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M Myers  O L Mayorga  J Emtage  E Freire 《Biochemistry》1987,26(14):4309-4315
The interactions of the targeting sequence of the mitochondrial enzyme ornithine transcarbamylase with phospholipid bilayers of different molecular compositions have been studied by high-sensitivity heating and cooling differential scanning calorimetry, high-sensitivity isothermal titration calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and electron microscopy. These studies indicate that the leader peptide interacts strongly with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer membranes containing small mole percents of the anionic phospholipids dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) or brain phosphatidylserine (brain PS) but not with pure phosphatidylcholines. For the first time, the energetics of the leader peptide-membrane interaction have been measured directly by using calorimetric techniques. At 20 degrees C, the association of the peptide with the membrane is exothermic and characterized by an association constant of 2.3 X 10(6) M-1 in the case of phosphatidylglycerol-containing and 0.35 X 10(6) M-1 in the case of phosphatidylserine-containing phospholipid bilayers. In both cases, the enthalpy of association is -60 kcal/mol of peptide. Additional experiments using fluorescence techniques suggest that the peptide does not penetrate deeply into the hydrophobic core of the membrane. The addition of the leader peptide to DPPC/DPPG (5:1) or DPPC/brain PS (5:1) small sonicated vesicles results in vesicle fusion. The fusion process is dependent on peptide concentration and is maximal at the phase transition temperature of the vesicles and minimal at temperatures below the phase transition.  相似文献   
A subcellular fraction containing fragments of endogenous microtubules stabilized in 50% glycerol was separated by diferential centrifugation of rat brain homogenates. The pellets were suspended in glycerol-deficient media, and microtubule depolymerization was monitored by measuring the decrease of sedimentable tubulin. Concomitantly, the number and size of microtubules in the suspensions were followed via electron microscopy. Depolymerization was accompanied by a proportional decrease in the number of microtubules, whereas the average size did not change significantly. After approximately 20 min, a subpopulation of microtubules became stable and did not suffer further depolymerization. These results indicate that upon dilution some microtubules completely depolymerize, whereas others remain stable in the glycerol-deficient medium. The degree of depolymerization depended on both the volume of the resuspension media and on the final glycerol concentration. The results suggest that the depolymerization of the remaining microtubules is prevented by stabilizing factors released from depolymerizing microtubules. Tubulin dimers are not one of these factors, since depolymerization was not altered by the addition of colchicine or by changing the concentration of free tubulin in the medium.  相似文献   
1. A novel 1745-dalton pyroglutamyl peptide (BAM-1745)6 was recently isolated and characterized from bovine adrenal medulla chromaffin granules. Its amino acid sequence was found to be 93% identical to residues 580-593 of human chromogranin B (secretogranin I). 2. Based on this sequence a degenerate oligonucleotide probe was synthesized and used to identify a 2.4-kb bovine adrenal medulla chromogranin B cDNA. 3. The deduced polypeptide is 647 amino acids long and begins with a putative signal sequence of 20 residues as in the human, rat, and mouse proteins. Also conserved in the bovine protein is a tyrosine residue which may be sulfated, two N-terminal cysteines, and many paired basic amino acids which may serve as sites of posttranslational processing. The peptide BAM-1745 is flanked by paired basic amino acids and therefore is most likely a product of posttranslational processing. Bovine chromogranin B is 67, 58, and 58% identical to the human, rat, and mouse chromogranin B proteins, respectively. 4. The carboxyl terminus of bovine chromogranin B, including BAM-1745, was found to be the most conserved region of the polypeptide and may identify it as an important functional domain.  相似文献   
