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Excessive intake of essential elements agitates elemental homeostasis resulting in their heterogeneous distribution. Distraction of these elements in central nervous system (CNS) have been demonstrated in many neurological disorders, which are vital in generating free radicals, causing oxidative stress, and contributing to neuronal maladies. The developing CNS is highly vulnerable to environmental agents, including fluoride. Fluorosis is one such disorder ensued from excessive consumption of fluoride containing water and/or foods that poses a greater threat to the life. Present study offers perturbations caused by fluoride toxicity on the level of biometal and antioxidant homeostasis and their interactions. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to 100- and 200-ppm fluoride (F) in drinking water and controls with tap water. The pups born to them were used for the study. On 21st postnatal day, the concentration of fluoride, biometals, and oxidative stress markers were determined in discrete regions of CNS. The levels of fluoride, copper, and iron increased whereas manganese and zinc were decreased considerably. Among antioxidant enzymes, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase were decreased and lipid peroxidation was increased with regional alterations. The correlation coefficient values among oxidative stress markers and biometals were either positive or negative and showed less significance during correlation. The results confirm that the fluoride provoked oxidative stress and biometal deformations are synergistic that successively governs the neuronal damage and developing CNS no longer prevents exacerbations of fluoride.  相似文献   
Conditional knock‐out (KO) of Polycomb Group (PcG) protein YY1 results in pro‐B cell arrest and reduced immunoglobulin locus contraction needed for distal variable gene rearrangement. The mechanisms that control these crucial functions are unknown. We deleted the 25 amino‐acid YY1 REPO domain necessary for YY1 PcG function, and used this mutant (YY1ΔREPO), to transduce bone marrow from YY1 conditional KO mice. While wild‐type YY1 rescued B‐cell development, YY1ΔREPO failed to rescue the B‐cell lineage yielding reduced numbers of B lineage cells. Although the IgH rearrangement pattern was normal, there was a selective impact at the Igκ locus that showed a dramatic skewing of the expressed Igκ repertoire. We found that the REPO domain interacts with proteins from the condensin and cohesin complexes, and that YY1, EZH2 and condensin proteins co‐localize at numerous sites across the Ig kappa locus. Knock‐down of a condensin subunit protein or YY1 reduced rearrangement of Igκ Vκ genes suggesting a direct role for YY1‐condensin complexes in Igκ locus structure and rearrangement.  相似文献   
Aminopeptidase N (APN) isoforms were identified as candidate receptors for Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins from the midgut of several insect species. In this study a partial cDNA encoding aminopeptidase (slfbAPN) was cloned from fat body of the moth Spodoptera litura. In the deduced amino acid sequence the characteristic metallopeptidase sequences, HEXXHX18E and GAMENWG were conserved but the sequence showed only 33–39% identity to other insect APNs, which were also reported to be Cry toxin receptors. The presence of a putative GPI anchor signal sequence at the C-terminus indicated that it is a membrane-anchored protein. The slfbAPN expression was restricted to the fat body as suggested by northern blot analysis of different tissues. Biochemical analyses including immunoblotting, ligand blotting and lectin blotting, demonstrated that slfbAPN is a membrane-anchored glycoprotein in the fat body and it binds to Cry toxins. The nucleotide sequence shown here has been submitted to the GenBank sequence data bank and is available under accession number EF372603.  相似文献   
A cation exchange assisted binding-elution (BE) strategy for enzymatic synthesis of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) was developed. An amino linker was used to provide the cation ion under acidic condition which can be readily bound to cation exchange resin and then eluted off by saturated ammonium bicarbonate. Ammonium bicarbonate in the collections was easily removed by vacuum evaporation. This strategy circumvented the incompatible issue between glycosyltransferases and solid support or large polymers, and no purification was needed for intermediate products. With current approach, polyLacNAc backbones of HMOs and fucosylated HMOs were synthesized smoothly.  相似文献   
We have developed a method to quantify the dynamic interaction between fingertip force magnitude (strength) and directional control (dexterity) during pinch with a novel strength-dexterity (S-D) test based on the principle of buckling of compression springs. The test consists of asking participants to use key and opposition pinch to attempt to fully compress springs, in random order, with a wide range of combinations of strength and dexterity requirements. The minimum force required to fully compress the spring and the propensity of the spring to buckle define the strength and dexterity requirements, respectively. The S-D score for each pinch style was the sum of the strength values of all springs successfully compressed fully. We tested 3 participant groups: 18 unimpaired young adults (40yr), and 14 adults diagnosed with carpo-metacarpal osteoarthritis (CMC OA) (>or = 36yr). We investigated the repeatability of the S-D test with 74 springs by testing 14 young adults twice on different days. The per-spring repeatability across subjects was >or = 94%. A minimum performance score for young adults was found as they all could compress a subset of 39 springs. Using this subset of springs, we compared the ability of the S-D score vs. maximal pinch force values to distinguish unimpaired hands from those with CMC OA of the thumb. The score for this 39-spring S-D test distinguished between CMC OA and asymptomatic older adults, whereas pinch meter readings did not (p<0.05). We conclude that the S-D test is repeatable and applicable to clinical research. We propose including the S-D test in studies aiming to quantify impairment and compare treatment outcomes in orthopaedic and neurological afflictions that degrade dynamic manipulation.  相似文献   
