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Sendai and influenza virions are able to fuse with mycoplasmata. Virus-Mycoplasma fusion was demonstrated by the use of fluorescently labeled intact virions and fluorescence dequenching, as well as by electron microscopy. A high degree of fusion was observed upon incubation of both virions with Mycoplasma gallisepticum or Mycoplasma capricolum. Significantly less virus-cell fusion was observed with Acholeplasma laidlawii, whose membrane contains relatively low amounts of cholesterol. The requirement of cholesterol for allowing virus-Mycoplasma fusion was also demonstrated by showing that a low degree of fusion was obtained with M. capricolum, whose cholesterol content was decreased by modifying its growth medium. Fluorescence dequenching was not observed by incubating unfusogenic virions with mycoplasmata. Sendai virions were rendered nonfusogenic by treatment with trypsin, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, or dithiothreitol, whereas influenza virions were made nonfusogenic by treatment with glutaraldehyde, ammonium hydroxide, high temperatures, or incubation at low pH. Practically no fusion was observed using influenza virions bearing uncleaved hemagglutinin. Trypsinization of influenza virions bearing uncleaved hemagglutinin greatly stimulated their ability to fuse with Mycoplasma cells. Similarly to intact virus particles, also reconstituted virus envelopes, bearing the two viral glycoproteins, fused with M. capricolum. However, membrane vesicles, bearing only the viral binding (HN) or fusion (F) glycoproteins, failed to fuse with mycoplasmata. Fusion between animal enveloped virions and prokaryotic cells was thus demonstrated.  相似文献   
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), a malignant neoplasm with high incidence, is a severe global public health threat. The current modalities used for treating ESCC include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Although ESCC management and treatment strategies have improved over the last decade, the overall 5-year survival rate remains <20%. Therefore, the identification of novel therapeutic strategies that can increase ESCC patient survival rates is urgently needed. Oxethazaine, an amino-amide anesthetic agent, is mainly prescribed in combination with antacids to relieve esophagitis, dyspepsia, and other gastric disorders. In the present study, we found that oxethazaine inhibited the proliferation and migration of esophageal cancer cells. According to the results of in vitro screening and binding assays, oxethazaine binds directly to AURKA, suppresses AURKA activity, and inhibits the downstream effectors of AURKA. Notably, we found that oxethazaine suppressed tumor growth in three patient-derived esophageal xenograft mouse models and tumor metastasis in vivo. Our findings suggest that oxethazaine can inhibit ESCC proliferation and metastasis in vitro and in vivo by targeting AURKA.Subject terms: Cancer prevention, Cell growth  相似文献   
Normal T-cell development is dependent on interactions with the thymic microenvironment; thymic epithelial cells are thought to play a key role in the induction of thymocyte maturation, both through direct contact and, indirectly, via thymic hormone secretion. It has been postulated that thymic epithelial cells progress through an antigenically defined pathway of differentiation similar to that of epidermal keratinocytes. As keratins vary according to epithelial cell type and the stage of epithelial cell maturation, we used a panel of monoclonal antibodies against keratins to study specific types of keratin intermediate filaments within human thymic epithelium. The demonstration in human thymus of keratins previously shown to be associated with distinct stages of epidermal keratinocytic maturation would support the hypothesis that thymic epithelial cells undergo sequential stages of differentiation. Two-dimensional immunoblot analysis of cytoskeletal extracts from human thymus revealed that thymic epithelium contains the following keratins: 1-2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 (molecular masses, 65-67, 58, 56, 54, 52, 56.5, 51, 50, 50', 48, and 46 kilodaltons, respectively). Thus, in thymic epithelium, we found keratins previously observed in epidermal basal cells (5, 14, 15), as well as keratins specific for terminally differentiated keratinocytes in supra-basal epidermis (1-2, 10). Indirect immunofluorescence (IF) performed on fetal and postnatal human thymus demonstrated that keratin epitopes recognized by antibodies AE-3, 35 beta H11, and RTE-23 are present on epithelial cells of the subcapsular cortex, the cortex, the medulla, and Hassall's bodies. In contrast, antibodies AE-1 and RTE-22 reacted primarily with neuroendocrine thymic epithelium (subcapsular cortex, medulla, Hassall's bodies). The epithelial reactivity of antibody AE-2 was limited to epithelial cells in Hassall's bodies and did not appear until 16 weeks of fetal gestation i.e., when Hassall's bodies first formed. Two-dimensional gel analysis of thymic keratins demonstrated that antibody AE-2 identified only the keratins with molecular masses of 56.6 and 65-67 kilodaltons (10 and 1-2 respectively) in thymus. These data, together with the selective reactivity of AE-2 with Hassall's bodies in fluorescence assays, demonstrate the localization in Hassall's bodies of the high-molecular-weight keratins associated with the late stages of epidermal cell maturation. In summary, we demonstrated that human thymic epithelium contains specific keratins