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刺激家兔颈交感神经对颈动脉窦反射的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲龙  何瑞荣 《生理学报》1985,37(4):337-345
在36只麻醉家兔观察了电刺激颈交感神经(CSN)对颈动脉窦压力感受器(CSB)活动的影响。所得结果如下:(1)电刺激 CSN 可使夹闭颈动脉引起的加压反射消失或倒转,△BP 从刺激前的 39.5±3.6mmHg 变为刺激时的-0.31±5.4mmHg(P<0.001)。(2)在电刺激CSN 时,静注新福林所诱发的颈动脉窦压力感受器-心率反射增强,表现为反射性心率减慢较刺激前更为明显。(3)在以50—200mmHg 的压力充胀两侧颈动脉窦的条件下,刺激 CSN 引起窦内压与平均动脉压的关系曲线下移,与刺激前曲线相比有明显差异(P<0.01)。(4)切断 CSN 后,动脉血压有所升高,提示 CSN 对 CSB 活动有紧张性调节作用。以上结果比较明确地表明家兔 CSN 对 CSB 活动有调节作用。此作用可能是 CSN 作用于窦壁平滑肌而间接引起的。  相似文献   
Heterochrony and the origin of tetrapods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long, J. A. 1990 04 15: Heterochrony and the origin of tetrapods. Lethaia , Vol. 23, pp. 157–166. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Juveniles of the osteolepifonn fish Eusthenopteron show more features in common with primitive tetrapods than any other crossopterygian group. These similarities indicate that paedomorphosis may have played an important role directing anagenesis of cranial characters in the fish-tetrapod transition. The development of the tetrapod limb, however, probably resulted from peramorphosis. The first tetrapods may have originated in the East Gondwana vertebrate Province early in the Devonian, based on the oldest known tetrapod footprints from Australia. Furthermore, the biogeographic distribution of plesiomorphic osteichthyans indicates that the monophyletic group 'rhizodontiforms. osteolepiforms and tetrapods' most likely arose in east Gondwana.  相似文献   
Under-storey Nutrient Content in an Age Sequence of Douglas-fir Stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TURNER  J.; LONG  J. N.; BACKIEL  A. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1045-1055
The nutrient concentrations and contents of the under-storeyspecies were estimated for a series of Pacific North-west Douglas-fir[Pseudotsuga menxiessii (Mirb.) Franco] stands ranging in agefrom 9 to 95 years. Analyses were carried out for ash, N, P,K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Na and significant differences innutrient concentrations were found to exist between species;species rejecting certain nutrients and accumulating others.General trends for mean concentrations of some nutrients areassociated with stand maturity in that ash, K and Mg decline,P and Mn increase and N and Ca reaches a peak at 20–30years and then declines. The nutrient contents (kg ha–1)of the under-storey component of the stands are presented andtrends discussed. Mineral nutrient content, under-storey vegetation, Pseudotsuga menziessii stands, Douglas-fir  相似文献   
  • 1 All instars of Spodoptera eridania larvae grow as well or better when cyanide is present in their diet as when it is absent. Concentrations up to 0.05% stimulate feeding in first to fourth instar larvae. Concentrations from 0.1% to 1.0% stimulate feeding in fifth and sixth instar larvae.
  • 2 Three-day-old sixth instar larvae pre-exposed to cyanide are completely resistant to its acutely toxic effects, but previously unexposed larvae suffer reversible symptoms of poisoning when feeding on a diet containing 1.0% KCN.
  • 3 A 1.0% dietary KCN exposure during the sixth instar reduces ecdysis to 17% adult emergence and completely inhibits oviposition.
  • 4 Cyanide concentrations from 0.5% to 1.0% in the diet, although effecting increased growth rates, induce necrotic lesions in larval mid-gut epithelial cells.
  • 5 Thiocyanate, one of the in vivo cyanide metabolites, at 0.5% in the diet reduces pupation to 23%, delays and reduces adult emergence to 20% and inhibits oviposition.
  • 6 The preferred host plant of S.eridania is the lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus, probably due to its content of the cyanogenic glycoside linamarin. Dietary valine has no effect on the southern armyworm feeding and growth behaviour (Long & Brattsten, 1982) but dietary cyanide does. The lima bean is known to contain up to 31 ppm cyanide in some varieties.
