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Aim It is a central issue in ecology and biogeography to understand what governs community assembly and the maintenance of biodiversity in tropical rain forest ecosystems. A key question is the relative importance of environmental species sorting (niche assembly) and dispersal limitation (dispersal assembly), which we investigate using a large dataset from diverse palm communities. Location Lowland rain forest, western Amazon River Basin, Peru. Methods We inventoried palm communities, registering all palm individuals and recording environmental conditions in 149 transects of 5 m × 500 m. We used ordination, Mantel tests and indicator species analysis (ISA) to assess compositional patterns, species responses to geographical location and environmental factors. Mantel tests were used to assess the relative importance of geographical distance (as a proxy for dispersal limitation) and environmental differences as possible drivers of dissimilarity in palm species composition. We repeated the Mantel tests for subsets of species that differ in traits of likely importance for habitat specialization and dispersal (height and range size). Results We found a strong relationship between compositional dissimilarity and environmental distance and a weaker but also significant relationship between compositional dissimilarity and geographical distance. Consistent with expectations, relationships with environmental and geographical distance were stronger for understorey species than for canopy species. Geographical distance had a higher correlation with compositional dissimilarity for small‐ranged species compared with large‐ranged species, whereas the opposite was true for environmental distance. The main environmental correlates were inundation and soil nutrient levels. Main conclusions The assembly of palm communities in the western Amazon appears to be driven primarily by species sorting according to hydrology and soil, but with dispersal limitation also playing an important role. The importance of environmental characteristics and geographical distance varies depending on plant height and geographical range size in agreement with functional predictions, increasing our confidence in the inferred assembly mechanisms.  相似文献   
The effects of growing Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIB 8052 in a chemostat under conditions of glucose, NH(4) (+), PO(4) (3-), Mg(2+), and Fe(2+) limitation were examined. It was noted that limitation of any major nutrient resulted in the same fermentation pattern. Conditions where minor nutrient levels were reduced appeared to stimulate solvent production. Under conditions of Mg(2+) restriction, a productive solventogenic culture was produced, with a yield of total solvents on glucose of 35.5%.  相似文献   
The codon usage of Tetrahymena thermophila and other ciliates deviates from the 'universal genetic code' in that UAA and probably UAG are not translational termination signals but code for glutamine. Therefore, translation in vitro of mRNA from Tetrahymena in a reticulocyte lysate is prematurely terminated if a UAA or UAG triplet is present in the reading frame of the mRNA. We show that the addition of a subcellular fraction from Tetrahymena thermophila enables a rabbit reticulocyte lysate to translate Tetrahymena mRNAs into full-sized proteins. The activity of the subcellular fraction is shown to depend on the combined function of a protein component(s) and a tRNA(s). The subcellular fraction is easily prepared and its usefulness for the identification of isolated mRNAs from Tetrahymena by their translation products in vitro is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Abstract. During spontaneous or chemically induced differentiation human choriocarcinoma cells express typical characteristics of the normal differentiating trophoblast: 1) increased production of peptide and steroid hormones (chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen, estrogens, progesterone); 2) increased activity of cellular alkaline phosphatase; 3) morphological transition from cytotrophoblast to syncytiotrophoblast-like cells; and 4) arrested cell proliferation. Since the extracellular matrix is known to control gene expression we have examined the effects of different substrates composed of matrix macromolecules on the differentiation of BeWo choriocarcinoma cells. Matrices tested were; fibronectin, laminin, collagens type I and type IV, the basement membrane-like complex matrix Matrigel, and a complex matrix extracted from human term placenta. Irrespective of the type of molecule(s), it was consistently found that, whenever the matrix molecules were presented as threedimensional structures (as opposed to protein coatings on tissue culture plastic) the