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Synthetic peptide SH624 (SHHPARTAHYGSLPQK), residues 59–74 of human myelin basic protein (MBP) was found to be encephalitogenic in the rabbit. Four antisera raised, against the peptide were employed in a liquid-phase equilibrium competitive radioimmunoassay with a series of synthetic peptide analogs of the region to probe the structural requirements of the B-cell determinant subsumed within SH624. The cross-reactivities of the four antisera with intact MBP were also examined. Immunochemical analyses of the four antisera suggested specificities directed against a conformational determinant dependent upon residues from the more phylogenetically conserved carboxyl C-terminal region, residues 65–74 (TAHYGSLPQK) of the synthetic immunogen. Peptide analogs shorter than SH624 from the C-terminal end showed no cross-reactivity with any of the reagent antisera while analogs shorter from the N-terminal end and including the encephalitogenic sequence TTHYGSLPQK, as well as, HYGSLPQK were reactive under equilibrium competitive conditions. SH624-reactive antibodies, cross-reactive with purified heterologous MBPs from 10 different species were also identified in all four reagent antisera. The results of these experiments support previous investigations demonstrating the accessibility of the encephalitogenic 65–74 region in intact MBP. They also underscore the importance of B-cell recognition of organ specific antigenic determinants with respect to MBP immunology and, in particular, the recognition of autoreactive determinants in the neighborhood of encephalitogenic centers.  相似文献   
Recent studies from our laboratory have shown, for the first time, that a synthetic peptide from that TCR VB chain used preferentially by encephalitogenic T cells induced the formation of protective, MHC class I-restricted T cells and prevented the development of EAE in Lewis rats. In this report we 1) demonstrate that immunization with the TCR-VB8-39-59 peptide generated peptide-specific antibodies that protect against experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induced by either of the two distinct encephalitogenic epitopes of basic protein, and 2) characterize the production and biologic functions of rat and rabbit antibody responses to the TCR peptide. The antibodies in both species increased in titer over time, were highly specific for the immunogen by direct reaction and inhibition assays, stained only VB8+ T cells, and suppressed clinical signs and to lesser extent the number of histologic lesions of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mediated by VB8+ T cells. Coupled with our previous work, these results indicate that both humoral and cellular responses to the TCR-VB8-39-59 peptide can contribute independent immunoregulatory effects on encephalitogenic T lymphocytes that use common V region genes in response to epitopes of myelin basic protein.  相似文献   
Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) were used to construct a physical map of the germline human T-cell chain gene complex (TCRB). Variable region genes (BV) for the 25 known subfamilies were used as probes to screen the ICRF AM4x YAC library. Of the five positive YACs identified, one YAC designated B3, 820 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size, scored positive for all 25 TCRBV subfamilies plus the constant region genes (BC) when analyzed by pulse field gel electrophoresis. Restriction enzyme mapping of B3 located TCRBV and TCRBC gene regions to 4 Sfi I fragments of 280 110, 90, and 125 kbp and was in accordance with published data. In addition comparison of hybridization results of Sfi I-restricted B3 and genomic DNA from the parental cell line GM1416B revealed identical banding patterns. The data thus showed YAC B3 encoded a complete and unrearranged TCRB gene locus of some 600–620 kbp. The map was further resolved by locating restriction sites for Sal I and Bss HII on B3, giving more precise localization of the individual TCRBV gene families. Flourescent in situ hybridization of B3 to spreads of human metaphase chromosomes localized B3 to 7q35. However, two additional signals were obtained; one attributable to the TCRBV orphon cluster on 9p21, the second to the long arm of chromosome 2. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of a chromosome 2 somatic cell hybrid, using primers for all 25 TCRBV gene families, revealed that the signal was not attributable to a second orphon cluster. It is suggested that B3 is a chimeric YAC with an intact TCRB locus flanked by chromosome 2 sequences.  相似文献   
Antibodies to synthetic myelin basic protein peptide S82 (TTHYG-SLPQKAQGHRPQDEG) did not react with synthetic peptide S8 (GSLPQKAQGHRPQDENG) and only partially so with synthetic peptide S79 (AQGHRPQDEG); however, the antibodies did react to a considerable extent with an equimolar mixture of S8 and S79. Since the anti-S82 antibodies had previously been shown to be directed to a non-sequential format determinant dependent on the conformation of secondary structure, it seems probable that the mixture of S8 and S79 assumed a format that neither one individually possessed to any great degree.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Elizabeth Roboz-Einstein.Supported by Research Grants NS-10237 (Duke) and NS-15322 (St. Luke's) from the National Institutes of Health and by RG1197-B7 from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  相似文献   
