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 Spike discharges of skeletomotor neurons innervating triceps surae muscles elicited by white noise modulated transmembrane current stimulation and muscle stretch were studied in decerebrated cats. The white noise modulated current intensity ranged from 4.3 to 63.2 nA peak-to-peak, while muscle stretches ranged from 100 μm to 4.26 mm peak-to-peak. The neuronal responses were studied by averaging the muscle length records centered at the skeletomotor action potentials (peri-spike average, PSA) and by Wiener analysis. Skeletomotor spikes appeared after a sharp peak in PSA of the injected current, preceded by a longer-lasting smaller wavelet of either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing direction. The PSA amplitude was not related to the injected current amplitude nor showed any differences related to the motor unit type. The PSA amplitudes were virtually independent of the stretching amplitude σ, after an initial increase with stretching amplitudes in the range of 15–40 μm (S.D.), or 100–270 μm peak-to-peak.Analyses of cross-spectra indicated a small or absent increase in gain with frequency in response to injected current, but about 20 dB/decade in the range 10–100 Hz in response to muscle stretch. The peaks of both Wiener kernels in response to current injection appear to decrease with the amplitude of injected current, but this decrease was not statistically significant. The narrow first-order kernels suggest that the transfer function between the current input and spike discharge is lowpass with a wide passband, i.e. there is very little change in dynamics. The values of the second-order kernels appear to be nonzero only along the main diagonal. This is characteristic of a simple Hammerstein type cascade, i.e. a zero memory nonlinearity followed by a linear system. Small values of second-order kernels away from the origin and narrow first-order kernels suggest that the linear cascade contributes very little to the overall dynamic response.In contrast to Wiener kernels found in response to current injection, the Wiener kernels in response to stretch showed a decreasing trend with stretch amplitude. The size of the second-order kernels decreased to a somewhat larger extent with input amplitude than that of the first-order kernels, indicating an amplitude-dependent nonlinearity. Overall, the transformation between length and spike output was described as an LNNL cascade with second-order nonlinearities. Received: 1 April 1993/Accepted in revised form: 24 March 1994  相似文献   
Chimeric constructs with the hydrophilic octapeptide FLAG epitope (DYKDDDDK) have been widely used as multipurpose tags for identification, detection, and purification of FLAG fusion proteins. Constructs consisting of C-terminal FLAG-tagged genomic and cDNA clones of anArabidopsis phytochelatin synthase gene,AtPCS1, were used in developing transgenic lines of Indian mustard. Presence and expression ofAtPCS1 in transgenic lines were confirmed by using PCR and Northern blot analyses. However, immunoblot analysis revealed strong nonspecific binding of a monoclonal anti-FLAG M2 antibody to an endogenous protein in both shoot and leaf tissues of wild-type Indian mustard (85-kDa) that masked presence of the phytochelatin synthase (PCS) protein of interest (55-kDa). Further analysis revealed absence of a nonspecific protein in root tissues of transgenic plants, thus allowing detection of the FLAG-tagged PCS protein.  相似文献   
The trans-lycopene content of fresh tomato homogenates was assessed by means of the laser photoacoustic spectroscopy, the laser optothermal window, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and colorimetry; none of these methods require the extraction from the product matrix prior to the analysis. The wet chemistry method (high-performance liquid chromatography) was used as the absolute quantitative method. Analytical figures of merit for all methods were compared statistically; best linear correlation was achieved for the chromaticity index a* and chroma C*.  相似文献   
In the period between the December 2000 and September 2004, altogether 13 patients underwent preoperative portal vein embolization (PPVE); 9 patients with colorectal metastases and 4 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The indirect splenic portography was performed after catheter was introduced into superior mesenteric artery via femoral artery approach. The portal vein was punctured percutaneously transhepatic under fluoroscopy. Following portography, selected portal vein segments were embolized by injecting polyvinil alcohol (PVA) particles until stasis of blood flow was achieved. Proximal parts of branches and the channel in the liver parenchyma were occluded with Gelfoam particles. The increase of the remnant liver parenchyma was measured by magnetic resonance imaging. iTwo patients experienced post-embolization syndrome and another one had subcapsular hematoma. The volume of the liver parenchyma increased minimally for 8% and maximally for 109%. Altogether, 10 patients underwent surgical resection. In two patients, the disease progressed and carcinoma spread to the previously healthy liver lobe and in one there was no hypertrophy and we decided for artery chemoembolization (AC). The results show that PPVE triggers a strong regenerative response resulting in hypertrophy of normal liver parenchyma and expand possibilities of curative surgery for patients who would not otherwise have been candidates for extended resection.  相似文献   

Pectin was modified by oxidation with sodium periodate at molar ratios of 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mol% and reductive amination with tyramine and sodium cyanoborohydride afterwards. Concentration of tyramine groups within modified pectin ranged from 54.5 to 538 μmol/g of dry pectin while concentration of ionizable groups ranged from 3.0 to 4.0 mmol/g of dry polymer compared to 1.5 mmol/g before modification due to the introduction of amino group. All tyramine-pectins showed exceptional gelling properties and could form hydrogel both by cross-linking of carboxyl groups with calcium or by cross-linking phenol groups with peroxidase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. These hydrogels were tested as carriers for soybean hull peroxidase (SHP) immobilization within microbeads formed in an emulsion based enzymatic polymerization reaction. SHP immobilized within tyramine-pectin microbeads had an increased thermal and organic solvent stability compared to the soluble enzyme. Immobilized SHP was more active in acidic pH region and had slightly decreased K m value of 2.61 mM compared to the soluble enzyme. After 7 cycles of repeated use in batch reactor for pyrogallol oxidation microbeads, immobilized SHP retained half of the initial activity.

