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Response of fourth-instar larvae of Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann (Diptera: Culicidae) to food and inert particles floating at the water surface was studied. In a choice test, larvae aggregated at powdered organic materials (blood meal, liver powder alfalfa flour and wheat flour) but not at inert materials (kaolin, chalk or charcoal). Larvae responded positively to proteins as well as some carbohydrates, but not to cellulose. Retention of larvae at food sources found by random locomotion was found to be responsible for larval aggregation. Larvae ingested food particles 6–9 times faster than insert particles. The significance of Anopheline feeding behavior in the development of formulations of stomach toxins (bacterial agents) used in larval control is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit Verhaltensreaktionen von Anopheles albimanus Viertlarven auf an der Wasseroberfläche schwimmende Partikel. Verteilung und Orientierung der Larven wurde in einer Wahlapparatur quantifiziert. Nach Auftrag von Alfalfamehl, Weizenmehl, Stärke, Blutmehl, Leberpulver und Fischmehl wurde Aggregation der Larven in den beköderten Fächern der Apparatur beobachtet. Sowohl Proteine (Casein) als auch einige Kohlehydrate (Amylose, Amylopectin) lösten Aggregationen der Larven aus. Im Unterschied dazu führte Auftrag von Kreide, Kaolin, Polyaethylenpulver, Talcum oder Cellulose nicht zu Aggregationen. Zur Beschreibung der Entstehung larvaler Aggregationen bei Futterstoffen wurden die Schwimmbewegungen der Larven in Anwesenheit von Weizenmehl als Ködersubstanz quantifiziert. Da keine Attraktion der Larven im Sinne einer gerichteten Schwimmbewegung beobachtet werden konnte, wird geschlussfolgert, dass sofortige Beendung der Suchaktivität der Larven bei zufällig gefundenen Futterquellen für die beobachteten Aggregationen bei organischen Substanzen verantwortlich ist.Die Fressraten der Larven bei Angebot verschiedener Substanzen im Überschuss wurde bestimmt. Larven fülten drei von insgesamt sechs Darmabschnitten innerhalb von 15–30 min bei Angebot von Futtersubstanzen, während die Füllung von nur zwei Darmabschnitten mit inerten Materialien erst nach 90–120 min zu beobachten war. Die Resultate werden in Bezug auf wasseroberflächengebundene Formulierungen von Frassgiften diskutiert. Inerte Trägersubstanzen werden wahrscheinlich wesentlich langsamer aufgenommen als Futtersubstanzen. Da An. albimanus Larven nicht von Futterquellen angezogen werden, ist eine rasche und wirksame Giftaufnahme besonders dann zu erwarten, wenn die gesamte Oberfläche der Brutgewässer mit toxinhaltigen Trägerpartikeln bedeckt werden kann.
