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Calvin R. Stiller 《CMAJ》1989,141(2):97-98
Recent studies have revealed an unexpected synergism between two seemingly unrelated protein families: CCN matricellular proteins and the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family of cytokines. CCN proteins are dynamically expressed at sites of injury repair and inflammation, where TNF cytokines are also expressed. Although TNFα is an apoptotic inducer in some cancer cells, it activates NFκB to promote survival and proliferation in normal cells, and its cytotoxicity requires inhibition of de novo protein synthesis or NFκB signaling. The presence of CCN1, CCN2, or CCN3 overrides this requirement and unmasks the apoptotic potential of TNFα, thus converting TNFα from a proliferation-promoting protein into an apoptotic inducer. These CCN proteins also enhance the cytotoxicity of other TNF cytokines, including LTα, FasL, and TRAIL. Mechanistically, CCNs function through integrin α6β1 and the heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) syndecan-4 to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, which is essential for apoptotic synergism. Mutant CCN1 proteins defective for binding α6β1-HSPGs are unable to induce ROS or apoptotic synergism with TNF cytokines. Further, knockin mice that express an α6β1-HSPG-binding defective CCN1 are blunted in TNFα- and Fas-mediated apoptosis, indicating that CCN1 is a physiologic regulator of these processes. These findings implicate CCN proteins as contextual regulators of the inflammatory response by dictating or enhancing the cytotoxicity of TNFα and related cytokines.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid method is described for the purification of supercoiled PM2 DNA by affinity chromatography on columns of H1 histone covalently coupled to agarose. The method does not require the use of intercalating agents or ultracentrifugation procedures. Under the conditions most appropriate for purification, elution is carried out in a single step with buffered 0.7 M NaCl after the sample has been loaded onto the column in buffered 0.2 M NaCl. The DNA eluted at the higher salt concentration consists of supercoiled closed circular DNA at greater than 90% purity independently of the ratio of supercoiled to nicked circular DNA in the input mixture.  相似文献   

The resonances of the protonated carbons of [d(TAGCGCTA)]2 have been assigned by the two-dimensional proton-detected double-quantum heteronuclear correlation experiment ([1H-l3C]-DQCOSY). 13C-coupled and l3C-decoupled versions of the experiment were used. The assignment method is discussed in detail. The deoxyribose cross peaks segregate into five well-resolved regions, and the base cross peaks have distinct features that are helpful for assignments. The cross peaks from the 1H-13C pairs at the Cyd5, Ado2 and ThdCH3 base positions fall in separate regions of the spectrum from each other; they also are resolved from the closely spaced Ado8, Guo8, Cyd6 and Thd6. Additional parameters for distinction of the base signals are their differing J-coupling values and long-range coupling patterns.  相似文献   
F T Lau  A R Fersht 《Biochemistry》1989,28(17):6841-6847
A systematic study by site-directed mutagenesis has been conducted on the effector site of phosphofructokinase from Escherichia coli to delineate the role of side chains in binding the allosteric activator, GDP, and inhibitor, PEP, and to search for key residues in the allosteric transtion. Target residues were identified from the crystal structure of the enzyme-nucleoside diphosphate complex. It is found that both activator and inhibitor bind to the same set of amino acid side chains. Deletion of positively charged groups (Arg21, Arg25, Arg54, Arg154, and Lys213 mutated to alanine) weakens binding of both effectors by 2-3 kcal/mol, consistent with the disruption of charged hydrogen bonds. Residue Glu187, which is known from the crystal structure to bind the coordinated Mg2+ ion of GDP, is found to have a unique behavior on mutation and appears to be crucial in triggering the allosteric transition. All other residues mutated simply weaken binding of both PEP and GDP in a parallel manner. However, mutation of Glu----Ala187 reverses the roles of GDP and PEP, causing GDP to become an allosteric inhibitor and PEP an activator. Mutation of Glu----Gln187 has only a small effect on the binding of PEP, and both PEP and GDP are inhibitors. Studies are described in which mutations in different subunits of a tetrameric complex complement each other. The effector site is composed of residues from two subunits. In particular, Arg21 and Lys213 in each site are from different subunits. Mutations of either one of these residues abolishes activation by GDP of the homotetramer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
PYCNOGENOL is an antioxidant phytochemical shown to have antiinflammatory activity in both the in vitro and in vivo models. This study compared the effects of chewing gums with and without PYCNOGENOL on gingival bleeding and plaque formation in 40 human subjects. In this double-blind study, subjects were assigned randomly to receive either control gums without PYCNOGENOL or experimental gums containng 5 mg PYCNOGENOL. Subjects used chewing gums for 14 days. Gingival bleeding and plaque scores were taken before and after the experiment. PYCNOGENOL chewing gums significantly reduced gingival bleeding, while no changes were noted in bleeding indexes in control subjects who used regular chewing gums. Subjects using regular control gums had significant increases of dental plaque accumulation during the two-week period. No increases in plaque accumulation were noted in subjects using PYCNOGENOL chewing gums. The data of this study suggest that the use of Pycnogenol chewing gums can minimize gingival bleeding and plaque accumulation.  相似文献   
Fifteen Bacillus thuringiensis strains representing 13 serotypes were screened with five oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes specific for certain regions of two published sequences and one unpublished sequence of B. thuringiensis delta-endotoxin genes. Of the 15 cultures, 14 hybridized with at least one probe; the B. thuringiensis subsp. thompsoni strain alone did not hybridize. Two B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strains of commercial interest, HD-1 and NRD-12, were found to be so closely related as to be indistinguishable with this technique; the same situation was found with strains from B. thuringiensis subspp. dendrolimus and sotto. Five strains were identified as probably containing only one endotoxin gene. A probe specific for the gene from the B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD-73 strain hybridized to only 3 of the 15 cultures tested. The hybridization data suggest that the DNA sequences coding for the C-terminal region of the endotoxin protein are as well conserved as those coding for the N-terminal toxic portion.  相似文献   
Essentially all of the selenium in the rat spermatozoon is bound to a polypeptide of Mr 15,000-17,000 confined to the capsule that surrounds the sperm mitochondria. Isoelectric focussing of isolated 75Se-labelled, carboxymethylated mitochondrial capsule protein (MCP) reveals the presence of at least four radioactive components, with a predominant charge isomer at pI4.6. The sperm selenoprotein appears to be identical with MCP, as judged by the exact coincidence of radioactivity and protein stain during two-dimensional electrophoresis. The temporal pattern of 75Se-labelling of rat caput epididymal spermatozoa after intratesticular 75Se injection suggests that maximum incorporation of 75Se into MCP occurs in step 7-step 12 spermatids and that 75Se uptake ceases during step 15 of spermiogenesis. The developmental appearance of sperm selenoprotein in rat testis therefore appears to lag several days behind that reported for MCP in mouse testis, suggesting the presence of selenium-free MCP in immature germ cells. SDS gel electrophoretic analysis of testis subcellular fractions 24 h after 75Se injection into rat testis at 21, 28 and 90 days of age indicates that sperm selenoprotein first appears in very low concentration during late meiosis and that its concentration increases sharply during early spermiogenesis. Additional 75Se-labelled polypeptides were detected on the gels, most of them of higher molecular weight than MCP. At least two of these (Mr 47,000 and 54,000) displayed a marked decrease in labelling between 5 and 24 h after injection into adult testis, coincident with a comparable increase in 75Se-labelled MCP, indicating that they may be precursors of MCP.  相似文献   
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