response of affected differentiation markers monitored was highly pronounced. Morphology was changed from monolayers to rounded colonies, cell proliferation was reduced, and the secretion of chorionic gonadotropin was increased up to tenfold. Heterogeneous effects were observed on progesterone secretion and on the activity of cellular alkaline phosphatase. Cell adhesion to matrix molecules, however, did not depend on the structure of the matrix. This study demonstrates that gene expression in these tumor cells can be modified by extracellular matrix and highlights that not only the presence of effector molecules in the matrix but also the three-dimensional structure of the matrix is important for the induction of differentiation.  相似文献   
Summary Hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA) is a dominantly inherited disease characterized by amyloidosis, dementia and fatal cerebral hemorrhage of young adults. A method for rapid and simple diagnosis of HCCAA is described. It is based upon oligonucleotide-directed enzymatic amplification of a 275-bp genomic DNA segment containing exon 2 of the cystatin C gene from a blood sample, followed by digestion of the amplification product with AluI. Loss of an AluI recognition site in the amplified DNA segment from HCCAA patients results in a deviating band-pattern at agarose gel electrophoresis, compared with that obtained from normal subjects or unaffected HCCAA family members. In a population of 9 patients with manifest HCCAA, 14 patients with other causes of brain hemorrhage and 16 healthy individuals, the diagnostic procedure displayed a sensitivity and specificity for HCCAA of 100%. Amplified DNA segments from 4 HCCAA patients of four different families were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing; the HCCAA-causing mutation in all families was found to be a single TA substitution in the codon for amino acid residue 68 of cystatin C.  相似文献   
Summary Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is characterized by neoplasia of the parathyroids, the pancreas, and the pituitary. Tumorigenesis involves unmasking of a recessive mutation at the MEN1 locus, which has been mapped to the centromeric part of chromosomal region 11q. In order to localize the MEN1 gene further and to make its isolation possible, a number of new markers were isolated. Two radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrids were identified that only contained markers close to and flanking the MEN1 region. DNA from these hybrids was used for the construction of a cosmid library, and clones containing human inserts were isolated. In addition, cosmid clones were isolated for locus expansion of 7 other markers that were mapped to the 11q12–13.2 region. The 33 newly isolated clones together with 25 previously published markers from this region were analyzed in a panel of radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrids. From the hybridization pattern, the region was divided into 11 parts. New restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified in 7 of the newly isolated cosmid clones and in one plasmid. These were then used to sublocalize meiotic cross-overs more precisely in two MEN1 families, thus refining the mapping of the disease gene.  相似文献   
Summary A monoclonal mouse IgG2b antibody 19F8, directed towards a determinant on the retroviral transmembranous molecule p15E, binds selectively to certain rat tumours, including all tested yolk sac tumours, one rat colon carcinoma, one spontaneous kidney carcinoma and an adenovirus-type-9-induced rat breast tumour, as tested by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and immunohistochemistry. Groups of rats receiving yolk sac tumour F56 isografts intraperitoneally (i.p.) or subperitoneally (s.p.) were treated with this monoclonal antibody (mAb), 19F8, inoculated twice a week in doses of 100 µg. Parallel control groups received analogous inoculations of an isotype-matched monoclonal antibody. A significant growth inhibitory effect was observed with 19F8. In 5/10 rats isografted i.p., tumour outgrowth was completely inhibited and in the other 5 rats the outgrowth was delayed compared to the 10 rats in the control group, which all developed tumours. All rats of the control group developed large volumes of ascites, whereas the 5 rats in the therapy group with eventual tumour outgrowth had little or no ascites. In two experiments with rats carrying subperitoneal isografts and treated with the 19F8 mAb, tumour grew out in 4/5 and 5/10 rats, though growth was delayed compared to the control groups, in which 5/5 and 9/9 rats developed tumours. The tumours grew significantly more slowly in the therapy groups compared to the controls. All rats that developed tumours in the therapy groups showed an anti-idiotypic