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The action of mutations affecting the epicuticular wax of Pisum sativum has been investigated at the chemical and ultrastructural level. Upper and lower surfaces of the leaves were found to differ markedly in both ultrastructure and chemistry. Mutations affected primarily either the lower (wa, wb and wsp) or the upper surface (wlo), but some effects of all 4 genes could be seen on both surfaces. Specific biochemical lesions could be implied for wsp and wa but the chemical effects of wb and wlo were more diffuse. Generally a close relation between chemical composition and crystallite form of the wax was evident throughout the work.  相似文献   
The epicuticular wax in three lines of Brassica napus (rape) has been investigated and the detailed chemistry and ultrastructure of the waxes examined. A distinct chemical make-up has been found for all three waxes which is correlated with three distinct crystallite structures. A tentative scheme for classification of Brassica wax mutants is described in which the two newly analysed rape mutants can be placed. Mass spectral analysis of all wax components confirms and extends previous ideas about the chemistry of Brassica waxes.  相似文献   
Previous step voltage-clamp measurements on frog skin showed the presence of an N-shaped current-potential (I-V) relation in excitable skin. However, the collection and reconstruction of I-V data using discrete step changes of skin potential was tedious because of the long refractory period (up to 1 min) in frog skin. A direct and rapid (5 msec) method for recording the N-shaped I-V characteristic in real time is presented. Ramp functions are used as the command to the clamp system instead of a step function. Consequently the skin potential is forced to change in a linear manner (as commanded) and the skin current can be recorded as a continuous function of the controlled change of skin potential. With the ramp clamp, a low-resistance membrane state ( 10 Omega . cm(2)) resembling a breakdown phenomenon was observed at high skin potential ( 300 mv). Entry into the low resistance state resulted in a collapse of the N-shaped I-V relation to a nearly linear function. The utility of the ramp measurement is demonstrated by predicting (1) that the maximum rate of rise of the spike occurs at a voltage corresponding to the valley (local minimum) in the N-shaped I-V curve, (2) that the rate of rise of the spike increases with increasing clamp currents, (3) the voltage peak of the spike, and (4) the time course of the rising phase of the spike.  相似文献   
A generalization of Landahl's approximation method (H. D. Landahl,Bull. Math. Biophysics,15, 49–61, 1953) for non-linear diffusion problems is suggested. The method is applied to sorption, desorption, and free diffusion problems involving concentration-dependent diffusion coefficients. With some limitations, the results compare favorably with those obtained by numerical methods.  相似文献   
The uptake of methotrexate by KB cells was observed to be dependent on time, temperature, and concentration of extracellular methotrexate. The Kd for methotrexate surface binding to KB cells was approximately 200 nM. Following exposure of KB cells to trace quantities of [3H]methotrexate for periods ranging from 6 min to 24 h, the cellular methotrexate was progressively formed into methotrexate polyglutamates and was bound to dihydrofolate reductase as well as to a particulate folate binding protein. To further study the mechanism of methotrexate uptake in KB cells, the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of methotrexate was used to covalently label the surface of KB cells and to inhibit transport of methotrexate. The N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of methotrexate was bound to a species of protein with an apparent molecular weight of 160,000 in 1% (v/v) Triton X-100 that bound folic acid and was specifically precipitated by antiserum raised against the previously purified high-affinity folate binding protein (the folate receptor) from human KB cells. In addition, trypsin was utilized to remove surface-accessible covalently bound methotrexate. The amount of covalently bound methotrexate that could be released by trypsin initially decreased on incubation at 37 degrees C, suggesting that the methotrexate and binding protein were internalized. However, with time, trypsin could again release the covalently bound methotrexate, suggesting that the binding protein cycles from the external cell surface to the inside of the cell and out again.  相似文献   
Previous work (Macey, 1952) in the application of the one-factor theory to the heart is extended. The rate of production of the excitatory state is assumed to be linear. Two possible mechanisms are indicated whereby such a situation might arise. Assumptions are made regarding the mode of action of the chemical mediators on the heart, and an equation is derived relating the heart rate to the frequency of nerve impulses traveling along the cardiac nerves. This result compares favorably with the experimental findings of A. Rosenblueth and F. A. Simeone (1934). Other experimental results are interpreted in terms of the theory. United States Public Health Service Fellow in Mathematical Biology.  相似文献   
A generalized form of the one-factor theory is applied to the heart. It is found that the effects of acetylcholine and sympathin on the chronaxie can be accounted for only if the decay constant of the excitatory state increases in the presence of acetylcholine, and decreases in the presence of sympathin. With the assumption that this is the only effect of the chemical mediators, it is shown that upon application of acetylcholine to the heart the theory predicts: 1) a rise in the rheobase; 2) an increase in the time required for excitation by constant currents; 3) no change in the threshold with condensor discharges of brief duration; 4) a decrease in the spontaneous heart rate; 5) a sudden and complete inhibition of the spontaneous heart rate with excessive concentrations of acetylcholine. In general, the effects of sympathin predicted by the theory oppose those of acetylcholine. Public Health Service Research Fellow of The National Heart Institute.  相似文献   
