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IgD and IgM are concomitantly expressed on the surface of most mouse B lymphocytes and both molecules serve as receptor for antigen. In this communication we report that in contrast to IgM, which is expressed in a constant manner on the surface of spleen B lymphocytes of different laboratory and wild-derived mice, IgD expression is variable among the spleen cells of wild-derived mice. SPE, SEI, and SFM mice belonging to the Mus 3 subgroup show a fluorescence profile characterized by a marked diminution in the population of B lymphocytes expressing the IgD isotype; in addition, these cells have a low sIgD density on their membranes. These findings were confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the iodinated membrane proteins. Polyclonal in vitro activation with lipopolysaccharide increases the frequency of surface IgD (sIgD)-bearing spleen cells and sIgD density in the SPE strain but decreases both the frequency and the density of IgD bearing cells in the BALB/c strain. This result suggests that delta gene expression is regulated differently in SPE and BALB/c mice. In addition, genetic analysis of sIgD expression in (BALB/c X SPE)F1 hybrids suggests that the proportion of sIgD-bearing cells and sIgD density are independently regulated.  相似文献   
Dictyostelium discoideum is a facultative multicellular amoebozoan with cellulose in the stalk and spore coat of its fruiting body as well as in the extracellular matrix of the migrating slug. The organism also harbors a number of cellulase genes. One of them, cbhA, was identified as a candidate cellobiohydrolase gene based on the strong homology of its predicted protein product to fungal cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI). Expression of the cbhA was developmentally regulated, with strong expression in the spores of the mature fruiting body. However, a weak but detectable level of expression was observed in the extracellular matrix at the mound — tipped finger stages, in prestalk O cells, and in the slime sheath of the migrating slug — late culminant stages. A null mutant of the cbhA showed almost normal morphology. However, the developmental timing of the mutant was delayed by 2–4 h. When a c-Myc epitope-tagged CbhA was expressed, it was secreted into the culture medium and was able to bind crystalline cellulose. The CbhA-myc protein was glycosylated, as demonstrated by its ability to bind succinyl concanavalin A-agarose. Moreover, conditioned medium from the cbhA-myc oe strain displayed 4-methylumbelliferyl β-d-cellobioside (4-MUC) digesting activity in Zymograms in which conditioned medium was examined via native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or spotted on an agar plate containing 4-MUC, one of the substrates of cellobiohydrolase. Taken together, these findings indicate that Dictyostelium CbhA is an orthologue of CBH I that is required for a normal rate of development.  相似文献   
The I93M mutation in ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) was reported in one German family with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease (PD). The causative role of the mutation has, however, been questioned. We generated transgenic (Tg) mice carrying human UCHL1 under control of the PDGF-B promoter; two independent lines were generated with the I93M mutation (a high- and low-expressing line) and one line with wild-type human UCH-L1. We found a significant reduction in the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the dopamine content in the striatum in the high-expressing I93M Tg mice as compared with non-Tg mice at 20 weeks of age. Although these changes were absent in the low-expressing I93M Tg mice, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) treatment profoundly reduced dopaminergic neurons in this line as compared with wild-type Tg or non-Tg mice. Abnormal neuropathologies were also observed, such as silver staining-positive argyrophilic grains in the perikarya of degenerating dopaminergic neurons, in I93M Tg mice. The midbrains of I93M Tg mice contained increased amounts of insoluble UCH-L1 as compared with those of non-Tg mice, perhaps resulting in a toxic gain of function. Collectively, our data represent in vivo evidence that expression of UCHL1(I93M) leads to the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   
Two flavonoid glucosyltransferases, UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (3-GT) and UDP-glucose: anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase (5-GT), are responsible for the glucosylation of anthocyani(di)ns to produce stable molecules in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. The cDNAs encoding 3-GT and 5-GT were isolated from Petunia hybrida by hybridization screening with heterologous probes. The cDNA clones of 3-GT, PGT8, and 5-GT, PH1, encode putative polypeptides of 448 and 468 amino acids, respectively. A phylogenetic tree based on amino acid sequences of the family of glycosyltransferases from various plants shows that PGT8 belongs to the 3-GT subfamily and PH1 belongs to the 5-GT subfamily. The function of isolated cDNAs was identified by the catalytic activities for 3-GT and 5-GT