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Noninfectious drug-resistance determinants acquired conjugal transmissibility by the formation of recombinants with transfer factors, suggesting the origin of R factors.  相似文献   
Several taxa of cryptomonads, including species of marineChroomonas, Cryptomonas and freshwaterRhodomonas were examined using transmission electron microscopy. They have cellular structures fundamentally in common: a single bilobed chlorplast, a single pyrenoid between the chloroplast lobes, and a nuclemorph embedded within a cleft of the pyrenoidal matrix. These features are in accordance with the taxonomic characteristics of the recently established genusPyrenomonas. The algae also have similar pigmentation to that ofRhodomonas andPyrenomonas which is red or reddish-brown. On the basis of these observations, the genusRhodomonas Karsten (1898) is redescribed in this paper and the genusPyrenomonas Santore is considered to be synonymous withRhodomonas.  相似文献   
The in vivo metabolism of galactosylceramide (gal-cer) in normal mice and in twitcher mice, a model of human GLD, was examined following intracerebral administration of gal-cer containing [1-14C]stearic acid. In normal mice, gal-cer was hydrolyzed to ceramide within 6 hours and ceramide was hydrolyzed to sphingosine and fatty acid. Most of the released fatty acid was immediately incorporated into other lipids. About 75% of injected gal-cer was hydrolyzed 80 hours after the injection, while in the twitcher mouse, only 17% of gal-cer was hydrolyzed. These results show that degradation of gal-cer is impaired in the twitcher mouse brain, but contradict to the fact that there was no evidence of any accumulation of gal-cer in the brain. This discrepancy may be due to the different sorting routes of biosynthesized and exogenously-administered gal-cer in the mouse brain. Most of the biosynthesized gal-cer is incorporated into myelin, while the injected gal-cer is incorporated into lysosomes.  相似文献   
Pure phloem sap was collected from leaf sheaths of Zea maysL. by the insect laser technique, and its chemical compositionwas analyzed. Sucrose was the only sugar detected. The predominantinorganic ions were K+ and Cl. The adenylate energy chargeof phloem sap was between 0.72 and 0.86. (Received October 18, 1989; Accepted May 11, 1990)  相似文献   
The mechanisms that control the wound-induced expression of the prxC2 gene for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been investigated. Analysis of the regulatory properties of 5′-deleted promoters showed that a positive element involved in the response to wounding was located between −307 and −99 bp from the site of initiation of translation. In in vitro binding assays of tobacco nuclear proteins and DNA fragments of prxC2 promoter, the binding site was the Box 1 from −296 to −283 containing the CACGTG motif. To identify the functional role of Box 1, the prxC2 promoter that has been digested from the 5′ end to −289 with a disrupted Box 1 was fused to a reporter gene for β-glucuronidase (GUS). No induction of GUS activity was observed in transgenic tobacco plants with the prxC2(−289)/GUS construct. These data indicated that the expression of prxC2 in response to wounding required the Box 1 sequence from −296 to −283. Furthermore, a tobacco cDNA expression library was screened and a cDNA clone for a protein, designated TFHP-1, that bound specifically to the Box 1 sequence was identified. The putative TFHP-1 protein contains a basic region and leucine zipper (bZip) motif and a helix—loop—helix (HLH) motif. The mRNA for TFHP-1 was abundant in roots and stems, and it was not induced by wounding in leaves. In tobacco protoplasts, antisense TFHP-1 suppressed the expression of prxC2 (−529)/GUS.  相似文献   
We evaluated antibody-coated bacteria (ACB) in expectorated sputum to discriminate contaminating or colonizing organisms from true pathogens. We examined 60 expectorated sputum samples from 51 patients with lower respiratory infections (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 25, pneumonia 20, purulent tracheobronchitis 6). All samples were examined with quantitative culture and immunofluorescent demonstration of ACB. From the results of quantitative culture, we divided specimens into pathogen-isolated and pathogen-free samples. Among pathogen-isolated samples, in which we isolated accepted pathogenic organisms at ≥ 107 colony-forming units per ml, 16 of 23 samples were ACB-positive (69.5%). In contrast, among pathogen-free samples, in which we isolated accepted pathogens at < 107 colony forming units per ml or only upper respiratory flora, only 3 of 37 samples were ACB-positive (8.1%). The ACB-positive rate was significantly higher in pathogen-isolated than in pathogen-free samples (P < 0.001). Consequently, detecting ACB in expectorated sputum shows good potential as another criterion for distinguishing contaminating or colonizing organisms from true pathogens.  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects of exercise on aortic wall elasticity and elastic components, young male rats underwent various exercise regimes for 16 weeks. In the exercised rats, the aortic incremental elastic modulus decreased significantly when under physiological strain. The aortic content of elastin increased significantly and the calcium content of elastin decreased significantly in the exercised group. The accumulated data from the exercised and sedentary groups revealed that the elastin calcium content was related positively to the incremental elastic modulus. We concluded that physical exercise from an early age decreases the calcium deposit in aortic wall elastin and that this effect probably produced in the exercised rats a distensible aorta.  相似文献   
Fossil wood assemblages deposited during 6.300–3.000 yBP, are studied at the Akayama Site, central Japan. Layer III containing fossil woods was divided into three subunits according to intercalating tephras, and total 3618 fossil woods were studied. In the composition, deciduous broad-leaved trees dominated, accompanied by some evergreen conifers. In the diameter distribution, nine taxa accounted for nearly 90% of individuals exceeding 10 cm in diameter. Spatial distribution of nine major and three minor taxa and that of thick individuals clarified the following points: 1)Fraxinus established a lowland forest during 5,000–4,500 yBP, accompanied byAlnus sect.Gymnothyrsus, Acer andAesculus turbinata; 2) small trees ofAlnus sect.Gymnothyrsus extensively intermingled in the lowlandFraxinus forest during 4,500–3,000 yBP; 3)Quercus sect.Prinus and Castanea crenata constituted escarpment forests during 6,300–3,000 yBP; 4)Carpinus sect.Eucarpinus became a major component during 5,000–4,500 yBP, andOstrya japonica replacedCastanea crenata during 4,500–3,000 yBP. Comparison with the other five contemporaneous fossil wood assemblages shows prevalence ofFraxinus-dominant forests during the Late to Latest Jomon Periods in the southern part of the Kanto Plain.  相似文献   
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