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The SH2 domain from Fyn tyrosine kinase, corresponding to residues 155–270 of the human enzyme, was expressed as a GST-fusion protein in a pGEX-E. coli system. After thrombin cleavage and removal of GST, the protein was studied by heteronuclear NMR. Two different phosphotyrosyl-peptides were synthesized and added to the SH2 domain. One peptide corresponded to the regulatory C-terminal tail region of Fyn. Sequence-specific assignment of NMR spectra was achieved using a combination of1H-15N-correlated 2D HSQC,15N-edited 3D TOCSY-HMQC, and15N-edited 3D NOESY-HMQC spectra. By analysis of the -proton chemical shifts and NOE intensities, the positions of secondary structural elements were determined and found to correspond closely to that seen in the crystal structure of the, homologous, Src-SH2 domain.To investigate the internal dynamics of the protein backbone, T1 and T2 relaxation parameters were measured on the free protein, as well as on both peptide complexes. Analytical ultracentrifugation and dynamic light scattering were employed to measure the effect of concentration and peptide-binding on self-association. The results suggest that, at NMR-sample concentrations, the free protein is present in at least dimeric form. Phosphopeptide binding and lower concentration significantly, but not completely, shift the equilibrium towards monomers. The possible role of this protein association in the regulation of the Src-family tyrosine kinases is discussed.Abbreviations SH Src homology - GST glutathione-S-transferase - IPTG isopropyl--D-galactopyranoside - DTT dithiothreitol - PMSF phenyl-methyl-sulphonyl-fluoride - TBS 50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM DTT, pH 8.0 - MWCO molecular weight cut off - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum correlation - NOESY nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy  相似文献   
A series of epidemiological studies have indicated associations between exposure to magnetic fields (MFs) and a variety of cancers, including breast cancer. In order to test the possibility that MF acts as a cancer promoter or copromoter, four separate experiments have been conducted in rats in which the effects of chronic exposure to MFs on the development of mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) were determined. Female rats were exposed in magnetic coils for 91 days (24 h/day) to either alternating current (AC; 50 Hz)-MF or direct current (DC)-MF. Magnetic flux density of the DC-MF was 15 mT. Two AC-MF exposures used a homogeneous field with a flux density of 30 mT (rms); one used a gradient field with flux density ranging from 0.3–1 μT. DMBA (5 mg) was administered orally at the onset of MF exposure and was repeated thrice at intervals of 1 week. In each experiment, 18–36 animals were exposed in 6 magnetic coils. The same number of rats were used as sham-exposed control. These control animals were treated with DMBA and were placed in dummy coils in the same room as the MF-exposed rats. Furthermore, groups of age-matched rats (reference controls) were treated with DMBA but housed in another room to exclude any MF exposure due to the magnetic stray field from the MF produced by coils. At the end of the exposure or sham-exposure period, tumor number and weight or size of tumors were determined at necropsy. Results were as follows: In sham-exposed animals or reference controls, the tumor incidence varied between 50 and 78% in the 4 experiments. The average number of mammary tumors per tumor-bearing animal varied between 1.6 and 2.9. In none of the experiments did MFs significantly alter tumor incidence, but in one of the experiments with AC-MF exposure at 30 mT, the number of tumors per tumor-bearing animal was significantly increased. Furthermore, exposure to a DC-MF at 15 mT significantly enhanced the tumor weight. Exposure to a gradient AC-MF at 0.3–1 μT exerted no significant effects. These experiments seem to indicate that MFs at high flux densities may act as a promoter or copromoter of breast cancer. However, this interpretation must be considered only a tentative conclusion because of the limitations of this study, particularly the small sample size used for MF exposure and the lack of repetition of data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   
【目的】柑橘大实蝇是一种严重为害柑橘类果实的经济害虫。研究其精巢、精泵以及精泵内骨骼生长发育状况,有助于提高柑橘大实蝇人工繁殖效率以及其田间防治效果,为柑橘大实蝇的预测预报及防治提供理论基础。【方法】基于光学显微镜测量恒温和室温条件下柑橘大实蝇雄虫的精巢、精泵以及精泵内骨骼的长度和宽度,并建立其长度、宽度和指数的函数模型,比较恒温和室温2种饲养条件下其雄虫器官发育状况差异。【结果】无论是在恒温还是室温条件下饲养,随着柑橘大实蝇雄成虫日龄的增加,其精巢、精泵以及精泵内骨骼的长度、宽度和指数变化趋势均符合幂函数增长模型。在恒温和室温条件下,其雄虫的精巢宽度、精泵的长度和宽度以及指数、精泵内骨骼宽度均无明显差异。在室温条件下饲养的雄虫的精巢长度[(4.00±0.14) mm]及指数(3.40±0.14)、精泵内骨骼长度[(1.65±0.03) mm]及指数(1.84±0.08)均分别显著高于在恒温条件下饲养的雄虫的精巢长度[(3.75±0.13) mm]及指数(3.19±0.14)、精泵内骨骼长度[(1.61±0.03) mm]及指数(1.77±0.08)。【结论】变温(室温)比恒温更有利于柑橘大实蝇雄虫的精巢和精泵内骨骼的发育,并推荐使用精泵长度推断其雄虫日龄的方法。  相似文献   