response against mAb 19F8. The single tumour-free rat in the first experiment and 1/5 tumour-free rats in the other showed no such response. The draining lymph node cells from the tumour-free animals showed a specific proliferative response to yolk sac tumour F56 cells in a mixed lymphocyte tumour cell culture (MLTC), and the MLTC-induced cells were cytotoxic to F56 but not to the natural-killer-sensitive rat T cell lymphoma G1—Tc1. The cytotoxic cell population was more than 90% CD4+. It is concluded that the two test systems for identification of the epitope of p15E detected by mAb 19F8 correlated well in detection of the epitope in the cells (immunohistochemistry) and at the cell surface (ADCC). It is also concluded that mAb 19F8 has a growth-inhibitory effect on yolk sac tumour F56 and that, as a result of the treatment, T cells with specificity for F56 are appearing in draining lymph nodes of tumour-free animals.  相似文献   
During exposure to soft water, acidified to pH 4.0, the haemolymph concentrations of Na+, K+, and Cl decreased whereas the Ca2+ concentration fluctuated in Astacus astacus. The haemocyte content of K+ decreased from 9% to 2% of the total haemolymph K+ content after exposure to pH 3.7 for 3 days. Within 14 days, 250 µg Al3+ l–1, as Al2(SO4)3 at pH 5.0, reduced the haemolymph Na+ content in Astacus astacus and Pacifastacus leniusculus, however, the effects were less pronounced than earlier reported for fish. Disturbed ion regulation, mainly depending on low pH, is thought to contribute to the absence of these species in acid waters.  相似文献   
An intron in a ribosomal protein gene from Tetrahymena   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We have cloned and sequenced a single copy gene encoding a ribosomal protein from the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. The gene product was identified as ribosomal protein S25 by comparison of the migration in two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels of the protein synthesized by translation in vitro of hybrid-selected mRNA and authentic ribosomal proteins. The proteins show strong homology to ribosomal protein S12 from Escherichia coli. The coding region of the gene is interrupted by a 979-bp intron 68 bp downstream of the translation start. This is the first intron in a protein encoding gene of a ciliate to be described at the nucleotide sequence level. The intron obeys the GT/AG rule for splice junctions of nuclear mRNA introns from higher eukaryotes but lacks the pyrimidine stretch usually found in the immediate vicinity of the 3' splice junction. The structure of the intron and the fact that it is found together with the well described self-splicing rRNA intron is discussed in relation to the evolution of RNA splicing.  相似文献   
1. A method was developed for determination of the uronic acid composition of heparin-like glycosaminoglycans. Polymers or oligosaccharides are degraded to monosaccharides by a combination of acid hydrolysis and deamination with HNO2. The resulting uronic acid monosaccharides (accounting for about 70% of the uronic acid contents of the starting materials) are isolated and converted into the corresponding aldono-1,4-lactones, which are separated by g.l.c. The calculated ratios of glucuronic acid/iduronic acid are reproducible within 5%. 2. Samples of heparin from pig intestinal mucosa (molar ratio of sulphate/disaccharide unit, 2.40) and heparan sulphate from human aorta (sulphate/disaccharide ratio, 0.46) were subjected to uronic acid analysis. l-Iduronic acid constituted 77% and 19% respectively of the total uronic acid contents. 3. The correlation between the contents of sulphate and iduronic acid indicated by this finding also applied to the fractionated deamination products of the two polymers. The sulphated fragments varied in size from disaccharide to octasaccharide (or larger) and showed sulphate/disaccharide molar ratios in the range of 0.05–2.0. The proportion of iduronic acid increased with increasing ester sulphate contents of the oligosaccharides. 4. Previous studies on the biosynthesis of heparin in a cell-free system have shown that l-iduronic acid residues are formed by C-5 epimerization of d-glucuronic acid units at the polymer level; the process requires concomitant sulphation of the polymer. The results obtained in the present structural study conform to these findings, and suggest further that similar mechanisms may operate in the biosynthesis of heparan sulphate. The epimerization reaction appears to be linked to the sulphation of hydroxyl groups but does not seem to require sulphation of the target uronic acid residues. The significance of sulphamino groups in relation to the formation of iduronic acid is unknown.  相似文献   
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