found in multiple epithelial types as well as keratins associated with both early and late stages of epidermal cell differentiation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Ethics tells us: do good and do no harm and invokes the norms of justice, equity and respect for autonomy in protecting and promoting health and well-being. The Precautionary Principle, a contemporary re-definition of Bradford Hill's case for action, gives us a common sense rule for doing good by preventing harm to public health from delay: when in doubt about the presence of a hazard, there should be no doubt about its prevention or removal. It shifts the burden of proof from showing presence of risk to showing absence of risk, aims to do good by preventing harm, and subsumes the upstream strategies of the DPSEEA (Driving Forces Pressure Stress Exposure Effect Action) model and downstream strategies from molecular epidemiology for detection and prevention of risk. The Precautionary Principle has emerged because of the ethical import of delays in detection of risks to human health and the environment. Ethical principles, the Precautionary Principle, the DPSEEA model and molecular epidemiology all imply re-emphasizing epidemiology's classic rôle for early detection and prevention. Delays in recognizing risks from past exposures and acting on the findings (e.g., cigarette smoking and lung cancer, asbestos, organochlorines and endocrine disruption, radiofrequency, raised travel speeds) were examples of failures that were not only scientific, but ethical, since they resulted in preventable harm to exposed populations. These may delay results from, among other things, external and internal determinants of epidemiologic investigations of hazard and risk, including misuse of tests of statistical significance. Furthermore, applying the Precautionary Principle to ensure justice, equity, and respect for autonomy raises questions concerning the short-term costs of implementation to achieve long-term goals and the principles that guide compensation.  相似文献   
Methods were developed for the separation and determination of the various 27-carbon sterols of intestinal mucosa by means of thin-layer chromatography. Scrapings of the mucosa of the small intestine of guinea pig and rat were shown to incorporate isotope from (14)C-labeled acetate and mevalonate into sterols in vitro. For each substrate this activity was lowest in mucosa from the proximal third of the small intestine and greatest in mucosa from the more distal regions of the small intestine. The total 27-carbon sterol content of guinea pig mucosa varied only slightly along the length of the small intestine, but the concentration of cholesterol was highest distally. More than 95% of the radioactivity incorporated from acetate-2-(14)C into 27-carbon sterols by guinea pig mucosa in 4 hr was recovered as lathosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol; less than 5% was in cholesterol. The specific activities of the 27-carbon sterols were consistent with the concept that synthesis proceeds from lathosterol to 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesterol.  相似文献   
Our laboratory is investigating the basis for the selective recognition of transformed cells by activated mouse macrophages. As targets we are using a panel of SV40-transformed, C3H.OL fibroblast cell lines (SV-COL) that display widely different levels of sensitivity to lysis, from highly sensitive to completely resistant. Our results show that adding conditioned medium from the macrophage-sensitive target SV-COL-E8 (CM(E8] to a cytolysis assay with the macrophage-resistant target SV-COL-F5f causes the macrophages to kill the resistant targets in a contact dependent fashion. We have termed this activity "macrophage cell lysis factor" (MCLF). MCLF activity was not detected in conditioned media from cells not killed by activated macrophages (i.e., 3T3-like cell lines or embryo fibroblasts) but was present in conditioned media from six other SV-COL cell lines at levels that were directly proportional to the sensitivity of those targets (r = 0.98). These data suggest that MCLF plays a key role in determining the lytic sensitivity of SV40-transformed fibroblasts. Finally, to ask whether the production of MCLF is sufficient to explain the selective recognition of SV40-transformed fibroblasts by activated macrophages we have tested whether CM(E8) will cause macrophages to kill normal cells. Our results show that in the presence of CM(E8) macrophages will kill immortalized, 3T3-like fibroblasts but will not kill normal embryo fibroblasts. These results suggest that the production of MCLF, or a similar activity, is necessary but not sufficient for macrophage cytolysis to occur and that a change in target cell phenotype that occurs during the process of immortalization is also required.  相似文献   
Sendai virus is able to induce the fusion of human erythrocytes. Bivalent cations or ATP are not essential for polyerythrocyte formation. High fusion indices were obtained when Sendai virus was added to cells incubated in the presence of both EDTA and iodoacetic acid. Human erythrocyte ghosts prepared by gradual hemolysis still retain the potential to undergo virus-induced fusion. Fusion of human red blood cells without the addition of viruses was obtained by incubation of erythrocytes at pH 10.5 in the presence of Ca++ (40 mM) or by addition of phospholipase C Clostridium perfringens preparations to cells previously agglutinated or polylysine.  相似文献   
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