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Abstract. Cell aggregation in Dictyostelium discoideum is a chemotactic process mediated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP), which is detected by cell surface receptors. The cAMP signal is degraded by cAMP phosphodiesterase. The possibility that cAMP signals are also used for cell communication in the multicellular stages was studied by determining whether the cAMP receptors, which are essential for signal transduction, continue to function in these stages. During slug migration, the number of binding sites per cell decreases to about 15% of the maximum level acquired during aggregation. At the onset of fruiting body formation, a three- to Four-Fold increase in cAMP binding activity occurs. This increase coincides with an increase in cAMP phosphodiesterase. Both phenomena suggest that cell-cell communication mediated by cAMP is used during culmination. During both slug migration and early culmination, the prestalk cells exhibit about twice as much binding activity as the prespore cells.  相似文献   
The maintenance of the differentiated condition is supposed to be associated with the presence of a histone of the H1(0)/H5 subclass. If the H1(0)/H5 variant has an important role in differentiation distinct from that of H1, it should display differential expression in time and position during development. Here we report that this prediction is verified during Xenopus laevis development, in which tadpoles exhibit a very characteristic, developmentally regulated pattern of histone H1(0)/H5 expression that is different for the derivatives of each embryonic germ layer. However, the pattern of appearance of this variant during development does not reflect a simple correlation between its presence and the state of differentiation. Therefore, these results are pertinent to current ideas on differentiation and the involvement of lysine-rich histones in the repression of eukaryotic genes.  相似文献   
Yeast strains utilizing uric acid, adenine, monoamines or diamines as sole source of carbon and energy were isolated from several soil samples by the enrichment culture method. The most common species wasTrichosporon cutaneum. Strains ofCandida catenulata, C. famata, C. parapsilosis, C. rugosa, Cryptococcus laurentii, Stephanoascus ciferrii andTr. adeninovorans were also isolated. All strains utilizing uric acid as sole carbon source utilized some primaryn-alkyl-l-amines hydroxyamines or diamines as well. The ascomycetous yeast strains showing these characteristics all belonged to species known to assimilate hydrocarbons. Type strains of hydrocarbon-positive yeast species which were not found in the enrichment cultures generally assimilated putrescine, some type strains also butylamine or pentylamine, but none assimilated uric acid. Methanol-positive species were not isolated. Type strains of methanol-positive and of hydrocarbon-negative species did not assimilate uric acid, butylamine or putrescine. Assimilation of putrescine as sole source of carbon and energy may be a valuable diagnostic criterion in yeast taxonomy.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on the rate of ADP-stimulated respiration of mitochondria from dog, rabbit, pig, and human kidney cortex mitochondria was plotted according to the Arrhenius relationship. The temperature at which the plot demonstrated a break was at 15 °C for mitochondria from dog, pig, and human kidneys. The discontinuity occurred at 10 °C or less for mitochondria from rabbit kidneys. This difference suggests that mitochondria from rabbit kidneys undergo a lipid-phase transition at lower temperatures than for other species commonly used in experimental renal preservation. The implications of this difference suggest caution in using results obtained with rabbit kidneys for comparison to results obtained from hypothermic renal preservation of other species kidneys. Apparent fluidization of dog kidney mitochondrial membranes with adamantine abolished the discontinuity in the Arrhenius plot.  相似文献   
The imperfect ascomycetous yeastsCandida parapsilosis andArxula adeninivorans degraded 3-hydroxybenzoic acid via gentisate which was the cleavage substrate. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid was metabolized via protocatechuate. No cleavage enzyme for the latter was detected. In stead of this NADH- and NADPH-dependent monooxygenases were present. In cells grown at the expense of hydroquinone and 4-hydroxygenzoic acid, enzymes of the hydroxyhydroquinone variant of the 3-oxoadipate pathway were demonstrated, which also took part in the degradation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid byC. parapsilosis.Abbreviations HHQ Hydroxyhydroquinone (1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene) - GSH reduced Glutathione  相似文献   