Rat pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activity in crude homogenates is reduced by treatment with disulfides. Cystamine (IC50 = 128 microM) and selenocystamine (IC50 = 13 microM) are the most potent compounds tested. Reduced cystamine (cysteamine) and diaminohexane are inactive. N,N'-Diacetylcystamine, penicillamine disulfide, and glutathione disulfide are less potent or inactive; but several peptides (oxytocin, vasopressin, and arginine vasotocin) are active. Inactivation by cystamine is time- and temperature-dependent and is accelerated at higher pH. Disulfide treatment of intact pinealocytes also inactivates the enzyme. Addition of dithiothreitol during the enzyme assay completely reactivates inactivated enzyme formed by disulfide treatment of homogenates or intact cells. Rat hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase is also inactivated in the absence of added disulfides and dissolved O2. This spontaneous inactivation is time-, temperature-, and pH-dependent and can be completely prevented, but not reversed, by dithiothreitol. In contrast to the inhibitory effects of cystamine on the rat enzyme, cystamine does not alter bovine hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase and increases ovine hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activity. The bovine and ovine enzymes do not become inactive in the absence of added disulfides. Together these observations indicate that rat pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase can be inactivated by a protein thiol:disulfide exchange mechanism. This mechanism may contribute to the physiological regulation of this enzyme in the rat pineal gland but does not appear to be a common feature of pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase regulation in all species.  相似文献   
Primates possess the remarkable ability to differentiate faces of group members and to extract relevant information about the individual directly from the face. Recognition of conspecific faces is achieved by means of holistic processing, i.e. the processing of the face as an unparsed, perceptual whole, rather than as the collection of independent features (part-based processing). The most striking example of holistic processing is the Thatcher illusion. Local changes in facial features are hardly noticeable when the whole face is inverted (rotated 180°), but strikingly grotesque when the face is upright. This effect can be explained by a lack of processing capabilities for locally rotated facial features when the face is turned upside down. Recently, a Thatcher illusion was described in the macaque monkey analogous to that known from human investigations. Using a habituation paradigm combined with eye tracking, we address the critical follow-up questions raised in the aforementioned study to show the Thatcher illusion as a function of the observer''s species (humans and macaques), the stimulus'' species (humans and macaques) and the level of perceptual expertise (novice, expert).  相似文献   
Biochemical properties of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor system of the avian retina were found to change during the period when synapses form in ovo. Comparison of ligand binding to membranes obtained before and after synaptogenesis showed a significant increase in the affinity, but not proportion, of the high affinity agonist-binding state. There was no change in receptor sensitivity to antagonists during this period. Pirenzepine binding, which can discriminate muscarinic receptor subtypes, showed the presence of a single population of low affinity sites (M2) before and after synaptogenesis. The change in agonist binding was not due to the late development of receptor function; tests for receptor-stimulated phosphatidylinositol turnover and for modulation of agonist binding by guanylylimidodiphosphate showed functional coupling to be present several days prior to the onset of synapse formation. However, detergent-solubilization of membranes eliminated differences in agonist binding between receptors from embryos and hatched chicks, suggesting a developmental change in interactions of the receptor with functionally related membrane components. A possible basis for altered interactions was obtained from isoelectric point data showing that the muscarinic receptor population underwent a transition from a predominantly low pI form (4.25) in 13 day embryos to a predominantly high pI form (4.50) in newly hatched chicks. The possibility that biochemical changes in the muscarinic receptor play a role in differentiation of the system by controlling receptor position on the surface of nerve cells is discussed.  相似文献   
In an effort to identify widely active positive regulatory elements, we have examined the action of the cytomegalovirus enhancer-promoter in transgenic mice. These elements activated expression in 24 of 28 tissues tested. The greatest expression was observed in the heart, kidney, brain, and testis. Maximum expression further localized to specific cells within the heart and kidney.  相似文献   

Extracting biomedical information from large metabolomic datasets by multivariate data analysis is of considerable complexity. Common challenges include among others screening for differentially produced metabolites, estimation of fold changes, and sample classification. Prior to these analysis steps, it is important to minimize contributions from unwanted biases and experimental variance. This is the goal of data preprocessing. In this work, different data normalization methods were compared systematically employing two different datasets generated by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. To this end, two different types of normalization methods were used, one aiming to remove unwanted sample-to-sample variation while the other adjusts the variance of the different metabolites by variable scaling and variance stabilization methods. The impact of all methods tested on sample classification was evaluated on urinary NMR fingerprints obtained from healthy volunteers and patients suffering from autosomal polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Performance in terms of screening for differentially produced metabolites was investigated on a dataset following a Latin-square design, where varied amounts of 8 different metabolites were spiked into a human urine matrix while keeping the total spike-in amount constant. In addition, specific tests were conducted to systematically investigate the influence of the different preprocessing methods on the structure of the analyzed data. In conclusion, preprocessing methods originally developed for DNA microarray analysis, in particular, Quantile and Cubic-Spline Normalization, performed best in reducing bias, accurately detecting fold changes, and classifying samples.

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