actin polymerization in vivo. One explanation for repeat synergy is that simultaneous engagement of multiple N-WASP molecules can enhance its ability to interact with the actin nucleating Arp2/3 complex. These findings define the minimal set of bacterial effectors required for pedestal formation and the elements within those effectors that contribute to actin assembly via N-WASP-Arp2/3-mediated signaling pathways.  相似文献   
The genomes of Bacillus cereus and its closest relative Bacillus anthracis contain 10 polysaccharide deacetylase homologues. Six of these homologues have been proposed to be peptidoglycan N-acetylglucosamine deacetylases. Two of these genes, namely bc1960 and bc3618, have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant enzymes have been purified to homogeneity and further characterized. Both enzymes were effective in deacetylating cell wall peptidoglycan from the Gram(+) Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis and the Gram(-) Helicobacter pylori as well as soluble chitin substrates and N-acetylchitooligomers. However, the enzymes were not active on acetylated xylan. These results provide insight into the substrate specificity of carbohydrate esterase family 4 enzymes. It was revealed that both enzymes deacetylated only the GlcNAc residue of the synthetic muropeptide N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-(beta-1,4)-N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine-D-isoglutamine. Analysis of the constituent muropeptides of peptidoglycan from B. subtilis and H. pylori resulting from incubation of the enzymes BC1960 and BC3618 with these polymers and subsequent hydrolysis by Cellosyl and mutanolysin, respectively, similarly revealed that both enzymes deacetylate GlcNAc residues of peptidoglycan. Kinetic analysis toward GlcNAc(2-6) revealed that GlcNAc4 was the favorable substrate for both enzymes. Identification of the sequence of N-acetychitooligosaccharides (GlcNAc(2-4)) following enzymatic deacetylation by using 1H NMR revealed that both enzymes deacetylate all GlcNAc residues of the oligomers except the reducing end ones. Enzymatic deacetylation of chemically acetylated vegetative peptidoglycan from B. cereus by BC1960 and BC3618 resulted in increased resistance to lysozyme digestion. This is the first biochemical study of bacterial peptidoglycan N-acetylglucosamine deacetylases.  相似文献   
Abstract A comprehensive study on the Bemisia tabaci (biotype B) resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid, acetamiprid and thiamethoxam, and pyrethroid bifenthrin was conducted in Cyprus. The resistance level to eight field‐collected B. tabaci populations was investigated. The activities of enzymes involved in metabolic detoxification and the frequencies of pyrethroid and organophosphates target site resistance mutations were determined. Moderate to high levels of resistance were detected for imidacloprid (resistance factor [RF] 77–392) and thiamethoxam (RF 50–164) while low resistance levels were observed for acetamiprid (RF 7–12). Uniform responses by the Cypriot whiteflies could be observed against all neonicotinoid insecticides. No cross‐resistance between the neonicotinoids was detected as well as no association with the activity of the P450 microsomal oxidases. Only imidacloprid resistance correlated with carboxylesterase activity. Low to extremely high resistance was observed for insecticide bifenthrin (RF 49–1 243) which was associated with the frequency of the resistant allele in the sodium channel gene but not with the activity of the detoxification enzymes. Finally, the F331W mutation in the acetylcholinesterase enzyme ace1 gene was fixed in all B. tabaci populations from Cyprus.  相似文献   
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