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It has been assumed that the feeding habits of vertebrates predispose the variety of intestinal differentiations and the composition of the microbial biota living in their intestinal tracts. Consequently, the presence of methanogenic bacteria in the various differentiations of the large intestine and the foregut of herbivorous vertebrates had been attributed primarily to the existence of anaerobic habitats and the availability of carbon dioxide and hydrogen originating from the fermentative microbial digestion of plant-based diets. However, Australian ratites, many murids, and several New World primates lack methanogens, despite their intestinal differentiations and their vegetarian feeding habits. Crocodiles, giant snakes, aardvarks, and ant-eaters on the other hand release significant amounts of methane. A determination of methane emissions by 253 vertebrate species confirmed that competence for intestinal methanogenic bacteria is shared by related species and higher taxa, irrespective of different feeding habits. In “methanogenic” branches of the evolutionary tree, a variety of differentiations of the large intestine evolved and, in some cases, differentiations of the foregut. In contrast, the lack of competence for methanogens in chiropterans/insectivores and carnivores apparently has precluded the evolution of specialized fermenting differentiations of the digestive tract. Our observations reveal that the presence of intestinal methanogenic bacteria is under phylogenetic rather than dietary control: competence for intestinal methanogenic bacteria is a plesiomorphic (primitive-shared) character among reptiles, birds, and mammals. This competence for methanogenic bacteria has been crucial for the evolution of the amniotes.  相似文献   
Laboratory-cultured Streptocephalus torvicornis were offered 8 concentrations (from 6 to 800 ind. ml–1) of Anuraeopsis fissa for periods of 2 h 30 min. Two size classes, small (male: 14.7 mm± 1.6, female: 15.4 mm± 1.3) and large (male: 20.0 mm±2.0, female: 23.1 mm± 1.5), of S. torvicornis were used. Functional response for large S. torvicornis (both sexes) plateaued at 400 rotifers ml–1, while in small specimens it did so at 200 prey ml–1. Females consumed significantly more (30%) prey than males. Large males consumed maximum 4730 rotifers h–1, females 6560 h–1.  相似文献   
The effect of fluctuating temperatures on the germination ofimmature caryopses of two Sorghum varieties presenting contrastingsusceptibility to pre-harvest sprouting was investigated. Fluctuatingtemperatures were able to stimulate germination of immaturecaryopses of both varieties from early stages of development(i.e. 15 d after pollination). Isolated embryos from both varietiesgerminated well in water irrespective of the thermal regimeof incubation. However, the ability of ABA to block germinationin Redland B2 (sproutingsusceptible) isolated embryos was significantlyreduced when embryos were incubated under fluctuating temperaturesfrom 23 DAP onwards. No such effect was found in IS 9530 (sprouting-resistant)embryos. No differences in the pattern with which embryonicABA content decreased during whole grain incubation were foundin 25 and 35 DAP grains from both varieties incubated underconstant or fluctuating temperatures. Therefore, these resultsindicate that alternating temperatures can promote germinationthrough different mechanisms. One of them is the decrease inembryo sensitivity to ABA inhibition which appears to be actingin Redland B2 caryopses from 23 DAP onwards; the other one seemsto be independent of ABA level and sensitivity and is activeat very early stages of development in one variety (RedlandB2) and throughout seed development in the other (IS 9530). Key words: Germination, dormancy, fluctuating temperatures, abscisic acid, seed development, Sorghum bicolor  相似文献   
(L -Cys)n, (L -Lys)n, and (L -Glu)n were studied by ir spectroscopy in terms of their degree of deprotonation or protonation. It is shown that structurally symmetrical, easily polarizable SH ?S? ? ?S ?HS, N+H ?N ? N ?H+N, and OH ?O? ? ?O ?HO hydrogen bonds are formed between the side chains. The different wave number distributions of the ir continua caused by these hydrogen bonds show that the barrier in the double-minimum proton potential decreases in the series of these hydrogen bonds. The stability of these hydrogen bonds against hydration increases in this series. The OH ?O? ? ?O ?HO bonds are not broken by small amounts of water. With (L -Cys)n the formation of easily polarizable hydrogen bonds and a β-structure–coil transition are strongly interdependent. As a result of this coupling effect, the β-structure–coil transition becomes cooperative. With (L -Glu)n, the formation of the polarizable hydrogen bonds and the observed conformational change are independent processes. The (L -Glu)n conformation changes from α-helix to coil only if more than 80% of the residues are deprotonated. Finally, on the basis of the various types of easily polarizable hydrogen bonds, charge shifts in active centers of enzymes and the proton-conducting mechanism through hydrophobic regions of biological membranes are discussed.  相似文献   
