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Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity was examined in Pinus silvestris L. during successive seasons. The enzyme activities were studied both in seedlings, kept under controlled conditions in a climate chamber, and in needles from a 15-year-old tree in a natural stand. The enzyme activities were analysed in cell-free extracts prepared with Tween 80 as protective agent. The carboxylase activity fluctuated periodically both in the seedlings and in the natural stand. In the seedlings, the weight-related activity in the older needles increased 50–100% (in the cotyledons c. 200%) in the beginning of the “summer”. It decreased as the new shoot developed. The specific activity increased c. 100%. With chlorophyll as base, the activity usually decreased during “summer”. In the developing current needles the carboxylase activity increased when expressed on a weight or on a protein basis. The decrease in weight-related carboxylase activity in the older needles was preceded by, or simultaneous with, loss of total protein. It is suggested that protein, including the carboxylase, is utilized as nitrogen reserve for the new shoot. During hardening by combined photoperiod and thermoperiod, the carboxylase activity decreased when expressed relative to dry weight and protein. Calculated on a chlorophyll basis, the activity was rather constant. In the natural stand the activity in the one- and two-year-old needles increased during spring and summer and decreased during autumn and winter. Even at severe winter stress substantial carboxylase activity remained in the needles. The activity of the enzyme in vivo is discussed with respect to electron transport and net photosynthesis.  相似文献   
The rooting of softwood cuttings of Alnus incana (L.) Moench in nutrient solution was studied under controlled conditions. Cuttings consisting of one internode with the leaf and axillary bud attached rooted easily and more rapidly than shoot tip cuttings. Light was necessary for rooting but good rooting was obtained in photon flux densities of both 40 and 190 μmol m-2s-1. Root number and root length was reduced when light reached the base of the cuttings. Treatment with indolebutyric acid (10-6–10-4M) increased the number of roots but 10-4M delayed rooting and decreased the root length. Debudded internode cuttings rooted as well as intact cuttings, and detached leaves also contained sufficient substances for rooting.  相似文献   
Functions of α‐ and β‐branch carotenoids in whole‐plant acclimation to photo‐oxidative stress were studied in Arabidopsis thaliana wild‐type (wt) and carotenoid mutants, lut ein deficient (lut2, lut5), n on‐p hotochemical q uenching1 (npq1) and s uppressor of z eaxanthin‐l ess1 (szl1) npq1 double mutant. Photo‐oxidative stress was applied by exposing plants to sunflecks. The sunflecks caused reduction of chlorophyll content in all plants, but more severely in those having high α‐ to β‐branch carotenoid composition (α/β‐ratio) (lut5, szl1npq1). While this did not alter carotenoid composition in wt or lut2, which accumulates only β‐branch carotenoids, increased xanthophyll levels were found in the mutants with high α/β‐ratios (lut5, szl1npq1) or without xanthophyll‐cycle operation (npq1, szl1npq1). The PsbS protein content increased in all sunfleck plants but lut2. These changes were accompanied by no change (npq1, szl1npq1) or enhanced capacity (wt, lut5) of NPQ. Leaf mass per area increased in lut2, but decreased in wt and lut5 that showed increased NPQ. The sunflecks decelerated primary root growth in wt and npq1 having normal α/β‐ratios, but suppressed lateral root formation in lut5 and szl1npq1 having high α/β‐ratios. The results highlight the importance of proper regulation of the α‐ and β‐branch carotenoid pathways for whole‐plant acclimation, not only leaf photoprotection, under photo‐oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Freezing and thawing may alter element turnover and solute fluxes in soils by changing physical and biological soil properties. We simulated soil frost in replicated snow removal plots in a mountainous Norway spruce stand in the Fichtelgebirge area, Germany, and investigated N net mineralization, solute concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and of mineral ions (NH4+, NO3, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+). At the snow removal plots the minimum soil temperature was −5 °C at 5 cm depth, while the control plots were covered by snow and experienced no soil frost. The soil frost lasted for about 3 months and penetrated the soil to about 15 cm depth. In the 3 months after thawing, the in situ N net mineralization in the forest floor and upper mineral soil was not affected by soil frost. In late summer, NO3 concentrations increased in forest floor percolates and soil solutions at 20 cm soil depth in the snow removal plots relative to the control. The increase lasted for about 2–4 months at a time of low seepage water fluxes. Soil frost did not affect DOC concentrations and radiocarbon signatures of DOC. No specific frost effect was observed for K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in soil solutions, however, the Na+ concentrations in the upper mineral soil increased. In the 12 months following snowmelt, the solute fluxes of N, DOC, and mineral ions were not influenced by the previous soil frost at any depth. Our experiment did not support the hypothesis that moderate soil frost triggers solute losses of N, DOC, and mineral ions from temperate forest soils.  相似文献   
