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Ultrasound effect on physical properties of corn starch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High power ultrasound (HPU) represents a non-thermal processing method that has been rapidly researched and used in the last 10 years. The application of power ultrasound offers the opportunity to modify and improve some technologically important compounds which are often used in food products. One of them is starch. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of the high power ultrasound of 24 kHz frequency on rheological and some physical properties of corn starch. Various ultrasound treatments were used; an ultrasound probe set with different intensities (34, 55, 73 W cm−2) and treatment times (15 and 30 min) and ultrasound bath of 2 W cm−2 intensity and treatment times (15 and 30 min). Rheological parameters, turbidity and swelling power of corn starch suspensions were determined for native and ultrasonically treated corn starch suspensions. Differential scanning calorimetry was used in order to examine the pasting properties of corn starch. The results have shown that the ultrasound treatment of corn starch distorts the crystalline region in starch granules. The results of differential scanning calorimetry measurements have shown a decrease in enthalpy of gelatinization. A significant decrease in consistency coefficient (k) has also been observed. The consistency coefficient decreases stepwise jointly with the increasing ultrasound power. The increase in the swelling power is associated with water absorption capacity and corn starch granules solubility, respectively.  相似文献   
Members of the astacin family of metalloproteinases such as human bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1) regulate morphogenesis by processing precursors to mature functional extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and several growth factors including TGFβ, BMP2, BMP4 and GFD8. We have recently discovered that BMP1-3 isoform of the Bmp-1 gene circulates in the human plasma and is significantly increased in patients with acute bone fracture. We hypothesized that circulating BMP1-3 might have an important role in bone repair and serve as a novel bone biomarker. When administered systemically to rats with a long bone fracture and locally to rabbits with a critical size defect of the ulna, recombinant human BMP1-3 enhanced bone healing. In contrast, neutralization of the endogenous BMP1-3 by a specific polyclonal antibody delayed the bone union. Invitro BMP1-3 increased the expression of collagen type I and osteocalcin in MC3T3-E1 osteoblast like cells, and enhanced the formation of mineralized bone nodules from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. We suggest that BMP1-3 is a novel systemic regulator of bone repair.  相似文献   
The Al(III)-salophen complex 1 exhibited strong spectroscopic changes specifically upon addition of polyG and GpG, while double stranded DNA and RNA, and single stranded polyA, polyU and polyC induced negligible spectral changes of 1. Titrations with mono-nucleotides yielded no spectroscopic changes, revealing that there must be at least two consecutive guanines in single stranded oligonucleotide structure for a measurable spectroscopic change of 1. Preliminary results show that 1 has moderate antiproliferative effect on a number of human tumour cell lines.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An 6 menschlichen Keimlingen (6,5 cm–26,0 cm Länge) wurde die Dicke der Kollagenfibrillen im dermalen Hautbindegewebe gemessen und ihre prozentuale Verteilung graphisch dargestellt.Es fand sich praktisch stets nur eine Fibrillenpopulation mit einem Maximum, welches in Relation zum Alter der Keimlinge eine Verschiebung in Richtung Dickenzunahme aufwies.Aus den Untersuchungen wird deutlich, daß die Dickenzunahme der Kollagenfibrillen in Abhängigkeit vom Alter kontinuierlich erfolgt.Vergleiche mit entsprechenden Untersuchungen bei Wundheilung, Sehnenregeneration und anderen nicht physiologischen Bedingungen lassen erkennen, daß die Fibrillogenese, was Verteilungsmuster der Kollagenfibrillendicke betrifft, bei solchen Zuständen mit der embryonalen Fibrillogenese offenbar nicht zu identifizieren ist.