We report that fluorescently tagged arabinogalactan glycosyltransferases target not only the Golgi apparatus but also uncharacterized smaller compartments when transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana. Approximately 80% of AtGALT31A [Arabidopsis thaliana galactosyltransferase from family 31 (At1g32930)] was found in the small compartments, of which, 45 and 40% of AtGALT29A [Arabidopsis thaliana galactosyltransferase from family 29 (At1g08280)] and AtGlcAT14A [Arabidopsis thaliana glucuronosyltransferase from family 14 (At5g39990)] colocalized with AtGALT31A, respectively; in contrast, N‐glycosylation enzymes rarely colocalized (3–18%), implicating a role of the small compartments in a part of arabinogalactan (O‐glycan) biosynthesis rather than N‐glycan processing. The dual localization of AtGALT31A was also observed for fluorescently tagged AtGALT31A stably expressed in an Arabidopsis atgalt31a mutant background. Further, site‐directed mutagenesis of a phosphorylation site of AtGALT29A (Y144) increased the frequency of the protein being targeted to the AtGALT31A‐localized small compartments, suggesting a role of Y144 in subcellular targeting. The AtGALT31A localized to the small compartments were colocalized with neither SYP61 (syntaxin of plants 61), a marker for trans‐Golgi network (TGN), nor FM4‐64‐stained endosomes. However, 41% colocalized with EXO70E2 (Arabidopsis thaliana exocyst protein Exo70 homolog 2), a marker for exocyst‐positive organelles, and least affected by Brefeldin A and Wortmannin. Taken together, AtGALT31A localized to small compartments that are distinct from the Golgi apparatus, the SYP61‐localized TGN, FM4‐64‐stained endosomes and Wortmannin‐vacuolated prevacuolar compartments, but may be part of an unconventional protein secretory pathway represented by EXO70E2 in plants.   相似文献   
Ribosomal 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing was used to explore whether the genetically modified (GM) Bt-maize hybrid MON 89034 × MON 88017, expressing three insecticidal recombinant Cry proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis, would alter the rhizosphere bacterial community. Fine roots of field cultivated Bt-maize and three conventional maize varieties were analyzed together with coarse roots of the Bt-maize. A total of 547 000 sequences were obtained. Library coverage was 100% at the phylum and 99.8% at the genus rank. Although cluster analyses based on relative abundances indicated no differences at higher taxonomic ranks, genera abundances pointed to variety specific differences. Genera-based clustering depended solely on the 49 most dominant genera while the remaining 461 rare genera followed a different selection. A total of 91 genera responded significantly to the different root environments. As a benefit of pyrosequencing, 79 responsive genera were identified that might have been overlooked with conventional cloning sequencing approaches owing to their rareness. There was no indication of bacterial alterations in the rhizosphere of the Bt-maize beyond differences found between conventional varieties. B. thuringiensis-like phylotypes were present at low abundance (0.1% of Bacteria) suggesting possible occurrence of natural Cry proteins in the rhizospheres. Although some genera indicated potential phytopathogenic bacteria in the rhizosphere, their abundances were not significantly different between conventional varieties and Bt-maize. With an unprecedented sensitivity this study indicates that the rhizosphere bacterial community of a GM maize did not respond abnormally to the presence of three insecticidal proteins in the root tissue.  相似文献   
The host‐microbe relationship is pivotal for oral health as well as for peri‐implant diseases. Peri‐implant mucosa and commensal biofilm play important roles in the maintenance of host‐microbe homeostasis, but little is known about how they interact. We have therefore investigated the early host‐microbe interaction between commensal multispecies biofilm (Streptococcus oralis, Actinomyces naeslundii, Veillonella dispar, Porphyromonas gingivalis) and organotypic peri‐implant mucosa using our three‐dimensional model. After 24 hr, biofilms induced weak inflammatory reaction in the peri‐implant mucosa by upregulation of five genes related to immune response and increased secretion of IL‐6 and CCL20. Biofilm volume was reduced which might be explained by secretion of β‐Defensins‐1, ‐2, and CCL20. The specific tissue reaction without intrinsic overreaction might contribute to intact mucosa. Thus, a relationship similar to homeostasis and oral health was established within the first 24 hr. In contrast, the mucosa was damaged and the bacterial distribution was altered after 48 hr. These were accompanied by an enhanced immune response with upregulation of additional inflammatory‐related genes and increased cytokine secretion. Thus, the homeostasis‐like relationship was disrupted. Such profound knowledge of the host‐microbe interaction at the peri‐implant site may provide the basis to improve strategies for prevention and therapy of peri‐implant diseases.  相似文献   
Antibody-based therapeutics are of great value for the treatment of human diseases. In addition to functional activity, affinity or physico-chemical properties, antibody specificity is considered to be one of the most crucial attributes for safety and efficacy. Consequently, appropriate studies are required before entering clinical trials.

High content protein arrays are widely applied to assess antibody specificity, but this commercial solution can only be applied to final therapeutic antibody candidates because such arrays are expensive and their throughput is limited. A flexible, high-throughput and economical assay that allows specificity testing of IgG or Fab molecules during early discovery is described here. The 384-well microtiter plate assay contains a comprehensive panel of 32 test proteins and uses electrochemiluminescence as readout.

The Protein Panel Profiling (3P) was used to analyze marketed therapeutic antibodies that all showed highly specific binding profiles. Subsequently, 3P was applied to antibody candidates from early discovery and the results compared well with those obtained with a commercially available high content protein chip. Our results suggest that 3P can be applied as an additional filter for lead selection, allowing the identification of favorable antibody candidates in early discovery and thereby increasing the speed and possibility of success in drug development.  相似文献   
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