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Replication of Ibaraki virus was not inhibited by 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine, indicating that the virus is an RNA virus. The virus was resistant to ether, chloroform and deoxycholate, sensitive to trypsin, very labile at acidic pH but stable at pH 6.4 or higher, and was resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. The virus was readily inactivated at 56 C or higher, was fairly stable at 37 C, and very stable at 4 C, while it rapidly lost infectivity when stored frozen at —20 C. The virus was readily sedimented by centrifugation at 40 000Xg for 60 min. It readily passed through membrane filters of 200 mμ pore size, passed through 100 μfilters but only with some titer loss and did not through 50 mμ filters. In these tests, the bluetongue virus used as a control behaved in the same manner as Ibaraki virus. These findings provide additional evidence for the similarity of Ibaraki virus to bluetongue virus which had been previously demonstrated on the basis of seasonal incidence, symptomatology and pathology of the diseases caused by these viruses and the behavior of the viruses in cell cultures, embryonated eggs and laboratory animals. The present study, however, provided no evidence for any serological relation between these two viruses. More Information is needed to reach a final decision on the classification of Ibaraki virus, particularly regarding the morphology of the virion, the doublestrandedness of the viral RNA and other basic features.  相似文献   
Two species of fiddler crab, Uca tetragonon(Herbst, 1790) and Uca vocans(Linnaeus, 1758), which belong to the subgenus Gelasimus, dwell on rocky shores and muddy–sandy tidal flats, respectively, in Phuket Is., Thailand. We investigated their feeding ecology in relation to the morphology of their feeding organs: minor food-handling chelipeds and maxillipeds. U. tetragononfed chiefly on rocks covered by filamentous green algae. U. vocansfed on the emerged sand and in shallow water along the shoreline and in pools. While feeding, both crabs made sand pellets beneath their mouthparts and discarded them, indicating that they divided the matter scooped up with their minor chelipeds into edible and inedible fractions by using the maxillipeds in the water passing through their buccal cavity. The morphology of maxillipeds hardly differed between the two species, which means that both species are flotation-feeders. The morphology of their minor chelipeds, however, differed: the tips of the dactyl and pollex were flat in U. tetragononand pointed in U. vocans.When the minor cheliped was closed, U. tetragononhad a hemispherical space in the distal one-fourth of the gape, which was closed by the framing keratin layers and a few setae of the dactyl and pollex. On the other hand, U. vocanshad an ellipsoidal space in the distal half of the gape. We consider these morphological characters to be adaptations to the different feeding substrates for retaining more food-laden sediment. We discuss the role of the setae on the minor chelipeds on the basis of the morphological differences between populations of U. tetragononin Phuket Is. and East Africa where the crab inhabits muddy–sandy tidal flats.  相似文献   
Five strains of bovine diarrhea virus were isolated from Japanese cattle using bovine tissue cultures. These are the first isolations of this virus from Japanese cattle to be reported. Of importance is the finding that the new isolates, which are non-cytopathogenic, induce an exaltation of Newcastle disease virus in bovine testicular cell culture. This finding has provided a laboratory tool whereby the assay of the virus and its neutralizing antibody can readily be performed.  相似文献   
Purification of Protein Body-I of Rice Seed and its Polypeptide Composition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Protein body type one (PB-I) was isolated and purified fromdeveloping rice grain by a combination of sucrose density gradientcentrifugation and treatment with pepsin. SDS-PAGE analysisshowed that isolated PB-I contains several polypeptide groups,the largest having an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa andtwo smaller ones of 10 kDa and 16 kDa. The 13-kDa group wasfound to be composed of two polypeptides of slightly differentmolecular sizes, 13a (larger component) and 13b (smaller component).Most of the 13a and 13b polypeptides were shown to be largelyprolamins, although there were also some salt- and alcohol-insolublepolypeptides with an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa. It wasconcluded that PB-I is the accumulation site of rice prolamin.It was further estimated that the protein amount in PB-I accountedfor about 20% of the total protein of rice endosperm. (Received March 20, 1987; Accepted September 8, 1987)  相似文献   
Our model has been extended for theoretical estimation of competitive condensation of counterions of different valences onto polyelectrolytes in solution. The estimations are compared with those obtained from Manning theory and with experimental data on counterion activity coefficients. The agreement with the data for sodium polystyrenesulfonate/MgCl2, CaCl2 is satisfactory.  相似文献   
The photosystem II core complex purified from digitonin extractsof spinach chloroplasts was resolved into two chlorophyll-proteincomplexes by digitonin polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis aftertreatment with 1 M potassium thiocyanate. One of the chlorophyll-proteincomplexes resolved consisted of 47, 32, 30 and 9 kDa polypeptidesand the other was complementally composed of only the 43 kDapolypeptide. The former complex was highly active in the photoreductionof 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol by 1,5-diphenylcarbazide andretained all of the components responsible for the electrontransport from the secondary electron donor (Z) to the primaryelectron acceptor (QA). EPR signal IIfast and IIslow were alsopreserved in this complex although their hyperfine structureswere largely modified. The complex was estimated to contain1.8 molecules of plastoquinone A as well as 1.5, 3.7 and 3.9molecules of cytochrome b559, pheophytin and ß-carotene,respectively, per QA. These results indicate that potassiumthiocyanate specifically removes the 43 kDa polypeptide fromthe PS II core complex leaving the electron transport systemin an almost intact state. (Received June 17, 1987; Accepted October 23, 1987)  相似文献   
