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Growth and muscle protein turnover in the chick   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The growth rates of young chicks were varied from 0 to 10% per day by manipulation of the adequacy of the amino acid and energy supply. The rates of protein synthesis in the white breast (pectoralis thoracica) muscle and the dark leg (gastrocnemius and peronaeus longus) muscles were estimated by feeding l-[U-14C]tyrosine in amino acid/agar-gel diets (`dietary infusion'). This treatment rapidly and consistently produced an isotopic equilibrium in the expired CO2 and in the free tyrosine of plasma and the muscles. Wholebody protein synthesis in 2-week-old chicks was estimated from the tyrosine flux and was 6.4g/day per 100g body wt. In 1-week-old chicks the rate of protein synthesis was more rapid in the breast muscles than in the leg muscles, but decreased until the rates were similar in 2-week-old birds. Synthesis was also more rapid in fast-growing Rock Cornish broilers than in medium-slow-growing New Hampshire×Single Comb White Leghorn chicks. No or barely significant decrease in the high rates of protein synthesis, in the protein/RNA ratio and in the activity of RNA for protein synthesis occurred in non- or slow-growing chicks fed on diets deficient in lysine, total nitrogen or energy. Thus the machinery of protein synthesis in the young chick seems to be relatively insensitive to dietary manipulation. In the leg muscles, there was a small but significant correlation between the fractional rate of growth and protein synthesis. A decrease in the fractional rate of degradation, however, appeared to account for much of the accumulation of muscle protein in rapidly growing birds. In addition, the rapid accumulation of breast-muscle protein in rapidly growing chicks appeared to be achieved almost entirely by a marked decrease in the fractional rate of degradation.  相似文献   
The familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy is strictly associated with point mutations in the coding region of the transthyretin gene. Here, we focused on the mutations in the monomer-monomer and dimer-dimer interaction site of the transthyretin tetramer. The naturally occurring amyloidogenic Tyr114His (Y114H) and Tyr116Ser (Y116S) variants formed more amyloid fibrils than the wild-type transthyretin, nonamyloidogenic Tyr116Val (Y116V) variant, and other amyloidogenic variants in previous studies. The secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structural stabilities of the Y114H and Y116S variants were compared with those of the wild-type transthyretin and nonamyloidogenic Y116V variant. The unfolding data indicated that the amyloidogenic Y114H and Y116S mutations reduced the stability of the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure. Our results also indicated that the unfolding of Y114H and Y116S is less cooperative than that of the wild-type transthyretin. Moreover, the tetramer of the amyloidogenic variants dissociated to the monomer even at pH 7.0, indicating the importance of Tyr114 and Tyr116 in strengthening the contacts between monomers and/or dimers of the transthyretin molecule.  相似文献   
Kawai M, Hussain M, and Orchard CH. Am J Heart Circ Physiol 277: H603-H609, 1999 developed a technique to detubulate rat ventricular myocytes using formamide and showed that detubulation results in a decrease in cell capacitance, Ca(2+) current density, and Ca(2+) transient amplitude. We have investigated the mechanism of this detubulation and possible direct effects of formamide. Staining ventricular cells with di-8-ANEPPS showed that the t tubule membranes remain inside the cell after detubulation; trapping of FITC-labeled dextran within the t tubules showed that detubulation occurs during formamide washout and that the t tubules appear to reseal within the cell. Detubulation had no effect on the microtubule network but resulted in loss of synchronous Ca(2+) release on electrical stimulation. In contrast, formamide treatment of atrial cells did not significantly change cell capacitance, Ca(2+) current amplitude, action potential configuration, the Ca(2+) transient or the response of the Ca(2+) transient to isoprenaline. We conclude that formamide washout induces detubulation of single rat ventricular myocytes, leaving the t tubules within the cell, but without direct effects on cell proteins that might alter cell function.  相似文献   
We investigated the neuroprotective function of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (alpha7nAChR) after transient hypoxia (12 h) and reoxygenation (0-72 h), comparing rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells overexpressing FLAG-tagged alpha7nAChR (alpha7pCMV cells) and control PC12 cells (non-transfected or transfected with vector only) in medium with and without nicotine. Plasma membrane degradation in the early phase after hypoxia was inhibited in PC12 cells with nicotine, and more profoundly in alpha7pCMV cells with nicotine. Inhibition of DNA fragmentation in the late phase after hypoxia was most remarkable in alpha7pCMV cells with nicotine, but, surprisingly, it was more remarkable in alpha7pCMV cells without nicotine than in PC12 cells with nicotine. G1-arrest of the cell cycle, observed in control PC12 cells at 12 h after hypoxia, preceding DNA fragmentation, was not evident in alpha7pCMV cells, with or without nicotine. Furthermore, in alpha7pCMV cells with and without nicotine, the basal expression levels of total Akt were approximately 1.5-fold higher, and the up-regulation of Akt phosphorylated at Ser473 after hypoxia was strikingly enhanced, compared with control PC12 cells. These findings suggest that alpha7nAChR functions constitutively in PC12 cells, that its overexpression raises tolerance against G1-arrest and DNA fragmentation after hypoxia, and that it can be considered a candidate target for treatment against hypoxia-induced acute membrane degradation and delayed DNA fragmentation in neurons.  相似文献   