Summary The thickness of the collagen fibrils in the dermal connective tissue of 6 human embryos (6,5 cm–26,0 cm in length) was measured and the distribution was expressed in percentage by means of graphs.In almost all the investigations there was one fibril population with one maximum, which, depending on the age of the embryos, pointed to a displacement towards the thicker collagen fibrils.It is obvious from these investigations, that the increase in thickness of the collagen fibrils takes place continuously, dependent on age.On comparison with similar investigations on wound healing, tendon regeneration and other non-physiological conditions it is shown that, with regard to the distribution pattern of the thickness of the collagen fibrils, the fibrillogenesis under the above conditions is obviously not to be identified with the embryonic fibrillogenesis.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
May EE  Vouk MA  Bitzer DL  Rosnick DI 《Bio Systems》2004,76(1-3):249-260
Our research explores the feasibility of using communication theory, error control (EC) coding theory specifically, for quantitatively modeling the protein translation initiation mechanism. The messenger RNA (mRNA) of Escherichia coli K-12 is modeled as a noisy (errored), encoded signal and the ribosome as a minimum Hamming distance decoder, where the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) serves as a template for generating a set of valid codewords (the codebook). We tested the E. coli based coding models on 5' untranslated leader sequences of prokaryotic organisms of varying taxonomical relation to E. coli including: Salmonella typhimurium LT2, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus Mu50. The model identified regions on the 5' untranslated leader where the minimum Hamming distance values of translated mRNA sub-sequences and non-translated genomic sequences differ the most. These regions correspond to the Shine-Dalgarno domain and the non-random domain. Applying the EC coding-based models to B. subtilis, and S. aureus Mu50 yielded results similar to those for E. coli K-12. Contrary to our expectations, the behavior of S. typhimurium LT2, the more taxonomically related to E. coli, resembled that of the non-translated sequence group.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of monosymptomatic optic neuritis (MON) in residents of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. The 127 cases (83 female, aged 26.2+/-9.9 and 44 male aged 26.9+/-11.2) with MON presented between January 1985 and December 2001 were analyzed from hospital data. The annual incidence was 1.6 per 100,000 (95% CI, 0-3). The incidence among females was 2.2 (95% CI, 0-4.6) cases / 100,000 per year and 1.1 (95% CI, 0-3) among males. The difference in incidence rates for women vs. men was not significant (chi2=0.41; p=0.52), although it is more likely that a true difference exists. The peak incidence in both sexes observed in the group 20-29 years of age was 4.2 (95% CI, 0-10). The highest incidence of MON was found in spring (46 cases). In summary, the incidence of MON in Split-Dalmatia County during the 17 years period is relatively low.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of galanthamine, a new cholinesterase inhibitor on cognitive performances in 84 patients with various apoE genotype and Alzheimer's disease (AD) during the six-month treatment. The diagnosis of AD was made on the basis of NINCDS/ADRDN criteria. ApoE4 genotype was determined by PCR procedure. The cognitive performance was assessed MMSE at baseline and six months later. The difference among the groups was statistically analyzed by ANOVA model and Pearson's chi2-test. The MMSE at baseline in all completes was 18.0 +/- 3.73, whereas the mean value of MMSE after 6 months was 16.4 +/- 5.61 indicating significant deterioration (p < 0.01). Of the 84 patients, 14 (169%) were apoE4 homozygous, 41 (49%) were heterozygous, whereas 29 (35%) were apoE4 negative. The significant number of responders was observed among apoE4 homozygous patients (71%; chi2 = 6.89; p = 0.032). The subgroup of apoE4 homozygous patients with AD in its mild to moderate stage may be considered as responders to galanthamine.  相似文献   
The finite element method is a useful technique for measuring structural stress and for movement analyses. The objective of this investigation was to get a more accurate estimation of tooth movement depending on application point when a tipping orthodontic force is applied. The three-dimensional model of un upper canine, consisting of 4,000 hexahedron elements with 2,367 nodes was obtained. Horizontal, orally directed 1N tipping orthodontic force was applied to the model on five different levels of the tooth crown. The three-dimensional mathematical finite element model is useful in analyzing the tooth movement in response to orthodontic forces. The tipping tooth movement is greater if the force is applied closer to its neck, or more gingivally.  相似文献   
During implementation of the total skin electron treatment, using six-dual-field technique, at radiotherapy department a large number of measurements are needed. To assess depth dose curve required by clinicians and dose uniformity over a whole treatment plane, combinations of different irradiation parameters are used (electron energy, beam angle, scatterers). Measurements for each combination must be performed. One possible way to reduce number of measurements is to model the treatment using the Monte Carlo simulation of electron transport. We made a simplified multiple-source Monte Carlo model of electron beam and tested it by comparing calculations and experimental results. Calculated data differs less than 5 percent from measurements in the treatment plane. During the treatment patient can be approximated using cylinders with different diameters and orientations. We tried to model the depth dose variations in the total skin electron treatment not just around the body cross-section (simplified to cylinders of different diameters), but also along the body to account for the variations in body curvature longitudinally. This effect comes down to the problem of modeling distribution in different cylinders, but varying the longitudinal orientation of those cylinders. We compared Monte Carlo calculations and film measurements of depth dose curves for two orientations of the cylindrical phantom, which were the simplest for experimental arrangement. Comparison of the results proved accuracy of the model and we used it to calculate depth dose curves for a number of other cylinder orientations.  相似文献   
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