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Elaine Gibson  Jocelyn Downie 《CMAJ》2012,184(12):1393-1394
Cells from cranial and spinal arachnoid membranes of humans were grown in culture. Their growth characteristics, morphology and details of their cytoskeletal composition are described. Arachnoid membranes, obtained at autopsy, were finely minced and incubated in tissue culture medium. Monolayers of cells of homogeneous morphology grew from these tissue fragments. The cells were flat and polygonal. They divided slowly to form non-overlapping monolayers of low cell density. Electron microscopic examination of cultured arachnoid cells revealed numerous desmosome-like tight junctions and abundant intermediate filaments (tonofilaments). Both morphological features are characteristic of arachnoid cells in situ, but not of cells in the fibroblast-rich dura mater. Immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibodies demonstrated cytokeratin in the cytoplasm of primary cultures of arachnoid cells. Thus we demonstrated that these cultured cells retained certain of the specific differentiated properties of arachnoid cells in situ and that they are not fibroblasts (which lack tight junctions and cytokeratins). To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of in vitro growth of arachnoid cells. This in vitro model should be useful in studying the response of arachnoid cells to a variety of substances thought to be involved in the chronic inflammatory condition of the meninges known as arachnoiditis.  相似文献   
We studied the symbiotic behaviour of 20 independent Tn5 mutants of Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT899 that were deficient in exopolysaccharide (EPS) production. The mutants produced non-mucoid colonies, were motile, grew in broth cultures at rates similar to those of the parent, and produced significantly less EPS than did CIAT899 in broth culture. A genomic library of strain CIAT899, constructed in pLA2917, was mobilized into all of the mutants, and cosmids that restored EPS production were identified. EcoRI restriction digests of the cosmids revealed nine unique inserts. Mutant complementation and hybridization analysis showed that the mutations affecting EPS production fell into six functional and physical linkage groups. On bean, the mutants were as efficient in nodulation and as effective in acetylene reduction as strain CIAT899, induced a severe interveinal chlorosis, and all but one were less competitive than CIAT899. On siratro, CIAT899 induced nodules that were ineffective in acetylene reduction, whereas the EPS-deficient mutants induced effective nodules. Microscopic examination of thin sections showed that nodules from both siratro and bean plants inoculated with either CIAT899 or an EPS-deficient mutant contained infected cells. These data indicate that EPS is not required for normal nodulation of bean by R. tropici, that it may contribute to competitiveness of R. tropici on bean, and that the loss of EPS production is accompanied by acquisition of the ability to reduce acetylene on siratro.  相似文献   
Developing pea fruits (Pisum sativum L.) offer a unique opportunity to study growth and development in a tissue that is responsive to both gibberellins (GAs) and auxin (4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid[4-CI-IAA]). To begin a molecular analysis of the interaction of GAs and auxins in pea fruit development, in vivo labeling with [35S]methionine coupled with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were used to characterize de novo synthesis of proteins during gibberellic acid (GA3)-, 4-CI-indoleacetic acid-, and seed-induced pea pericarp growth. The most significant and reproducible polypeptide changes were observed between molecular weights of 20 and 60. Comparing about 250 de novo synthesized proteins revealed that seed removal changed the pattern substantially. We identified one class of polypeptides that was uniquely seed induced and five classes that were affected by hormone treatment. The latter included 4-CI-IAA-induced, GA3-induced, GA3- and 4-CI-IAA-induced, 4-CI-IAA-repressed, and GA3- and 4-CI-IAA-repressed polypeptides. Similar patterns of protein expression were associated with both hormone treatments; however, changes unique to GA3 or 4-CI-IAA treatment also indicate that the effects of GA3 and 4-CI-IAA on this process are not equivalent. In general, application of 4-CI-IAA plus GA3 replaced the seed effects on pericarp protein synthesis, supporting our hypothesis that both hormones are involved in pea pericarp development.  相似文献   
Summary InChaetoceros peruvianus, the two very long, delicately tapered setae (spine-like processes) of the lower valve curve downwards gently until they are often almost parallel, while those emerging from the upper valve curve sharply downwards until oriented almost in the same direction as the setae of the lower valve. This curvature creates a deep pit between the bases of the upper valve's setae, where they emerge from the valve. In live cells, extension of setae is rapid and very sensitive to disturbance. After cleavage the new silica deposition vesicle (SDV) appears in the centre of the furrow and expands outwards over it. A distinct microtubule centre (MC) appears directly on top of the SDV. Microtubules (MTs) from the MC ensheath the nucleus, and others fan out over the SDV and plasmalemma. A little later, the MC in the lower daughter cell moves off the SDV, and its MTs now appear to mould the plasmalemma/ SDV into the deep pit between the base of the setae. In the upper daughter cell, the MC remains on the SDV. Initiation of setae is first observed as protuberances of bare cytoplasm growing from the sides of the daughter cells, through gaps in the parental valve. Many MTs initially line the plasmalemma of these protuberances as they grow outwards and the SDV also expands over the new surface. As the setae get longer, a unique complex of three organelles appears. Just behind the naked cytoplasm at the tip of the seta, a thin flat layer of fibrous material lines the plasmalemma. This, the first of the complex, is called the thin band. Immediately behind this is the second, a much thicker, denser fibrous band, the thick band. At the front edge of the SDV, 5–6 finger-like outgrowths of silicified wall grow forwards. These are interconnected by the elements of the thick band which thus apparently dictate the polygonal profile of the seta. These also appear to generate the spinules (tiny spines) that adorn the surface of the seta; the spiral pattern of the spinules indicates that this whole complex might differentiate one after the next, in order. Further back from the tip, evenly spaced transverse ribs are formed. These are connected to the third organelle in the complex, the striated band; our interpretation is that the striated band sets up the spacing of the ridges that regularly line the inner surface of the setae. During seta growth, this complex is apparently responsible for controlling the delicate tapering curvature of the very fine silica processes. Since the complex is always seen near the tip of the seta, we conclude that it migrates forwards steadily as the tip grows. While the thin and thick bands could slide continuously over the cell membrane, the striated band must be disassembled and then recycled forward during extension if it is indeed connected to the ridges lining the inside of the setae. We could find no indication that turgor pressure drives extension of the setae, in which event the activity of these organelles is responsible for growth using the justformed silica tube as the base from which extension is generated.  相似文献   
