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Tribouillois  Hélène  Cohan  Jean-Pierre  Justes  Eric 《Plant and Soil》2016,401(1-2):347-364
Background and aims

During the fallow period, non-legume cover crop species can capture mineral nitrogen (N) and thus decrease nitrate leaching, whereas legume cover crop species can provide a green manuring service that increases N availability for the subsequent crop. The aim of our study was to investigate the ability of bispecific mixtures to simultaneously produce these two services of N management in relation to their interspecific interactions.


Three field experiments were conducted at contrasting sites from summer to autumn to evaluate 25 mixtures and 10 sole crops. We measured biomass, N acquisition, C:N ratio and soil mineral N. Ecosystem services were assessed using both experimental data and simulation model predictions.


Overall, prediction of N mineralized from cover crop residues was significantly higher for mixtures than for non-legume sole crops. Predictions of nitrate leached after mixtures did not differ significantly from those after non-legume sole crops and remained significantly lower than those under bare soil, especially for mixtures with turnip rape which benefitted greatly from being in mixtures.


Some of the mixtures provided a choice of compromises between the two ecosystem services, which helps define solutions for adapting mixture choice according to the site’s soil and climate characteristics and to fallow period management.

Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Aphididae: Hemiptera), the pea aphid, is an important pest in organic farming systems. In this work, the objective was to gather empirical field data on the associational resistance of durum wheat–winter pea intercrops towards the pea aphid, compared with pure stands of winter pea. Our results showed that intercropping winter pea with durum wheat significantly decreased A. pisum abundance in all the situations. Moreover, it was systematically observed that pea grew bigger in pure than in intercropped stands but after considering pea dry mass as a covariate, it appeared that the durum wheat–winter pea intercrop was still significantly less attacked by pea aphids than the sole crop. Intercrop sowing designs had an incidence on infestation levels: substitutive diversification systems of different types are more effective in decreasing the level of aphid infestation than does the additive system. In addition, substitutive row intercrop is significantly less infested than substitutive mixture. These results suggest that a mechanism related to the resource concentration hypothesis may explain the associational resistance of the IC of durum wheat–winter pea towards A. pisum.  相似文献   
C and N mineralization kinetics of 25 catch crop (CC) residues, whose organic C:N ratio varied from 9.5 to 34.0, were studied during soil incubations under controlled conditions. Decomposition rates were rather similar for the different CC residues, 59% to 68% residue-C being mineralized after 168 days incubation. C mineralized during the first weeks was mainly correlated to the soluble C content of the residue. N mineralized from CC residues was much more variable (?4.9 to +38.0 mg N g?1 added C at day 168), and was mainly related to the organic N content in residues. C and N mineralization kinetics were simulated with STICS residue decomposition model, using the previous parameterization mostly based on mature crop residues (Nicolardot et al. Plant Soil 228:83–103, 2001). A reasonable agreement was found between measured and simulated C kinetics but N mineralization was underestimated by the model. A new parameterization was carried out to improve N predictions. The fitting procedure was first applied independently to each CC residue in order to optimise the five parameters of the model. The relationships found between each optimised parameter and the C:N ratio of CC residues were similar to those obtained previously, indicating that the same model was applicable to all residues. The parameters of these relationships were fitted on a combined dataset including CC and mature residues. The new parameterisation lead to better simulations for CC residues, the errors of prediction (RMSE) for C and N mineralization being 32 and 1.8 mg g?1 added C, respectively. For the whole dataset (68 residues), the RMSE were 50 and 3.3 mg g?1 added C. The prediction quality is satisfactory with respect to the model simplicity and the single criterion of residue quality (C:N ratio).  相似文献   
