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The genes coding for the lactose permease and beta-galactosidase, two proteins involved in the metabolism of lactose by Lactobacillus bulgaricus, have been cloned, expressed, and found functional in Escherichia coli. The nucleotide sequences of these genes and their flanking regions have been determined, showing the presence of two contiguous open reading frames (ORFs). One of these ORFs codes for the lactose permease gene, and the other codes for the beta-galactosidase gene. The lactose permease gene is located in front of the beta-galactosidase gene, with 3 bp in the intergenic region. The two genes are probably transcribed as one operon. Primer extension studies have mapped a promoter upstream from the lactose permease gene but not the beta-galactosidase gene. This promoter is similar to those found in E. coli with general characteristics of GC-rich organisms. In addition, the sequences around the promoter contain a significantly higher number of AT base pairs (80%) than does the overall L. bulgaricus genome, which is rich in GC (GC content of 54%). The amino acid sequences obtained from translation of the ORFs are found to be highly homologous (similarity of 75%) to those from Streptococcus thermophilus. The first 460 amino acids of the lactose permease shows homology to the melibiose transport protein of E. coli. Little homology was found between the lactose permease of L. bulgaricus and E. coli, but the residues which are involved in the binding and the transport of lactose are conserved. The carboxy terminus is similar to that of the enzyme III of several phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase systems.  相似文献   
Heterocyclic amines, found ubiquitously in our diet, are carcinogenic and mutagenic. Among this class of compounds, 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) is the most abundant. To further understand the carcinogenesis of this compound, we studied the effects of PhIP on the progression of human lymphoblastoid cells through the cell-cycle. Cells differing in p53 or mismatch repair status were used to evaluate the role of those proteins. Following PhIP-treatment, a dose and time-dependent accumulation of p53 was found in cells containing functional p53. The augmentation of the p53 protein, accompanied by increases in p21-WAF1, confirms that the p53 is activated. The increase in p53 was independent of the mismatch repair status of the cells. Perturbations in the cell-cycle were also observed. Twenty-four hours after PhIP treatment, the activation of the G2-M checkpoint was evident. Functional p53 and mismatch repair were not required for the PhIP-induced G2-M arrest. The G2-M arrests were reversible and are interpreted as necessary for the repair of the PhIP-DNA lesions. Under treatment conditions where less than 5% of the cells survived, the G2-M arrests were absent.  相似文献   
Cell of the human lymphoblast line WI-L2 and its derivative TK-6 were synchronized by centrifugal elutriation and cell-cycle dependent mutation to 6TGR (HPRT) and OUAR (Na+, K+ ATPase) measured. Bromodeoxyuridine induced 6TGR and OUAR mutations within S phase while butylmethylsulfonate induced mutation displayed no cell-cycle dependence. The data indicate that centrifugal elutriation is a facile means to obtain a useful degree of synchrony for these cell lines.  相似文献   
The human lymphoblastoid cell, TK6, exhibited a dose-dependent cytotoxic and apoptotic response following treatment with the food borne heterocyclic amine, 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP). Augmentation of the p53 protein and increases in p21-WAF1 levels were also observed. Comparison of the survival by clonogenic assays and the percentage of apoptotic cells (cells containing subG1 DNA or condensed nuclei) revealed that only 10-20% of the PhIP-induced cell death could be attributed to apoptosis that occurred in the first 24h after treatment. MT1, a derivative of TK6 that contains mutations in both alleles of its hMSH6 gene and is mismatch repair deficient, showed a decreased apoptotic response. A significant increase (P<0.05) in apoptosis was observed in TK6 and not in MT1 following treatment with 2.5microg/ml PhIP. A five- to six-fold increase and less than a two-fold increase in the fraction of apoptotic cells were observed in TK6 and MT1, respectively. Treatment with 5microg/ml PhIP resulted in significant increases in apoptosis (P<0.05) in TK6 and MT1. The percentages of apoptotic cells were, however, two- to three-fold higher in TK6 than in MT1. HCT116, a hMLH1 defective mismatch repair deficient colorectal carcinoma cell line, also exhibited lower PhIP-induced apoptosis than its mismatch repair proficient chromosome transfer cell line (HCT116+chr3) following PhIP treatment. These results show that PhIP-induced apoptosis is mediated through a mismatch repair dependent pathway. Accumulation of p53 in TK6 and MT1 were evident in samples taken 24h after PhIP treatment. Increases in p21-WAF1 were also observed in both cell lines confirming that the p53 was functional. The lower apoptotic response of MT1 but similar p53 accumulation in TK6 and MT1 suggest that the mismatch repair protein(s) are involved downstream of p53 or that PhIP-induced apoptosis is p53-independent.  相似文献   
