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Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CO dehydrogenase) from Rhodospirillum rubrum was shown to be an oxygen-sensitive, nickel, iron-sulfur, and zinc-containing protein that was induced by carbon monoxide (CO). The enzyme was purified 212-fold by heat treatment, ion-exchange, and hydroxylapatite chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis. The purified protein, active as a monomer of Mr = 61,800, existed in two forms that were comprised of identical polypeptides and differed in metal content. Form 1 comprised 90% of the final activity, had a specific activity of 1,079 mumol CO oxidized per min-1 mg-1, and contained 7 iron, 6 sulfur, 0.6 nickel, and 0.4 zinc/monomer. Form 2 had a lower specific activity (694 mumol CO min-1 mg-1) and contained 9 iron, 8 sulfur, 1.4 nickel, and 0.8 zinc/monomer. Reduction of either form by CO or dithionite resulted in identical, rhombic ESR spectra with g-values of 2.042, 1.939, and 1.888. Form 2 exhibited a 2-fold higher integrated spin concentration, supporting the conclusion that it contained an additional reducible metal center(s). Cells grown in the presence of 63NiCl2 incorporated 63Ni into CO dehydrogenase. Although nickel was clearly present in the protein, it was not ESR-active under any conditions tested. R. rubrum CO dehydrogenase was antigenically distinct from the CO dehydrogenases from Methanosarcina barkeri and Clostridium thermoaceticum.  相似文献   
Nif- mutants of Azotobacter vinelandii defective in dinitrogenase activity synthesized iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) and accumulated it in two protein-bound forms: inactive dinitrogenase and a possible intermediate involved in the FeMo-co biosynthetic pathway. FeMo-co from both these proteins could activate apo-dinitrogenase from FeMo-co-deficient mutants.  相似文献   
(R)-2-Hydroxy-1,2,4-butanetricarboxylic acid [(R)-homocitrate] has been has been recently reported to be an integral constituent of the otherwise thought to be inorganic iron-molybdenum cofactor of dinitrogenase [Hoover, T.R., Imperial, J., Ludden, P.W., & Shah, V.K. (1989) Biochemistry 28,2768-2771]. Different organic acids can substitute for homocitrate in an in vitro system for iron-molybdenum cofactor synthesis and incorporation into dinitrogenase [Hoover, T.R., Imperial, J., Ludden, P.W., & Shah, V. K. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 3647-3652]. Dinitrogenase activated with homocitrate-FeMo-co was able to reduce dinitrogen, acetylene, and protons efficiently. Homoisocitrate and isocitrate dinitrogenases did not reduce dinitrogen or acetylene, but showed very high proton reduction activities. Citrate and citramalate dinitrogenases had very low dinitrogen reduction activities and intermediate acetylene and proton reduction activities. CO inhibited proton reduction in both these cases but not in the case of dinitrogenases activated with other homocitrate analogues. By use of these and other commercially available homocitrate analogues in the in vitro system, the structural features of the homocitrate molecule absolutely required for the synthesis of a catalytically competent iron-molybdenum cofactor were determined to be the hydroxyl group, the 1- and 2-carboxyl groups, and the R configuration of the chiral center. The stringency of the structural requirements was dependent on the nitrogenase substrate used for the assay, with dinitrogen having the most stringent requirements followed by acetylene and protons.  相似文献   
Adenine was fed to cells of Rhodospirillum rubrum grown on glutamate. The adenine was found to be incorporated into the modifying group of the inactive form of iron protein. Adenine labelled in the 8-position ([8-3H]adenine) and the 2-position ([2-3H]adenine) was specifically incorporated into the electrophoretic 'upper-band' subunit of iron protein. Incorporation of label from the 2-position into many proteins was observed if histidine was not present in the medium. Label was removed by the activating enzyme for iron protein.  相似文献   
The apoplastic fluids of field-grown Zea mays and Zea luxurians plants were isolated from surface sterilized stem tissue by centrifugation and spread on agar plates containing a nitrogen-free, defined medium. The predominant bacterium isolated from these plates was characterized further. The ability of this bacterium to fix nitrogen was confirmed by its ability to grow on a semi-solid, nitrogen-free medium and reduce 15N2 to 15NH3 and acetylene to ethylene. Protions of the nifH and 16S rRNA genes from this organism were amplified by PCR and sequenced. The nifH gene, which codes for dinitrogenase reductase, from this organism is closely related to nifH from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Similarly, the 16S rRNA gene sequences and carbon utilization tests grouped it closely with K. pneumoniae. Based an these data, the isolates from Z. mays and Z. luxurians are tentatively classified as Klebsiella spp. (Zea). The ability of this bacterium to contribute to the nitrogen economy of the corn plant is unknown.  相似文献   
Several cases of ADP-ribosylation of endogenous proteins in procaryotes have been discovered and investigated. The most thoroughly studied example is the reversible ADP-ribosylation of the dinitrogenase reductase from the photosynthetic bacteriumRhodospirillum rubrum and related bacteria. A dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DRAT) and a dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribose glycohydrolase (DRAG) fromR. rubrum have been isolated and characterized. The genes for these proteins have been isolated and sequences and show little similarity to the ADP-ribosylating toxins. Other targets for endogenous ADP-ribosylation by procaryotes include glutamine synthetase inR. rubrum andRhizobium meliloti and undefined proteins inStreptomyces griseus andPseudomonas maltophila.  相似文献   
