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The possibility to utilize fiber sludge, waste fibers from pulp mills and lignocellulose-based biorefineries, for combined production of liquid biofuel and biocatalysts was investigated. Without pretreatment, fiber sludge was hydrolyzed enzymatically to monosaccharides, mainly glucose and xylose. In the first of two sequential fermentation steps, the fiber sludge hydrolysate was fermented to cellulosic ethanol with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although the final ethanol yields were similar, the ethanol productivity after 9.5?h was 3.3?g/l/h for the fiber sludge hydrolysate compared with only 2.2?g/l/h for a reference fermentation with similar sugar content. In the second fermentation step, the spent fiber sludge hydrolysate (the stillage obtained after distillation) was used as growth medium for recombinant Aspergillus niger expressing the xylanase-encoding Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) xyn2 gene. The xylanase activity obtained with the spent fiber sludge hydrolysate (8,500?nkat/ml) was higher than that obtained in a standard medium with similar monosaccharide content (1,400?nkat/ml). Analyses based on deglycosylation with N-glycosidase?F suggest that the main part of the recombinant xylanase was unglycosylated and had molecular mass of 20.7?kDa, while a minor part had N-linked glycosylation and molecular mass of 23.6?kDa. Chemical analyses of the growth medium showed that important carbon sources in the spent fiber sludge hydrolysate included xylose, small aliphatic acids, and oligosaccharides. The results show the potential of converting waste fiber sludge to liquid biofuel and enzymes as coproducts in lignocellulose-based biorefineries.  相似文献   
Juniperus communis has been used e.g. as poles (posts), haysticks and wall-coating. In some districts it has even been an important export article. The fields of columnar juniper are the result of a long history of cultivation and grazing. In this article the main types of juniper fields in Sogn, Western Norway are presented, and their relationships to soil conditions and traditional use are discussed. According to structure, utilization and development four main types of juniper fields are recognized: I. Traditional juniper fields, II. Semi-cultural juniper fields, III. Secondary juniper fields and IV. Semi-natural juniper fields. Due to changes in agricultural methods, juniper fields are becoming rare.  相似文献   
Yeast submitochondrial particles, in a Pi- and NADH-dependent reaction, produced low concentrations of free ATP in the absence of added ADP. This formation of free ATP, as measured by the luciferin-luciferase method, was strongly stimulated by oligomycin. For maximal stimulation, oligomycin was to be added not earlier than 5–10 min after the addition of NADH. Upon addition of antimycin or FCCP the system was completely inhibited. The amount of free ATP formed corresponded to one-third of the amount of bound ATP in submitochondrial particles. The stimulatory effect of oligomycin disappeared if the submitochondrial particles were spun down after oligomycin stimulation and then resuspended in the reaction medium, whereas submitochondrial particles with no oligomycin added initially were stimulated by oligomycin after the same procedure. A different picture emerged with addition of ADP. If the submitochondrial particles were preenergized with NADH in the presence of oligomycin before the addition of ADP the formation of free ATP upon subsequent addition of ADP was inhibited by oligomycin. In the presence of oligomycin, but lacking preenergization with NADH, a stimulation of free ATP formation was achieved with added ADP. A possible explanation for the stimulating effect of oligomycin on ATP formation in the absence of added ADP is that it enhances the release of bound ATP in an energy-requiring process. The release of only about one-third of the bound ATP could indicate that one of three nucleotide-binding subunits involved in the mechanism of ATP formation by ATP synthase is in a state suitable for such an energy-dependent release of ATP.  相似文献   
A gene (Bmn) with a major effect on -mannosidase activity in kidney and liver of the house mouse was revealed by assay with the synthetic substratep-nitrophenyl--d-mannoside. Activity is low in DBA/2J and CSB mice and high in C57BL/6J mice. By the use of the BXD series of recombinant inbred strains and by crosses between C57BL and CSB, it was possible to map the gene to the distal part of chromosome 3 by demonstration of linkage to a gene for cadmium resistance,cdm, as well as to theAdh-3 locus.This work was supported by Swedish Natural Science Research Council Project B-BU 2992-108.  相似文献   
Oxidative decarboxylation of [1-14C]pyruvate was studied in primary cultures of neurons and of astrocytes. The rate of this process, which is a measure of carbon flow into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and which is inhibited by its end product, acetyl CoA, was determined under conditions which would either elevate or reduce the components of the malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS). Addition of aspartate (1 mM) was found to stimulate pyruvate decarboxylation in astrocytes whereas addition of glutamate (or glutamine) had no effect. Since aspartate is a precursor for extramitochondrial malate, and thus intramitochondrial oxaloacetate, whereas glutamate and glutamine are not, this suggests that an increase in oxaloacetate level stimulates TCA cycle activity. Conversely, a reduction of the glutamate content by 3 mM ammonia, which might reduce exchange between glutamate and aspartate across the mitochondrial membrane, suppressed pyruvate decarboxylation. This effect was abolished by addition of glutamate or glutamine or exposure to methionine sulfoximine (MSO). These findings suggest that impairment of MAS activity by removal of MAS constituents decreases TCA cycle activity whereas replenishment of these compounds restores the activity of the TCA cycle. No corresponding effects were observed in neurons.  相似文献   
