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The mechanisms responsible for the difference in neurovirulence to inbred mice between two variants of the Miyama strain of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) were studied. After intraperitoneal (i.p.) inoculation, the +GC (LPV) variant reached the spinal cord and the brain, and caused death. Conversely, the -GCr variant lacked the ability to gain access to the central nervous system (CNS) after the same route of infection and failed to kill susceptible mice. The initial virus growth after i.p. inoculation, as indicated by the number of infective centers (ICs) produced by the peritoneal exudate cells (PECs), was compared between these two variants. The virulent +GC (LPV) strain induced much more ICs than the attenuated -GCr variant. When the attenuated variant was preinoculated i.p. 24 hr before the challenge inoculation with the virulent variant by the same route, the production of ICs by the pathogenic variant was highly inhibited, and growth of this variant did not occur in the CNS. Thus, mice were protected from lethal infection by the virulent variant by preinoculation with the attenuated one. Moreover, the ability of mice to resist i.p. infection by HSV-1 was shown to be age-dependent.  相似文献   
Patterns of occurrence of myxomycetes in a spruce forest in South Sweden   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Uno Eliasson 《Ecography》1981,4(1):20-31
A 4-yr field study was carried out on selected species of myxomycetes. Reticularia jurana, Symphytocarpus flaecidus, Amaurochaete atra , and A. tubulina occur predominantly in May–June. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa, Stemonitis axifera, S. fusca, S. hyperopta , and Fuligo septica in June–August, and Colloderma oculatum, Trichia botrytis, T. decipiens , and Fuligo muscorum in September–October. Lycogala epidendrum may occur from May to October. Whereas several species seem to be restricted to late autumn, those appearing in spring and early summer are occasionally found also later in the season. Many species with large plasmodia are rare under arid conditions. Complex factors probably influence spore germination, and it is often impossible to explain a sudden abundance of a species merely from temperature and precipitation. Several species show clear substrate preferences. Plasmodia may develop in cavities in wood and then move out to the surface to fructify. Insects are probably important for the dispersal of several species. Invertebrates, among them snails, are predators on plasmodia as well as on fructifications.  相似文献   
[3H]Dihydroergocryptine ([3H]DHE) was shown to bind to sites in membranes from neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cells (NG 108-15) that had the characteristics expected of alpha-adrenergic receptors. The binding was saturable with 0.3 pmol [3H]DHE bound per mg of protein and of high affinity, with an apparent dissociation constant (KD) of 1.8 nM. The specificity of the binding site for various ligands was more similar to that of alpha 2 receptors than to that of alpha 1. No specific binding of [3H]WB-4101 was found in the membranes derived from NG 108 cells. This finding also indicated that the [3H]DHE binding site in the cell is the alpha 2 receptor. GTP lowered the affinity of agonists for the [3H]DHE binding site, although the nucleotide hardly affected the affinity of antagonists including [3H]DHE.  相似文献   
In addition to HMG-CoA reductase, another HMG-CoA utilizing enzyme is present in the Mt fraction of sweet potato root tissue and its activity interferes with the assay to HMG-CoA reductase activity.  相似文献   
In the purification of proline hydroxylase by affinity chromatography on poly(L-proline)-Sepharose it was found earlier that two other components, profilin and the complex profilin-actin, also bind with high affinity to this matrix. We have exploited this observation to develop a rapid procedure for the isolation of profilin and profilin-actin complexes in high yields directly from high-speed supernatants of crude tissue-extracts. Through an extensive search for elution conditions, avoiding poly(L-proline) as the desorbant, we have found that active proteins can be recovered from the affinity column with a buffer containing 30% dimethyl sulphoxide. Subsequent chromatography on hydroxylapatite separates free profilin and the two isoforms of profilactin, profilin-actinβ and profilin-actinγ. The profilin-actin complexes produced this way have high specific activities in the DNAase-inhibition assay, give rise to filaments on addition of Mg2+, and can be crystallized. From the isolated profilin-actin complexes the β- and γ-actin isoforms of non-muscle cells can easily be prepared in a polymerization competent form. Pure profilin is either obtained from an excess pool present in some extracts or by dissociation of profilin-actin complexes and removal of the actin.  相似文献   