Multiple geographical regions have been proposed for the domestication of Equus caballus . It has been suggested, based on zooarchaeological and genetic analyses that wild horses from the Iberian Peninsula were involved in the process, and the overrepresentation of mitochondrial D1 cluster in modern Iberian horses supports this suggestion. To test this hypothesis, we analysed mitochondrial DNA from 22 ancient Iberian horse remains belonging to the Neolithic, the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages, against previously published sequences. Only the medieval Iberian sequence appeared in the D1 group. Neolithic and Bronze Age sequences grouped in other clusters, one of which (Lusitano group C) is exclusively represented by modern horses of Iberian origin. Moreover, Bronze Age Iberian sequences displayed the lowest nucleotide diversity values when compared with modern horses, ancient wild horses and other ancient domesticates using nonparametric bootstrapping analyses. We conclude that the excessive clustering of Bronze Age horses in the Lusitano group C, the observed nucleotide diversity and the local continuity from wild Neolithic Iberian to modern Iberian horses, could be explained by the use of local wild mares during an early Iberian domestication or restocking event, whereas the D1 group probably was introduced into Iberia in later historical times.  相似文献   
Many gastropods have inherited conspicuous shell colour polymorphisms. A challenging question is, are colour frequencies under selection or is polymorphism owing to random evolutionary processes? The intertidal species Littorina saxatilis (a rock‐dweller) and L. obtusata (confined to macroalgae) both have genetically determined shell colour variation. In Iceland, Littorina obtusata are mostly cryptic on brown macroalgae by having brown or yellow shells (~95% of the snails), while Littorina saxatilis often appears conspicuous to the background of dark rocks owing to non‐cryptic colours (15–20%). This difference may be due to selective elimination of conspicuously coloured L. obtusata by visual predators, while L. saxatilis, largely living in another habitat, is not under a similarly intense colour selection. To test this hypothesis we increased the frequencies of conspicuous L. saxatilis in experimental populations (from <12 to 55%) and placed these in the seaweed zone, the main habitat of L. obtusata. Fifteen populations were released on isolated spots of seaweed and three of these were covered by net cages to exclude bird predators. One month later, yellow snails had increased in frequency within the patches, and to our surprise the result did not differ between bare and caged patches. This suggests selection favouring a colour that matches the background of fucoid seaweeds by visual predators able to enter the cages. Birds acted as important predators by picking 16% of the experimental snails in the uncaged spots, but were unable to enter the caged spots. However, the bird predation was non‐selective with respect to snail colour. For various reasons the most likely predators able to enter the cages were intertidal fish, these were thus responsible for the selection of non‐cryptic snails. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 76 , 137–144.  相似文献   
To improve our mechanistic understanding and predictive capacities with respect to climate change effects on the spring phytoplankton bloom in temperate marine systems, we used a process‐driven dynamical model to disentangle the impact of potentially relevant factors which are often correlated in the field. The model was based on comprehensive indoor mesocosm experiments run at four temperature and three light regimes. It was driven by time‐series of water temperature and irradiance, considered edible and less edible phytoplankton separately, and accounted for density‐dependent grazing losses. It successfully reproduced the observed dynamics of well edible phytoplankton in the different temperature and light treatments. Four major factors influenced spring phytoplankton dynamics: temperature, light (cloudiness), grazing, and the success of overwintering phyto‐ and zooplankton providing the starting biomasses for spring growth. Our study predicts that increasing cloudiness as anticipated for warmer winters for the Baltic Sea region will retard phytoplankton net growth and reduce peak heights. Light had a strong direct effect in contrast to temperature. However, edible phytoplankton was indirectly strongly temperature‐sensitive via grazing which was already important in early spring at moderately high algal biomasses and counter‐intuitively provoked lower and later algal peaks at higher temperatures. Initial phyto‐ and zooplankton composition and biomass also had a strong effect on spring algal dynamics indicating a memory effect via the broadly under‐sampled overwintering plankton community. Unexpectedly, increased initial phytoplankton biomass did not necessarily lead to earlier or higher spring blooms since the effect was counteracted by subsequently enhanced grazing. Increasing temperature will likely exhibit complex indirect effects via changes in overwintering phytoplankton and grazer biomasses and current grazing pressure. Additionally, effects on the phytoplankton composition due to the species‐specific susceptibility to grazing are expected. Hence, we need to consider not only direct but also indirect effects, e.g. biotic interactions, when addressing climate change impacts.  相似文献   
1. Duckweed (Lemna minor), collected either in summer or early fall was exposed under laboratory conditions to control (photosynthetically active and UV‐A radiation) or experimental (control plus UV‐B radiation) conditions. 2. Growth and survival were determined by counting the number of green, and brown/white fronds following 1–5 or 11 days of irradiation. Growth of duckweed was impaired by exposure to UV‐B radiation in the fall experiment but not in the summer. 3. Fatty acid compositions were analysed following 5 or 11 days of irradiation and a recovery period of 0, 5, 29 or 40 h. Concentrations of the major fatty acids, palmitic, linoleic (LA) and α‐linolenic (ALA) acids were similar in the summer and fall duckweed collections, but the summer samples had higher concentrations of the desaturation products of LA and ALA. 4. UV‐B exposure had small, but significant, and contrasting effects on duckweed fatty acid concentrations. In the summer experiment, duckweed exposed to UV‐B had slightly lower concentrations of major fatty acids than control duckweed, while the reverse was true in the fall experiments. 5. These minor effects of UV‐B on concentrations of LA and ALA would be unlikely to have a major impact on the supply of these essential fatty acids from duckweed to freshwater food webs.  相似文献   
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