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1. The effects of a moderate addition of nutrients (twofold N and threefold P) were examined during a 2‐year period to determine the response to nutrient addition in a meiofaunal community inhabiting sandy patches in a Mediterranean stream. 2. The pattern of meiofaunal assemblages exhibits a high degree of intra‐ and interannual variability. This pattern alternates between periods of hydrological stability and disturbances, such as floods and droughts, which is a characteristic of Mediterranean systems. 3. A before–after–control–impact (BACI) design was used to determine the outcome of the addition by comparing an upstream non‐enriched reach with an enriched downstream reach. Analysis of the study data by means of a nonparametric permutational procedure (permanova ) showed that fertilisation had a significant effect. Density and biomass values increased in the most abundant meiofaunal groups, including microcrustaceans, oligochaetes and chironomids. Microcrustaceans were the dominant group in the permanent meiofauna. 4. We also examined differences in microcrustacean secondary production in both reaches. Ostracods and cyclopoid copepods increased their secondary production in the impacted reach as a result of the nutrient addition. 5. Our study demonstrated that moderate nutrient enrichment can affect the biomass and production of stream meiofauna, but it is still unclear whether this effect was because of autotrophic or heterotrophic pathways.  相似文献   
Aorta smooth myosin contains two types of light chain, LC20 and LC17, which fold together with the N-terminal region of each heavy chain to form the globular head region of myosin. We demonstrate an altered conformation of LC20 after its separation from heavy chain by high concentrations of urea, on the basis of the following evidende: 1) A polyclonal antibody against LC20 was not able to recognize this conformationally altered form; 2) Myosin reconstituted from heavy chains and urea-dissociated light chains exhibited extremely low ATPase activity. Circular dichroism unfolding profiles showed that light chains dissociated from heavy chains by SDS appeared to be more stable than those generated by urea dissociation.  相似文献   
Lespérance, Pierre J., Barnes, Christopher R., Berry, William B. N., Boucot, Arthur J. & Mu En-zhi 1987 07 15: The Ordovician-Silurian boundary stratotype: consequences of its approval by the IUGS.
The Ordovician-Silurian stratotype at Dob's Linn, Scotland is the second systemic boundary approved by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). A review of the internationally accepted criteria required of a stratotype shows that few of these are possessed by the Dob's Linn section. The strongest attribute of the section is the presence of zonal graptolites, although the boundary is recognized primarily on a single biological event (base of acuminatus Zone) for which the evolutionary relationships of the taxa are not established. In approving this boundary proposal in 1985, which received only simple majority support within the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary Working Group (OSBWG) and which fails to meet most of the accepted prerequisites for a stratotype, the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and the IUGS have established an unfortunate precedent. It follows that future systemic boundaries need not meet the accepted standards. It raises serious questions on the assessment and voting procedures of the International Commission on Stratigraphy and on the credence accorded the recommendations developed by the International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification of IUGS.  相似文献   
Conclusion Based on the pharmacological and biochemical evidence to date, especially that derived from the recombinantly expressed receptor studies, the suggestion that a novel GBRC-linked steroid recognition site exists becomes a cogent argument. The high affinity of the steroid site for certain naturally occurring metabolites of progesterone and glucocorticoids favors a physiologic role for these steroids in the regulation of brain excitability. Clearly, investigations of such a regulatory role is warranted. If present, it provides an important example of endocrine control of a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. Moreover, as we gain a greater understanding of the molecular organization of the GBRC, the putative steroid site provides a novel target for the rational design of therapeutic agents for the treatment of anxiety, epilepsy, and insomnia.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts.  相似文献   
An ornithine-amide lipid is present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Its structure was established by a combination of chemical analysis and mass spectrometry. 3-Hydroxyoctadecanoic and 3-hydroxyeicosanoic acids (and homologues) were found to be linked through an amide bond to the alpha-amino group of L-ornithine, the hydroxyl group of the fatty acid being esterified mainly by tuberculostearic acid (10-methyloctadecanoic acid). This ornithine-amide lipid was detected in several other slow-growing pathogenic mycobacteria by thin layer chromatography, but not in an avirulent strain (H37 Ra) of M. tuberculosis. In each case mass spectrometry showed that all the structures were identical, thus revising an earlier reported structure for the lipid from M. bovis.  相似文献   
本文新建立盲走螨属agilis群并限定了该群的主要特征,归纳了世界上已描述的8种,其中分布于我国的3种,此外描述了3个新种。  相似文献   
在实验条件下,供试的林木、农作物及牧草种子均能在铅锌矿尾矿中萌发,其中萌发率与非污染土壤中的相近,多数种子的萌发速率低于对照组。供试植物幼苗出土30天内没有死苗现象,但与对照相比,株高下降28.4%,复叶数减少34.1%,生物量下降52.6%.  相似文献   
本文用ABC—GDN免疫组织化学方法,研究了γ-氨基丁酸(Gamma—Aminobutyric Acid,GABA)在大鼠胰腺的定位和分布,并用相邻切片法,观察它与胰岛素的共存关系。结果发现GABA免疫反应阳性细胞主要分布于胰腺内分泌部(胰岛)。在外分泌部亦有少许分布。大部分胰岛细胞呈GABA免疫反应阳性,集中位于胰岛的中央部。相邻连续切片免疫染色证实GABA与胰岛素共存于胰岛B细胞中。外分泌部胰腺GABA免疫反应阳性细胞,呈零散分布于腺泡和导管上皮间。本文为进一步探讨GABA在胰腺的生理作用提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   
Microtubule dynamics and organization are important for plant cell morphogenesis and development. The microtubule-based motor protein kinesins are mainly responsible for the transport of some organelles and vesicles, although several have also been shown to regulate microtubule organization. The ARMADILLO REPEAT KINESIN (ARK) family is a plant-specific motor protein subfamily that consists of three members (ARK1, ARK2, and ARK3) in Arabidopsis thaliana. ARK2 has been shown to participate in root epidermal cell morphogenesis. However, whether and how ARK2 associates with microtubules needs further elucidation. Here, we demonstrated that ARK2 co-localizes with microtubules and facilitates microtubule bundling in vitro and in vivo. Pharmacological assays and microtubule dynamics analyses indicated that ARK2 stabilizes cortical microtubules. Live-cell imaging revealed that ARK2 moves along cortical microtubules in a processive mode and localizes both at the plus-end and the sidewall of microtubules. ARK2 therefore tracks and stabilizes the growing plus-ends of microtubules, which facilitates the formation of parallel microtubule bundles.  相似文献   
人β-珠蛋白基因主要在成年期的骨髓中表达,在胎儿肝,成年肝和K 562细胞中则处于关闭状态。凝胶电泳阻抑法分析发现,在人胎儿肝,成年肝及K 562细胞的核蛋白抽提物中存在着不同的与β-珠蛋白基因5'旁侧调控元件(-372到-194 bp)相结合的红系组织特异性的调控因子。竟争试验的结果表明,成年肝和K 562细胞中的调控因子与β-珠蛋白基因5'旁侧调控元件相互作用的方式具有一定的相似性,这两种细胞的调控因子既结合于负调控区(NCR 2)也结合于正调控区,说明两种细胞中β-珠蛋白基因的关闭机制可能是相似的。胎儿肝的核蛋白因子只结合于负调控区,推测在胎儿期存在独特的关闭机制。  相似文献   
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