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The ultrastructure of the sensory receptors located on the labium of the cassava mealybugPhenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Trichoid hairs of probable mechanoreceptive function are distributed over the labium. Uniporous chemosensilla which possess a mechanoreceptive dendrite, multiporous chemosensilla and mechanoreceptive pegs are present on the tip of the labium. The presence of contact and olfactory chemoreceptors on the labial tip ofP. manihoti suggests that tapping it on the cassava leaf provides the pest with information about the chemical nature of the leaf surface. ORSTOM  相似文献   
A survey of the leaves and flowers of 62 representatives of the tribe Loteae (Leguminosae) showed the presence of several classes of flavonoids: flavonol 7-methyl ethers (rhamnocitrin, rhamnetin), 8-O-substituted flavonols (gossypetin, limocitrin, sexangularetin, corniculatusin), 3′,4′,5′-tri-O-substituted flavonols (myricetin, mearnsetin, syringetin, laricitrin), proanthocyanidins and flavone-C-glycosides. The trisubstitution of the B-ring and the 8-O-substitution of the A-ring allow the definition of a major group including the genera Dorycnium, Bonjeania, Lotus and Tetragonolobus. The presence of proanthocyanidins and 7-O-methylation determine a second group consisting of the genus Anthyllis. Finally, Securigera, on the basis of its flavonoid chemistry, appears to be rather remote from other members of the tribe.  相似文献   
What causes motor neurons to project into the periphery is not well understood. We here show that forced expression of the homeodomain protein Phox2b, shown previously to be necessary and sufficient for branchio-visceromotor neuron development, and of its paralogue Phox2a imposes a branchiomotor-like axonal phenotype in the spinal cord. Many Phox2-transfected neurons, whose axons would normally stay within the confines of the neural tube, now project into the periphery. Once outside the neural tube, a fraction of the ectopic axons join the spinal accessory nerve, a branchiomotor nerve which, as shown here, does not develop in the absence of Phox2b. Explant studies show that the axons of Phox2-transfected neurons need attractive cues to leave the neural tube and that their outgrowth is promoted by tissues, to which branchio-visceromotor fibers normally grow. Hence, Phox2 expression is a key step in determining the peripheral axonal phenotype and thus the decision to stay within the neural tube or to project out of it.  相似文献   
Progesterone has been shown in many instances to have immune-suppressant activities. Most of these activities have been investigated in the light of general immune suppression or with a focus on lymphocytes. However, many clinical and in vitro studies have shown that progesterone also has a suppressive effect on eosinophilia. This effect so far has not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the effect is mediated via the classical progesterone receptor (PR). We developed a new real-time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR) for the analysis and quantification of expression of the classical PR. The test was first validated both on breast cancer cell lines and on breast cancer biopsies. Subsequently, when using eosinophils isolated from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers, we could not find evidence for the expression of PR. These data suggest that the effects of progesterone on eosinophils are not mediated by the classical PR.  相似文献   
A primer design strategy named CODEHOP (consensus-degenerate hybrid oligonucleotide primer) for amplification of distantly related sequences was used to detect the priming glycosyltransferase (GT) gene in strains of the Lactobacillus casei group. Each hybrid primer consisted of a short 3' degenerate core based on four highly conserved amino acids and a longer 5' consensus clamp region based on six sequences of the priming GT gene products from exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing bacteria. The hybrid primers were used to detect the priming GT gene of 44 commercial isolates and reference strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L. casei, Lactobacillus zeae, and Streptococcus thermophilus. The priming GT gene was detected in the genome of both non-EPS-producing (EPS(-)) and EPS-producing (EPS(+)) strains of L. rhamnosus. The sequences of the cloned PCR products were similar to those of the priming GT gene of various gram-negative and gram-positive EPS(+) bacteria. Specific primers designed from the L. rhamnosus RW-9595M GT gene were used to sequence the end of the priming GT gene in selected EPS(+) strains of L. rhamnosus. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Lactobacillus spp. form a distinctive group apart from other lactic acid bacteria for which GT genes have been characterized to date. Moreover, the sequences show a divergence existing among strains of L. rhamnosus with respect to the terminal region of the priming GT gene. Thus, the PCR approach with consensus-degenerate hybrid primers designed with CODEHOP is a practical approach for the detection of similar genes containing conserved motifs in different bacterial genomes.  相似文献   
A new series of linear and permanently charged poly(amidoammonium) salts were synthesized in order to investigate the influence of their ionic and hydrophobic contents on both the cytotoxicity and the transfection mediated by polycation-DNA complexes. The poly(amidoammonium) salts were prepared by chemical modification of a parent poly(amidoamine) containing two tertiary amino groups per structural unit: one incorporated into the main chain and the other fixed at the end of a short bismethylene spacer. The permanent charges were introduced through a quaternization reaction involving iodomethane or 1-iodododecane as an alkylating agent. Under appropriate conditions, the methylation reaction was found to be regioselective, allowing the quaternization of either the side chains or both the side chains and the backbone. Under physiological salt conditions (150 mM NaCl), all of the poly(amidoammonium) salts self-assembled with DNA to form complexes. High proportions of highly quaternized polycation provided better defined morphology to the polycation-DNA complexes. Complexes formed from unquaternized polycation were less cytotoxic than branched poly(ethyleneimine) (25 kDa). At high polycation-DNA weight ratios, the introduction of permanent charges generated a significant increase in the cytotoxicity, but no patent correlation could be established with the amount and the position of the permanent charges. Only complexes formed from polycations with quaternized backbone were able to generate significant gene expression, which was putatively attributed to a better defined toroidal-like morphology together with a higher stability, as suggested by zeta potential measurements. The incorporation of dodecane side chains on highly charged polycations severely amplified the cytotoxicity so that, in return, the transfection level was dramatically affected.