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Both neonatal humans and mice are exquisitely susceptible to severe HSV infection. We have now documented a profound defect in the ability of neonatal C57BL/6 mice to produce anti-HSV ADCC antibody. This ability is acquired over the first 2 to 4 wk of life. Reconstitution of neonatal mice by i.p. injection of peritoneal cells from adult nonimmune syngeneic mice both affords dose-dependent protection against lethal HSV infection and reconstitutes the antibody-production defect. By cell-separation techniques (adherence, nylon wool column purification, B cell panning) and cell ablation techniques (silica treatment, irradiation, anti-T cell, anti-Ia, anti-Lyt-1.2 and anti-Lyt-2.2 monoclonal antibodies plus complement treatment) the subpopulations involved in the antibody production reconstitution of neonatal mice by adult cells were identified. These include both an Ia+, radioresistant, adherent, silica-sensitive macrophage population and a nylon wool column-purified, radiosensitive, anti-T, anti-Lyt-1.2-sensitive helper T cell population. The latter cell may be substituted for by concanavalin A-stimulated lymphokine-containing spleen cell supernatants or human recombinant IL 2. In addition to reconstitution of ADCC antibody production, the same cell populations, or cells plus lymphokine-containing supernatants or IL 2, protected the newborn mice from lethal HSV infection. Further characterization of this system and of soluble replacement factors has implications for therapy or immunoprophylaxis of human neonates with, or at risk of, HSV infection.  相似文献   
许纲  钦俊德 《昆虫学报》1987,(4):359-366
实夜蛾属(Heliothis)的棉铃虫(H. armigcra)和烟青虫(H. assulta)是近缘种,幼虫期取食多种相同的植物,其中含有不同的次生物质.本项工作是在人工饲料中分别加入0.5%的烟碱、番茄苷、棉子酚、丹宁酸等饲养早期六龄的幼虫,测定它们对生长和食物利用的影响.结果表明这些次生物质对两种幼虫有不同的作用:烟碱对棉铃虫没有明显影响,但对烟青虫的取食却有一定的刺激作用.丹宁酸、棉子酚、番茄苷可抑制两种幼虫的生长,而以番茄苷抑制烟青虫的生长最为显著.番茄苷主要通过抑制取食来影响幼虫的生长,而丹宁酸和棉子酚则具有降低消化率的作用.通过次生物质对这两种幼虫效应的比较可知,棉铃虫有较大的忍耐力.  相似文献   
下丘脑外侧区注射TRH对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文采用连续收集胃腔灌流法,观察下丘脑外侧区(LHA)注射促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响,并分析TRH在LHA促进胃酸分泌的作用机制。结果表明:(1)LHA注射TRH(1μg)明显地刺激胃酸分泌;(2)预先向LHA注射酚妥拉明(10μg)、美多心安(5μg)及胃泌素抗体1μl(1:640)并不影响TRH的泌酸作用,如预先向LHA注射阿托品(5μg)则可消除TRH的泌酸效应;(3)垂体摘除及肾上腺切除均不影响TRH的泌酸作用;(4)隔下迷走神经切断后,LHA注入TRH的泌酸效应仍然出现,但持续时间显著缩短;腹腔交感神经节摘除后,TRH仍能促进胃酸分泌,但分泌量少而平稳。以上结果提示:LHA是TRH中枢泌酸效应的有关结构之一,其中枢机制是通过胆碱能M受体中介的,腹腔交感神经节和膈下迷走神经是TRH泌酸效应的传出途径。前者引起的泌酸反应出现较早且引起泌酸高峰,但持续时间短;后者则引起低平的持续分泌。  相似文献   
江苏泗洪下草湾中中新世脊椎动物群——6.鸟纲   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文记述了近年来在江苏泗洪下草湾组中补采到的6种鸟类,其中包括天岗琵鹭 Platalea tiangangensis sp. nov.和松林庄古石鸡 Palaeoalectoris songlinensis gen. et sp. nov.,前者系琵鹭属迄今最早的记录,后者为雉科鹑族目前已知最早的成员.  相似文献   
Hypothalamic contents of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in neonatally orchidectomized infant, juvenile, and adult monkeys were measured by a radioimmunoassay (RIA) and by an in vivo bioassay that utilized luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in estrogen- and progesterone-treated ovariectomized rats. The results of the bioassay provided no evidence to suggest that hypothalamic GnRH content in juvenile monkeys (mean = 83 ng/hypothalamus; n = 3) was less than that in infants (mean = 54 ng/hypothalamus; n = 4) and adults (mean = 36 ng/hypothalamus; n = 3). A similar developmental pattern in hypothalamic GnRH content was also observed when the decapeptide was measured by RIA. In striking contrast to the maintenance of hypothalamic GnRH content throughout postnatal development, pituitary gonadotropin contents and serum gonadotropin concentrations were markedly reduced in juvenile monkeys.  相似文献   
We have derivatized liposomes with antibodies by using avidin to crosslink biotinylated phospholipid molecules in the liposome membranes with biotinylated antibody molecules. A comparison of the biotin binding activity of avidin in solution and avidin associated with liposomes shows that avidin bound to biotinylated phospholipid in liposome membranes retains full binding activity for additional biotin molecules. Changes in the fluorescence spectrum of avidin have been used to characterize the binding capacity of avidin for biotin in solution, and change in intensity of light scattered due to aggregation of liposomes was used to measure the biotin binding activity of avidin associated with liposomes. Relative amounts of the biotinylated phospholipid, avidin, and biotinylated antibody have been optimized to produce stable liposomes which are derivatized with up to 1.7 nmol of antibody/mumol of lipid. These derivatized liposomes are highly reactive to immunospecific aggregation in the presence of multivalent antigen. A linear increase in light scattering was recorded between 1 and 10 pmol of antigen. This work shows that liposomes containing biotinylated phospholipid can be a successful generic reagent for immunoassays.  相似文献   
我们以前的工作指出,生长抑素可以预防链佐霉素对大鼠胰岛B细胞的损伤。本工作测定给药前后大鼠血清和组织中Zn、Cu含量,以进一步观察链佐霉素破坏大鼠胰岛B细胞后生长抑素预防效应的可能机制。结果为:链佐霉素(STZ)(35mg/kg,ip)注射后24h的大鼠,血清Zn浓度下降,Cu浓度升高,Zn/Cu比值倒置;用生长抑素作预防性注射后,血清Zn浓度与正常对照水平相同,Cu浓度虽稍有升高,但Zn/Cu比值正常。保护组的血清Zn与损伤组比较,差异极为显著。两组的Zn/Cu比值同样也具有显著差异。在给药后72h,血清Zn/Cu比值在各组之间仍呈上述关系,但差异减小。在大鼠胰腺,注射链佐霉素后胰腺组织Zn浓度未见改变,但生长抑素作预防性注射可使组织锌含量增加。上述结果提示,在生长抑素对胰岛B细胞的保护机制中可能有Zn和Cu的参与。预防性注射生长抑素所引起的高Zn状态可能有利于机体细胞含Zn酶类的活性,增强已损伤细胞的修复。  相似文献   
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