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The copper complex of indomethacin (1-(p-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl-indole acetate), a common anti-inflammatory drug, was prepared and characterized. Crystal structure determination revealed the dimeric form of the 1:2 complex, namely Cu2(indomethacin)4 · L2, in the unit cell. Suprisingly, the copper-copper distance (263 pm) was very close to metallic copper (256 pm). The two coordination sites in the copper-copper axis can be readily replaced by superoxide. An intriguing similarity to Cu2(acetate)4 was seen.Due to the lipophilic nature of the indomethacin ligand, this copper complex reacted with superoxide in aprotic solvents. The superoxide dismutating activity was successfully demonstrated in Me2SO/water and acetonitrile/water mixtures using the nitro-blue tetrazolium assay and pulse radiolysis. The second-order rate constant of 6 · 109 M?1 · s?1 in strictly aqueous systems dropped only slightly to 1.1 · 109 M?1 · s?1 when aprotic solvents were used. This is the fastest rate constant ever observed for a copper-dependent dismutation of superoxide. The KO2-induced lipid peroxidation in both erythrocytes and liver microsomes was suppressed by 70% in the presence of 1 · 10?10 mol · ml?1 of Cu2(indomethacin)4. The inhibitory action dropped to 25% when Cu2Zn2superoxide dismutase was employed. The formation of copper · indomethacin in rat serum after administration of indomethacin was shown in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
K Schnetz  C Toloczyki    B Rak 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(6):2579-2590
Wild-type Escherichia coli cells are unable to grow on beta-glucosides. Spontaneous mutants arise, however, which are able to utilize certain aromatic beta-glucosides such as salicin or arbutin as carbon sources, revealing the presence of a cryptic operon called bgl. Mutations activating the operon map within (or close to) the promoter region of the operon and are due to the transposition of an IS1 or IS5 insertion element into this region. This operon was reported to consist of three genes coding for a phospho-beta-glucosidase, a specific transport protein (enzyme IIBgl), and a positively regulating protein. We have defined the extent and location of three structural genes, bglC, bglS, and bglB, and have determined their DNA sequence. The amino acid sequences deduced from the open reading frames together with deletion and subcloning analyses suggest that the first gene, bglC, codes for the regulatory protein, the second, bglS, codes for the transport protein, and the third, bglB, for phospho-beta-glucosidase. A fourth gene may exist which codes for a product of unknown function. We discuss structural features of the DNA sequence which may bear on the regulation of the operon. Homologies to sequences preceding the gene for an excreted levansucrase of Bacillus subtilis, which are known to be involved in the regulation of this gene, and to sequences preceding the gene for an excreted beta-endoglucanase of B. subtilis, for which data pertaining to regulation are not yet available, suggest a close evolutionary relationship among the regulatory components of all three systems.  相似文献   
Deafferentation experiments during postembryonic development show morphological and/or physiological changes of receptor fibers and of identified auditory interneurons in the CNS of the locusts Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria after unilateral ablation of one tympanic organ either in the larva or the adult animal.
1.  In Locusta migratoria, 5 days after deafferentation, intact, contralateral receptor fibers had sprouted collaterals in the frontal acoustic neuropil of the metathoracic ganglion (Figs. 1, 2). Collateral sprouts were only rarely found in Schistocerca gregaria.
2.  After about 20 days the deafferented auditory interneurons receive new inputs from the contralateral receptors (Figs. 3, 5, 7, 10). This largely restores their thresholds and intensity/response functions. Collaterals from the first order interneurons cross the midline to the contralateral neuropil (BSN1 neuron, Fig. 4), which is never seen in intact animals. By contrast, in the TN1 neuron no consistent morphological change due to the deafferentation could be found (Fig. 6).
3.  Interneurons of higher order (AN1, TN3 neuron in locusts) regain their response pattern (Fig. 7) without morphological changes (Fig. 9). Bilateral recordings show that the deafferented interneurons respond more weakly to auditory stimuli than the intact neuron, but the response to vibration stimuli remains unchanged (TN3 neuron, Fig. 8).
