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In situ hybridization histochemical techniques were used in an attempt to demonstrate atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) messenger RNA (mRNA) in the rat brain. A synthetic oligonucleotide derived from previously reported ANF cDNA sequence was used as a probe. Northern blot analysis of total RNA isolated from rat heart demonstrated that the oligonucleotide recognized a single species of RNA (0.9 kb), a size consistent with previous reports. Rat heart sections revealed dense accumulations of ANF mRNA in the cardiac atria and lesser densities in the ventricles. Rat brain sections hybridized with the same oligonucleotide did not label ANF mRNA accumulations in any neuronal cell bodies. A possible explanation for this latter observation is either sparsely distributed expressing neurons or low expression and high turnover of ANF mRNA in brain.  相似文献   
Large wild ungulates are a major biotic factor shaping plant communities. They influence species abundance and occurrence directly by herbivory and plant dispersal, or indirectly by modifying plant‐plant interactions and through soil disturbance. In forest ecosystems, researchers’ attention has been mainly focused on deer overabundance. Far less is known about the effects on understory plant dynamics and diversity of wild ungulates where their abundance is maintained at lower levels to mitigate impacts on tree regeneration. We used vegetation data collected over 10 years on 82 pairs of exclosure (excluding ungulates) and control plots located in a nation‐wide forest monitoring network (Renecofor). We report the effects of ungulate exclusion on (i) plant species richness and ecological characteristics, (ii) and cover percentage of herbaceous and shrub layers. We also analyzed the response of these variables along gradients of ungulate abundance, based on hunting statistics, for wild boar (Sus scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Outside the exclosures, forest ungulates maintained higher species richness in the herbaceous layer (+15%), while the shrub layer was 17% less rich, and the plant communities became more light‐demanding. Inside the exclosures, shrub cover increased, often to the benefit of bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg.). Ungulates tend to favour ruderal, hemerobic, epizoochorous and non‐forest species. Among plots, the magnitude of vegetation changes was proportional to deer abundance. We conclude that ungulates, through the control of the shrub layer, indirectly increase herbaceous plant species richness by increasing light reaching the ground. However, this increase is detrimental to the peculiarity of forest plant communities and contributes to a landscape‐level biotic homogenization. Even at population density levels considered to be harmless for overall plant species richness, ungulates remain a conservation issue for plant community composition.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the temperature response of photosynthesis in rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) to provide data for process-based growth modeling, and to test whether photosynthetic capacity and temperature response of photosynthesis acclimates to changes in ambient temperature. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A) was measured in rubber saplings grown in a nursery or in growth chambers at 18 and 28°C. The temperature response of A was measured from 9 to 45°C and the data were fitted to an empirical model. Photosynthetic capacity (maximal carboxylation rate, V cmax, and maximal light driven electron flux, J max) of plants acclimated to 18 and 28°C were estimated by fitting a biochemical photosynthesis model to the CO2 response curves (AC i curves) at six temperatures: 15, 22, 28, 32, 36 and 40°C. The optimal temperature for A (T opt) was much lower in plants grown at 18°C compared to 28°C and nursery. Net CO2 assimilation rate at optimal temperature (A opt), V cmax and J max at a reference temperature of 25°C (V cmax25 and J max25) as well as activation energy of V cmax and J max (E aV and E aJ) decreased in individuals acclimated to 18°C. The optimal temperature for V cmax and J max could not be clearly defined from our response curves, as they always were above 36°C and not far from 40°C. The ratio J max25/V cmax25 was larger in plants acclimated to 18°C. Less nitrogen was present and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (V cmax25/N a) was smaller in leaves acclimated to 18°C. These results indicate that rubber saplings acclimated their photosynthetic characteristics in response to growth temperature, and that higher temperatures resulted in an enhanced photosynthetic capacity in the leaves, as well as larger activation energy for photosynthesis.  相似文献   
The ability of silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.) to acclimate to different levels of irradiance was tested with 3-year-old seedlings, grown for 2 years in a nursery close to Nancy (eastern France) under 100, 48, 18 and 8% of incident irradiance (neutral shade nets). Growth, total nutrients in needles, maximal carboxylation rate ( V cmax), maximal light driven electron flow ( J max) and the relative amount of nitrogen allocated to photosynthetic processes (carboxylation, bioenergetics, light harvesting) were investigated. The sensitivity to drought stress was assessed among the phenotypes resulting from light acclimation. Leader-shoot and branch elongation were greatest under 18% irradiance. Total seedling biomass, root-to-total biomass ratio, total leaf area, leaf mass-to-area ratio and needle-area based nitrogen content responded positively to increasing irradiance while leaf area ratio decreased. Both V cmax and J max increased by a factor of 1.6 and 1.8, respectively, from the lowest to the highest irradiance but the ratio J max/ V cmax remained