Argentina. Twenty-seven human cases and coccidioidin skin-test surveys have located the endemic area of coccidioidomycosis between the 27th and 40th south parallels. Climate is of the arid steppe type in the southern zone, arid hill and prairie in the intermediate zone, and arid hill and prairie plus hot tropical in the northern zone. Temperature ranges from 5° C to 29° C, vegetation is xerophytic and annual rainfall is from 300 to 500 mm. Paraguay. On the basis of human cases and coccidioidin surveys, the endemic area has been delimited between the 19th and 24th south parallels. It was a hot, dry, windy climate with temperature reaching 45° C, an annual rainfall average of 500 mm and xerophytic vegetation. Colombia. On the basis of two human cases and coccidioidin test surveys, an endemic area of low prevalence was confirmed in the northeast between the 10th and 12th north parallels. Altitude in this region is from 2 to 300 meters above sea level, temperature averages about 29° C. Within this region two different areas can be differentiated — one in the north where vegetation is tropical desert brush type and rainfall ranges between 125 and 500 mm; the second in the south with grass and cotton culture and rainfall from 500 to 2000 mm. Venezuela. Thirty-five human cases and nearly 60,000 skin tests made from east to west in the northern part of the country, where the population is concentrated, showed that the endemic area is situated between the 9th and 12th north parallels. This is an arid region with desert soils. Altitude ranges from sea level to 800 meters, annual temperature averages 24° C and rainfall 500 mm in some places, and 29° C and less than 400 mm in others. More than 172 species of plants have been identified in the zone but cacti predominate.C. immitis was isolated from soil collected at a site where a patient had become infected. Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.Mackinnon studied a patient coming from Bolivia, but he has expressed doubt about the Bolivian origin of the infection because the patient had lived in the Paraguayan Chaco the previous year. More information is necessary to evaluate the human case mentioned in Peru byBinder. Cases reported from Ecuador appear to have been paracoccidioidomycosis and leishmaniasis rather than coccidioidomycosis.Many species of rodents and other wild and domestic animals share with man the possibility of infection in the four countries where the endemic areas have been confirmed.Paper read at the Eighth International Congresses for Tropical Medicine and Malaria, September 1968, Teheran (Iran).  相似文献   
Summary A phase contrast and time lapse cinematographic study of normal mouse sciatic nerve cultured in vitro was made. The Rose chamber and chicken plasma clot methods were employed. The growth was characterized by three basic cell types: a spindle-shaped cell with a bulging nucleus, a racket-shaped cell with a short wide fan-shaped process and an opposite filiform process, and a kite-shaped cell with abundant ectoplasm. The spindle-shaped cells exhibited a pulsatile rhythmic activity. The rhythm of contraction varied from two to eighteen minutes. No contractile activity was observed in the case of the racket-shaped cells nor in the kite-shaped cells. The spindle-shaped cells were thought to be Schwann cells, the kite-shaped cells were considered of a fibroblastic nature, whereas no source could be found for the racket-shaped cells, although the perineurium was considered as a possible origin. The cultures were maintained up to 80 days, but at no time were phagocytes, observed. With the methods employed no transformation of cells from one type to another took place, and the Schwann cells did not transform themselves into phagocytes.This work was supported in part by grant P-405A from the American Cancer Society and by NIH grant NB-06391-02.  相似文献   
Guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S), a non-hydrolyzable analogue of GTP, inhibits in vitro fusion among early endocytic vesicles in the presence of high concentrations of cytosol. In this report we show that fusion is remarkably stimulated by GTP gamma S under conditions where cytosolic components are the limiting factors for the process. The amount of cytosolic factors required for maximal fusion activity is several-fold decreased by the presence of GTP gamma S. Moreover, preincubation of vesicles in the presence of cytosol and GTP gamma S allows fusion to proceed even in the absence of cytosol. Our results indicate that a GTP-binding protein facilitates the binding of cytosolic factor(s) required for endosome fusion to the endosomal membrane and stabilizes a dilution-resistant intermediate of the fusion process.  相似文献   