Summary A collection of 2,000 lambda phage-carrying human single-copy inserts (> 700 bp) were isolated from two chromosome-3 flow-sorted libraries. The single-copy DNA fragments were first sorted into 3p and 3q locations and about 700 3p fragments were regionally mapped using a deletion mapping panel comprised of two humanhamster and two-human-mouse cell hybrids, each containing a chromosome 3 with different deletions in the short arm. The hybrids were extensively mapped with a set of standard 3p markers physically localized or ordered by linkage. The deletion mapping panel divided the short arm into five distinct subregions (A-E). The 3p fragments were distributed on 3p regions as follows: region A, 26%; B, 31%; C, 4%; D, 4% and E, 35%. We screened 300 single-copy DNA fragments from the distal part of 3p (regions A and B) with ten restriction endonucleases for their ability to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Of these fragments 110 (36%) were found to detect useful RFLPs: 35% detected polymorphisms with frequency of heterozygosity of 40% or higher, and 25% with frequency of 30% or higher. All polymorphisms originated from single loci and most of them were of the base pair substitution type. These RFLP markers make it possible to construct a fine linkage map that will span the distal part of chromosome 3p and encompasses the von Hippel-Lindau disease locus. The large number of single-copy fragments (2,000) spaced every 100–150 kb on chromosome 3 will make a significant contribution to mapping and sequencing the entire chromosome 3. The 300 conserved chromosome 3 probes will increase the existing knowledge of man-mouse homologies.  相似文献   
Asterionic sutural patterns in Plio-Pleistocene hominid crania have never been examined in detail. We present an analysis of this anatomical region in Australopithecus and Homo and relate different sutural patterns to functional changes in the masticatory apparatus. The great apes and A. afarensis share the common adult higher primate sutural pattern referred to as the "asterionic notch," which develops in response to the hypertrophy of posterior temporalis muscle fibers and the consequent formation of compound temporal/nuchal crests. This sutural configuration also appears to be present on the early Homo cranium KNM-ER 1805. In contrast, adult male A. boisei crania exhibit a unique pattern where the temporal squama overlaps the parietal which, in turn, overlaps the par mastoidea and the upper scale of the occipital bone. We relate this arrangement to the need to reinforce the rear of a thin-walled braincase against the net tensile forces exerted by the temporalis and nuchal muscles. The common juvenile hominoid edge-to-edge asterionic articulation is maintained in adult A. africanus, A. robustus, female A. boisei, and most Homo crania. We discuss the latter pattern in regard to anterior temporalis hypertrophy in A. africanus, A. robustus, and A. boisei and to craniofacial paedomorphosis in Homo.  相似文献   
Methanobacterium thermoaggregans is a new thermophilic autotrophic rod-shaped methane producing bacterium. The organism likes to form aggregates during growth and utilizes only H2 and CO2 as substrates. Growth optimum is at 65°C with a doubling time of 3.5 h. Optimal growth occurs at pH-values between 7 and 7.5. The addition of yeast extract to the mineral salt medium stimulates growth. The DNA base composition is 42 mol% G+C. The organism was isolated from mud taken from a cattle pasture. Because of its optimal growth temperature and its tendency to form aggregates the nameMethanobacterium thermoaggregans is suggested.Abbreviations G+C Guanine+cytosine  相似文献   
K Pecze  G Pfliegler  L Dalmi  A Kiss  K Rak 《Blut》1984,48(5):291-295
Platelet-associated IgG (PAIgG) was detected by means of anti-human IgG coated polyacrylamide beads ("Immunobeads") technique in 32 patients with chronic ITP. Both a direct test (with in vivo sensitized platelets) and an indirect test (with in vitro loaded platelets) were carried out. The percent of rosette forming beads was both in the direct test (41.2%) and in the indirect test (32.6%) significantly higher in the cases of chronic ITP patients than in the controls (2.5% and 3.2%, respectively). These results confirm the diagnostic value of this new, relatively simple and rapid method in routine clinical practice.  相似文献   
The vir region of Ti plasmids is responsible for the transfer of the T region from Agrobacteria to plant cells; previous experiments suggested that formation of independent T region DNA circles is one step in this process. To study this step in Escherichia coli, we developed a binary vector system. One plasmid (= substrate) contains correctly oriented right and left borders from octopine plasmid pTiAch5. A gene with a counterselectable function (galK) was cloned between these borders. The galK gene is under control of the tac promoter-operator and the lac repressor with the laci gene also in the selection cassette. This construction allows determination of substrate plasmid mutants which have lost the selectable galK function. The second component of the system is one of a set of compatible plasmids harbouring various cloned parts from the vir region of nopaline plasmid pTiC58. A 3.6-kbp segment of the vir region turned out to be necessary and sufficient for production of substrate plasmid mutants which represented the equivalent of the T region containing a complete left border. From this vir region fragment four discrete proteins were expressed in minicells. The coding regions were mapped to a part conserved in nopaline and octopine plasmids; in the latter it appears to correspond to virC/D.  相似文献   
Summary With the use of a digital image-processing method three-dimensional reconstructions of the arrangement of spermatocytes in human seminiferous tubules were performed. With this method it was possible to investigate the cellular distribution in the tubule in nearly any given perspective and projection. In addition, by means of simple mathematical procedures, such as by transformation of Cartesian coordinates into cylindrical coordinates, it was possible to vary the shape of a reconstruction, i.e., to convert the cylindrical image of a tubular portion into a right-angled r--z-representation.The present work not only confirms the existence of a complex helical plan of organization of the human seminiferous epithelium but also provides further aspects of the phenomenon of physiological germ-cell loss and its integration into the kinetics of spermatogenesis.Dedicated to Prof. E.C. Roosen-Runge, Seattle, on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   
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