stable. All these parameters, expressed on a projected needle area basis, remained within the lower range of values measured for broadleaved trees. Relative allocation of needle N to the different components of the photosynthetic apparatus was very low: 12, 3 and 7% of total nitrogen were invested in carboxylation, bioenergetics and light harvesting, respectively. The relative allocation of nitrogen to carboxylation and bioenergetics remained stable while that to light harvesting decreased with increasing irradiance. During drought, seedlings pre-acclimated to shade closed their stomata at higher predawn needle water potential than those which were grown under higher irradiance. Critical temperature for PSII photochemistry in needles was unaffected by irradiance and was close to 47°C. Drought significantly increased the critical temperature up to 51°C. In general, the amplitude of responses of silver fir to changing irradiance (phenotypic plasticity) was smaller than that recorded in broadleaved species.  相似文献   
The key parameters of photosynthetic capacity (maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax), electron transport capacity (Jmax) and dark respiration rate (Rd)) and the slope (m) of the stomatal conductance model of Ball et al. [Progress in photosynthetic research, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1987] were measured for a whole growing season in fully expanded leaves of 12-year-old mango trees cv. Cogshall in La Réunion island. Leaf nitrogen partitioning into carboxylation (Pc) and bioenergetic (Pb) pools were computed according to the model of Niinemets and Tenhunen [Plant Cell Environ 1997;20: 845–66]. Vcmax, Jmax, Rd, Pc and Pb remained relatively stable over the whole study period, with the exception of the period of linear fruit growth when Jmax, Rd and Pb were slightly lower, and leaf non-structural carbohydrate content higher. During the pre-floral and floral periods, m decreased by more than 50%, indicating an increase in photosynthetic water use efficiency and m increased again during the period of linear fruit growth. Our results show that, in tropical orchard conditions characterized by mild seasonal climatic changes and non-limiting water supply, leaf nitrogen partitioning is rather stable. Our results also advocate for more studies on the effect of phenology on m and photosynthetic water use efficiency, which is of paramount importance for building coupled biochemical models of photosynthetic carbon assimilation.  相似文献   
The expression of 56D and 60C beta-tubulin genes has been examined in Drosophila melanogaster Kc cells in response to the insect moulting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-OH-E). Northern blots probed with beta-tubulin subclones show that the 56D beta-tubulin gene encodes a 1.8 kb mRNA whose abundance is not affected by 20-OH-E. The 60C gene probe detects two mRNAs: one of 1.8 kb present in untreated and 20-OH-E-treated cells, and one of 2.6 kb present only in 20-OH-E-treated cells; using a 60C 3'-specific probe, only the 2.6 kb is revealed. Hybrid selection translation experiment demonstrates that a 20-OH-E-inducible mRNA homologous to the 60C gene encodes a beta-tubulin subunit (P4); this subunit is the so-called beta 3-tubulin. Translation of size-fractionated mRNA shows that the 20-OH-E-induced beta 3-tubulin subunit is encoded, in treated cells, by the 2.6 kb mRNA.  相似文献   
A human cDNA clone containing the 5' coding region of the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor alpha subunit was used to quantify and visualize receptor mRNA in various regions of the rat brain. Using a [32P]CTP-labelled antisense RNA probe (860 bases) prepared from the alpha subunit cDNA, multiple mRNA species were detected in Northern blots using total and poly A rat brain RNA. In all brain regions, mRNAs of 4.4 and 4.8 kb were observed, and an additional mRNA of 3.0 kb was detected in the cerebellum and hippocampus. The level of GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor mRNA was highest in the cerebellum followed by the thalamus = frontal cortex = hippocampus = parietal cortex = hypothalamus much greater than pons = striatum = medulla. In situ hybridization revealed high levels of alpha subunit mRNA in cerebellar gray matter, olfactory bulb, thalamus, hippocampus/dentate gyrus, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. These data suggest the presence of multiple GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor alpha subunit mRNAs in rat brain and demonstrate the feasibility of studying the expression of genes encoding the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor after pharmacological and/or environmental manipulation.  相似文献   
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain, is known to interact with a subclass of receptors that activate a ligand-gated chloride ion channel. Exposure of cultured embryonic chick neurons to physiological concentrations of GABA results in a time-dependent down-regulation of these GABAA receptors. To delineate the cellular mechanism(s) responsible for agonist-induced down-regulation of GABAA receptors we quantified the levels of GABAA receptor alpha subunit messenger RNAs, which encode the subunit(s) containing agonist recognition site(s), and observed a marked reduction in alpha subunit mRNAs following exposure of embryonic chick neurons to GABA. Both the down-regulation of GABAA receptors and the reduction in alpha subunit mRNAs induced by GABA were completely antagonized by the specific GABAA receptor antagonist SR-95531. These data demonstrate the presence of an agonist-induced receptor-mediated mechanism for regulating the expression of receptor subunit-encoding mRNAs that may be involved in the development of tolerance to the pharmacological actions of drugs known to act via GABAA receptors.  相似文献   
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