Simple theoretical models are proposed for the study of the interdependence between cardiac contraction, arterial pressure, and capillary drainage. The relation between pressure and flow is derived for a model of branching distensible tubes taking into account the finite pulse wave velocity. Equations are derived both for the case where the pulse wave is non-distorted and for the case where the wave is damped and distorted to a limited extent. Following the model of J. W. Remington and W. F. Hamilton (1947), the former case is applied to the larger arteries. Expressions are developed for the stroke volume, cardiac ejection, and systolic arterial storage in both the steady and non-steady states. Expressions for the percentage discrepancy involved in the computation of these quantities from a single tube model as contrasted with a multi-branched model are derived. For typical cases these discrepancies are small and thus credence is lent to the further use of the simpler single tube model which requires fewer independent parameters. It is also shown that the formulae for stroke volume and arterial storage are only slightly sensitive to changes in pulse wave velocities, and that for some purposes it would seem permissible to assume an infinite velocity. The problem of capillary drainage is discussed, and the consequences of equations developed for the case of a distorted wave are shown to compare favorably with published experimental data. An approximate boundary condition for capillary drainage is derived. Finally, A. V. Hill's velocity load equation for muscle is used to obtain a first approximation for the velocity of cardiac contraction in terms of the initial arterial pressure, the heart radius, and the parameters of the heart musculature. It is shown how methods developed for stroke volume determination from the pressure contour may be used to estimate the heart and “air chamber” parameters. Use of these parameters and those obtained by other independent measurements permits the principle variables to be determined numerically.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic tree for acrodont lizards (Chamaeleonidae and Agamidae) is established based on 1434 bases (1041 informative) of aligned DNA positions from a 1685-1778 base pair region of the mitochondrial genome. Sequences from three protein-coding genes (ND1, ND2, and COI) are combined with sequences from eight intervening tRNA genes for samples of 70 acrodont taxa and two outgroups. Parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequences identifies eight major clades in the Acrodonta. Most agamid lizards are placed into three distinct clades. One clade is composed of all taxa occurring in Australia and New Guinea; Physignathus cocincinus from Southeast Asia is the sister taxon to the Australia-New Guinea clade. A second clade is composed of taxa occurring from Tibet and the Indian Subcontinent east through South and East Asia. A third clade is composed of taxa occurring from Africa east through Arabia and West Asia to Tibet and the Indian Subcontinent. These three clades contain all agamid lizards except Uromastyx, Leiolepis, and Hydrosaurus, which represent three additional clades of the Agamidae. The Chamaeleonidae forms another clade weakly supported as the sister taxon to the Agamidae. All eight clades of the Acrodonta contain members occurring on land masses derived from Gondwanaland. A hypothesis of agamid lizards rafting with Gondwanan plates is examined statistically. This hypothesis suggests that the African/West Asian clade is of African or Indian origin, and the South Asian clade is either of Indian or Southeast Asian origin. The shortest tree suggests a possible African origin for the former and an Indian origin for the latter, but this result is not statistically robust. The Australia-New Guinea clade rafted with the Australia-New Guinea plate and forms the sister group to a Southeast Asian taxon that occurs on plates that broke from northern Australia-New Guinea. Other acrodont taxa are inferred to be associated with the plates of Afro-Arabia and Madagascar (Chameleonidae), India (Uromastyx), or southeast Asia (Hydrosaurus and Leiolepis). Introduction of different biotic elements to Asia by way of separate Gondwanan plates may be a major theme of Asian biogeography. Three historical events may be responsible for the sharp faunal barrier between Southeast Asia and Australia-New Guinea, known as Wallace's line: (1) primary vicariance caused by plate separations; (2) secondary contact of Southeast Asian plates with Eurasia, leading to dispersal from Eurasia into Southeast Asia, and (3) dispersal of the Indian fauna (after collision of that subcontinent) to Southeast Asia. Acrodont lizards show the first and third of these biogeographic patterns and anguid lizards exhibit the second pattern. Modern faunal diversity may be influenced primarily by historical events such as tectonic collisions and land bridge connections, which are expected to promote episodic turnover of continental faunas by introducing new faunal elements into an area. Repeated tectonic collisions may be one of the most important phenomena promoting continental biodiversity. Phylogenetics is a powerful method for investigating these processes.  相似文献   
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