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Endogenous levels of gibberellins in shoots and ears of twodwarf rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, Tan-ginbozu (dx mutant)and Waito-C (dy mutant), were analyzed and compared with thoseof normal rice cultivar, Nihonbare. The endogenous levels of13-hydroxylated gibberellins in Tan-ginbozu were much lowerthan those in Nihonbare. In Waito-C, the levels of GA19 andGA20 in the shoots were higher but that of GA1 was lower thanthe levels of these gibberellins in Nihonbare. These resultssupport the hypothesis that the dy gene controls the 3ß-hydroxylationof GA20 to GA1 while the dx gene controls a much earlier stepin the gibberellin biosynthesis. Our results indicate that GA1is the active gibberellin that regulates the vegetative growthof rice. The endogenous levels of GA4 in the ears of the twodwarf cultivars of rice were higher than the level of GA4 inthe ears of the normal cultivar, Nihonbare suggesting that thebiosynthesis of gibberellin is not blocked in the anthers ofthe dwarf rice. (Received April 27, 1989; Accepted July 12, 1989)  相似文献   
Effects of uniconazole-P, a triazole-type growth retardant,on endogenous levels of IAA, cytokinins, ABA and ethylene inrice seedlings were investigated. Endogenous levels of IAA andABA were similar between control and uniconazole-P-treated riceshoots. Evolution of ethylene was promoted slightly, being 1.8times greater under 0.3 ppm uniconazole-P treatment than thatof control. The most obvious effect was the increase of trans-Zand trans-RZ in shoots. Shoots treated with uniconazole-P (10mg/m2 nursery box) contained 3.4 times and 3 times more trans-Zand trans-RZ than control, respectively. No significant differencesof cytokinin levels were recognized in roots except for cis-RZ.The increase of ethylene and active forms of cytokinins, andthe decrease of gibberellin in the shoots may be the basis forphysiological phenomena caused by uniconazole-P, namely thepromotion of flowering in woody plants and the enhancement offemaleness in cucumber. (Received September 9, 1987; Accepted October 20, 1987)  相似文献   
Summary To clarify the hormonal regulation of metamorphosis of the conger eel (Conger myriaster), changes in whole body concentrations of thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), and cortisol during metamorphosis were examined, as well as the changes in the histological activity of the thyroid gland. In larvae before metamorphosis, T4 and T3 levels were less than 5 and 0.15 ng·g-1 respectively. Levels of T4 increased to about 30 ng·g-1 during early metamorphosis, and decreased subsequently. Levels of T3 increased gradually in early metamorphosis, and then increased abruptly to about 2.0 ng·g-1 in late metamorphosis. Before metamorphosis, cortisol levels of the leptocephali less than 11 cm in total length were greater than 200 ng·g-1. Cortisol levels decreased rapidly in larger premetamorphic leptocephali, and low levels were maintained throughout the metamorphic period. Histological observation revealed an activation of the thyroid gland in early metamorphosis; thyroid follicle epithelial cells became columnar and their nuclei larger. Active uptake of colloid by these cells and intensive vascularization of the gland were also observed. By the end of metamorphosis, follicle epithelial cells became squamous, indicating a low level of glandular activity. These results suggest that thyroid hormone plays an important role in regulation of conger eel metamorphosis.Abbreviations AL anal length - TL total length - T 3 triiodothyronine - T 4 thyroxine  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to define effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on formation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and inositol phosphates (IPs) in rat brain regions. The brain of male Wistar rats was dissected into seven discrete regions, and each region was sliced. The slices were incubated in Krebs-Henseleit glucose buffer containing varying doses of TRH. TRH caused a significant and consistent increase in cAMP level, but not in formation of IPs, in the hypothalamus, striatum, and midbrain. TRH stimulated formation of IPs in the cerebellum, where the tripeptide did not change the cAMP level. In contrast, formation of neither cAMP nor IPs was affected by TRH in the cortex, hippocampus, or pons-medulla. These data suggest that TRH possesses two distinct types of brain intracellular signaling systems, which vary with brain regions.  相似文献   
The effects of a novel plant growth regulator (PGR) prohexadionecalcium (BX-112; calcium 3,5-dioxo-4-propionylcyclohexanecarboxylate)on shoot elongation caused by exogenously applied GA1, GA3,GA4) GA19 and GA20 were investigated in rice (Oryza sativa L.cv. Nihonbare and cv. Tan-ginbozu) seedling test. Dependingon the dose, BX-112 reduced shoot elongation in both cultivarscaused by GA19 and GA20, but not by GA1. When a high dose ofBX-112 (e.g. 250 ng/plant and over) was applied with GA1, orGA4, shoot elongation was even promoted. This promotive effect,however, was not observed with GA3. These results suggest thatBX-112 inhibits gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis in the rice plantat the 3ß- and 2ß-hydroxylation of GAs,namely steps of activation and inactivation, respectively. (Received September 6, 1989; Accepted November 27, 1989)  相似文献   
