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Hornets (Vespa affinis) flying in a drone congregation area attracted drones of Apis cerana. The drones followed the hornet and were ‘manoeuvred’ towards a leaf or a tree. The hornet then rushed at one of the drones. Many attempts by the hornet to catch a drone were unsuccessful and all drones fled. After failing, the hornet returned to centre of the drone congregation area and repeated the behaviour. Only after successfully seizing of a drone did the hornet leave the drone congregation area carrying its prey. In a two-choice test in the centre of the drone congregation area, free-flying A. cerana drones preferred a hornet model to a live A. cerana queen. V. affinis apparently ‘exploits’ the intraspecific communication between queen and drones of A. cerana. Hunting of drones in the drone congregation area by V. affinis may be an example of predatory mimicry.  相似文献   
雪豹(Uncia uncia)研究的文献计量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1950—2010年SCI收录和1989—2010年CSCD收录的雪豹(Uncia uncia)研究文献分析,从年度文献数量变化、国家/地区分布、主要研究机构、期刊分布、发表文献作者、基金资助机构、刊载文献类型、学科类别和语种分布9个方面,对雪豹研究文献的分布规律和研究现状进行了统计分析。结果表明:在SCI上发表雪豹研究论文的国家排名依次是美(50.6%)、英(16.5%)、印度(12.5%)和中国(5.6%);在文献量机构排名方面,国际雪豹基金会和英国爱丁堡大学并列第一,中国科学院排名第五;中国的主要合作国家中包括了美、英和中亚国家(吉尔吉斯斯坦、蒙古)。无论是分布范围还是数量,中国雪豹资源都居于世界第一,而研究却不相匹配,国内在这方面还仍需努力。  相似文献   
A cell line, UMN-PIE-1181, initiated in November, 1981, from embryos of a malathion-resistant strain of Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, was in the 83rd passage on January 28, 1985. The line consists of single, small, fibroblastlike cells that are polyploid with chromosome numbers ranging from 56 to 180. Growth rate is dependent on seeding density, there being no growth at or below seeding densities of 2 × 1055, ml; optimum growth requires a fetal bovine serum concentration of at least 5%. Twenty-nine isozymes were examined. Five enzymes from the cell lines resolved well and subsequently were compared to enzymes extracted from 4-day-old embryos and other life stages of the insects. Phosphomannose isomerase, malic enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucose isomerase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in extracts from the cultured cells and from the insects had identical patterns. Two bands for glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase, present in the cell line, were not observed in the tissue extracts. Furthermore, lactate dehydrogenase from the cultured cells appeared as four bands but was not detectable in any of the samples run from the various life stages of the insects.  相似文献   
新疆雪豹调查中的痕迹分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雪豹(Unciauncia)属于中亚高山高度濒危动物,夜行性,极其罕见。新疆雪豹研究小组2004年9~11月,在新疆的北塔山、阿尔泰山东部、天山东部和托木尔峰地区大约9个地点,对雪豹的痕迹进行了全面调查。共计完成67个样线,总长度47776m,其中发现遗留痕迹的样线有27条,痕迹数118个,平均为2.47个/km。记录到的痕迹有粪团、嗅痕(气味标记)、足迹、刨痕、卧迹、爪印、毛发、尿迹、血迹、剩余食物(动物尸体)和吼声等。同步还完成了200余份问卷调查表,充分了解雪豹与当地居民的冲突。最后,通过痕迹学的分析,初步掌握雪豹的栖息地选择、领域范围、分布规律和相对密度。这对于种群数量估计和物种的保护管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
新疆托木尔峰自然保护区雪豹调查初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐峰  马鸣  殷守敬  买尔旦 《四川动物》2005,24(4):608-610