A series of novel α‐(diphenylphosphoryl)‐ and α‐(diphenylphosphorothioyl)cycloalkanone oximes have been synthesized in search for novel bioactive molecules. Their structures were characterized by various spectroscopic methods including IR, NMR (1H, 31P, 13C), mass spectrometry and single crystal X‐ray diffraction. The newly synthesized phosphorus‐containing oximes were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activity against Gram‐positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis), Gram‐negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium) and fungal strains (Candida albicans and Candida glabrata). The biological assays showed that all the studied compounds exhibited high antibacterial and antifungal activities at only 0.1–2.1 μg/mL. In silico molecular docking studies in FabH enzyme active site were performed in order to predict the possible interaction modes and binding energies of the drug candidates at the molecular level.  相似文献   
Vitamin D is well known for its regulatory role in calcium and phosphate homeostasis, but its role in muscle mass and strength during growth remains inconclusive. We explored the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) with muscle development in girls from 11 to 18-years old. Whole body lean tissue mass (LMWB), appendicular lean mass (aLM), muscle cross-sectional area at the lower leg (mCSA), maximal voluntary contraction of elbow flexors (MVCelbow) and knee extensors (MVCknee) were assessed in 217 girls aged 10–13 years (at baseline), 215 in 2-year and 226 in 7.5-year follow-up. Serum concentration of 25(OH)D and intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) were analyzed retrospectively and girls were categorized according to their 25(OH)D levels (consistently insufficient 25(OH)D GLL <50 nmol/l and consistently sufficient GHH >50 nmol/l from baseline to 7-year follow-up). We found that 25(OH)D level declined until menarche (p<0.05) while LMWB, aLM, mCSA, MVCelbow and MVCknee continued to increase (p<0.001 for all) post menarche. At pre-menarche, the GLL (n = 34) had higher LMWB and aLM than the GHH (n = 21, p<0.05), while post-menarche the GHH (n = 15) had a greater catch-up gain in LMWB (p = 0.004), aLM (p = 0.001) and mCSA (p = 0.027) compared to the GLL (n = 65) over the first 2-year period. At the age of 18, no differences in muscle mass/strength between the low (n = 151) and high (n = 77) levels of 25(OH)D groups were found. This finding was independent of vitamin D receptor genotype and other confounders. In conclusion, our results showed that levels of 25(OH)D have no significant negative influence on the development of muscle mass and strength during pubertal growth both with longitudinal and cross-sectional comparison. On the contrary, our results suggest that the temporary negative association between 25(OH)D and muscle mass arises as a consequence of fast growth prior to menarche, and this negative association is diminished through catch-up growth after menarche.  相似文献   
Extracellular acidity is a frequent pathophysiological condition of solid tumors offering possibilities for improving the tumor selectivity of molecular therapy. This might be accomplished by prodrugs with low systemic toxicity, attaining their full antitumor potency only under acidic conditions, such as bis(2-aminoalcoholato-κ²N,O)platinum(II) complexes that are activated by protonation of alcoholato oxygen, resulting in cleavage of platinum–oxygen bonds. In this work, we examined whether the pH dependency of such compounds is reflected in differential biological activity in vitro. In particular, the pH dependence of cytotoxicity, cellular accumulation, DNA platination, GMP binding, effects on DNA secondary structure, cell cycle alterations, and induction of apoptosis was investigated. Enhanced cytotoxicity of five of these complexes in non-small-cell lung cancer (A549) and colon carcinoma (HT-29) cells at pH 6.0 in comparison with pH 7.4 was confirmed: 50 % growth inhibition concentrations ranged from 42 to 214 μM in A549 cells and from 35 to 87 μM in HT-29 cells at pH 7.4 and decreased at pH 6.0 to 11–50 and 7.3–25 μM, respectively. The effects induced by all five pH-sensitive compounds involve increased 5′-GMP binding, cellular accumulation, and DNA platination as well as stronger effects on DNA secondary structure at pH 6.0 than at pH 7.4. As exemplified by treatment of A549 cells with a 2-amino-4-methyl-1-pentanolato complex, induction of apoptosis is enhanced at pH 6.5. These results confirm the increased reactivity and in vitro activity of these compounds under slightly acidic conditions, encouraging further evaluation of ring-closed aminoalcoholatoplatinum(II) derivatives in solid tumors in vivo.  相似文献   
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