In a previous paper [Bedoussac L, Justes E (2009) Plant Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-009-0082-2], we showed that intercropping of durum wheat and winter pea increased the yield and protein concentration of durum wheat when early N availability was less than 120 kg N ha?1. The aim of the present work was to understand these results by analysing intercrop species dynamics for growth, light and N acquisition. A 2-year field experiment was carried out in southwest France with different fertilizer-N levels in order to compare wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) grown as sole crops and as an intercrop in a row substitutive design. The advantages of intercropping in low N conditions were due mainly to: (1) better light use (up to 10%), thanks to species dynamic complementarity for leaf area index and height; (2) growth complementarity over time (higher growth rate of wheat until pea flowering and then of pea until wheat flowering); and (3) dynamic complementary N acquisition associated with better wheat N status throughout growth. Disadvantages, underlining poorer complementarity within the intercrop stand, were observed with ample available N in early growth. This induced higher cereal growth during winter, which led to increase interspecies competition by reducing pea light absorption and, consequently, its biomass production.  相似文献   
Grain protein concentration of durum wheat is often too low, particularly in low-N-input systems. The aim of our study was to test whether a durum wheat-winter pea intercrop can improve relative yield and durum wheat grain protein concentration in low-N-input systems. A 2-year field experiment was carried out in SW France with different fertilizer-N levels to compare wheat (Triticum turgidum L., cv. Nefer) and pea (winter pea, Pisum sativum L., cv. Lucy) grown as sole crops or intercrops in a row-substitutive design. Without N fertilization or when N was applied late (N available until pea flowering less than about 120 kg N ha?1), intercrops were up to 19% more efficient than sole crops for yield and up to 32% for accumulated N, but were less efficient with large fertilizer N applications. Wheat grain protein concentration was significantly higher in intercrops than in sole crops (14% on average) because more N was remobilized into wheat grain due to: i) fewer ears per square metre in intercrops and ii) a similar amount of available soil N as in sole crops due to the high pea N2 fixation rate in intercrops (88% compared to 58% in sole crops).  相似文献   
There is still disagreement about whether crop growth rate orsoil nitrate concentration control nitrogen absorption by cropsunder field conditions. The influence of these factors on thecontrol of N uptake rate was examined in the absence of waterstress, using data on dry matter production, above-ground nitrogenaccumulation and soil nitrate concentration from several N-fertilizerexperiments on winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and maize.The results confirmed that crops can accumulate nitrogen farin excess of the ‘critical dilution curve’, whichdefines the minimum amount of nitrogen needed for maximal growthrate: the N concentration in plants could exceed the criticalN concentration by 70 to 80% for the three species studied.The nitrate uptake rate index (NUI) was calculated as the ratioof actual and critical N uptake rates, at intervals of 1 week.NUI varied with nitrate concentration in the 0–30 cm soillayer according to a Michaelis–Menten equation (with oneor two components). This response was compared with the kineticsof saturation of the nitrate uptake systems: the high affinitytransport system (HATS) and the low affinity transport system(LATS). As a result, it is proposed that there is a criticalN dilution curve delimiting two domains of N use by plants.This is linked to the two nitrate transport systems, with HATSworking at low nitrate concentrations, below the critical dilutioncurve, and LATS at high nitrate concentrations, above the curve.NUI provides another method for calculating the actual nitrateuptake rate, which depends on the maximal crop growth rate (withoutN deficiency) and on the external nitrate concentration. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Nitrate, uptake rate, growth rate, wheat, maize, oilseed rape, soil N availability  相似文献   