Several aspects of energy metabolism (glucose utilization, lactate production,14CO2 production from labeled glucose, glutamate or pyruvate, oxygen consumption and contents of ATP and phosphocreatine) were measured in cerebellar granule cells (glutamatergic) in primary cultures and compared with corresponding data for cerebral cortical neurons (mainly GABA-ergic) and astrocytes. Cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes were metabolically more active than cerebral cortical neurons. Glutamate which is utilized as a major metabolic fuel as astrocytes and, to a lesser extent, in cerebral cortical neurons, was virtually not oxidized in cerebellar granule cells.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Holger Hydén.  相似文献   
Class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been investigated by Southern blot analysis using human DNA probes. Previous studies revealed the presence of bovine DO , DQ , DQ , DR and DR genes, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms for each of these genes were documented. In the present study, the presence of three additional class II genes, designated DZ , DY , and DY , are reported. DZ was assumed to correspond to the human DZ gene while the other two were designated DY because their relationship to human class II genes could not be firmly established. The linkage relationships among bovine class II genes and two additional loci, TCP1B and C4, were investigated by family segregation analysis and analysis of linkage disequilibrium. The results clearly indicated that all these loci belong to the same linkage group. This linkage group is divided into two subregions separated by a fairly high recombination frequency. One region includes the C4, DQ , DQ , DR and DR loci and the other one is composed of the DO DY , DY , and TCPIB loci. No recombinant was observed within any of these subregions and there was a strong or fairly strong linkage disequilibrium between loci within groups. In contrast, as many as five recombinants among three different families were detected in the interval between these subregions giving a recombination frequency estimate of 0.17 ± 0.07. The fairly high recombination frequency observed between class 11 genes in cattle is strikingly different from the corresponding recombination estimates in man and mouse. The finding implies either a much larger molecular distance between some of the bovine class II genes or alternatively the presence of a recombinational hot spot in the bovine class II region.  相似文献   
Ethylene regulation of cell division in the vascular cambium and cell wall formation was studied in hypocotyls of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings. Cuttings from 6-week-old seedlings were placed in water culture to which compounds affecting the synthesis and action of ethylene were added. After a 3-week treatment period, growth, ethylene production, morphology and cell wall composition of the hypocotyls were determined. Addition of high concentrations of the potent ethylene releasing agent 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel), which increased ethylene emission by more than twice compared to control plants, inhibited the expansion of xylem cells while stimulating the incorporation of cell wall material, especially cellulose. Addition of small amounts of ethrel, which slightly stimulated ethylene emission, led to increases in the size of xylem cells, the amount of phloem tissue and the number of intercellular spaces in the cortex, and thus to increased hypocotyl diameter. However, no significant change in cell wall composition was detected. When ethylene production was decreased by adding Co2+ to the nutrient solution, differentiation of new xylem was disturbed, but the rate of cell division was not affected. Although the incorporation of cell wall material was inhibited, the proportions of lignin and cellulose in the wall appeared to remain unchanged. Silver ions stimulated the expansion of both xylem and cortex cells, but had no significant effect on cell wall formation. We conclude that ethylene has a role in regulating the incorporation of wall carbohydrates.  相似文献   
The evolution ofMHC polymorphism has been studied by comparing the amino acid and nucleotide sequences of 14 bovine and 32 humanDRB alleles. The comparison revealed an extensive sharing of polymorphic sequence motifs in the two species. Almost identical sets of residues were found at several highly polymorphic amino acid positions in the putative antigen recognition site. Consequently, certain bovine alleles were found to be more similar to certain human alleles than to other bovine alleles. In contrast, the frequencies of silent nucleotide substitutions were found to be much higher in comparisons between species than within species implying that none of the human or bovine DRB alleles originated before the divergence of these distantly related species. The results suggest that the observed similarity inDRB polymorphism is due to convergent evolution and possibly the sharing of short ancestral sequence motifs. However, the relative role of the latter mechanism is difficult to assess due to the biased base composition in the first domain exon of polymorphic class 11 genes. The frequency of silent substitutions betweenDRB alleles was markedly lower in cattle than in man suggesting that theDRB diversity has evolved more rapidly in the former species.  相似文献   
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