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Molecular heterogeneity of D-end products detected by anti-H-2.28 sera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunoprecipitation of NP-40 lysates of 125I-labeled lymph-node cells with different anti-H-2 sera and with anti-Qa-2 serum has shown that the BALB/cByA strain (H-2d, Qa-2-negative) expresses, besides H-2Ld, another molecule that is not detectable in the BALB/c-H-2dm2 strain. Electrophoresis in SDS polyacrylamide gels indicated that this molecule, provisionally designated Lq, has an apparent molecular weight of 41000 daltons, in contrast to approximately 49000 daltons for H-2Kd and H-2Ld, and 47000 daltons for H-2Dd molecules. The anti-Qa-2 serum precipitated from the Qa-2-positive strains BALB/cHeA but not from the Qa-2-negative strains BALB/cByA and BALB/c-H-2dm2 a protein that gave a very strong band corresponding to the molecular weight 41000 daltons in the gel electrophoresis. The biochemical characteristics of the Lq molecule are thus more similar to those of Qa-2 than of H-2 antigens.  相似文献   
By means of analytical and electroantennogram methods, cis-11-and trans-11-tetradecenyl acetate have been isolated and identified as the sex pheromones of the fruit tree tortrix moth, Archips podana. In contrast to the single compounds, mixtures in a ratio of about 1 : 1 are highly attractive to male moths in field experiments.  相似文献   
Summary As a result of air pollution, considerable deposition of ammonium sulphate occurs on vegetation and soil in the vicinity of chicken farms and fields dressed with animal slurry. A clear relation exists between this ammonium sulphate deposition and the distance to certain agricultural activities. Field investigations and ecophysiological experiments both show that the needles ofPinus nigra var.maritima (Ait.) Melville take up ammonium and excrete potassium, magnesium and calcium. This often results in potassium and/or magnesium deficiencies and may lead to premature shedding of needles. The high levels of nitrogen in the needles are strongly correlated to fungal diseases.Whether the observed cation leaching will result in disturbed nutrient budgets depends mainly on soil conditions. Leaching of K, Mg and Ca from the soil, caused by ammonium sulphate, may further inhibit nutrient uptake.Field investigations show a clear correlation between increased ratios of NH4 to K, Mg and Ca in the soil solution and the damage to pine forests.  相似文献   
An HLA-B44 cDNA clone was identified in a cDNA library constructed from an HLA-B44 homozygous cell line. The DNA sequence was determined and was found to contain the complete coding sequence but for (probably) the three N-terminal codons. Comparisons of the derived amino acid sequence with other HLA-A and -B locus amino acid sequences revealed four HLA-B44-specific substitutions including a new polymorphic site. Regions of strong sequence conservation for HLA-B-locus products were found at the nucleotide and amino acid levels.  相似文献   
Plant communities from oligotrophic, poorly buffered waters are seriously threatened by both, acidification and eutrophication/alkalinization. Acidification is mainly caused by atmospheric deposition of acidifying substances while eutrophication is often the result of inlet of nutrient enriched, calcareous brook- or groundwater. The plant production in very soft waters is often limited by low levels of inorganic carbon, nitrogen and/or phosphorus. This paper deals with the possibilities for restoration of formerly oligotrophic but now eutrophied and alkalinized softwater systems. Restoration based upon nitrogen limitation is not likely to be successful as the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in The Netherlands is very high. Phosphorus limitation can also be a problem. One can stop the input of phosphorus and remove the mud layer, but the problem remains that also the deeper mineral sandy sediments are saturated with phosphate. A possible remedy, however, is a combination of carbon- and phosphorus limitation. Many plants from eutrophic environments never occur in very soft waters, probably as a result of carbon limitation. In addition, mobilisation of phosphate is much lower in waters with very low bicarbonate levels. Restoration of a former oligotrophic softwater lake by reducing the inlet of calcareous surface water, in combination with removal of the organic sediment layer, appeared to be very successful. Many endangered plant species such asIsoetes echinospora, Luronium natans, Deschampsia setacea andEchinodorus repens developed spontaneously from the still viable seedbank.  相似文献   
The autogamous diploid annualMicroseris douglasii of California occurs in many isolated populations. The populations consist of one to many highly inbred biotypes. Morphological variation among populations usually is greater than within populations. In spite of the virtual absence of gene flow even within populations, genetically determined character differences are randomly distributed and associated throughout the range of the species. Recent evidence even suggests introgression of chloroplasts from the relatedM. bigelovii. Offspring families from 25 plants of a very variable population were raised and examined for segregation of morphological and molecular (RAPD) markers. All 25 original plants were completely homozygous for all markers, but each differed from all others at least in some markers. The population consisted of two genetically isolated groups of plants: a distinct inbred line (3 plants) and 22 plants with random associations of a common set of markers and characters, possibly recombinant inbreds from a past hybridization event. One of these 22 plants contained a chloroplast genome found inM. bigelovii, the other 24 plants a chloroplast genome found only inM. douglasii.  相似文献   
Summary Two unrelated patients were found to be mosaic for an extra chromosome 9 (46,XX/47,XX,+9). The first patient showed a prominent nose, deep set eyes, carp shaped mouth and complex congenital cardiac anomalies. She died of congestive cardiac failure at the age of 10 days. The second patient, was a 7 1/2 year old female who had persistent alacrimia and mental retardation.  相似文献   
The sex pheromone system of Antheraea polyphemus was characterized from female abdominal tips by classical and electroantennogram techniques as rans-6,cis-11-hexadecadienyl acetate and trans-6,cis-11-hexadecadienal. A 90 : 10 mixture of acetate and aldehyde was highly attractive to wild males in the field. The synthetic pheromone and A. polyphemus females were not attractive to released Antheraea pernyi males.  相似文献   
Differential responses of freshwater wetland soils to sulphate pollution   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Sulphate (SO4 2-)reduction rates are generally low in freshwaterwetlands and are regulated by the scarceavailability of the ion. Increasedconcentrations of this electron acceptor due tosulphur (S) pollution of groundwater andsurface water may, however, lead to highSO4 2- reduction rates now regulatedby the availability of appropriate electrondonors. Due to variations in this availability,the response to S pollution (e.g. from surfacewater or groundwater) is expected to differbetween soils. This hypothesis was tested inlaboratory mesocosm experiments by comparingtwo wetland soil types with distinctlydifferent humus profiles: a Hydromoder and aRhizomull type. In the first type, expected tohave a higher availability of degradable soilorganic matter (SOM), SO4 2-availability appeared to be rate limiting forSO4 2- reduction. In the Rhizomullsoils, in contrast, the electron acceptor didnot limit SO4 2- reduction rates athigher concentrations. These differences inresponse could not, however, be attributed todifferences in the various SOM fractions or inSOM densities. Eutrophication and free sulphideaccumulation, two major biogeochemical problemscaused by SO4 2- pollution, occurredin both types. The absolute extent ofphosphorus mobilisation was determined by theconcentration of this element in the soil (C/Pratio), while the level of sulphideaccumulation was governed by the concentrationof dissolved iron in the pore water. It wastherefore concluded that neither the humusprofile nor the concentrations of different SOMfractions in the soils are reliable indicatorsfor the sensitivity of wetland types to Spollution.  相似文献   
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