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Adult mouse epidermis contains up to 11 distinct keratin polypeptides, as resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These include both basic (Type II; 67-, 65-, 63-, 62-, and 60-kDa) and acidic (Type I; 61- to 59-, 54-, 52-, 49-, and 48-kDa) keratins that exhibit multiple isoelectric forms. Several, but not all, of these keratins, identified by immunoblotting, were found to be actively synthesized in the skin when assayed in short-term pulse-labeling experiments. When compared to the adult, newborn mouse epidermis expresses fewer keratin subunits. However, greater amounts of keratins associated with differentiated suprabasal cells and stratum corneum, which is more pronounced morphologically in the newborn, were identified. We also observed strain-specific differences in the expression of a Type I acidic keratin. This 61-kDa (pI, approx. 5.3) keratin was produced exclusively by the CF-1 mouse and, based on peptide mapping, appeared to be related to the acidic 59-kDa keratin that was identified in this strain as well as all other mouse strains. The 61-kDa keratin was not expressed in vitamin A-deficient animals, suggesting that its appearance may be related to a retinoid-dependent posttranslational modification. In comparison to keratin expression in vivo, primary mouse keratinocyte monolayer cultures maintained in low Ca2+ (less than 0.08 mM) did not express the terminal differentiation keratins of 67-kDa (basic) or 59-kDa (acidic), although enhanced synthesis of the 60-kDa (basic) and the 52-kDa and 59-kDa (acidic) keratins associated with proliferation were observed. In addition, a subpopulation of nonadherent cells was continuously produced by the primary keratinocyte cultures that expressed the 67-kDa (basic) keratin specific for terminal differentiation. When the keratinocyte cultures were induced to terminally differentiate with Ca2+, the overall pattern of keratin expression was not changed significantly. Taken together, these results provide further evidence for the variable nature of keratin expression in mouse epidermal keratinocytes under different growth conditions.  相似文献   
P. MOLLOY, L. BRYDON, A.J, PORTER AND W.J. HARRIS. 1995. New methods to quantitatively remove bacteria from food and water samples are required to meet modern safety standards. The recent development of techniques to make Fab/Fv/scFv fragments in bacteria has provided the opportunity to exploit antibodies as specialized chemicals for affinity removal technologies. Single-chain fragments against Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been expressed in Escherichia coli , purified via a fused poly-histidine tail and immobilized upon polystyrene beads. The resulting immunoaffinity columns have been shown to effectively remove greater than 90% of an applied 10 million bacteria after a single passage through the column. Column material in the absence of single-chain retained less than 10% of the bacteria. Pseudomonas were also removed from milk, mixed bacterial cultures and when present at low cell densities.  相似文献   
The responses of a series of rat hepatoma cell lines (FaO, HTC, RH1) to the rodent non-genotoxic hepatocarcinogen and per-oxisome proliferator (PP) Nafenopin were studied to determine if this PP acts with EGF, a naturally occurring liver growth regulator, to perturb the balance between mitosis and apoptosis. EGF enhanced the growth of FaO cells (well differentiated) and HTC cells (intermediate differentiation) but not of the poorly differentiated RH1 cell line. Nafenopin also increased FaO cell growth but, surprisingly, retarded the growth of both HTC and RH1 cells. Since population expansion kinetics result from mitosis and death, replicative DNA synthesis (RDS) and apoptotic cell death were measured in HTC cells. As expected, EGF elevated RDS and suppressed cell death. However, Nafenopin depressed HTC net population expansion via a suppression of cell death coupled to a more marked inhibition of RDS. This apparent paradox was investigated using soft agar cloning. This revealed sub-populations with differing growth kinetics suggesting selective clonal expansion via an alteration in the balance between mitosis and apoptotic cell death. At later stages, cells are refractory to EGF and Nafenopin, suggesting that genetic changes may have superseded such factor-dependence.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) represents a family of structurally related Ser/Tre kinases which are involved in mitogenic signalling and may contribute to human neoplasia. To address this issue, the messenger RNA and protein levels of PKC isoenzymes α and β were analyzed in several human sarcoma- and carcinoma-derived cell lines. Carcinomas contained low or undetectable levels of either PKC-α or PKC-β. Sarcomas exhibited similar or increased PKC expression compared to human diploid fibroblasts. Moreover, sarcoma cell lines expressing one PKC isoform did not contain detectable levels of the other. When PKC was depleted from the tumor cells, we observed that the PKC overexpressing sarcomas had reduced their malignant properties as determined by their ability to grow in semisolid medium. In addition, epidermal growth factor-stimulated and erbB2-transformed fibroblasts exhibited enhanced cell growth in the absence of PKC. We propose a model for the effect of PKC as a negative regulator of proliferation in epithelial cells and a growth promoter in fibroblasts. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We tested the importance of ectoparasites as the proximate cause of cleaning interactions by comparing the activity of Caribbean cleaning gobies (Elacatinus evelynae) and of their clients during three daily periods (early morning, midday, and late afternoon) in which ectoparasite availability varied naturally. Emergence from the benthos of gnathiid isopod larvae, the main target of cleaning goby predation, was higher at night, when cleaners were inactive, than during the day. As a result, overall ectoparasite loads on client fish tended to be higher in the morning. Inspection bouts by cleaning gobies were longest in the morning, but also at midday when ectoparasite availability on clients was lower. Client fish were observed at cleaning stations most often in the afternoon, when they harboured few ectoparasites, but they were more likely to adopt incitation poses, which increase the likelihood of being cleaned, in the morning than later in the day. Most cleaner and client behaviours therefore did not change predictably in response to natural diurnal variation in ectoparasite availability. Our study suggests that the ultimate and proximate causes of cleaning behaviour need not necessarily coincide.  相似文献   