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is a prevalent pathogen for mastitis in dairy ruminants and is responsible for both clinical and subclinical mastitis. Mammary epithelial cells (MEC) represent not only a physical barrier against bacterial invasion but are also active players of the innate immune response permitting infection clearance. To decipher their functions in general and in animals showing different levels of genetic predisposition to Staphylococcus in particular, MEC from ewes undergoing a divergent selection on milk somatic cell count were stimulated by S. aureus. MEC response was also studied according to the stimulation condition with live bacteria or culture supernatant. The early MEC response was studied during a 5 h time course by microarray to identify differentially expressed genes with regard to the host genetic background and as a function of the conditions of stimulation. In both conditions of stimulation, metabolic processes were altered, the apoptosis-associated pathways were considerably modified, and inflammatory and immune responses were enhanced with the upregulation of il1a, il1b, and tnfa and several chemokines known to enhance neutrophil (cxcl8) or mononuclear leukocyte (ccl20) recruitment. Genes associated with oxidative stress were increased after live bacteria stimulation, whereas immune response-related genes were higher after supernatant stimulation in the early phase. Only 20 genes were differentially expressed between Staphylococcus spp-mastitis resistant and susceptible animals without any clearly defined role on the control of infection. To conclude, this suggests that MEC may not represent the cell type at the origin of the difference of mastitis susceptibility, at least as demonstrated in our genetic model. Supernatant or heat-killed S. aureus produce biological effects that are essentially different from those induced by live bacteria.  相似文献   
Urbanized landscapes are the theater of multiple simultaneous biological invasions likely to affect spread dynamics when co-occurring introduced species interact with each other. Interactions between widespread invaders call for particular attention because they are likely to be common and because non-additive outcomes of such associations might induce negative consequences (e.g., enhanced population growth increasing impacts or resistance to control). We explored the invasions of two widespread invasive taxa: the Japanese knotweed species complex Fallopia spp. and the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus, in the urban area of Lyon (France). First, we investigated landscape habitat preferences as well as co-occurrence rates of the two species. We showed that Fallopia spp. and L. neglectus had broadly overlapping environmental preferences (measured by seven landscape variables), but their landscape co-occurrence pattern was random, indicating independent spread and non-obligatory association. Second, as Fallopia spp. produce extra-floral nectar, we estimated the amount of nectar L. neglectus used under field conditions without ant competitors. We estimated that L. neglectus collected 150–321 kg of nectar in the month of April (when nectar production is peaking) in a 1162 m2 knotweed patch, an amount likely to boost ant population growth. Finally, at six patches of Fallopia spp. surveyed, herbivory levels were low (1–6% loss of leaf surface area) but no relationship between ant abundance (native and invasive) and loss of leaf surface was found. Co-occurrences of Fallopia spp. and L. neglectus are likely to become more common as both taxa colonize landscapes, which could favor the spread and invasion success of the invasive ant.  相似文献   
Histidinol dehydrogenase (HDH, EC EC1.1.1.23) catalyses the final step in the biosynthesis of histidine and constitutes an attractive novel target for the development of new agents against the pathogenous, bacteria Brucella suis. A small library of new HDH inhibitors based on the L-histidinylphenylsulfonyl hydrazide scaffold has been synthesized and their inhibitory activity investigated. The obtained results demonstrate that modification of the group between the histidinyl moiety and the phenyl ring constitutes an important structural factor for the design of effective HDH inhibitors.  相似文献   
Breast cancers (BCs) of the luminal B subtype are estrogen receptor-positive (ER+), highly proliferative, resistant to standard therapies and have a poor prognosis. To better understand this subtype we compared DNA copy number aberrations (CNAs), DNA promoter methylation, gene expression profiles, and somatic mutations in nine selected genes, in 32 luminal B tumors with those observed in 156 BCs of the other molecular subtypes. Frequent CNAs included 8p11-p12 and 11q13.1-q13.2 amplifications, 7q11.22-q34, 8q21.12-q24.23, 12p12.3-p13.1, 12q13.11-q24.11, 14q21.1-q23.1, 17q11.1-q25.1, 20q11.23-q13.33 gains and 6q14.1-q24.2, 9p21.3-p24,3, 9q21.2, 18p11.31-p11.32 losses. A total of 237 and 101 luminal B-specific candidate oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) presented a deregulated expression in relation with their CNAs, including 11 genes previously reported associated with endocrine resistance. Interestingly, 88% of the potential TSGs are located within chromosome arm 6q, and seven candidate oncogenes are potential therapeutic targets. A total of 100 candidate oncogenes were validated in a public series of 5,765 BCs and the overexpression of 67 of these was associated with poor survival in luminal tumors. Twenty-four genes presented a deregulated expression in relation with a high DNA methylation level. FOXO3, PIK3CA and TP53 were the most frequent mutated genes among the nine tested. In a meta-analysis of next-generation sequencing data in 875 BCs, KCNB2 mutations were associated with luminal B cases while candidate TSGs MDN1 (6q15) and UTRN (6q24), were mutated in this subtype. In conclusion, we have reported luminal B candidate genes that may play a role in the development and/or hormone resistance of this aggressive subtype.  相似文献   
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