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Morillon R  Lassalles JP 《Planta》2002,214(3):392-399
The effect of low water potentials on root growth of flax (Linum usitatissimum L. cv. Ariane), rape (Brassica napus L. de Candolle, cv. Bristol), hard wheat (Triticum turgidum L. cv. Cham1) and soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Ritmo) was studied by measuring the osmotic water permeability (Pos) of root protoplasts and the protein abundance of PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins. These different species require more or less water, the most sensitive to water deficit being flax and rape. Ritmo, is a cultivar of wheat adapted to temperate zones, while the other cultivar Cham1 is adapted to low-rainfall areas. The seedlings were germinated and grown in water, salt or sugar solutions at different water potentials. The values of Pos for flax, rape and Chaml wheat were normally distributed and could be characterized by mean +/- SD. Root protoplasts from water-grown seedlings had Pos values of 485+/-159 microm s(-1) (flax), 582+/-100 microm s(-1) (rape), and 6.3+/-3.5 microm s(-1) (Cham1). At the same age, the protoplasts from Ritmo exhibited a much wider range of values than the protoplasts of Cham1. When seedlings were grown under conditions of osmotic or salt stress, the mass of the roots was reduced for all species. With 0.25 mol kg(-1) sorbitol or 0.125 M NaCl, the Pos for flax, rape and Cham1 remained constant or slightly increased, while for Ritmo the reduction in the mass of the roots was paralleled by a reduction in Pos. Only Cham1 and Ritmo were able to germinate at a lower potential (0.5 mol kg(-1) sorbitol). For Ritmo the reduction in the mass of the roots was paralleled by a reduction in Pos when grown in this stress condition and both wheats exhibited low Pos values. The expression of the PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins families was also studied by immunoblotting. We did not observe any difference in protein expression for any of the species, whatever the growing conditions. We suggest that the high Pos values for flax and rape could play a role in the sensitivity of these plants at low water potential. The low native Pos for Cham1 in spite of the expression of both families of aquaporins may reflect its adaptation to low-rainfall conditions by a functional regulation of the water channels. For a similar reason, the low-water-potential-induced Pos of Ritmo may also correspond to a down-regulation of the aquaporins, reflecting adaptation of this wheat to water-deficit conditions.  相似文献   
In perennial plants, freeze-thaw cycles during the winter months can induce the formation of air bubbles in xylem vessels, leading to changes in their hydraulic conductivity. Refilling of embolized xylem vessels requires an osmotic force that is created by the accumulation of soluble sugars in the vessels. Low water potential leads to water movement from the parenchyma cells into the xylem vessels. The water flux gives rise to a positive pressure essential for the recovery of xylem hydraulic conductivity. We investigated the possible role of plasma membrane aquaporins in winter embolism recovery in walnut (Juglans regia). First, we established that xylem parenchyma starch is converted to sucrose in the winter months. Then, from a xylem-derived cDNA library, we isolated two PIP2 aquaporin genes (JrPIP2,1 and JrPIP2,2) that encode nearly identical proteins. The water channel activity of the JrPIP2,1 protein was demonstrated by its expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The expression of the two PIP2 isoforms was investigated throughout the autumn-winter period. In the winter period, high levels of PIP2 mRNA and corresponding protein occurred simultaneously with the rise in sucrose. Furthermore, immunolocalization studies in the winter period show that PIP2 aquaporins were mainly localized in vessel-associated cells, which play a major role in controlling solute flux between parenchyma cells and xylem vessels. Taken together, our data suggest that PIP2 aquaporins could play a role in water transport between xylem parenchyma cells and embolized vessels.  相似文献   
This study focused on haploid induction in mandarin through in situ gynogenesis by pollination with irradiated pollen of ‘Meyer’ lemon. Pollination was carried out for three genotypes of mandarin with four levels of gamma-ray-irradiated pollen (150, 300, 600, and 900 Gy). The resulting seeds were characterised by a small size. Embryos were rescued in vitro and the ploidy level of the plantlets was determined by flow cytometry analysis. Haploid, diploid, triploid plantlets were obtained. The haploid parthenogenetic origin was confirmed using microsatellite marker analysis and chromosome count. Diploid and triploid plants were the result of crosses between mandarin and lemon. The induction of gynogenetic haploids of ‘Fortune’ (Citrus clementina Hort ex Tan. × Citrus tangerina Hort ex Tan.) and ‘Ellendale’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco × Citrus sinensis L. Osb) is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   
The prevalence of sour orange rootstock in the southern and eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin is presently threatened by the spread of Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) and its main vector Toxoptera citricida, combined with abiotic constraints such as drought, salinity and alkalinity. The search for alternative CTV-resistant rootstocks that also withstand the other constraints is now considered an urgent priority for a sustainable citrus industry in the area. Complementary progenitors can be found in citrus germplasm to combine the desired traits, particularly between Poncirus and Citrus genera. The production of somatic hybrids allows cumulating all dominant traits irrespective of their heterozygosity level, and would appear to be an effective way to solve the rootstock challenge facing the Mediterranean citrus industry. This paper presents the results obtained during a regional collaborative effort between five countries, to develop new rootstocks by somatic hybridization. New embryogenic callus lines to be used for somatic hybridization have been created. Protoplast fusions have been performed at CIRAD and IVIA laboratories, focusing on intergeneric combinations. Analysis of ploidy level by flow cytometry and molecular markers confirmed the acquisition of new interesting tetraploid somatic hybrids for six combinations. Diploid cybrids with intergeneric (Citrus?×?Poncirus) nucleus and C. reticulata or C. aurantifolia mitochondria were also identified for four combinations. The agronomical performance of a pre-existing somatic hybrid between Poncirus trifoliata and Citrus reticulata was validated in calcareous soils in Morocco. Somatic hybridization is now integrated into the breeding programs of the five Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   
To understand the genotypic variation of citrus to mild salt stress, a proteomic approach has been carried out in parallel on two citrus genotypes (‘Cleopatra’ and ‘Willow leaf’ mandarins), which differ for Na+ and Cl accumulation, and their cognate autotetraploids (4×). Using two-dimensional electrophoresis approximately 910 protein spots were reproducibly detected in control and salt-stressed leaves of all genotypes. Among them, 44 protein spots showing significant variations at least in one genotype were subjected to mass spectrometry analysis for identification. Salt-responsive proteins were involved in several functions, including photosynthetic processes, ROS scavenging, stress defence, and signalling. Genotype factors affect the salt-responsive pattern, especially that of carbon metabolism. The no ion accumulator ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin genotype showed the highest number of salt-responsive proteins, and up-regulation of Calvin cycle-related proteins. Conversely the ion accumulator ‘Willow leaf’ mandarin showed high levels of several photorespiration-related enzymes. A common set of proteins (twelve spots) displayed higher levels in salt-stressed leaves of 2× and 4× ‘Cleopatra’ and 4× ‘Willow leaf’ mandarin. Interestingly, antioxidant enzymes and heat shock proteins showed higher constitutive levels in 4× ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin and 4× ‘Willow leaf’ mandarin compared with the cognate 2× genotype. This work provides for the first time information on the effect of 8 weeks of salt stress on citrus genotypes contrasting for ion accumulation and their cognate autotetraploids. Results underline that genetic factors have a predominant effect on the salt response, although a common stress response independent from genotype was also found.  相似文献   
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