The effect of encephalitogenic myelin basic protein, BP, on active rosette-forming T cells (ARFC) was compared to that of nonencephalitogenic peptide S42, a synthetic analogue of the tryptophan region of BP. Depression of ARFC by these antigens was reversible within 24 h after a second dose of the antigen into the skin, or after in vitro incubation of lymphocytes with the sensitizing antigen (Ag-ARFC). The ratio of Ag-ARFC to ARFC rose with time following the sensitization but fell shortly before the clinical onset of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in animals sensitized with BP. In contrast, the Ag-ARFC/ARFC ratios for animals sensitized with peptide S42 reached plateau levels from which they did not drop. The kinetics of the Ag-ARFC/ARFC responses paralleled those for delayed-type skin hypersensitivity (DTH) in the respective animals. The DTH responses rose following sensitization and fell shortly after the appearance of clinical signs of EAE. The results of this study provide in vitro and in vivo evidence for sensitization to myelin basic protein, and focus attention on the ARFC as a measure for an immunologically active cell population which may be quantitated by antigenic stimulation.Abbreviations used in this report EAE experimental allergic encephalomyelitis - DTH delayed-type skin hypersensitivity - ARFC active rosette-forming T cells - Ag-ARFC antigen-stimulated active rosette-forming T cells - TRFC total rosette-forming T cells  相似文献   
Acetylation, phosphorylation and methylation of nuclear proteins in rat cerebellum at 10 and 30 days of age were investigated in vitro. Isolated nuclei were incubated in the presence of [1-14C]acetyl CoA, S-adenosyl [methyl-3H]methionine and [gamma-32P]ATP and then separated into histones and non histone proteins (NHP), which were further fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results obtained indicate that acetylation, phosphorylation and methylation of both basic and acidic proteins decrease from 10 to 30 days of age. Electrophoretic analysis of histones shows that the decrease mainly concerns H1, H3, and H2b fractions. The H3 fraction is always more labeled than the other fractions and shows the major changes during postnatal development. Phosphorylation of H2a and H4 fractions increases from 10 to 30 days of age, whereas acetylation and methylation of these fractions do not show significant changes from 10 to 30 days. The densitometric and radioactive patterns of NHP show considerable changes between 10 and 30 days, especially in the high molecular weight region. The incorporation of 14C-acetyl and 3H-methyl groups and of 32P phosphate appears to be generalized throughout the molecular weight range and decreases from 10 to 30 days of age. The methylation of an as yet unidentified protein with a molecular weight of approximately 110,000 daltons occurred at both ages.  相似文献   
A panel of 17 myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific T lymphocyte clones were generated from four multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. All T cell clones expressed CD4 phenotype and 14 clones exhibited substantial cytotoxic activity on MBP-coated target cells. T cell recognition sites of the clones on human MBP were identified by using MBP fragments and synthetic peptides. Despite the fact that at least three epitopes were defined, these T cell clones displayed a striking bias to the C-terminal peptide 149-171 independent of differences in HLA-DR and DQ expression. In addition, the T cell responses of the clones appeared to be restricted by HLA-DR molecules irrespective of peptide specificities. The present study suggests an immunodominant property of the C-terminal peptide for HLA-DR-restricted T cell responses to MBP. However, its association with encephalitogenicity in humans and its potential pathologic importance in MS await further clarification.  相似文献   
Quantification of surfactant phospholipids in the dog lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We quantified total phospholipid (PL), total and disaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC and DSPC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and total protein in alveolar washings and lung tissue in 22 dog lungs. Quantitative recovery of alveolar material and assessment of its possible contamination by blood lipids were important determinants of methodology. To remove blood, the vessels of half the lungs were perfused with a fluorocarbon emulsion before lavage. The volume of blood removed by perfusion and the quantity and fatty acid patterns of its whole blood and plasma PL and PC were determined. Washings of unperfused lungs contained means of 21% more PL and 24% more PC than those of perfused lungs. Although this excess could be accounted for by the PL and PC in pulmonary blood, the hemoglobin and total protein content of washings and their PC fatty acid patterns indicated that blood lipids were not a major source of the excess lipid in washings of unperfused lungs. Using more recent morphometric estimates rather than the indirect ones previously used by others, the quantity of alveolar DSPC (1 mg/g lung) is calculated to be 1.8 times the amount necessary to form a packed monolayer on the internal surface of the lung at functional residual capacity.  相似文献   
Rabbits immunized with low (11.25 mg) and high (57.50 mg) doses of myelin basic protein from several species develop antibasic protein antibodies, delayed type hypersensitivity, and clinical and pathological signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. More than 55% of rabbits immunized with relatively high doses of basic protein develop disease. The absence of circulating antibasic protein antibodies in immunorespondent animals is associated with the appearance of clinical or histological signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; however, the presence of humoral antibodies did not prevent completely the development of disease. Delayed-type hypersensitivity, specific for the basic protein, appears as early as 5 days after immunization and is maintained in nondiseased and surviving animals. Neither excess encephalitogen nor encephalitogen-induced antibody is sufficient to suppress completely the eventual development of clinical or histological manifestations of disease.  相似文献   
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