Summary Eight dull mutants that lower the amylose content of rice endosperm as well as waxy mutant and a cultivar with common grains were crossed in a diallele manner. The amylose content of F1 and F2 seeds was determined on the basis of single grain analysis. It was concluded that the low amylose content of dull mutants is under monogenic recessive control. Alleles for low amylose content are located at five loci designated as du-1, du-2, du-3, du-4 and du-5. These loci are independent of wx locus located on chromosome 6. The five du loci have an additive effect in lowering the amylose content. Two loci, du-1 and du-4, were found to be located on chromosomes 7 and 4, respectively.  相似文献   
The blood clamBarbatia virescens has a heterodimeric hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Interestingly, the congeneric clamsB. reeveana andB. lima contain quite different hemoglobins: tetramer and polymeric hemoglobin consisting of unusual didomain chain. The complete amino acid sequence of chain I ofB. virescens has been determined. The sequence was mainly determined from CNBr peptides and their subpeptides, and the alignment of the peptides was confirmed by sequencing of PCR-amplified cDNA forB. virescens chain I. The cDNA-derived amino acid sequence matched completely with the sequence proposed from protein sequencing.B. virescens chain I is composed of 156 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass was calculated to be 18,387 D, including a heme group. The sequence ofB. virescens chain I showed 35–42% sequence identity with those of the related clamAnadara trapezia and the congeneric clamB. reeveana. An evolutionary tree forAnadara andBarbatia chains clearly indicates that all of the chains are evolved from one ancestral globin gene, and that the divergence of chains has occurred in each clam after the speciation. The evolutionary rate for clam hemoglobins was estimated to be about four times faster than that of vertebrate hemoglobin. We suggest that blood clam hemoglobin is a physiologically less important molecule when compared with vertebrate hemoglobins, and so it evolved rapidly and resulted in a remarkable diversity in quaternary and subunit structure within a relatively short period.  相似文献   
Human thyroid epithelial cells were isolated from surgically resected human thyroid gland with collagenase and cultured for one week under EGF-supplemented conditions to allow them to proliferate. Then the cells were transferred to the following three-dimensional culture systems. One was a culture of isolated cells between floating double layers of collagen gel, designated the "floating sandwich method." The other was a culture of isolated cells mixed with collagen gel, designated the "dispersed embedding method." Many folliclelike structures with lumina of appreciable size were obtained by the former method. The cells cultured by the floating sandwich method exhibited a distinct polarity shown by the presence of numerous microvilli at the apical surface and close contact with collagen gels at the basal surface. On the other hand, only a few folliclelike structures were obtained by the dispersed embedding method, in which the folliclelike structures were small in size and the cells showed less distinct polarity than those observed in the floating sandwich method. Thus, the floating sandwich method appears to be suitable for studying the process and mechanism of in vitro organization of follicular structures by human thyroid epithelial cells.  相似文献   
A major glutathione S-transferase form (pI 5.7) in rat testis (MT) purified by S-hexyl-glutathione affinity chromatography, followed by chromatofocusing, showed two polypeptide of pI 6.7 (Yn1) and 6.0 (Yn2), having apparently the same molecular mass of 26 kDa on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Rechromatofocusing of the MT preparation after 4 M guanidine hydrochloride treatment revealed two additional protein peaks (pI 6.2 and 5.4). These were identified as the two homodimers consisting of the subunits of MT, Yn1Yn1 and Yn2Yn2, respectively. Furthermore, MT could be reconstituted from Yn1Yn1 and Yn2Yn2. These results indicate that MT is a heterodimer, Yn1Yn2, consisting of subunits with very similar molecular masses but different isoelectric points. The Yn1Yn1 form had glutathione S-transferase activities towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene. However, the Yn2Yn2 form had no activity towards any of the substrates examined. N-terminal amino acid sequences of subunits Yn1 and Yn2 revealed differences at two positions in the first 20 residues; the amino acid compositions of these subunits were also similar but not identical, indicating that these two subunits are different in the primary structure. Subunits Yn1 and Yn2 are immunologically related to each other and also to subunits 3 (Yb1) and 4 (Yb2) but they are not identical. These four subunits also showed a high degree of similarity in N-terminal amino acid sequences. Subunits Yn1 and Yn2 seem to belong to the rat GST 3-4 family or class mu. Subunits Yn1 and 4 can make a heterodimer, which is detectable not only in rat testis, but also in the heart, kidney and lung. The Yn1Yn1 form was not detected in the testis, but is present in rat brain [Tsuchida et al. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 170, 159-164]. The Yn2Yn2 form seemed to differ from GST 5-5 and may be a new form of rat glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   
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