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Experimental studies have identified a complex link between neurodegeneration, β-amyloid (Aβ) and calcium homeostasis. Here we asked whether early phase β-amyloid pathology in transgenic hAPPSL mice exaggerates the ischemic lesion and remote secondary pathology in the thalamus, and whether a non-selective calcium channel blocker reduces these pathologies. Transgenic hAPPSL (n = 33) and non-transgenic (n = 30) male mice (4–5 months) were subjected to unilateral cortical photothrombosis and treated with the non-selective calcium channel blocker bepridil (50 mg/kg, p.o., once a day) or vehicle for 28 days, starting administration 2 days after the operation. Animals were then perfused for histological analysis of infarct size, Aβ and calcium accumulation in the thalamus. Cortical photothrombosis resulted in a small infarct, which was associated with atypical Aβ and calcium accumulation in the ipsilateral thalamus. Transgenic mice had significantly smaller infarct volumes than non-transgenic littermates (P<0.05) and ischemia-induced rodent Aβ accumulation in the thalamus was lower in transgenic mice compared to non-transgenic mice (P<0.01). Bepridil decreased calcium load in the thalamus (P<0.01). The present data suggest less pronounced primary and secondary pathology in hAPPSL transgenic mice after ischemic cortical injury. Bepridil particularly decreased calcium pathology in the thalamus following ischemia.  相似文献   
An epidemic of cutaneous tumours occurs in northern pike from the Åland Islands of Finland. Lymphocytes of pike could be triggered to synthesize DNA in vitro by mitogens. Tumour cells had a high basic metabolic rate and mitogens did not enhance their incorporation of 3H-thymidine. High percentages of peripheral blood, spleen, and head kidney mononuclear cells were surface (SIg) and cytoplasmic (CIg) immunoglobulin-positive by indirect immunofluorescence, using rabbit anti-pike IgM antibodies. Lower but still substantially high percentages of SIg and CIg immunofluorescence were observed with mouse anti-carp IgM antibodies. Tumour cells, however, were SIg- and Clg-negative, suggesting that the neoplasm is not a B cell lymphoma or plasmacytoma. A majority of tumour cells exhibited an intense diffuse staining pattern for alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase which was inhibited by sodium fluoride and was reminiscent of that in human monocytes. By electron microscopy (EM), the tumour cells were seen to be closely apposed with a lack of cell-cell junctions, and characteristically contained groups of lysosomes and large numbers of cytoplasmic lipid droplets, which are features of histiomonocytic cells. Although the marker studies do not completely rule out a T-lymphocytic origin, we suggest that the EM findings lend support for the view that the Åland pike neoplasm may be derived from the monocytic lineage.  相似文献   
A cDNA probe for the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene was used to screen DNA samples from 52 unrelated Finnish patients with the heterozygous form of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and 51 healthy controls. Southern blot analysis using the restriction enzyme PvuII revealed an abnormal 11 kb (kilo base-pair) restriction fragment in 16 (31%) of the patients but none of the controls. A more detailed restriction enzyme analysis of the DNA from patients revealed a mutation which apparently is due to an 8 kb deletion extending from intron 15 to exon 18 of the LDL receptor gene. Co-segregation of FH with the mutated gene was demonstrated in three families. These data are consistent with a ‘founder gene effect’ and support the assumption that recombinant DNA methods may have great impact on the diagnostics of FH in genetically homogeneous populations.  相似文献   
The effect of ultraviolet irradiation on the growth and occurrence of legionella and other heterotrophic bacteria in a circulating cooling water system was studied. Water of the reservoir was circulated once in 28 h through a side-stream open channel u.v. radiator consisting of two lamps. Viable counts of legionellas and heterotrophic bacteria in water immediately after the u.v. treatment were 0—12 and 0·7—1·2% of those in the reservoir, respectively. U.v. irradiation increased the concentration of easily assimilable organic carbon. In the u.v. irradiated water samples incubated in the laboratory the viable counts of heterotrophic bacteria reached the counts in reservoir water within 5 d. The increase in viable counts was mainly due to reactivation of bacterialcells damaged by u.v. light, not because of bacterial multiplication. Despite u.v. irradiation the bacterial numbers in the reservoir water, including legionellas, did not decrease during the experimental period of 33 d. The main growth of bacteria in the reservoir occurred in biofilm and sediment, which were never exposed to u.v. irradiation.  相似文献   
Variants of B 16-F 1 mouse melanoma cells selected for resistance to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) toxicity invitro were found to have undergone a stable surface change correlated both to lectin resistance and reduced metastasizing potential. The surface alteration, as indicated by the increased electrophoretic mobilities of several lactoperoxidase-iodinated cell surface proteins in SDS-PAGE, was restricted to polypeptides able to interact with WGA. The availability of lectin-resistant melanoma cell variants having altered metastasizing behavior provides a promising approach to studies of the role of specific cell surface components in the metastasizing process.  相似文献   
The derivatives obtained by per-methylation of unsubstituted 2-amino-2-deoxy-hexitols and of these compounds monosubstituted at C-3. C-4, or C-6, and disubstituted at C-3 and C-6, have been analysed by g.l.c.-m.s. Each derivative can be identified on the basis of retention time and mass spectrum. In methylation analysis, methanolysis gave one derivative of each hexitol, whereas a mixture of products was formed when degradation was effected by acetolysis followed by hydrolysis. An application in the analysis of amino-sugar linkages in alkali-labile O-glycosylic oligosaccharides from rat-brain glycoproteins is described.  相似文献   
Summary Laminin was demonstrated by immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence staining in sections of normal human tissues fixed in formalin and routinely processed in paraffin. Exposure of the sections to a solution of pepsin (Burns et al. (1980) Histochemistry 6773–78) revealed the antigenicity of this basement membrane glycoprotein. Sections from paraffin blocks stored for years at room temperature could be stained with this procedure. Normal human tissues, developing fetal tissues and tumors could be stained with this method. The staining patterns were similar to those seen in unfixed frozen sections. It thus appears that basement membrane components can be detected by immunohistological means from routinely processed histological samples, once the sections are pretreated with proteases. Staining for laminin could be used in embryonic studies and in histopathology to study the relation of cells to basement membranes and for the visualization of normal and abnormal vascularization.To whom offprint requests should be sent  相似文献   
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