Structures of substrate bound human angiogenin complexes have been obtained for the first time by computer modeling. The dinucleotides CpA and UpA have been docked onto human angiogenin using a systematic grid search procedure in torsion and Eulerian angle space. The docking was guided throughout by the similarity of angiogenin-substrate interactions with interactions of RNase A and its substrate. The models were subjected to 1 nanosecond of molecular dynamics to access their stability. Structures extracted from MD simulations were refined by simulated annealing. Stable hydrogen bonds that bridged protein and ligand residues during the MD simulations were taken as restraints for simulated annealing. Our analysis on the MD structures and annealed models explains the substrate specificity of human angiogenin and is in agreement with experimental results. This study also predicts the B2 binding site residues of angiogenin, for which no experimental information is available so far. In the case of one of the substrates, CpA, we have also identified the presence of a water molecule that invariantly bridges the B2 base with the protein. We have compared our results to the RNase A-substrate complex and highlight the similarities and differences.  相似文献   
We have undertaken the modeling of substrate-bound structures of angiogenin. In our recent study, we modeled the dinucleotide ligand binding to human angiogenin. In the present study, the substrates CpG, UpG, and CpA were docked onto bovine angiogenin. This was achieved by overcoming the problem of an obstruction to the B1 site by the C-terminus and identifying residues that bind to the second base. The modeled complexes retain biochemically important interactions. The docked models were subjected to 1 ns of molecular dynamics, and structures from the simulation were refined by using simulated annealing. Our models explained the enzyme's specificity for both B1 and B2 bases as observed experimentally. The nature of binding of the dinucleotide substrate was compared with that of the mononucleotide product. The models of these complexes were also compared with those obtained earlier with human angiogenin. On the basis of the simulations and annealed structures, we came up with a consensus topology of dinucleotide ligands that binds to human and bovine angiogenins. This dinucleotide conformation can serve as a starting model for ligand-bound complex structures for RNase A family of proteins. We demonstrated this capability by generating the complex structure of CpA bound to eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) by fitting the consensus topology of CpA to the crystal structure of native EDN.  相似文献   
MRD is a database system to access the microsatellite repeats information of genomes such as archea, eubacteria, and other eukaryotic genomes whose sequence information is available in public domains. MRD stores information about simple tandemly repeated k-mer sequences where k= 1 to 6, i.e. monomer to hexamer. The web interface allows the users to search for the repeat of their interest and to know about the association of the repeat with genes and genomic regions in the specific organism. The data contains the abundance and distribution of microsatellites in the coding and non-coding regions of the genome. The exact location of repeats with respect to genomic regions of interest (such as UTR, exon, intron or intergenic regions) whichever is applicable to organism is highlighted. MRD is available on the World Wide Web at and/or . The database is designed as an open-ended system to accommodate the microsatellite repeats information of other genomes whose complete sequences will be available in future through public domain.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted during the years 2006 to 2012 and provides information on prevalence of malaria and its regulation with effect to various climatic factors in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Correlation analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Hotelling’s T2 statistics models are adopted to understand the effect of weather variables on malaria transmission. The epidemiological study shows that the prevalence of malaria is mostly caused by the parasite Plasmodium vivax followed by Plasmodium falciparum. It is noted that, the intensity of malaria cases declined gradually from the year 2006 to 2012. The transmission of malaria observed was more during the rainy season, as compared to summer and winter seasons. Further, the data analysis study with Principal Component Analysis and Hotelling’s T2 statistic has revealed that the climatic variables such as temperature and rainfall are the most influencing factors for the high rate of malaria transmission in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis , NPR1 ( AtNPR1 ) regulates salicylic acid (SA)-mediated activation of PR genes at the onset of systemic acquired resistance. AtNPR1 also modulates SA-induced suppression of jasmonic acid-responsive gene expression, and npr1 mutants manifest enhanced herbivore resistance. We have raised stable transgenic tobacco lines, expressing AtNPR1 constitutively, which showed elevated expression of PR1 and PR2 genes upon SA treatment. Herbivore bioassays with a generalist polyphagous pest, Spodoptera litura , revealed that the transgenic lines exhibited enhanced resistance compared to the wild-type plants, particularly with respect to younger larval populations. Insect-mediated injury induced several protease inhibitors (PIs), more significantly a 40-kDa serine PI in all the tobacco lines, but the induction was higher in the transgenic plants. We show in this communication that heterologous expression of AtNPR1 provides enhanced resistance to early larval populations of the herbivore, Spodoptera in transgenic tobacco plants.  相似文献   
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