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Streptococcus mitis contains two arginine aminopeptidases (I and II) as an arginine-supplying system and the arginine deiminase pathway as an arginine-utilizing system. The levels of arginine aminopeptidase I and three enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway were suppressed by glucose in an apparently coordinate manner. Enzyme II appeared to be constitutive.  相似文献   
To study their role in the structure and function of bacteriorhodopsin, three prolines, presumed to be in the membrane-embedded alpha-helices, have been individually replaced as follows: Pro-50 and Pro-91 each by Gly and Ala and Pro-186 by Ala, Gly, and Val. The mutants of Pro-50 and Pro-91 all showed normal chromophore and proton pumping. However, the rates of regeneration of the chromophore in Pro-50----Ala, Pro-91----Ala and ----Gly with all-trans-retinal were about 30-fold slower than that in the wild-type, whereas the chromophore regeneration rate in Pro-50----Gly was 10-fold faster than in the wild-type. While, Pro-186----Ala regenerated the wild-type chromophore, the mutants Pro-186----Val and Pro-186----Gly showed large blue shifts (about 80 nm) in the chromophore regenerated with all-trans-retinal and showed no apparent dark-light adaptation. Pro-186----Gly first regenerated the wild-type chromophore with 13-cis-retinal which was thermally unstable and rapidly converted to the blue-shifted chromophore obtained with all-trans-retinal. High salt concentration restored the wild-type purple chromophore in the Pro-186----Gly mutant. Thus, in this mutant, the protein interconverts between two conformational states. Pro-186----Ala and Pro-186----Gly showed about 65%, whereas Pro-186----Val showed 10-20% of the normal proton pumping.  相似文献   
The cytochrome bo complex of Escherichia coli is encoded by the cyoABCDE operon and functions as a redox-coupled proton pump. In this study, we have constructed eight cyoE deletion mutants and found that all the mutants were nonfunctional. Spectroscopic and heme analyses of the mutant oxidases revealed that the mutations specifically substituted protoheme IX for heme O present in the high-spin heme binding site. We found also that the overexpression of the cyoE gene in a cyo operon deletion strain resulted in a conversion of protoheme IX to heme O. Since the CyoE protein contains the putative allylic polyprenyldiphosphate binding domain, we concluded that the cyoE gene encodes a novel enzyme, protoheme IX farnesyltransferase, essential for heme O biosynthesis.  相似文献   
A sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) from bovine and human adrenals has been developed. Anti-TH antibody was prepared from bovine adrenal TH. The assay system consisted of an antibody F(ab')2 immobilized on polystyrene beads as a solid phase and of beta-D-galactosidase-conjugated antibody. This method was highly sensitive and specific for the assay of TH. Human adrenal TH level was determined by similar sensitivity as bovine adrenal TH, suggesting the presence of common antigenic sites between human and bovine adrenal enzymes. The presence of inactive or less active forms of TH in human adrenals was revealed by purification of the enzyme and monitoring with this enzyme immunoassay as well as with enzyme activity assay.  相似文献   
To study their role in proton translocation by bacteriorhodopsin, 22 serine and threonine residues presumed to be located within and near the border of the transmembrane segments have been individually replaced by alanine or valine, respectively. Thr-89 was substituted by alanine, valine, and aspartic acid, and Ser-141 by alanine and cysteine. Most of the mutants showed essentially wild-type phenotype with regard to chromophore regeneration and absorption spectrum. However, replacement of Thr-89 by Val and of Ser-141 by Cys caused striking blue shifts of the chromophore by 100 and 80 nm, respectively. All substitutions of Thr-89 regenerated the chromophore at least 10-fold faster with 13-cis retinal than with all-trans retinal. The substitutions at positions 89, 90, and 141 also showed abnormal dark-light adaptation, suggesting interactions between these residues and the retinylidene chromophore. Proton pumping measurements revealed 60-75% activity for mutants of Thr-46, -89, -90, -205, and Ser-226, and about 20% for Ser-141----Cys, whereas the remaining mutants showed normal pumping. Kinetic studies of the photocycle and of proton release and uptake for mutants in which proton pumping was reduced revealed generally little alterations. The reduced activity in several of these mutants is most likely due to a lower percentage of all-trans retinal in the light-adapted state. In the mutants Thr-46----Val and Ser-226----Ala the decay of the photointer-mediate M was significantly accelerated, indicating an interaction between these residues and Asp-96 which reprotonates the Schiff base. Our results show that no single serine or threonine residue is obligatory for proton pumping.  相似文献   
