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The kinetics of ethenoadenosine triphosphate (?ATP) as the phosphate donor in the phosphoryl transfer reaction of hexokinase were examined to obtain the Km′s, V's, and Kα's for the nucleotide and sugar. Dissociation constants for eATP and ?ADP with hexokinase were obtained from fluorometric measurements and compared with similar constants obtained kinetically. Other selected nucleoside triphosphates were used as phosphate donors in the hexokinase reaction and their kinetic constants were obtained. Reactions were also performed using two nucleotides simultaneously as phosphorylating substrates for the hexokinase reaction in an attempt to find the individual dissociation constants, Km′s and Ki′s. These were compared with the Km′s obtained from using the nucleotides separately in the hexokinase reaction. From these kinetic and fluorescence binding studies, evidence is presented supporting the postulate that the Km′s are primarily dissociation constants in a random bi-bi mechanism. Analysis of the Km values provides additional evidence to support the importance of the amino group in position 6 on the purine ring as a hydrogen-bond acceptor during binding. It was found that ?CTP was a much better hexokinase substrate than CTP. These observations suggest that the V for this reaction is highly dependent upon the size of the nucleotide.  相似文献   
A field experiment encompassing both neighbour- and nutrient-manipulations was conducted in a nutrient-impoverished old-field habitat to investigate how the intensity of plant competition was affected by soil nutrient level. Three perennial grasses were used as target species: Agropyron repens, Poa pratensis and Phleum pratense. Neighbour manipulations involved the removal (through herbicide application) of all neighbouring vegetation within a 20 cm or 40 cm radius around target plants. Target performance was measured under five levels of added nutrients (N-P-K) in both the neighbour-removal plots and in non-removal (control) plots. Both neighbour and nutrient manipulations had a highly significant effect on both biomass and tiller production but the interaction between these treatments was generally insignificant. Below-ground/above-ground biomass quotient was affected only by neighbour manipulations and was greatest in the control plots (with no neighbours removed) for all three species. The suppressive effect of neighbours was not markedly affected by nutrient level. However, yield suppression showed a significant decreasing trend with increasing nutrient level for biomass production in Agropyron and an increasing trend for tiller production in Phleum. For Poa, there was no trend in the intensity of competition across nutrient level. The results suggest that the general intensity of competition within this community neither increases nor decreases with increasing nutrient level. Rather, coexisting species appear to respond individually in terms of the intensity of competition that they experience. These results conflict with predictions from the triangular C-S-R model of plant strategies. However, they are consistent with a recently modified ‘habitat templet’ model for vegetation.  相似文献   
The cumulative (season-long) incidence of heterospecific pollen transfer (HPT) was examined using nine sympatric species in a midsuccessional old field. Inflorescences were collected weekly during the flowering season, and the proportion of foreign pollen/stigma was recorded. Flowering phenologies of sympatric species and ovule and seed counts of study species were also recorded. Heterospecific pollen was detected on some stigmas of each species. Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) received the most foreign pollen; in some cases, all of the grains on a stigma were heterospecific. Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) received the least amount of foreign pollen; the incidence of heterospecific pollen was near zero in most cases. The mean and range of foreign pollen received varied by as much as an order of magnitude between species. The six species with zygomorphic flowers, all Fabaceae, received more heterospecific pollen than the three species with actinomorphic flowers, Potentilla recta and P. simplex (Rosaceae) and Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae). This probably reflects a bias because our data were analyzed on a cumulative basis and the Fabaceae had longer flowering phenologies. HPT was not correlated with the species' relative abundance within the community. Proportion of foreign pollen received varied temporally within species, and this variation generally was not related to phenology of any sympatric taxa or the species' own phenology. Pollen grain diameter was positively related to levels of foreign pollen received by species. This might be caused by poor adhesion of large pollen grains to small stigmatic papillae or if generalist pollinators carrying large amounts of heterospecific pollen visit the large-grained species and specialists with little foreign pollen visit the small-grained species. The large proportions of heterospecific pollen on stigmas of many species indicate that HPT occurs frequently in the community we studied and the implications may include reduced seed set because of occlusion by foreign grains. As yet, however, it is unclear how important a factor HPT is in mediating pollen limitation of reproductive success.  相似文献   