The presence of acid proteases in the endosomal compartment of macrophages has been recently demonstrated (Diment, S., Leech, M. S., and Stahl, P. D. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 6901-6907). This proteolytic activity allows the early degradation of ligands internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis. To study the early steps that initiate the proteolytic processing of ligands, immune complexes formed with anti-dinitrophenol monoclonal IgG and radiolabeled dinitrophenol-derivatized bovine serum albumin were bound at 4 degrees C to Fc receptors of J774 macrophages. Cells were allowed to internalize immune complexes bound to the plasma membrane for different periods of time at 37 degrees C. Vesicle preparations generated from these cells were incubated in vitro at acidic pH to allow the hydrolysis of ligands located in protease-positive compartments. Ligand hydrolysis was observed after about 5 min of internalization, suggesting that at earlier times immune complexes were located in protease-free vesicles. Upon incubation of cell lysates under conditions that support in vitro endosome-endosome fusion, early protease-free endosomes containing ligand acquire proteolytic activity. Reconstitution of fusion-dependent proteolysis required energy, ions, membrane-associated factors, and cytosol. Cytosol was inactivated by incubation with N-ethylmaleimide. The proteolytic compartment formed upon in vitro incubation colocalized with endosomes in the light region of a Percoll gradient. Reconstitution was also achieved using an endosomal preparation separated from lysosomes in a Percoll gradient. Our results indicate that a fusion step between newly formed endocytic vesicles and a light density, protease-positive compartment triggers the proteolytic processing of ligands internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   
Summary 1.Histoplasma capsulatum was recovered from two of fifteen soil specimens collected in a Venezuelan cave. This cave, located near Caripe in the state of Monagas, harbors a large colony of the oil bird,Steatornis caripensis.2. This finding confirms the previous discovery in Tingo Maria, Peru, of the association ofH. capsulatum with oil birds.3. The relationship ofH. capsulatum with animal habitats is discussed along with the public health importance of this association.
Zusammenfassung 1.Histoplasma capsulatum ist in zwei Bodenproben aus fünfzehn, die einer Höhle in Venezuela entnommen wurden, gefunden worden. Diese Höhle, die sich in der Nähe von Caripe, im Staate Monagas befindet, herbergt eine grosse Kolonie von Fettvögeln,Steatornis caripensis.2. Dieser Befund bestätigt die Vergesellschaftung vonH. capsulatum mit den Fettvögeln, wie es vorher bereits in Tingo Maria, Peru, entdeckt worden ist.3. Die Beziehung vonH. capsulatum zum tierischen Habitat wird diskutiert unter Betonung der Wichtigkeit dieser Vergesellschaftung vom Standpunkte des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens.
Phagosomes are membrane-bound vesicles, formed by the receptor-mediated internalization of particulate ligands, which exchange soluble and membrane proteins with other endocytic compartments as a part of their maturation process. This exchange of material is undoubtedly mediated by fusion of phagosomes with other membrane-bound compartments of the endocytic pathway. By using a particulate probe (fixed Staphylococcus aureus coated with mouse anti-dinitrophenol monoclonal antibody) localized in phagosomes and a soluble probe (dinitrophenol-derivitized beta-glucuronidase) internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, we have studied phagosome-endosome and phagosome-lysosome fusion in intact cells and in a cell-free system. Vesicle fusion was assessed by measuring beta-glucuronidase activity associated with S. aureus particles after lysis of the membranes. In intact macrophages, newly formed phagosomes fused with early endosomes and with lysosomes. Fusion with lysosomes was observed to commence after a short lag period of about 5 min. In broken-cell preparations, phagosomes were able to fuse with early endosomes. It was not possible to reconstitute phagosome-lysosome fusion in vitro. In vitro phagosome-endosome fusion required energy and cytosolic- and membrane-associated proteins. A nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP stimulated fusion at low cytosol concentrations and inhibited fusion at high cytosol concentrations. These observations indicate that the mechanisms mediating phagosome-endosome fusion are similar to those described for endosome-endosome fusion. Our results suggest that exchange of material with endosomes is an important step in the process of phagosome maturation.  相似文献   
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