In the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus, nitrogenase activity is regulated by ADP-ribosylation of component II in response to the addition of ammonium to cultures or to the removal of light. The ammonium stimulus results in a fast and almost complete inhibition of the in vivo acetylene reduction activity, termed switch-off, which is reversed after the ammonium is exhausted. In the present study of the response of cells to ammonium, ADP-ribosylation of component II occurred but could not account for the extent and timing of the inhibition of activity. The presence of an additional response was confirmed with strains expressing mutant component II proteins; although these proteins are not a substrate for ADP-ribosylation, the strains continued to exhibit a switch-off response to ammonium. This second regulatory response of nitrogenase to ammonium was found to be synchronous with ADP-ribosylation and was responsible for the bulk of the observed effects on nitrogenase activity. In comparison, ADP-ribosylation in R. capsulatus was found to be relatively slow and incomplete but responded independently to both known stimuli, darkness and ammonium. Based on the in vitro nitrogenase activity of both the wild type and strains whose component II proteins cannot be ADP-ribosylated, it seems likely that the second response blocks either the ATP or the electron supply to nitrogenase.  相似文献   
In the microaerophilic diazotroph Azospirillum brasilense, the addition of fixed nitrogen or a shift to anaerobic conditions leads to a rapid loss of nitrogenase activity due to ADP-ribosylation of dinitrogenase reductase. The product of draT (DRAT) is shown to be necessary for this modification, and the product of draG (DRAG) is shown to be necessary for the removal of the modification upon removal of the stimulus. DRAG and DRAT are themselves subject to posttranslational regulation, and this report identifies features of that regulation. We demonstrate that the activation of DRAT in response to an anaerobic shift is transient but that the duration of DRAT activation in response to added NH4+ varies with the NH4+ concentration. In contrast, DRAG appears to be continuously active under conditions favoring nitrogen fixation. Thus, the activities of DRAG and DRAT are not always coordinately regulated. Finally, our experiments suggest the existence of a temporary period of futile cycling during which DRAT and DRAG are simultaneously adding and removing ADP-ribose from dinitrogenase reductase, immediately following the addition of a negative stimulus.  相似文献   
Rhodospirillum rubrum strains that overexpress the enzymes involved in posttranslational nitrogenase regulation, dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DRAT) and dinitrogenase reductase activating glycohydrolase (DRAG), were constructed, and the effect of this overexpression on in vivo DRAT and DRAG regulation was investigated. Broad-host-range plasmid constructs containing a fusion of the R. rubrum nifH promoter and translation initiation sequences to the second codon of draT, the first gene of the dra operon, were constructed. Overexpression plasmid constructs which overexpressed (i) only functional DRAT, (ii) only functional DRAG and presumably the putative downstream open reading frame (ORF)-encoded protein, or (iii) all three proteins were generated and introduced into wild-type R. rubrum. Overexpression of DRAT still allowed proper regulation of nitrogenase activity, with ADP-ribosylation of dinitrogenase reductase by DRAT occurring only upon dark or ammonium stimuli, suggesting that DRAT is still regulated upon overexpression. However, overexpression of DRAG and the downstream ORF altered nitrogenase regulation such that dinitrogenase reductase did not accumulate in the ADP-ribosylated form under inactivation conditions, suggesting that DRAG was constitutively active and that therefore DRAG regulation is altered upon overexpression. Proper DRAG regulation was observed in a strain overexpressing DRAT, DRAG, and the downstream ORF, suggesting that a proper balance of DRAT and DRAG levels is required for proper DRAG regulation.  相似文献   
The products of cooCTJ are involved in normal in vivo Ni insertion into the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) of Rhodospirillum rubrum. Located on a 1.5-kb DNA segment immediately downstream of the CODH structural gene (cooS), two of the genes encode proteins that bear motifs reminiscent of other (urease and hydrogenase) Ni-insertion systems: a nucleoside triphosphate-binding motif near the N terminus of CooC and a run of 15 histidine residues regularly spaced over the last 30 amino acids of the C terminus of CooJ. A Gm(r)omega-linker cassette was developed to create both polar and nonpolar (60 bp) insertions in the cooCTJ region, and these, along with several deletions, were introduced into R. rubrum by homologous recombination. Analysis of the exogenous Ni levels required to sustain CO-dependent growth of the R. rubrum mutants demonstrated different phenotypes: whereas the wild-type strain and a mutant bearing a partial cooJ deletion (of the region encoding the histidine-rich segment) grew at 0.5 microM Ni supplementation, strains bearing Gm(r)omega-linker cassettes in cooT and cooJ required approximately 50-fold-higher Ni levels and all cooC insertion strains, bearing polar or nonpolar insertions, grew optimally at 550 microM Ni.  相似文献   
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