exhibited by the recombinant proteins produced in yeast. The recombinant PGT8 protein could convert not only anthocyanidins but also flavonols into the corresponding 3-O-glucosides. In contrast, the recombinant PH1 protein exhibited a strict substrate specificity towards anthocyanidin 3-acylrutinoside, comparing with other 5-GTs from Perilla frutescens and Verbena hybrida, which showed broad substrate specificities towards several anthocyanidin 3-glucosides. The mRNA expression of both 3-GT and 5-GT increased in the early developmental stages of P. hybrida flower, reaching the maximum at the stage before flower opening. Southern blotting analysis of genomic DNA indicates that both 3-GT and 5-GT genes exist in two copies in P. hybrida, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to the molecular evolution of flavonoid glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   
We previously reported that serotonin (5-HT) increased glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) release in a 5-HT2 receptor (5-HT2R) and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-related kinase (MEK/ERK)-dependent manner in rat C6 glioma cells (C6 cells), a model of astrocytes. We herein found that 5-HT-induced rapid ERK phosphorylation was blocked by 5-HT2R antagonists in C6 cells. We therefore examined 5-HT-induced ERK phosphorylation to reveal the mechanism of 5-HT-induced GDNF mRNA expression. As 5-HT-induced ERK phosphorylation was blocked by inhibitors for Gαq/11 and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), but not for second messengers downstream of Gαq/11, 5-HT2R-mediated FGFR transactivation was suggested to be involved in the ERK phosphorylation. Although FGFR1 and 2 were functionally expressed in C6 cells, 5-HT selectively phosphorylated FGFR2. Indeed, small interfering RNA for FGFR2, but not for FGFR1, blocked 5-HT-induced ERK phosphorylation. As Src family tyrosine kinase inhibitors and microtubule depolymerizing agents blocked 5-HT-induced FGFR2 phosphorylation, Src family tyrosine kinase and stabilized microtubules were suggested to act upstream of FGFR2. Finally, 5-HT-induced GDNF mRNA expression was also inhibited by the blockade of 5-HT2R, FGFR, and Src family tyrosine kinase. In conclusion, our findings suggest that 5-HT induces GDNF mRNA expression via 5-HT2R-mediated FGFR2 transactivation in C6 cells.  相似文献   
Filaggrin protein is synthesized in the stratum granulosum of the skin and contributes to the formation of the human skin barrier. Profilaggrin is cleaved by proteolytic enzymes and converted to functional filaggrin, but its processing mechanism remains not fully elucidated. Kallikrein-related peptidase 5 (KLK5) is a major serine protease found in the skin, which is secreted from lamellar granules following its expression in the stratum granulosum and activated in the extracellular space of the stratum corneum. Here, we searched for profilaggrin-processing protease(s) by partial purification of epidermal extracts and found KLK5 as a possible candidate. We used high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry to show that KLK5 cleaves profilaggrin. Furthermore, based on a proximity ligation assay, immunohistochemistry, and immunoelectron microscopy analysis, we reveal that KLK5 and profilaggrin co-localize in the stratum granulosum in human epidermis. KLK5 knockdown in normal cultured human epidermal keratinocytes resulted in higher levels of profilaggrin, indicating that KLK5 potentially functions in profilaggrin cleavage.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to characterize responses in oxygen uptake ( V·O2), heart rate (HR), perceived exertion (OMNI scale) and integrated electromyogram (iEMG) readings during incremental Nordic walking (NW) and level walking (LW) on a treadmill. Ten healthy adults (four men, six women), who regularly engaged in physical activity in their daily lives, were enrolled in the study. All subjects were familiar with NW. Each subject began walking at 60 m/min for 3 minutes, with incremental increases of 10 m/min every 2 minutes up to 120 m/min V·O2 , V·E and HR were measured every 30 seconds, and the OMNI scale was used during the final 15 seconds of each exercise. EMG readings were recorded from the triceps brachii, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior muscles. V·O2 was significantly higher during NW than during LW, with the exception of the speed of 70 m/min (P < 0.01). V·E and HR were higher during NW than LW at all walking speeds (P < 0.05 to 0.001). OMNI scale of the upper extremities was significantly higher during NW than during LW at all speeds (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the iEMG reading for the VL was lower during NW than during LW at all walking speeds, while the iEMG reading for the BF and GA muscles were significantly lower during NW than LW at some speeds. These data suggest that the use of poles in NW attenuates muscle activity in the lower extremities during the stance and push-off phases, and decreases that of the lower extremities and increase energy expenditure of the upper body and respiratory system at certain walking speeds.  相似文献   
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