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Phytochrome photoreceptors undergo reversible photoconversion between the red-absorbing form, Pr, and the far-red-absorbing form, Pfr. The first step in the conversion from Pr to Pfr is a Z to E isomerization around the C15=C16 double bond of the bilin chromophore. We prepared four synthetic biliverdin (BV) derivatives in which rings C and D are sterically locked by cyclizing with an additional carbon chain. In these chromophores, which are termed 15Za, 15Zs, 15Ea, and 15Es, the C15=C16 double bond is in either the Z or E configuration and the C14-C15 single bond in either the syn or anti conformation. The chromophores were assembled with Agrobacterium phytochrome Agp1, which incorporates BV as natural chromophore. All locked BV derivatives bound covalently to the protein and formed adducts with characteristic spectral properties. The 15Za adduct was spectrally similar to the Pr form and the 15Ea adduct similar to the Pfr form of the BV adduct. Thus, the chromophore of Agp1 adopts a C15=C16 Z configuration and a C14-C15 anti conformation in the Pr form and a C15=C16 E configuration and a C14-C15 anti conformation in the Pfr form. Both the 15Zs and the 15Es adducts absorbed only in the blue region of the visible spectra. All chromophore adducts were analyzed by size exclusion chromatography and histidine kinase activity to probe for protein conformation. In either case, the 15Za adduct behaved like the Pr and the 15Ea adduct like the Pfr form of Agp1. Replacing the natural chromophore by a locked 15Ea derivative can thus bring phytochrome holoprotein in the Pfr form in darkness. In this way, physiological action of Pfr can be studied in vivo and separated from Pr/Pfr cycling and other light effects.  相似文献   
Phytochromes are photoreceptors with a bilin chromophore in which light triggers the conversion between the red-absorbing form Pr and the far-red-absorbing form Pfr. Agrobacterium tumefaciens has two phytochromes, Agp1 and Agp2, with antagonistic properties: in darkness, Agp1 converts slowly from Pfr to Pr, whereas Agp2 converts slowly from Pr to Pfr. In a previous study, we have assembled Agp1 with synthetic locked chromophores 15Za, 15Zs, 15Ea, and 15Es in which the C15=C16 double bond is fixed in either the E or Z configuration and the C14-C15 single bond is fixed in either the syn (s) or anti (a) conformation. In the present study, the locked chromophores 5Za and 5Zs were used for assembly with Agp1; in these chromophores, the C4=C5 double bond is fixed in the Z configuration, and the C5-C6 single bond is fixed in either the syn or anti conformation. All locked chromophores were also assembled with Agp2. The data showed that in both phytochromes the Pr chromophore adopts a C4=C5 Z C5-C6 syn C15=C16 Z C14-C15 anti stereochemistry and that in the Pfr chromophore the C15=C16 double bond has isomerized to the E configuration, whereas the C14-C15 single bond remains in the anti conformation. Photoconversion shifted the absorption maxima of the 5Zs adducts to shorter wavelengths, whereas the 5Za adducts were shifted to longer wavelengths. Thus, the C5-C6 single bond of the Pfr chromophore is rather in an anti conformation, supporting the previous suggestion that during photoconversion of phytochromes, a rotation around the ring A-B connecting single bond occurs.  相似文献   
We performed steady state fluorescence measurements with phytochromes Agp1 and Agp2 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and three mutants in which photoconversion is inhibited. These proteins were assembled with the natural chromophore biliverdin (BV), with phycoerythrobilin (PEB), which lacks a double bond in the ring C-D-connecting methine bridge, and with synthetic bilin derivatives in which the ring C-D-connecting methine bridge is locked. All PEB and locked chromophore adducts are photoinactive. According to fluorescence quantum yields, the adducts may be divided into four different groups: wild type BV adducts exhibiting a weak fluorescence, mutant BV adducts with about 10-fold enhanced fluorescence, adducts with locked chromophores in which the fluorescence quantum yields are around 0.02, and PEB adducts with a high quantum yield of around 0.5. Thus, the strong fluorescence of the PEB adducts is not reached by the locked chromophore adducts, although the photoconversion energy dissipation pathway is blocked. We therefore suggest that ring D of the bilin chromophore, which contributes to the extended π-electron system of the locked chromophores, provides an energy dissipation pathway that is independent on photoconversion.  相似文献   
The bacteriophytochrome Agp1 was reconstituted with a locked 5Zs-biliverdin in which the C(4)=C(5) and C(5)-C(6) bonds of the methine bridge between rings A and B are fixed in the Z and syn configuration/conformation, respectively. In Agp1-5Zs the photoconversion proceeds via the Lumi-R intermediate to Meta-R(A), but the following millisecond-transition to Meta-R(C) is blocked. Consistently, no transient proton release was detected. The photoconversion of Agp1-5Zs is apparently arrested in a Meta-R(A)-like intermediate, since the subsequent syn to anti rotation around the C(5)-C(6) bond is prevented by the lock. The Meta-R(A)-like photoproduct was characterized by its distinctive CD spectrum suggesting a reorientation of ring D.  相似文献   
Phycocyanobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PcyA) is the best characterized member of the ferredoxin-dependent bilin reductase family. Unlike other ferredoxin-dependent bilin reductases that catalyze a two-electron reduction, PcyA sequentially reduces D-ring (exo) and A-ring (endo) vinyl groups of biliverdin IXα (BV) to yield phycocyanobilin, a key pigment precursor of the light-harvesting antennae complexes of red algae, cyanobacteria, and cryptophytes. To address the structural basis for the reduction regiospecificity of PcyA, we report new high resolution crystal structures of bilin substrate complexes of PcyA from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, all of which lack exo-vinyl reduction activity. These include the BV complex of the E76Q mutant as well as substrate-bound complexes of wild-type PcyA with the reaction intermediate 181,182-dihydrobiliverdin IXα (18EtBV) and with biliverdin XIIIα (BV13), a synthetic substrate that lacks an exo-vinyl group. Although the overall folds and the binding sites of the U-shaped substrates of all three complexes were similar with wild-type PcyA-BV, the orientation of the Glu-76 side chain, which was in close contact with the exo-vinyl group in PcyA-BV, was rotated away from the bilin D-ring. The local structures around the A-rings in the three complexes, which all retain the ability to reduce the A-ring of their bound pigments, were nearly identical with that of wild-type PcyA-BV. Consistent with the proposed proton-donating role of the carboxylic acid side chain of Glu-76 for exo-vinyl reduction, these structures reveal new insight into the reduction regiospecificity of PcyA.  相似文献   
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