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The effect of light on the sexual competence of a light-sensitive mating type minus strain (mt) of Chlamydomonas eugametos obtained by crossing a light-sensitive mating type plus strain (mt+) with a light-insensitive mt strain is described. As previously demonstrated for the mt+ parent, this study of one of the mt offspring shows that (a) a light-sensitive mechanism affects flagellar agglutinability in a rapid process that does not require protein synthesis; (b) only the activity of the flagellar agglutinins (glycoproteins responsible for agglutination) is susceptible to light while agglutinins on the cell body surface are not affected by light. We further demonstrate that (a) membrane vesicles naturally released from nonagglutinable dark gametes remain inactive. Extracts of these vesicles also remain inactive even though they contain agglutinin-like components; (b) inactive mt agglutinin is present in extracts of flagella from nonagglutinable dark gametes by comparison of its chromatographic, electrophoretic, and immunogenic properties with those of active agglutinin. When purified of all other flagellar proteins, it remains inactive; (c) a monoclonal antibody directed against the sexual agglutination site of the mt agglutintin discriminates between active and inactive agglutinins when present in a native state on the flagellar surface, but is unable to discriminate between them when they are denatured in sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis gels and blotted onto nitrocellulose. Taken collectively these observations suggest that light activation involves the chemical modification of the agglutinins in situ on the flagellar surface.  相似文献   
Residual protein structures were prepared from isolated chromosomes and interphase nuclei of in vitro cultured bovine liver cells and the protein compositions were analysed. Chromosomes with minimal cytoplasmic contamination were obtained by a simple procedure using a pH 8 isolation medium containing Triton X-100 and polyamines, and residual protein-DNA complexes were prepared by extraction with 2 M NaCl. Residual protein structures were also obtained by digesting isolated chromosomes with staphylococcal nuclease. Protein compositions of both structures as obtained by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were essentially the same. Residual protein structures were prepared from isolated nuclei by the same procedures. The major nuclear matrix proteins, i.e., the lamins A, B, and C, were not found in the chromosomes and chromosome scaffolds. On the other hand, the residual chromosome structures contained two major polypeptides of 37 and 83 kilodalton relative molecular weights that were absent from the nuclear matrix preparations. A few polypeptides with the same or very similar electrophoretic mobilities were found in the residual structures of both the nuclei and the chromosomes.  相似文献   
The mating activity of mating-type plus gametes of Chlamydomonas eugametos depends on light. Cells lost their ability to agglutinate with mating-type minus gametes after a dark period of 30 min. They regained their agglutinability after 10 min exposure to light. Other mating reactions, such as tipping and flagellar tip activation, were not dependent upon light. Since cycloheximide and tunicamycin did not affect the light-induced activation of flagellar agglutinability, no protein synthesis or glycosylation is involved in this process. Equal amounts of biologically active agglutination factor could be extracted from cells placed either in light or in darkness. A minor portion of the active material was found to be located on the flagellar surface of illuminated cells. No active material was found on the flagellar surface of dark-exposed cells, whereas their cell bodies contained the same amount of active material as the cell bodies of illuminated cells. Since a light-induced flow of agglutination factors from the cell body to the flagella could not be detected and dark-exposed cells could be slightly activated by amputation or fixation by glutaraldehyde, we propose that light affects flagellar agglutinability by an in-situ modification of the agglutination factor on the flagella. When mt + and mt - strains were crossed and the progeny examined for light-sensitivity, it was apparent that this phenomenon is not mating type-linked.Abbreviations and symbols FTA flagellar tip activation - mt +/- mating type plus or minus - WGA wheat-germ agglutinin  相似文献   
The interaction betweenAgaricus bisporus andScytalidium thermophilum on agar media was studied by differential interference contrast and phase contrast microscopy.A. bisporus combatively replacesS. thermophilum in culture on agar media. The antagonistic effect ofA. bisporus is transmissible through a cellophane membrane and causes irreversible disintegration ofS. thermophilum protoplasm, resulting in a total loss of viability after prolonged interaction between the two fungi. On compost extract agar, but not on other media, the growth rate ofA. bisporus increased from 2.7 to 5.3 mm·d–1 following contact withS. thermophilum mycelium.  相似文献   