Growth-blocking peptide (GBP) is a 25-amino acid cytokine isolated from the lepidopteran insect Pseudaletia separata. GBP exhibits various biological activities such as regulation of larval growth of insects, proliferation of a few kinds of cultured cells, and stimulation of a class of insect immune cells called plasmatocytes. The tertiary structure of GBP consists of a well structured core domain and disordered N and C termini. Our previous studies revealed that, in addition to the structured core, specific residues in the unstructured N-terminal region (Glu1 and Phe3) are also essential for the plasmatocyte-stimulating activity. In this study, a number of deletion, insertion, and site-directed mutants targeting the unstructured N-terminal residues of GBP were constructed to gain more detailed insight into the mode of interaction between the N-terminal region and GBP receptor. Alteration of the backbone length of the linker region between the core structure and N-terminal domain reduced plasmatocyte-stimulating activity. The substitutions of Gly5 or Gly6 in this linker region with more bulky residues, such as Phe and Pro, also remarkably reduced this activity. We conclude that the interaction of GBP with its receptor depends on the relative position of the N-terminal domain to the core structure, and therefore the backbone flexibility of Gly residues in the linker region is necessary for adoption of a proper conformation suited to receptor binding. Additionally, antagonistic experiments using deletion mutants confirmed that not only the core domain but also the N-terminal region of GBP are required for "receptor-binding," and furthermore Phe3 is a binding determinant of the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   
In order to provide fundamental data required for dose evaluation due to environmental exposures, effective dose conversion coefficients, that is, the effective dose rate per unit activity per unit area, were calculated for a number of potentially important radionuclides, assuming an exponential distribution in ground, over a wide range of relaxation depths. The conversion coefficients were calculated for adults and a new-born baby on the basis of dosimetric methods that the authors and related researchers have previously developed, using Monte Carlo simulations and anthropomorphic computational phantoms. The differences in effective dose conversion coefficients due to body size between the adult and baby phantoms were found to lie within 50?%, for most cases; however, for some low energies, differences could amount to a factor of 3. The effective dose per unit source intensity per area was found to decrease by a factor of 2–5, for increasing relaxation depths from 0 to 5?g/cm2, above a source energy of 50?keV. It is also shown that implementation of the calculated coefficients into the computation of the tissue weighting factors and the adult reference computational phantoms of ICRP Publication 103 does not significantly influence the effective dose conversion coefficients of the environment. Consequently, the coefficients shown in this paper could be applied for the evaluation of effective doses, as defined according to both recommendations of ICRP Publications 103 and 60.  相似文献   
The increased production of oxygen-derived free radicals (OFR) and lipid peroxidation may contribute to vascular complications in diabetes. Some lipid peroxidation products have already been reported to be formed via glucose-induced oxidative stress. We have identified 9-hydroxy linoleic acid (9-OH-C18:2) in the red cell membrane phospholipid of diabetic subjects. We hypothesized that 9-OH-C18:2 would be formed in hydroxyl radical reactions to linoleic acid (C18:2) during glucose-induced oxidative stress, and confirmed that the formation of 9-OH-C18:2 was induced by ultraviolet (UV)-C irradiation to the synthetic C18:2. UV-C light generates highly reactive hydroxy radicals. C18:2 is confirmed to be the precursor of 9-OH-C18:2. To estimate the degree of oxidative damage to red cell membrane phospholipids, we developed a selective ion monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometric measurement for C18:2 and 9-OH-C18:2, following methanolysis of red cell membrane phospholipids. The relative peak height ratio of C18:2 to 9-OH-C18:2 (9-OH-C18:2/C18:2) was measured in phospholipid extracts of red cell membranes from healthy (n=29, 3.1±1.9%) and diabetic (n=27, 20.9±16.1%) subjects. It was confirmed that 9-OH-C18:2/C18:2 is significantly (P<0.001) elevated in patients with diabetes. The measurement of 9-OH-C18:2/C18:2 in red cell membranes should be useful for assessing oxidative damage to membrane phospholipids in diabetes.  相似文献   
Using four clones isolated from Echinococcus multilocularis cDNA library with alveolar echinococcosis (AE) patient sera, various antigens were expressed as ThioHis tag-fused protein. Recombinant EmII/3 antigen was produced as the five fragments divided into the N-terminal (#5 and #5s), the central (#6 and #6s) and the C-terminal domain (#7). Immunoblot analysis revealed that the #7 showed significant reactivity whereas those of #5 and #5s were relatively low. The #6 and #6s also showed lower reactivity than that of #7, although the two minor bands of #6 reacted with every serum. These results suggested that an immunodominant region of EmII/3 locate within the C-terminal one third. The #8s recombinant antigen, Ser23–Glu176 of actin filament fragmenting protein (AFFP), apparently reacted with the AE patient sera, while the #1 antigen synthesized as a full-length antigen B1 did not show such high reactivity. Thus, #7 and #8s antigens showed significant potential for use in immunodetection of AE. In addition, the specific antibodies against #7 and #8s reacted with specific antigens in crude extract of E. multilocularis cyst, indicating that these antigens retained antigenicity common to native EmII/3 and AFFP, respectively.  相似文献   
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