Three strains of Cladosporium carrionii, two human isolates and one from a xerophilous plant, were used to study the effect of culture conditions in 106 newborn ddY mice. Growth in a complex medium (YPG) and a basal synthetic medium (BSM) was compared. Filamentous forms developed during static incubation while conidia were readily formed with shaking. Mice inoculated intraperitoneally were sacrified and autopsied after 4 weeks. Mortality was related only to sporulated exponential phase growing cells. Invasiveness ability was preserved in all experimental conditions. BSM medium that inhibited exopigment formation appeared more suitable than YPG to obtain intact cells for further studies.Biochemical and physiological alteration associated with shape changes during differentiation of vegetative cells into spores could play an important role in virulence of C. carrionii  相似文献   
Resonance Raman investigations on compound II of native, diacetyldeuteroheme-, and manganese-substituted horseradish peroxidase (isozyme C) revealed that the metal-oxygen linkage in the compound differed from one another in its bond strength and/or structure. Fe(IV) = O stretching frequency for compound II of native enzyme was pH sensitive, giving the Raman line at 772 and 789 cm-1 at pH 7 and 10, respectively. The results confirmed the presence of a hydrogen bond between the oxo-ligand and a nearby amino acid residue (Sitter, A. J., Reczek, C. M., and Terner, J. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 7515-7522). The Fe(IV) = O stretch for compound II of diacetylheme-enzyme was located at 781 cm-1 at pH 7 which was 9 cm-1 higher than that of native enzyme compound II. At pH 10, however, the Fe(IV) = O stretch was found at 790 cm-1, essentially the same frequency as that of native enzyme compound II. The pK value for the pH transition, 8.5, was also the same as that of native compound II. Unlike in native enzyme, D2O-H2O exchange did not cause a shift of the Fe(IV) = O frequency of diacetylheme-enzyme. Thus, the metal-oxygen bond at pH 7 was stronger in diacetylheme-enzyme due to a weaker hydrogen bonding to the oxo-ligand, while the Fe(IV) = O bond strength became essentially the same between both enzymes at alkaline pH upon disruption of the hydrogen bond. A much lower reactivity of the diacetylheme-enzyme compound II was accounted to be due to the weaker hydrogen bond. Compound II of manganese-substituted enzyme exhibited Mn(IV)-oxygen stretch about 630 cm-1, which was pH insensitive but down-shifted by 18 cm-1 upon the D2O-H2O exchange. The finding indicates that its structure is in Mn(IV)-OH, where the proton is exchangeable with a water proton. These results establish that the structure of native enzyme compound II is Fe(IV) = O but not Fe(IV)-OH.  相似文献   
Cytochrome b562-o complex, a terminal oxidase in the respiratory chain of aerobically grown Escherichia coli, has been studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy in its air-oxidized, dithionite-reduced, and reduced and CO-ligated states. In the reduced state, with a 406.7-nm excitation, there appeared 1494 and 1473 cm-1 lines, indicating that low spin and high spin components are included in the cytochrome b562-o complex. For the air-oxidized protein, resonance Raman lines were observed at 1372, 1503, and 1580 cm-1 with a 413.1-nm excitation, indicating that there is a ferric low spin heme. In addition, a weak but appreciable Raman line was observed at 1480 cm-1 assignable to a ferric high spin heme. Accordingly, it was concluded that low spin and high spin components are included in the cytochrome b562-o complex in the reduced and the air-oxidized states. In the CO-ligated state, with a defocused laser beam of 413.1 nm, two Raman bands assignable to the Fe-CO stretching mode have been observed at 489 and 523 cm-1, as a major and a minor component, respectively. When the laser beam was focused upon the sample to cause a photodissociation of CO from the heme moiety, the intensity of the major band at 489 cm-1 was reduced as expected. On the other hand, the minor band at 523 cm-1 remained still obvious. It was suggested that the cytochrome b562-o complex may have an additional anomalous site for CO that is resistant to photodissociation.  相似文献   
Intact tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Irish Cobblerand an interspecific hybrid between S. tuberosum and S. demissumcv. Rishiri) contain a very low activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl(HMG)-CoA reductase. The activity increased first in responseto slicing, and again in response to additional treatments suchas inoculation with an incompatible race of Phytophthora infestans,application of a hyphal wall component of the fungus or HgCl2solution, and then decreased. Both the first and the secondincreases in activity in response to slicing and additionaltreatment with a hyphal wall component to elicit phytoalexinproduction were inhibited by blasticidin S. Properties of HMG-CoAreductase induced by slicing and by additional treatment withHgCl2 or fungal inoculation were investigated. 2 Present address: Faculty of Home Economics, Nagoya Women'sUniversity, Shioji-cho, Mizuho, Nagoya 467, Japan.  相似文献   
Three oleanane triterpenes were isolated from the roots of Periandra dulcis,and identified as 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-18-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid I), 3β-hydroxy-25-al-olean-12-en-30-oic acid (periandric acid II) and 3-oxo-25-hydroxy-olean-12-en-30-oic acid. The former two compounds (periandric acids I and II) were identical with the aglycones obtained by hydrolysis of periandrin I and II, respectively and the latter one was a new triterpene.  相似文献   
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