To this day, many studies have suggested that prolonged bed rest (BR) affects on muscle mass and strength not only in gravity muscles but also in ungravity muscles. However, it is still unclear whether the decrease in regional muscle strength after BR is due to the alterations in the corresponding muscle mass, or not. On the other hand, if BR decreases the mass of antigravity muscles (UGM) as well as muscle strength and then increases tissue compliance of the antigravity muscles, orthostatic tolerance capacity will be decreased by the reduction in cardiac output (CO) in spite of the increase in myocardial contractility because the more decrease in venous return due to the more increase in blood pooling within the compliant tissues of the lower body. However, this is also unclear. To make these questions clear, the present study investigated the regional muscle mass and strength and orthostatic tolerance capacity before and after 20 days of bed rest in young subjects.  相似文献   
It has been generally accepted that pooling of the blood in the legs is one reason for the orthostatic intolerance experienced after space flights. This is also the reasoning behind the application of anti-G suits during reentry after space flights. Fighter pilots also use the anti-G suit, the hypothesis being that this prevents the pooling of blood in the legs. In order to investigate if immobilization during bed rest would induce peripheral cardiovascular deconditioning we measured capillary filtration rate, venous compliance, and blood flow in arms and legs during bed rest.  相似文献   
Summary The origin of mitotic cells was investigated histologically in chorionic tissue, metaphase plates of which were used for direct cytogenetic study. Mitotic figures were often observed in the Langhans' cell layers, but absolutely none were seen in the syncytium and stromal cells.  相似文献   
Protective effects of vaccination of hamsters against Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, evaluated according to the recovery of mycoplasmas and histopathological changes in the respiratory tract after challenge infection, persisted for at least 6 months after the final vaccination. Serum antibody levels reached a maximum in the second week after the last vaccination and decreased markedly between the first and the third months, but increased again in sera obtained from animals given booster injections. Metabolism-inhibiting antibodies were detected in bronchial washings of animals showing high resistance obtained by vaccinal or passive immunization. Antiserum transfer was also effective for protection but cell-mediated immune responses were not demonstrated in any animals up to 6 months after the vaccination. Even after 10 months, suppression of both mycoplasmal proliferation and lung lesions was apparent, and a single dose of the vaccine induced a significant booster effect. These findings suggest that (1) humoral immunity is more important than cell-mediated immunity in resistance of hamsters to M. pneumoniae pneumonia, and (2) the antibody secreted in the respiratory tract may be involved in the local defense mechanisms.  相似文献   
In Japan, the P1 protein (S-type) encoded by leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) isolates detected in Honshu and southward is shorter than the P1 (N-type) of LYSV isolates from garlic grown in Hokkaido due to a large deletion in the N-terminal half. In garlic fields in Hokkaido, two types of LYSV isolate with N- and S-type P1s are sometimes found in mixed infections. In this study, we confirmed that N- and S-type P1 sequences were present in the same plant and that they belong to different evolutionary phylogenetic groups. To investigate how LYSV with S-type P1 (LYSV-S) could have invaded LYSV with N-type P1 (LYSV-N)-infected garlic, we examined wild Allium spp. plants in Hokkaido and found that LYSV was almost undetectable. On the other hand, in Honshu, LYSV-S was detected at a high frequency in Allium spp. other than garlic, suggesting that the LYSV-S can infect a wider host range of Allium spp. compared to LYSV-N. Because P1 proteins of potyviruses have been reported to promote RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) activity of HC-Pro proteins, we analyzed whether the same was true for P1 of LYSV. In onion, contrary to expectation, the P1 protein itself had RSS activity. Moreover, the RSS activity of S-type P1 was considerably stronger than that of N-type P1, suggesting that LYSV P1 may be able to enhance its RSS activity when the deletion is in the N-terminal half and that acquiring S-type P1 may have enabled LYSV to expand its host range.  相似文献   
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