The transient absorption at 296 nm was part of the spectroscopic evidence that initiated the proposal that tyrosinate (Tyr-) is formed during, and important to, the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (bR). Recent evidence against such a proposal comes from the results of NMR, UV Raman as well as electron cryo-microscopic structural studies. This makes it credible to assign this absorption to a charge perturbation of the lowest energy absorption of one of the tryptophan (Trp) residues in bR. The transient absorption at 296 nm is examined for each of 8 tryptophan mutants in which Trp is substituted by phenylalanine or cysteine, which absorb at shorter wavelength. It is shown that while all go through the photocycle, all but Trp-182 mutant show this transient absorption. This strongly suggests the assignment of this absorption to a charge perturbaton of the lowest energy absorption of Trp-182 during the photocycle. The chemical identity of the perturbing charge(s) is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The cytochrome bo complex is a terminal ubiquinol oxidase in the aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli (Kita, K., Konishi, K., and Anraku, Y. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 3368-3374) and functions as a proton pump. It belongs to the heme-copper oxidase superfamily with the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases in mitochondria and aerobic bacteria. In order to identify ligands of hemes and copper, we have substituted eight conserved histidines in subunit I by alanine and, in addition, His-106, -284, and -421 by glutamine and methionine. Western immunoblotting analysis showed that all the mutations do not affect the expression level of subunit I in the cytoplasmic membrane, indicating that these histidines are not crucial for its stability. A single copy expression vector carrying a single mutation at the invariant histidines, His-106, His-284, His-333, His-334, His-419, and His-421, of subunit I was unable to support the aerobic growth of a strain in which the chromosomal terminal oxidase genes (the cyo and cyd operons) have been deleted. The same mutations caused a complete loss of ubiquinol oxidase activity of the partially purified enzymes. Spectroscopic analysis of mutant oxidases in the cytoplasmic membrane revealed that substitutions of His-106 and -421 specifically eliminated a 563.5 nm peak of the low spin heme and that replacements of His-106, -284, and -419 reduced the extent of the CO-binding high spin heme. These spectroscopic properties of mutant oxidases were further confirmed with partially purified preparations. Atomic absorption analysis showed that substitutions of His-106, -333, -334, and -419 eliminated CuB almost completely. Based on these findings, we conclude that His-106 and -421 function as the axial ligands of the low spin heme and His-284 is a possible ligand of the high spin heme. His-333, -334, and -419 residues are attributed to the ligands of CuB. We present a helical wheel model of the redox center in subunit I, which consists of the membrane-spanning regions II, VI, VII, and X, and discuss the implications of the model.  相似文献   
Time-related changes in the patterns of host discrimination may have a complex form depending on whether or not hosts are marked following first parasitisation, the persistence of chemicals in these marks, and changes in the host as a result of being parasitised. Here we present an experimental design capable of detecting temporal patterns in host discrimination of solitary parasitoids. This method is tested against experimental data from Aphidius ervi attacking the aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi. The results demonstrate that there are statistically significant changes in the patterns of egg distribution in aphid hosts held for intervals between 1 and 48 h between parasitisation. These changes appear to be attributable to increasing oviposition restraint by the superparasitising female as the time interval between attacks is increased. The form of this relationship is not significantly different to a sigmoid function and the rate of change of restraint was greatest between 6–8 h after the first oviposition.  相似文献   
The gene coding for four subunits of cytochrome aa3-type oxidase was isolated from a genomic DNA library of the thermophilic bacterium PS3 and sequenced. The N-terminus of each subunit was also sequenced to verify the initiation site of the reading frame. The deduced amino acid sequences contained 615 amino acid residues for subunit I (CO1/caaB product), 333 residues for subunit II (CO2/caaA product), 207 residues for subunit III (CO3/caaC product), and 109 residues for subunit IV (CO4/caaD product) after processing. Re-examination of the sequencing of caa revealed a longer open reading frame for CO1, which contains 14 transmembrane segments instead of 12 [Sone et al. (1988) J. Biochem. 103, 606-610], although the main portions of the sequences constituting cytochrome a (FeA), cytochrome a3 (FeB), and CuB are correct. PS3 CO2 has an additional sequence for cytochrome c after the CuA binding protein portion with 2 transmembrane segments, which is homologous to the mitochondrial counterpart. PS3 CO3 has DCCD-binding glutamyl residues but contains only 5 transmembrane segments, unlike the mitochondrial counterpart, which has 7 segments. The subunits of PS3 cytochrome oxidase (aa3-type) show clear similarity in amino acid sequences with those of cytochrome bo-type oxidase from Escherichia coli as well, in spite of the difference of hemes. PS3 CO3 and CO4 are much more similar to E. coli CO3 and CO4 than to mitochondrial CO3 and CO4, respectively.  相似文献   
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