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Rats were prepared with inflatable balloons at the superior vena cava - right atrium junction. After recovery 1 week later, when blood was taken from conscious, normovolaemic animals plasma renin activity was found not to be influenced by right atrial stretch. Plasma renin activity was then measured in rats in which an extracellular fluid deficit had been produced by peritoneal dialysis against a hyperoncotic, isotonic solution. Although basal plasma renin activity was elevated (6.8 +/- 0.9 from 1.5 +/- 0.2 ng X mL X h, n = 19), no depression was observed in the experimental group after 15 or 90 min of balloon inflation. In rats pretreated with isoprenaline (10 micrograms/kg body wt.) plasma renin activity was also increased over basal levels, but again balloon inflation caused no reduction in plasma renin activity. It would appear that right atrial stretch has little, if any, influence on renin release in the conscious rat.  相似文献   
S A Morris  M Kaufman 《Blut》1989,59(4):385-389
A method has been developed for the assessment of the number of spectrin dimer units associated with each actin protofilament junction, in the membrane cytoskeletal network (i.e. the degree of branching) of the red cell. Ghosts are first exposed to elevated temperature at low ionic strength to dissociate some 65% of the spectrin tetramers (that link the network junctions) into dimers, without causing their release from the actin filaments. Non-ionic detergent is then added to solubilize the membrane itself with its intrinsic proteins, so as to liberate the cytoskeletal material, and the mixture is immediately examined in the analytical ultracentrifuge. The predominant components observed are isolated junctions (20 S), free spectrin dimers and the residual undissociated cytoskeletal material, with very minor components, probably corresponding to multiple junctions, linked by spectrin tetramers. The junction boundary is homogeneous within the accuracy of measurement and is taken to correspond to a complex containing six spectrin dimers, known to predominate in situ. About 17% of the total network is liberated in this form and 12% as free spectrin dimers. In hereditary spherocytosis both the size of the junction complex (as reflected by its sedimentation coefficient) and the proportion of the complex and of free spectrin liberated are indistinguishable from normal values. We conclude that the reported deficit of spectrin in hereditary spherocytosis is not reflected by a lower degree of branching of the network, and, if the membrane area is not correspondingly reduced, this must mean that the junctions are more widely spaced and the spectrin tetramers therefore more extended. In metabolically depleted cells, in which the cytoskeletal proteins are known to be extensively dephosphorylated, there is no change in the sedimentation pattern and thus no detectable loss of spectrin from the junctions or weakening in the cohesion of the cytoskeletal network.  相似文献   
The synthesis, processing, and secretion of factor VIII expressed from heterologous genes introduced into Chinese hamster ovary cells has been studied. The results show factor VIII to be synthesized as a primary translation product of approximately 230 kDa that can be detected in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. In this compartment, the majority of the factor VIII is in a complex with a resident protein of the endoplasmic reticulum, binding protein, and may never appear in the medium. Some factor VIII transits the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus, where it is cleaved to generate the mature heavy and light chains. In the absence of von Willebrand factor in the medium, the secreted heavy and light chains are unassociated and subsequently degraded. In the presence of von Willebrand factor in the medium, the heavy and light chains are secreted as a stable complex and activity accumulates linearly with time. The utilization and complexity of asparagine-linked carbohydrate present on the secreted recombinant-derived factor VIII and human plasma-derived factor VIII were compared and found to be very similar. In both cases, the asparagine-linked carbohydrate moieties on the heavy chain are primarily of the hybrid or complex-type. In contrast, the factor VIII from both sources contains a high-mannose type of asparagine-linked carbohydrate on the light chain.  相似文献   
Three different isoforms of invertases have been detected in the developing internodes of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Based on substrate specificities, the isoforms have been identified to be invertases (β-fructosidases EC The soluble (cytosolic) invertase isoform can be purified to apparent homogeneity by diethylaminoethyl cellulose, Concanavalin-A Sepharose, organomercurial Sepharose, and Sephacryl S-300 chromatography. A bound (cell wall) invertase isoform can be released by 1 molar salt and purified further by the same procedures as above except omitting the organo-mercurial Sepharose affinity chromatography step. A third isoform of invertase, which is apparently tightly associated with the cell wall, cannot be isolated yet. The soluble and bound invertase isoforms were purified by factors of 60- and 7-fold, respectively. The native enzymes have an apparent molecular weight of 120 kilodaltons as estimated by gel filtration. They have been identified to be dimers under denaturing and nondenaturing conditions. The soluble enzyme has a pH optimum of 5.5, Km of 12 millimolar, and a Vmax of 80 micromole per minute per milligram of protein compared with cell wall isozyme which has a pH optimum of 4.5, Km of millimolar, and a Vmax of 9 micromole per minute per milligram of protein.  相似文献   
