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Oceanic islands are productive habitats for generating new species and high endemism, which is primarily due to their geographical isolation, smaller population sizes and local adaptation. However, the short divergence times and subtle morphological or ecological divergence of insular organisms may obscure species identity, so the cryptic endemism on islands may be underestimated. The endangered weevil Pachyrhynchus sonani Kôno (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Pachyrhynchini) is endemic to Green Island and Orchid Island of the Taiwan‐Luzon Archipelago and displays widespread variation in coloration and host range, thus raising questions regarding its species boundaries and degree of cryptic diversity. We tested the species boundaries of P. sonani using an integrated approach that combined morphological (body size and shape, genital shape, coloration and cuticular scale), genetic (four genes and restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing, RAD‐seq) and ecological (host range and distribution) diversity. The results indicated that all the morphological datasets for male P. sonani, except for the colour spectrum, reveal overlapping but statistically significant differences between islands. In contrast, the morphology of the female P. sonani showed minimum divergence between island populations. The populations of P. sonani on the two islands were significantly different in their host ranges, and the genetic clustering and phylogenies of P. sonani established two valid evolutionary species. Integrated species delimitation combining morphological, molecular and ecological characters supported two distinct species of P. sonani from Green Island and Orchid Island. The Green Island population was described as P. jitanasaius sp.n. Chen & Lin, and it is recommended that its threatened conservation status be recognized. Our findings suggest that the inter‐island speciation of endemic organisms inhabiting both islands may be more common than previously thought, and they highlight the possibility that the cryptic diversity of small oceanic islands may still be largely underestimated.  相似文献   
利用甘油梯度离心方法分离和纯化螯虾腹屈肌粗肌丝,电子显微镜照片显示粗肌丝上有数条纵行条纹,指示其可能由数根亚丝所组成。粗肌丝的 SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳表明其含有肌球蛋白和副肌球蛋白,肌球蛋白仅包含有二种轻链。副肌球蛋白类晶体呈针状,具有14.5nm 和72.5nm 的横纹周期。实验结果表明,螯虾腹屈肌粗肌丝是肌球蛋白-副肌球蛋白丝。  相似文献   
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol, previously designed for amplification of a DNA fragment from aster yellows mycoplasmalike organism (MLO), was employed to investigate the detection of MLO DNA in field-collected and in vitro micropropagated plants. PCR with template DNA extracted from symptomatic, naturally-infected samples of Brassica, Chrysanthemum and Hydrangea, each yielded a DNA band corresponding to 1.0 Kbp. However, no DNA product was observed when either infected Ranunculus (with phyllody disease) or Gladiolus with (symptoms of ‘germs fins’) was used as source of template nucleic acid for PCR; further experiments indicated absence of target DNA in the case of Ranunculus and the presence of substances in Gladiolus which inhibited the PCR. The MLO-specific DNA was detected by PCR using less than 95 pg of total nucleic acid (equivalent to total nucleic acid from 1.9, ug tissue) in the case of field-collected Hydrangea and less than 11.4 pg of nucleic acid (equivalent to total nucleic acid from 19 ng of tissue) in the case of field-collected Brassica. The findings illustrate highly sensitive detection of MLOs in both field-grown and in vitro micropropagated infected plants.  相似文献   
高明  何莲芳 《生理学报》1996,48(2):125-131
用放射自显影方法观察到;(1)大鼠脚掌注射福尔马林后,某些与镇痛有关的脑区如尾核头部、伏隔核、杏仁核、中央灰质、脚间核、中缝大核、脊髓背角等结构中μ阿片受体密度明显增加(P<0.05,P<0.01);(2)给予电针抑制痛反应的大鼠,在其大部分上述结构及扣带回、隔区、视前内侧区、内膝体、上丘、中缝背核及中央上核受体密度明显增加;与福尔马林注射组相比,脚间核、中央灰质尾端腹外侧区、腰膨大背角的受体密度进一步增加。从而在受体水平支持伤害性刺激可以激活体内内阿片肽能活动,而电针可以加强这一活动的设想。  相似文献   
木聚糖酶的应用现状与研发热点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木聚糖酶是近年来应用日益广泛的工业用酶.本文综述了木聚糖酶在饲料、食品、造纸及能源等领域的应用现状与研发热点,展望了木聚糖酶的应用前景.  相似文献   
如何通过优化造林模式来提高人工林生态系统碳贮量已受到广泛关注。以南亚热带8年生格木(Erythrophleum fordii)纯林(PE)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)纯林(PC)、米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)纯林(PM)及格木×红锥×米老排混交林(MECM)生态系统为研究对象,对其碳贮量及其分配特征进行了比较研究。结果表明:格木、红锥和米老排不同器官平均碳含量分别为512.4—561.7 g/kg,474.2—553.4 g/kg和512.8—556.3 g/kg。相同树种不同器官之间碳含量差异显著(P0.05)。各器官碳含量的平均值大小顺序为格木(539.3 g/kg)米老排(532.7 g/kg)红锥(515.3 g/kg)。不同林分间,灌木层、草本层和凋落物层碳含量均以米老排纯林最高,混交林(MECM)居次,红锥纯林和格木纯林最低;不同林分之间的土壤碳含量差异显著(P0.05),0—10cm,10—30cm,30—50cm和50—100cm土壤碳含量均以米老排纯林最高,红锥纯林居次,格木纯林和混交林(MECM)土壤碳含量最低。生态系统碳贮量大小顺序为米老排(308.0 t/hm2)混交林(182.8 t/hm2)红锥纯林(180.2 t/hm2)格木纯林(135.2 t/hm2),相同组分不同林分间以及相同林分的不同组分间均存在显著差异(P0.05),但混交林与红锥纯林间碳贮量总量无显著差异(P0.05)。造林模式对人工林碳贮量及其分配有显著影响,营建混交林有利于红锥和格木地上碳的累积,不利于土壤碳的固定,而营建纯林既有利于米老排生物量碳的吸收,也有利于土壤碳的固定。因而,对碳汇林造林模式的选择,应根据树种固碳特性而定。  相似文献   
山茶属山茶组植物的分类,分化和分布   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
山茶组Sect.Camelia植物迄今已合格发表的名称有72种,1亚种和7变种,其中Sect.Paracamelia中的威宁短柱茶C.weiningensis和Sect.Coralina中的连山离蕊茶C.lienshanensis应归属本组。经研究订正,确认该组共12种和6变种,其余名称均作为相应种、变种和变型的同物异名,文中讨论了物种的形态变异与分化,分布与替代,自然杂交等问题。  相似文献   
The nuclei and chromosomes were isolated from plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum.The nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold were obtained after the DNA and most of the proteins were extracted with DNase I and 2 M NaCl.SD-PAGE analyses revealed that the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold contained a 37 kD polypeptide which is equivalent to tropomyosin in molecular weight.Immunofluorescence observations upon slide preparations labeled with anti-tropomyosin antibody showed that the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold emanated bright fluorescence,suggesting the presence of the antigen in them.Immunodotting results confirmed the presence of tropomyosin in the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold.Immunoelectron microscopic observations further demonstrated that tropomyosin was dispersively distributed in the interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   
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