Instar-specific mortalities of Daphnia hyalina and D.cucullatawere studied from May 19 to September 29, 1988 in combinationwith invertebrate predator and phytoplankton abundance. Simultaneouslife-table experiments were conducted under semi-natural conditionsin the laboratory to estimate juvenile mortality in a predator-freeenvironment. Juvenile mortality by predation was calculatedas the difference between juvenile mortality in the field andin the experiments and was the most important factor for thedifferences in abundance of the two species. For D.hyalina juvenilemortality was higher in early summer and probably caused byselective predation by Chaoborus flavicans. Predation by Leptodorakindtii was probably more important during the rest of the summer.Estimated mortality by predation adequately explained juvenilemortality, except for a 3-week period in August. Decreasingflagellate densities in July were accompanied by increased juvenilemortalities of D.hyalina and D.cucullata in the life-table experimentsin August and coincided with a Daphnia population decrease.  相似文献   
Summary Using antibodies against the fetal and adult forms of - and -globin, it has been shown that erythropoiesis in the para-aortic foci (PAF) constitutes a major species-specific difference between chicken and quail embryos. In quail embryos, para-aortic foci are rare, small and rather heterogeneous with regard to their erythropoietic and haemopoietic cell composition. In contrast, the PAFs in chicken embryos are abundant and consist of large numbers of erythropoietic cells.In both species a time difference (approximately 1 day) is observed between the first expression of the fetal - and -globin and the adult - and -globin in erythropoietic cells. Adult erythropoiesis in both species can be detected first in the stalk of the yolk sac; this is similar to the situation in mammalian and amphibian species. From this time onward the number of circulating adult erythrocytes increases steadily. Whereas in chicken, large intraembryonic foci that can serve as sources for these adult cells arise concomitantly, no such foci can be detected in quail embryos, suggesting that the quail yolk sac is a major source for these adult red blood cells.  相似文献   
The amount of rain which falls sporadically in the relatively dry season at the time that the white rice borer is diapausing as a full grown larva in the rice stubble, has a very important influence on the size of population of the borers in the following wet season when rice is grown. If this dry season is wet or very wet (according to our standard, based on the figures of rainfall and borer damage over 26 years in five regions of Eastern Java), no damage can be expected in the following planting season. If the dry season is really dry or very dry, outbreaks of borers may occur (in the period under survey this occurred in nine out of fourteen years). We have tried to give an outline of a method of prediction of borer damage in the planting season, based on the rainfall dates of the foregoing dry season.
Zusammenfassung Der Weisse Reisbohrer (Scirpophaga innotata Wlk.) kommt nur in Gebieten vor, wo jährlich eine ausgeprägte Regen- und Trockenzeit (Monsun) auftritt. Am Ende der Regenzeit gehen die vollerwachsenen Raupen, die im Stengel der reifenden Reispflanze leben, in Diapause. Während der folgenden relativ trockenen Jahreszeit, wenn nur gelegentlich Regenschauer fallen, ruhen die Raupen in der Stoppel. Bald nachdem die ersten heftigen Regenfälle der neuen Regenzeit einsetzen, verpuppen sich die Larven und alle Falter schlüpfen gemeinsam zum Stoppelflug.Dieser Zünsler ist in gewissen Gebieten Javas einer der Hauptschädlinge des Reises, obwohl sein Auftreten sehr unregelmäßig ist. Jahrelang war man allgemein der Auffassung, daß relativ reichlicher Regenfall während der Trockenzeit die Reisbohrerpopulation erheblich vermindere und daß in diesem Falle keine schweren Schäden durch Reisbohrerbefall erwartet werden können.Während eines Zeitraums von 26 Jahren (1915–1940) wurden in fünf Gebieten Ost-Javas sowolhl der Niederschlag wie der Bohrerschaden untersucht und Berechnungen der jährlichen Niederschlagsmenge in der Trockenzeit und des Bohrerschadens verglichen. Dies erhärtete die alte Auffassung, daß nach einer relativ feuchten oder sehr feuchten Trockenzeit kein Bohrerbefall von Bedeutung während des Beobachtungszeitraumes auftritt. Dagegen folgten in neun von 14 Jahren mit einer trockenen oder sehr trockenen Trockenzeit schwere oder ziemlich schwere Ausbrüche der Weißen Reisstengelbohrer während der folgenden feuchten Jahreszeiten. Obwohl auch andere Faktoren von einiger Bedeutung sein dürften, wird geschlossen, daß die Niederschlagsmenge während der Trockenzeit einen sehr entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Möglichkeit des Auftrétens einer Reisbohrer Kalamität im darauffolgenden Jahre hat. Diesen Daten entsprechend wird auf der Grundlage der Niederschlagszahlen in der vorangegangenen Trockenzeit ein Prognose-Schema entwickelt, wann Bohrerschaden zu erwarten ist.
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