Mesomermis camdenensis n. sp. is described from larvae of Simulium tuberosum (lundstroem) collected in Camden Valley Creek, Washington County, New York. This species possesses a barrel-shaped vagina, vulval flap. two short separate spicules, terminal mouth, six longitudinal chords, six cephalic papillae, large sexually dimorpbic anaphids, an esophagns of uniform width which extends for less than one-third of the body length, and a cone-shaped tail directed ventrally without appendage. Juveniles also are described and illustrated.A detailed morphological comparison with the mermithid M. flumenalis Welch is presented. The most pronounced morphological differences between these species are in the shape of the vulva, juvenile tail, and infective stage. Cross-mating trials support the integrity of the new species.The life cycle of M. camdenensis is closely synchronized with that of its primary host, S. tuberosum larvae. Infected S. tuberosum larvae were first collected in May. Emergence of postparasites from late instars took place from mid-June through mid-October. Sampling data indicate a lower susceptibility to infection among S. venuslum Say larvae.  相似文献   
The metabolism of drobuline has been examined in the dog, rabbit, rat, guinea pig and hamster. In the dog, unlike the other species, glucuronide conjugation is the major route of metabolism. The structure of the conjugate has been established as an O-glucuronide by isolation using HPLC following by field desorption mass spectral analysis. When the separate d- and l-isomers of drobuline were administered to a series of dogs the l-isomer reached plasma levels approximately three time higher than those of the d-isomer. Deuterium labeled drobuline was synthesized and resolved by multiple crystallizations of the malate salts. Racemic mixtures containing d6-d and h6-l drobuline and d6-l and h6-d drobuline were prepared and analyzed by GC-MS as the pentafluoropropionate derivatives. When either racemic mixture was administered to dogs (10 mg/kg, p.o.) the plasma levels of the l-isomer were found to be approximately three times those of the d-isomer. Using these deuterium labeled mixtures the disposition of the two isomers has been examined in the isolated perfused dog liver, in hepatocytes and isolated microsomes. The results indicate that the difference in plasma levels of the d- and l-isomers is not dependent upon stereospecific absorption or excretion but rather it is caused by metabolism of the d-isomer at a faster rate than that of the l-isomer.  相似文献   
Two lines of evidence were obtained which indicate that inhibition of mRNA formation does not require the detectable accumulation of 5,6-dichloro-1-β-d-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB), a halogenated analog of adenosine. First, the extent of inhibition by DRB of the formation of cytoplasmic poly(A)+ RNA was as rapid and severe (>90% inhibition) in wild-type mouse lymphoma cells (S49) as in mutant cells (AE1), derived from S49, which were deficient in the transport of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides. Second, the accumulation of [3H]DRB was measured directly and compared to the accumulation of [3H]adenosine. Whereas S49 cells accumulated [3H]adenosine in a linear manner, neither S49 nor AE1 cells accumulated [3H]DRB to a significant extent. This suggests that inhibition of mRNA synthesis by DRB may (1) require the transport and intracellular accumulation of only minute amounts of DRB, or (2) result from secondary event(s) triggered by interaction of DRB with a surface membrane component.  相似文献   
Human furin is a calcium-dependent serine endoprotease that can efficiently cleave many precursor proteins on the carboxyl side of the consensus cleavage sequence, -Arg-X-Lys/Arg-Arg-, both in vivo and in vitro. Analysis of furin proteins in extracts of cells infected with a vaccinia recombinant expressing human furin show that the enzyme is present as two prominent forms of 90 and 96 kDa. Because the structurally related bacterial subtilisins require endoproteolytic removal of the NH2-terminal pro-region by an autocatalytic intramolecular cleavage, we speculated that the size heterogeneity in the furin doublet similarly may result from a proteolytic removal of an NH2-terminal pro-region. Here we report identification of the 90-kDa furin NH2 terminus and, based on the reported sequence of the furin cDNA, demonstrate that this furin protein is derived from a larger precursor by an endoproteolytic cleavage on the COOH-terminal side of a consensus furin cleavage site, -Arg-Thr-Lys-Arg107-. Expression of mutant furin molecules containing an altered cleavage site (Arg104----Ala or Arg107----Gly) resulted in the production of only the 96-kDa furin protein. Assays of furin-dependent cleavage of a protein substrate in vitro showed that proteolytic activity was associated with the 90-kDa and not the 96-kDa furin protein, demonstrating that removal of the NH2-terminal pro-region is required for furin activity. Expression of a third furin construct containing a mutation of the active site aspartate (Asp153----Asn) similarly resulted in the expression of only the 96-kDa protein, suggesting that furin activation occurs by an autoproteolytic cleavage. Finally, the production of 90-kDa furin from either site-directed furin mutant could not be potentiated by overexpressing active furin, suggesting that the autoproteolytic activation was an intramolecular event.  相似文献   
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