2004年10 ~11月对新疆托木尔峰国家自然保护区的5个地点进行雪豹痕迹调查,结果显示其中英也尔、库尔干以及塔克拉克地区的雪豹痕迹数量较多,确定是雪豹的活动分布区.通过42条样带调查共发现雪豹痕迹3类57处,其中足迹71.9%,刨痕21.1%,粪便7.0%.痕迹分布表明雪豹在栖息地选择上也有规律,在山谷、山坡、山嵴等不同地貌中雪豹对山谷有偏好;在森林、灌丛、草地和荒漠等植被类型中雪豹会避开荒漠.  相似文献   
2010~2012年连续3年调查新疆阿尔金山国家级自然保护区及周边包括昆仑山、祁曼塔格山、库木库里盆地的鸟类资源.共录得鸟类16目38科90属166种,约占新疆鸟类总数的36.6%.其中,金腰燕(Hirundo daurica)、冕柳莺(Phylloscopus coronatus)、日本松雀鹰(Accipiter gularis)为新疆首次记录.考察区介于青藏区与蒙新区之间,鸟类区系特点表现为高地型(23种,占13.9%)与中亚型(约49种,占29.9%)相互渗透,而北方型(69种,占42.1%)虽然排在首位,但多数是旅鸟,东洋型(1种,占0.6%)的种类比较罕见.依协克帕提湿地是鸟类的一个繁殖地,也是迁徙的重要驿站.  相似文献   
Yang J  Jiang Z  Zeng Y  Turghan M  Fang H  Li C 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20144
Anthropogenic landscapes influence evolutionary processes such as population genetic differentiation, however, not every type of landscape features exert the same effect on a species, hence it is necessary to estimate their relative effect for species management and conservation. Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii), which inhabits a human-altered area on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is one of the most endangered antelope species in the world. Here, we report a landscape genetic study on Przewalski's gazelle. We used skin and fecal samples of 169 wild gazelles collected from nine populations and thirteen microsatellite markers to assess the genetic effect of anthropogenic landscape features on this species. For comparison, the genetic effect of geographical distance and topography were also evaluated. We found significant genetic differentiation, six genetic groups and restricted dispersal pattern in Przewalski's gazelle. Topography, human settlement and road appear to be responsible for observed genetic differentiation as they were significantly correlated with both genetic distance measures [F(ST)/(1-F(ST)) and F'(ST)/(1-F'(ST))] in Mantel tests. IBD (isolation by distance) was also inferred as a significant factor in Mantel tests when genetic distance was measured as F(ST)/(1-F(ST)). However, using partial Mantel tests, AIC(c) calculations, causal modeling and AMOVA analysis, we found that human settlement was the main factor shaping current genetic differentiation among those tested. Altogether, our results reveal the relative influence of geographical distance, topography and three anthropogenic landscape-type on population genetic differentiation of Przewalski's gazelle and provide useful information for conservation measures on this endangered species.  相似文献   
近60年来雪豹(Uncia uncia)研究的文献分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用文献计量学的原理和方法,就外文1950—2010年,中文1964—2010年公开发表的雪豹生物学研究文献进行统计和分析。分别从雪豹研究文献的发文年代、作者、机构和关键词4个方面探讨雪豹研究文献的分布规律和研究现状,揭示世界各国在这一专题研究领域的进展情况。分析表明:1)2008年是雪豹研究的一个旺年,无论是国际还是国内,均为年发表文献最高记录。2)发表文献数量较多的作者分别是中国、挪威、美国、印度和蒙古。3)中国在雪豹研究方面已经形成了引领该研究方向的2个主要科研团队,分别是中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所动物研究组和北京中国科学院动物研究所野生动物与行为生态研究组。4)雪豹研究热点是:保护、生态、人兽冲突、生物多样性、珍稀濒危动物、基因、栖息地、种群密度、食源等;关注的热点地区是:青藏高原、阿尔金山、阿尔泰山、横断山、塔什库尔干、珠穆朗玛峰和托木尔峰(天山)。  相似文献   
伊犁地区野生毛牛蒡与牛蒡的成分分析比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对伊犁地区野生牛蒡属两种植物,即牛蒡和毛牛蒡根的主要营养及保健成分和主要矿质元素进行了分析,发现毛牛蒡和牛蒡的主要成分没有显著差异(P〈0.05),说明毛牛蒡也是一种药食两用的野生资源。  相似文献   
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