The esterified and unesterified sterol fractions of bee-gathered mixed pollens were examined, and total sterol composition was determined. Two new sterols of pollens, 14α-methyl-9β,19-cyclo-5α-cholest-24-en-3β-ol (24-dehydropollinastanol) and 14α-methyl-5α-ergost-24(28)-en-3β-ol (24-methylenepollinastanol) were isolated and identified. Both sterols were found primarily in the esterified sterol fraction, and 24-methylenepollinastanol accounted for 43% of the sterols of this fraction. 24-Dehydropollinastanol and four other sterols which also contain a 9β,19-cyclopropane ring were found only in the esterified sterol fraction. 24-Methylenecholesterol was the major sterol of the unesterified sterol fraction.  相似文献   
The yeast exosome is a complex of 3' --> 5' exoribonucleases. Sequence analysis identified putative human homologues for exosome components, although several were found only as expressed sequence tags. Here we report the cloning of full-length cDNAs, which encode putative human homologues of the Rrp40p, Rrp41p, and Rrp46p components of the exosome. Recombinant proteins were expressed and used to raise rabbit antisera. In Western blotting experiments, these decorated HeLa cell proteins of the predicted sizes. All three human proteins were enriched in the HeLa cells nucleus and nucleolus, but were also clearly detected in the cytoplasm. Size exclusion chromatography revealed that hRrp40p, hRrp41p, and hRrp46p were present in a large complex. This cofractionated with the human homologues of other exosome components, hRrp4p and PM/Scl-100. Anti-PM/Scl-positive patient sera coimmunoprecipitated hRrp40p, hRrp41p, and hRrp46p demonstrating their physical association. The immunoprecipitated complex exhibited 3' --> 5' exoribonuclease activity in vitro. hRrp41p was expressed in yeast and shown to suppress the lethality of genetic depletion of yeast Rrp41p. We conclude that hRrp40p, hRrp41p, and hRrp46p represent novel components of the human exosome complex.  相似文献   
Acetobacter pasteurianus, an obligately oxidative bacterium, is the first organism shown to utilize pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) as a central enzyme for oxidative metabolism. In plants, yeast, and other bacteria, PDC functions solely as part of the fermentative ethanol pathway. During the growth of A. pasteurianus on lactic acid, the central intermediate pyruvate is cleaved to acetaldehyde and CO(2) by PDC. Acetaldehyde is subsequently oxidized to its final product, acetic acid. The presence of the PDC enzyme in A. pasteurianus was confirmed by zymograms stained for acetaldehyde production, enzyme assays using alcohol dehydrogenase as the coupling enzyme, and by cloning and characterization of the pdc operon. A. pasteurianus pdc was also expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli. The level of PDC activity was regulated in response to growth substrate, highest with lactic acid and absent with mannitol. The translated PDC sequence (548 amino acids) was most similar to that of Zymomonas mobilis, an obligately fermentative bacterium. A second operon ( aldA) was also found which is transcribed divergently from pdc. This operon encodes a putative aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALD2; 357 amino acids) related to class III alcohol dehydrogenases and most similar to glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenases from alpha-Proteobacteria and Anabeana azollae.  相似文献   
The NMDA-sensitive glutamate receptor is a ligand-gated ion channel that mediates excitatory synaptic transmission in the nervous system. Extracellular zinc allosterically regulates the NMDA receptor by binding to the extracellular N-terminal domain, which inhibits channel gating. Phosphorylation of the intrinsically disordered intracellular C-terminal domain alleviates inhibition by extracellular zinc. The mechanism for this functional effect is largely unknown. Proline is a hallmark of intrinsic disorder, so we used proline mutagenesis to modulate disorder in the cytoplasmic domain. Proline depletion selectively uncoupled zinc inhibition with little effect on receptor biogenesis, surface trafficking, or ligand-activated gating. Proline depletion also reduced the affinity for a PDZ domain involved in synaptic trafficking and affected small molecule binding. To understand the origin of these phenomena, we used single molecule fluorescence and ensemble biophysical methods to characterize the structural effects of proline mutagenesis. Proline depletion did not eliminate intrinsic disorder, but the underlying conformational dynamics were changed. Thus, we altered the form of intrinsic disorder, which appears sufficient to affect the biological activity. These findings suggest that conformational dynamics within the intrinsically disordered cytoplasmic domain are important for the allosteric regulation of NMDA receptor gating.  相似文献   
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