Pulvini of excised stem segments from barley (Hordeum vulgare cv `Larker') were pretreated with 1 millimolar coumarin before gravistimulation to reduce longitudinal cell expansion and exaggerate radial cell enlargement. The cellular localization and pattern of graviresponse across individual pulvini were then evaluated by cutting the organ in cross-section, photographing the cross-section, and then measuring pulvinus thickness and the radial width of cortical and epidermal cells in enlargements of the photomicrographs. With respect to orientation during gravistimulation, we designated the uppermost point of the cross-section 0° and the lowermost point 180°. A gravity-induced increase in pulvinus thickness was observable within 40° of the vertical in coumarin-treated pulvini. In upper halves of coumarin-treated gravistimulated pulvini, cells in the inner cortex and inner epidermis had increased radial widths, relative to untreated gravistimulated pulvini. In lower halves of coumarin-treated pulvini, cells in the central and outer cortex and in the outer epidermis showed the greatest increase in radial width. Cells comprising the vascular bundles also increased in radial width, with this pattern following that of the central cortex. These results indicate (a) that all cell types are capable of showing a graviresponse, (b) that the graviresponse occurs in both the top and the bottom of the responding organ, and (c) that the magnitude of the response increases approximately linearly from the uppermost point to the lowermost. These results are also consistent with models of gravitropism that link the pattern and magnitude of the graviresponse to graviperception via statolith sedimentation.  相似文献   
An antibody that inhibits over 95% of the cytosolic NADP+-dependent gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) dehydrogenase activity of either rat brain or kidney was found to inhibit only approximately 50% of the conversion of [1-14C]GHB to 14CO2 by rat kidney homogenate. A similar result was obtained with sodium valproate, a potent inhibitor of GHB dehydrogenase. The mitochondrial fraction from rat brain and kidney was found to catalyze the conversion of [1-14C]GHB to 14CO2. The dialyzed mitochondrial fraction also catalyzed the oxidation of GHB to succinic semialdehyde (SSA) in a reaction that did not require added NAD+ or NADP+ and which was not inhibited by sodium valproate. The enzyme from the mitochondrial fraction which converts GHB to SSA appears to be distinct from the NADP+-dependent cytosolic oxidoreductase which catalyzes this reaction.  相似文献   
The testis-specific beta 2 tubulin of Drosophila is required for assembly and function of at least three architecturally different microtubule arrays (Kemphues et al., 1982). Two recessive male-sterile mutations in the B2t locus that encode partially functional, stable, variant forms of beta 2 tubulin cause defects in only certain microtubule-based processes during spermatogenesis. These mutations could thus identify aspects of beta tubulin primary structure critical for function only in specific microtubule arrays. In males carrying the B2t6 mutation, meiotic chromosome segregation and nuclear shaping are normal and flagellar axonemes are formed, but there is a subtle defect in axoneme structure; the outer doublet microtubules fill in with a central core normally seen only in the central pair and accessory microtubules. In homozygous B2t7 males, chromosome movement is usually normal during meiosis but cytokinesis often fails, cytoplasmic microtubules are assembled and nuclear shaping appears to be normal, but the flagellar axoneme lacks structural integrity. In contrast, the B2t8 allele affects a general property of tubulin, the ability to form normal side-to-side association of protofilaments (Fuller et al., 1987), and causes defects in meiosis, axoneme assembly and nuclear shaping. Certain combinations of these beta 2 tubulin mutations show interallelic complementation; in B2t6/B2t8 males functional sperm are produced and both variant subunits are incorporated into mature sperm, in the absence of wild-type beta 2 tubulin. Comparison of the phenotypes of the three partially functional beta 2 tubulin alleles reveals some aspects of tubulin primary structure more important for function in specific subsets of microtubule arrays, and other aspects required for the construction of microtubules in general.  相似文献   
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