Apolipoprotein polymorphisms are emerging as suitable markers for the study of the formation of human populations. In contrast to the data available for apolipoprotein E, the data regarding apolipoprotein H (protein, apoH; gene, APOH) variations are only beginning to accumulate. By blood plasma isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting, we analyzed the distribution of apoH phenotypes in 397 individuals (192 males; 205 females) from seven villages of an autochthonous population of the eastern Adriatic island of Krk. APOH allele frequencies were: APOH*2 = 0.877, APOH*3 = 0.098, APOH*1 = 0.025, with the majority of the sample being homozygous. No significant differences between villages were observed. When these data were compared to those of other populations studied so far, a significant association between APOH allele frequencies and latitude was observed. We hypothesize that this association reflects differences in diet composition across different climatic zones.  相似文献   
The RuvABC proteins of Escherichia coli play an important role in the processing of Holliday junctions during homologous recombination and recombinational repair. Mutations in the ruv genes have a moderate effect on recombination and repair in wild-type strains but confer pronounced recombination deficiency and extreme sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents in a recBC sbcBC background. Genetic analysis presented in this work revealed that the (Delta)ruvABC mutation causes an identical DNA repair defect in UV-irradiated recBC sbcBC, sbcBC, and sbcB strains, indicating that the sbcB mutation alone is responsible for the extreme UV sensitivity of recBC sbcBC ruv derivatives. In experiments with gamma irradiation and in conjugational crosses, however, sbcBC (Delta)ruvABC and sbcB (Delta)ruvABC mutants displayed higher recombination proficiency than the recBC sbcBC (Delta)ruvABC strain. The frequency of conjugational recombination observed with the sbcB (Delta)ruvABC strain was quite similar to that of the (Delta)ruvABC single mutant, indicating that the sbcB mutation does not increase the requirement for RuvABC in a recombinational process starting from preexisting DNA ends. The differences between the results obtained in three experimental systems used suggest that in UV-irradiated cells, the RuvABC complex might act in an early stage of recombinational repair. The results of this work are discussed in the context of recent recombination models which propose the participation of RuvABC proteins in the processing of Holliday junctions made from stalled replication forks. We suggest that the mutant SbcB protein stabilizes these junctions and makes their processing highly dependent on RuvABC resolvase.  相似文献   
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00592.x
A 3‐year longitudinal study of quality‐of‐life outcomes of elderly patients with implant‐ and tooth‐supported fixed partial dentures in posterior dental regions Background: Clinical studies have mainly been focused on oral health‐related quality‐of‐life (OHRQoL) outcomes of removable dentures. Objective: To evaluate therapy of elderly patients with implant‐supported fixed partial dentures (IFPD) and tooth‐supported fixed partial dentures (FPD) in the posterior dental regions. Patients and methods: The OHIP49 was used to measure OHRQoL in 64 patients with IFPD and 38 patients with FPD, before, 3 weeks and 3 years after rehabilitation. A control group (CG) consisted of 62 individuals. Results: The Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire (OHIP) follow‐up scores of the patients with FPD and the patients with IFPD were significantly smaller in comparison with the baseline scores (p < 0.01). The OHIP scores were further reduced at the 3‐year follow‐up. The patients with IFPD had significantly higher scores than the patients with FPD and the CG at the baseline and at the follow‐ups. In the patients with FPD, both age groups (≤60 and >60) showed equal improvement of the OHRQoL. In the IFPD group, patients older than 60 years showed better improvement (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences dependent on gender and antagonistic teeth (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The FPD and the IFPD treatment showed significant improvement of OHRQoL. The FPD treatment improved OHRQoL equally in both age groups, while the IFPD treatment improved OHRQoL better in older patients.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to determine the criteria for heat loads associated with an increase in mortality in different climatic regions of Croatia. The relationship between heat stress and mortality was analysed for the period 1983–2008. The input series is excess mortality defined as the deviations of mortality from expected values determined by means of a Gaussian filter of 183 days. The assessment of the thermal environment was performed by means of physiologically equivalent temperature (PET). The curve depicting the relationship between mortality and temperature has a U shape, with increased mortality in both the cold and warm parts of the scale but more pronounced in the warm part. The threshold temperature for increased mortality was determined using a scatter plot and fitting data by means of moving average of mortality; the latter is defined as the temperature at which excess mortality becomes significant. The values are higher in the continental part of Croatia than at the coast due to the refreshing influence of the sea during the day. The same analysis on a monthly basis shows that at the beginning of the warm season increased mortality occurs at a lower temperature compared with later on in the summer, and the difference is up to 15 °C between August and April. The increase in mortality is highest during the first 3–5 days and after that it decreases and falls below the expected value. Long-lasting heat waves present an increased risk, but in very long heat waves the increase in mortality is reduced due to mortality displacement.  相似文献   
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