高琳  张登山  龙怀玉  陈晓远  林昌华  周涛 《生态学报》2023,43(24):10081-10091
基于宁夏全区121个土壤剖面样点,研究不同深度(0—30、30—80、80—120cm)土壤有机碳的空间分布特征,通过相关性、方差分解和构建结构方程模型,分析气候、植被和土壤因素对宁夏不同深度土壤有机碳的影响及其作用途径。结果表明:(1)宁夏不同深度土壤有机碳含量均呈现中间低南北高的空间分布趋势,0—120cm剖面土壤有机碳含量随着土壤深度的增加而降低,土壤有机碳含量均值为5.49g/kg,变异系数达90.71%,含量偏低且空间异质性强。(2)各土层土壤有机碳与年均气温、干燥度、碳酸钙、pH均呈现极显著的负相关性(P<0.01),与年均降水量、相对湿度、植被净初级生产力、全氮、全磷、全钾、钙离子、阳离子交换量、粘粒含量均呈现极显著的正相关性(P<0.01)。(3)各因素对不同土层土壤有机碳的作用方式和影响程度有差异。土壤全氮、全磷、碳酸钙、阳离子交换量均能直接影响土壤有机碳,年均气温和植被净初级生产力对土壤有机碳的直接影响效应不显著,主要通过土壤属性间接影响土壤有机碳含量。随着土层深度的增加,气候和植被因素作用明显减弱,土壤因素作用增强并成为主要影响因素。该结果有助于宁夏土...  相似文献   
[背景] 灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)是引起葡萄采后病害的主要病原菌之一,严重影响葡萄的贮期和品质,给葡萄产业带来极大损失。利用拮抗微生物抑制采后病原菌生长已逐渐成为防治葡萄采后灰霉病的重要手段。[目的] 利用昆虫病原线虫共生细菌广谱高效的抑菌特性,从现有共生细菌资源中筛选对灰葡萄孢具有高拮抗作用的菌株,为葡萄采后灰霉病的抑制提供新的材料和研究方向。[方法] 通过平板对峙培养法和菌丝生长速率法分离筛选拮抗共生细菌,并对优选的高效拮抗共生细菌进行16S rRNA基因序列进化分析,采用扫描电镜观察其对灰葡萄孢菌丝生长的影响,利用损伤接种法对红地球葡萄防治效果进行验证。[结果] 初步分离筛选共获得9株拮抗菌,复筛与复测得到一株抑菌效果显著的共生细菌(命名为ALL),经进化分析其为嗜线虫致病杆菌(Xenorhabdus nematophila),其16S rRNA基因序列的Genbank登录号为MW488402,与菌株Xenorhabdus nematophi la NC116聚于同一分支,相似性达99.79%。扫描电镜观察该菌株导致灰葡萄孢菌丝扭曲变形、表面皱缩、失水塌陷,该菌株发酵(36 h)上清液浓度为1%时对灰葡萄孢菌丝抑制率达44.5%。在葡萄常温防效实验中,与对照组比较,ALL菌株发酵上清液对灰霉菌防治效果较好,3 d后防效为63.50%。[结论] 本研究应用昆虫病原线虫共生细菌生物防治葡萄贮期灰霉病,筛选出一株高效拮抗灰葡萄孢的昆虫病原线虫共生细菌,而且其上清液对灰葡萄孢具有良好的抑制效果,为生物防治贮期葡萄灰霉病提供了新的生物材料和相关研究基础。  相似文献   
全球气候治理新进展——区域碳排放权分配研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
碳排放权作为稀缺的公共资源,其实质是一种新型发展权。科学合理分配有限的碳排放权对实现《巴黎协定》温控目标至关重要。从原则、方法、尺度与方案等维度对碳排放权分配的文献成果进行了系统梳理与归纳。研究表明,国内外学者大多基于公平性和效率性原则探索碳排放权分配;分配方法分为指标法、博弈论法、数据包络分析法和综合法等,各有利弊和适用条件;分配尺度大多涉及国际和区际两个层面,前者由于各国不同的利益诉求较难形成共识性方案,后者主要关注省际分配,更小尺度的研究相对较少。未来碳排放权分配研究趋向于多原则兼顾、多方法联用,涵盖国际、省际、市际及行业、企业等不同尺度。本研究可为制定科学合理的碳排放权分配方案提供理论依据,为我国更为积极有效地参与全球气候治理提供决策参考。  相似文献   
贵州百花湖夏季浮游植物昼夜垂直分布特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
黄志敏  陈椽  刘之威  龙胜兴 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5389-5397