The NAD(+)-dependent D-lactate dehydrogenase was purified to apparent homogeneity from Lactobacillus bulgaricus and its complete amino acid sequence determined. Two gaps in the polypeptide chain (10 residues) were filled by the deduced amino acid sequence of the polymerase chain reaction amplified D-lactate dehydrogenase gene sequence. The enzyme is a dimer of identical subunits (specific activity 2800 +/- 100 units/min at 25 degrees C). Each subunit contains 332 amino acid residues; the calculated subunit M(r) being 36,831. Isoelectric focusing showed at least four protein bands between pH 4.0 and 4.7; the subunit M(r) of each subform is 36,000. The pH dependence of the kinetic parameters, Km, Vm, and kcat/Km, suggested an enzymic residue with a pKa value of about 7 to be involved in substrate binding as well as in the catalytic mechanism. Treatment of the enzyme with group-specific reagents 2,3-butanedione, diethylpyrocarbonate, tetranitromethane, or N-bromosuccinimide resulted in complete loss of enzyme activity. In each case, inactivation followed pseudo first-order kinetics. Inclusion of pyruvate and/or NADH reduced the inactivation rates manyfold, indicating the presence of arginine, histidine, tyrosine, and tryptophan residues at or near the active site. Spectral properties of chemically modified enzymes and analysis of kinetics of inactivation showed that the loss of enzyme activity was due to modification of a single arginine, histidine, tryptophan, or tyrosine residue. Peptide mapping in conjunction with peptide purification and amino acid sequence determination showed that Arg-235, His-303, Tyr-101, and Trp-19 were the sites of chemical modification. Arg-235 and His-303 are involved in the binding of 2-oxo acid substrate whereas other residues are involved in binding of the cofactor.  相似文献   
DNA variants underlying the inheritance of risk for common diseases are expected to have a wide range of population allele frequencies. The detection and scoring of the rare alleles (at frequencies of <0.01) presents significant practical problems, including the requirement for large sample sizes and the limitations inherent in current methodologies for allele discrimination. In the present report, we have applied mutational spectrometry based on constant denaturing capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) to DNA pools from large populations in order to improve the prospects of testing the role of rare variants in common diseases on a large scale. We conducted a pilot study of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 gene (CTLA4) in type 1 diabetes (T1D). A total of 1228 bp, comprising 98% of the CTLA4 coding sequence, all adjacent intronic mRNA splice sites, and a 3′ UTR sequence were scanned for unknown point mutations in pools of genomic DNA from a control population of 10,464 young American adults and two T1D populations, one American (1799 individuals) and one from the United Kingdom (2102 individuals). The data suggest that it is unlikely that rare variants in the scanned regions of CTLA4 represent a significant proportion of T1D risk and illustrate that CDCE-based mutational spectrometry of DNA pools offers a feasible and cost-effective means of testing the role of rare variants in susceptibility to common diseases.  相似文献   
This report reviews recent progress in micro carrier technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This progress includes new understanding of the nutritional needs of high-cell density micro carrier cultures, the demonstration of cell growth on microcarriers in a hormone-supplemented, serum-free medium, and the continuous cell propagation of epithelial cell types in microcarrier culture by medium modification that permits efficient bead-to bead transfer. Also, a technique for obtaining large quantities of mitotic cells by selective detachment from microcarriers is reported. Finally, recent progress in interferon production from human foreskin fibroblasts grown on microcarriers is outlined: Our improvements in the interferon “super induction” process have increased the interferon yield per cell fivefold to tenfold.  相似文献   
A comparison of the primary structures of NAD(+)-dependent D-lactate dehydrogenase with L-lactate dehydrogenase and L-malate dehydrogenase failed to show any sequence similarity. However, D-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus casei, glycerate dehydrogenase from cucumber, D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase and erythronate 4-phosphate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli showed 38%, 24%, 24% and 22% amino acid identity, respectively. The profile analysis of the aligned sequences confirmed their relatedness. The hydropathy profiles of the aligned dehydrogenases were almost identical between residues 100-300 indicating largely preserved folding patterns of their polypeptide chains. The data suggest that L- and D-specific 2-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase genes evolved from two different ancestors and thus represent two different sets of enzyme families.  相似文献   
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