Background and aims

Positive below-ground interactions (facilitation) should be more pronounced when resources limit crop growth, according to the stress-gradient hypothesis. Our aim was to test this hypothesis for intercropped durum wheat and faba bean along a P-fertilizer gradient.


A field experiment was conducted in a long-term P-fertilizer trial with three rates of P-fertilization (No, Low and High P). Microbial biomass was assessed by chloroform fumigation-extraction. Quantitative PCR was applied to evaluate the abundance of relevant microbial groups.


Phosphorus availability and microbial biomass systematically increased in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. P-fertilization resulted in higher abundance of targeted bacterial phyla, whole bacterial and fungal communities, and depressed mycorrhizal colonization of durum wheat, but not faba bean. Microbial biomass carbon significantly increased in the rhizosphere only in P-fertilized treatments, pointing to P limitation of microbial communities. Intercropping yielded a significant effect on rhizosphere microbial properties only at High P. Microbial biomass P increased in the rhizosphere of intercropped faba bean only at No P level, and was thus the sole finding supporting the stress-gradient hypothesis.


P-fertilization was the main driver of microbial communities in this field trial, and P-fertilizer application modulated the species-specific effect in the intercrop. Plant performance did not validate the stress-gradient hypothesis as positive plant-plant interactions occurred regardless of the level of P-fertilization.
Herbage yield of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) depends on forage management or environmental conditions that change C and N resource acquisition, and endogenous plants factors such as root organic reserves and number of active meristems. The aim of this work is to study the influence of two sowing dates in summer (12 July or 9 August), N fertilization (0 or 100 kg ha(-1)) and/or irrigation applied during the first year of alfalfa establishment on (i) the accumulation of N organic reserves (soluble proteins and more specifically vegetative storage protein) in taproots during autumn, (ii) the number of crown axillary meristems present at the end of winter and (iii) the dynamics of spring shoot growth. Delaying the sowing date for one month reduced root growth and root N storage, especially vegetative storage proteins (VSP) during autumn. Irrespective of sowing dates, N fertilization did not affect root biomass, number of crown buds, total root N, root soluble protein or VSP concentrations. By contrast, water deficiency during alfalfa establishment in the early summer reduced both root growth and N reserve accumulation. When spring growth resumed, there is a significant linear relationship between leaf area development and soluble protein and VSP concentrations in taproots, and also the number of crown buds. The results showed that an early sowing date and adequate water status during the summer allowed alfalfa plants to accumulate N reserves by increasing taproot mass and soluble protein concentrations, especially VSPs. This resulted in rapid shoot regrowth rates the following spring.  相似文献   
Agriculture is the main source of terrestrial N2O emissions, a potent greenhouse gas and the main cause of ozone depletion. The reduction of N2O into N2 by microorganisms carrying the nitrous oxide reductase gene (nosZ) is the only known biological process eliminating this greenhouse gas. Recent studies showed that a previously unknown clade of N2O‐reducers (nosZII) was related to the potential capacity of the soil to act as a N2O sink. However, little is known about how this group responds to different agricultural practices. Here, we investigated how N2O‐producers and N2O‐reducers were affected by agricultural practices across a range of cropping systems in order to evaluate the consequences for N2O emissions. The abundance of both ammonia‐oxidizers and denitrifiers was quantified by real‐time qPCR, and the diversity of nosZ clades was determined by 454 pyrosequencing. Denitrification and nitrification potential activities as well as in situ N2O emissions were also assessed. Overall, greatest differences in microbial activity, diversity, and abundance were observed between sites rather than between agricultural practices at each site. To better understand the contribution of abiotic and biotic factors to the in situ N2O emissions, we subdivided more than 59,000 field measurements into fractions from low to high rates. We found that the low N2O emission rates were mainly explained by variation in soil properties (up to 59%), while the high rates were explained by variation in abundance and diversity of microbial communities (up to 68%). Notably, the diversity of the nosZII clade but not of the nosZI clade was important to explain the variation of in situ N2O emissions. Altogether, these results lay the foundation for a better understanding of the response of N2O‐reducing bacteria to agricultural practices and how it may ultimately affect N2O emissions.  相似文献   
Determination of a Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve for Winter Wheat Crops   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A set of N-fertilization field experiments was used to determinethe 'critical nitrogen concentration', i.e, the minimal concentrationof total N in shoots that produced the maximum aerial dry matter,at a given time and field situation. A unique 'critical nitrogendilution curve' was obtained by plotting these concentrationsNct (% DM) vs. accumulated shoot biomass DM (t ha-1). It couldbe described by the equation: Nct = 5·35DM-0·442 when shoot biomass was between 1·55 and 12 t ha-1. Anexcellent fit was obtained between model and data (r2 = 0·98,15 d.f.). A very close relationship was found using reducedN instead of total N, because the nitrate concentrations inshoots corresponding to critical points were small. The criticalcurve was rather close to those reported by Greenwood et al.(1990) for C3 plants. However, this equation did not apply whenshoot biomass was less than 1·55 t ha-1. In this case,the critical N concentration was independent of shoot biomass:the constant critical value Nct = 4·4% is suggested forreduced-N. The model was validated in all the experimental situations,in spite of large differences in growth rate, cultivar, soiland climatic conditions; shoot biomass varying from 0·2to 14 t ha-1. Plant N concentration was found to vary by a factor of fourat a given shoot biomass level. In the heavily fertilized treatments,shoot N concentration could be 60% higher than the criticalconcentration. Most (on average 80%) of the extra N accumulatedwas in the form of reduced N. The proportion of nitrate to totalN in shoot mainly depended on the crop stage of development.It was independent of the nitrogen nutrition level.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, arable crops, plant N concentration, aerial biomass, critical nitrogen, dilution curve, fertilization, reduced N, nitrate  相似文献   
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