为了探讨浮游植物在水体中的昼夜垂直分布格局,于2012年7月31日至8月1日对百花湖(水库)浮游植物进行昼夜24 h定点分层研究。研究结果表明:蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻种类数在水体中具有明显的分层现象,蓝藻种类数在0.5—2 m居多,绿藻种类数在0.5—6 m明显多于7—14 m,硅藻种类数主要分布在6 m及以深的水层中。湖泊假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena limnetica)为绝对优势种,相对丰度为82.69%。8:00时湖泊假鱼腥藻在2—3 m处聚集程度最高,10:00时聚集程度最高的水层上升至0.5 m,10:00—12:00湖泊假鱼腥藻的细胞丰度由0.5 m向2 m扩增,12:00时在2 m处达到全天峰值,此时0.5 m处的细胞丰度是除6:00外的最小值,12:00—14:00湖泊假鱼腥藻的细胞丰度由2 m向0.5 m扩增,16:00时又大量聚集于1 m处,说明湖泊假鱼腥藻在白天具有明显的垂直迁移现象;湖泊假鱼腥藻丰度的MI指数白天在1.45—2.07之间,夜间在1.40—1.46之间,变化趋势与时间深度等值图结果相符,说明湖泊假鱼腥藻在水体中昼夜均呈聚集分布,且白天的聚集程度及变化幅度大于夜间;百花湖浮游植物总丰度的昼夜垂直分布格局与湖泊假鱼腥藻一致;水体中浮游植物总丰度和湖泊假鱼腥藻丰度夜间低于白天。光照的昼夜交替和水柱温差的昼夜变化是影响浮游植物总丰度和湖泊假鱼腥藻垂直分布格局昼夜变化的重要环境因素。  相似文献   
Abstract. The effect of growth temperatures on quantum yield (φ) was examined for leaves at different stages of development within the immature canopies of two crops of field grown maize ( Zea mays cv. LG11) sown on 3 May and 20 June 1990. During the period of 23 to 49d after sowing, the crop sown on the 3 May experienced temperatures below 10°C on 19 occasions compared with only two for the crop sown on 20 June. A period of severe chilling at the end of May and the beginning of June was associated with a marked reduction in φ for all leaves in the early-sown crop. This chill-induced depression in φ was greater in recently emerged than more mature leaves in the canopy and was found to be accompanied by modifications in the polypeptide profiles of thylakoids isolated from the leaves. During the chilling period, decreases in some polypeptides, notably in the range of 41–42 and 20kDa apparent molecular size, and increases of polypeptides of c. 15–16kDa were observed compared with leaves developing at warmer temperatures in July. The efficiency of converting intercepted radiation into dry matter (conversion efficiency) was 42% lower in the early- than late-sown crop, but no significant relationship between conversion efficiency and quantum yield was found in either treatment.  相似文献   
湖泊生态系统弹性系数理论及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
龙邹霞  余兴光 《生态学杂志》2007,26(7):1119-1124
在湖泊生态系统健康评价的基础上,分析城市湖泊营养状态的特殊性,论证得出响应型和非响应型湖泊的生态系统健康指数(EHI)与营养状态指数(TSI)近似呈二次函数关系.提出湖泊生态系统弹性系数,对生态系统健康指数(EHI)做出适当改进.改进后的生态系统健康指数(EHI′)能够更好地反映各类型湖泊的健康状态,完善了Xu等的EHI理论并扩展了其应用范围,是目前最为接近Costanza对HI定义的可量化计算的数学公式和方法,并成功用于厦门杏林湾生态系统健康评价.  相似文献   
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