The oxidation of NADPH and NADH was studied in the light and in the dark using sonically derived membrane vesicles and osmotically shocked spheroplasts. These two types of cell-free membrane preparations mostly differ in that the cell and thylakoid membranes are scrambled in the former type and that they are more or less separated in the latter type of preparations. In the light, using both kinds of preparations, each of NADPH and NADH donates electrons via the plastoquinone-cytochrome bc redox complex (Qbc redox complex) to the thylakoid membrane-bound cytochrome c-553 preoxidized by a light flash and to methylviologen via Photosystem I. NADPH donates electrons to the thylakoid membrane via a weakly rotenone-sensitive dehydrogenase to a site that is situated beyond the 3(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea sensitive site and before plastoquinone. Ferredoxin and easily soluble cytoplasmic proteins are presumably not involved in light-mediated NADPH oxidation. Inhibitors of electron transfer at the Qbc redox complex as the dinitrophenylether of 2-iodo-4-nitrothymol, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinone-N-oxide are effective, but antimycin A and KCN are not. The oxidation of NADH showed comparable sensitivity to these inhibitors. However, the oxidation of NADH is antimycin-A-sensitive regardless of the kind of membrane preparation used, indicating that in this case electrons are donated to a different site on the thylakoid membrane. In the dark, NADPH and NADH donate electrons at sites that behave similar to those of light-mediated oxidation, indicating that the initial steps of electron transfer are situated at the thylakoid membranes. However, NADPH oxidation is in some cases not sensitive to inhibitors active at the Qbc redox complex. It is concluded that O2 reduction takes place at two different sites, one partly developed in vitro, situated near the rotenone-sensitive NADPH dehydrogenase, and another, highly KCN-sensitive one, situated beyond the Qbc redox complex and used in vivo. The terminal oxygen-reducing step of NADPH and NADH oxidation in the dark showed a preparation-dependent sensitivity for KCN, more than 80% inhibition in sonically derived membrane vesicles and less than 30% inhibition in osmotically shocked spheroplasts. From this result we tentatively conclude that the highly KCN-sensitive oxidase is not necessarily located at the thylakoid membrane and could be located at the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is regulated by repression/derepression of enzyme synthesis and by adenylylation/deadenylylation control. High levels of deadenylylated biosynthetically active glutamine synthetase were observed in cultures growing with limiting amounts of nitrogen while synthesis of the enzyme was repressed and that present was adenylylated in cultures with excess nitrogen.NADP-and NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase could be separated by column chromatography and showed molecular weights of 110,000 and 220,000, respectively. Synthesis of the NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is repressed under nitrogen limitation and by growth on glutamate. In contrast, NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is derepressed by glutamate. Glutamate synthase is repressed by glutamate but not by excess nitrogen.  相似文献   
Fens represent a large array of ecosystem services, including the highest biodiversity found among wetlands, hydrological services, water purification and carbon sequestration. Land‐use change and drainage has severely damaged or annihilated these services in many parts of North America and Europe; restoration plans are urgently needed at the landscape level. We review the major constraints on the restoration of rich fens and fen water bodies in agricultural areas in Europe and disturbed landscapes in North America: (i) habitat quality problems: drought, eutrophication, acidification, and toxicity, and (ii) recolonization problems: species pools, ecosystem fragmentation and connectivity, genetic variability, and invasive species; and here provide possible solutions. We discuss both positive and negative consequences of restoration measures, and their causes. The restoration of wetland ecosystem functioning and services has, for a long time, been based on a trial‐and‐error approach. By presenting research and practice on the restoration of rich fen ecosystems within agricultural areas, we demonstrate the importance of biogeochemical and ecological knowledge at different spatial scales for the management and restoration of biodiversity, water quality, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services, especially in a changing climate. We define target processes that enable scientists, nature managers, water managers and policy makers to choose between different measures and to predict restoration prospects for different types of deteriorated fens and their starting conditions.  相似文献   
This study describes the effect of soil fauna and vegetation on the development of landscapes and how these actually control soil formation, geomorphological development and hydrological response. The study area is located in a semi-natural deciduous forest on marl in Luxembourg, with a strong texture contrast in the soil at 15–25 cm depth (luvic planosols). The methodology applied is both based on hydrological and geomorphological field measurements on runoff, sediment yield, perched water table dynamics, geomorphological survey, pedological survey and measurements related to in situ ectorganic horizon dynamics and litter decay, soil animal activity, as well as measurements of dynamic soil properties such as soil moisture and swelling and shrinkage. The results show that there is a positive feedback between tree type, soil fauna activity and the development of pipes, partial areas, soils and geomorphology. The landscape can be divided into two main types: Areas where Stellario-Carpinetum vegetation and partial areas are common and areas with Milio-Fagetum vegetation on dry slopes, which are differentiating more and more over time as a result of ongoing geo-ecosystem processes, and which also reflected in their sediment yield. The hydrological response is highly different for both landscape compartments as they are dominated by matrix (Beech) and pipe flow (Hornbeam) respectively. Soil fauna and tree type drive both soil and geomorphological evolution and they both can be considered as important ecosystem engineers.  相似文献   
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