Interconversion of the salicylic acid signal and its glucoside in tobacco   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
Salicylic acid (SA) has been proposed to play a role in the induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in tobacco. Since SA is rapidly converted to salicylic acid β-glucoside (SAG) in tobacco, we have attempted to assess the role of SAG in pathogenesis by application of chemically synthesized SAG to tobacco leaves. SAG was as active as SA in induction of PR-1 gene expression. This induction was preceded by a transient release of SA, which occurred in the extracellular spaces. The existence of a mechanism that releases SA from SAG suggests a possible role for SAG in SAR.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure and chemical composition of reflective organelles in the anterior pigment epithelium of the iris of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris were examined. The reflective organelles produced a diffuse white reflectance at the iris mid-section which was visible only when the stroma was removed. The pigment granules were clear, angular, and birefringent under the light microscope. In electron micrographs the granules were irregular in shape and density, sometimes crystalline in appearance, but more often they were lost during sectioning or staining. Guanine was abundant in the modified pigment epithelium of the starling, but not in the pigment epithelia of other birds that lacked birefringent granules. Pteridines, such as xanthopterin and leucopterin, were present in small amounts. Pteridines were also present in the iris stroma which had no reflective organelles. The reflective organelles in the starling pigment epithelium resemble both the reflecting platelets of lower vertebrate chromatophores and the reflective granules in the tapeta of various vertebrates. Possible derivation of the organelles from these sources is discussed.  相似文献   
A proteinaceous substance with antibiotic-like activity, resembling that of a bacteriocin, was isolated from an industrial-scale acetone-butanol fermentation of Clostridium acetobutylicum. The substance, purified by acetone precipitation, diethylaminoethyl cellulose chromatography, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was characterized as a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 28,000. The glycoprotein was partially inactivated by certain protease enzymes. It had no effect on deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, or protein synthesis, and it did not result in the loss of intracellular adenosine triphosphate. The glycoprotein lysed sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated cells and cell wall preparations, and therefore it is referred to as an autolysin. The autolysin gene appeared to be chromosomal since plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid was not detected in the C. acetobutylicum strain.  相似文献   
Chloroplast biogenesis requires synthesis of proteins in the nucleocytoplasm and the chloroplast itself. Nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins are imported via multiprotein translocons in the organelle’s envelope membranes. Controversy exists around whether a 1-MDa complex comprising TIC20, TIC100, and other proteins constitutes the inner membrane TIC translocon. The Arabidopsis thaliana cue8 virescent mutant is broadly defective in plastid development. We identify CUE8 as TIC100. The tic100cue8 mutant accumulates reduced levels of 1-MDa complex components and exhibits reduced import of two nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins of different import profiles. A search for suppressors of tic100cue8 identified a second mutation within the same gene, tic100soh1, which rescues the visible, 1 MDa complex-subunit abundance, and chloroplast protein import phenotypes. tic100soh1 retains but rapidly exits virescence and rescues the synthetic lethality of tic100cue8 when retrograde signaling is impaired by a mutation in the GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1 gene. Alongside the strong virescence, changes in RNA editing and the presence of unimported precursor proteins show that a strong signaling response is triggered when TIC100 function is altered. Our results are consistent with a role for TIC100, and by extension the 1-MDa complex, in the chloroplast import of photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic proteins, a process which initiates retrograde signaling.

Complementary mutations in TIC100 of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane cause reductions or corrective improvements in chloroplast protein import, and highlight a signaling role.

IN A NUTSHELLBackground: Plants harvest energy from the sun and CO2 from the air and convert them into the energy-rich molecules they, and eventually us, are made of. Plants do this, photosynthesis, in bodies called chloroplasts inside their cells. Chloroplasts, made of protein and membrane material, were, before plants evolved, free-living bacteria, but the synthesis of most of their proteins occurs outside them, using information carried by the cell’s nuclear DNA, so most proteins have to be brought into developing chloroplasts, across the double membrane surrounding them, through dedicated, selective channels, formed by TOC (outer) and TIC (inner envelope) proteins. The identity of those channels matters as it helps determine versions of chloroplasts suited for particular environments. Which TIC proteins constitute the inner envelope channel has been a matter of controversy.Question: A mutant Arabidopsis plant called cue8 is slow-to-green (young leaves begin almost white) and shows delayed chloroplast and plant development. We looked for the molecular identity of the CUE8 gene. We also caused further mutations in this mutant and searched whether any corrected the defects in cue8.Findings: We found the mutated gene causing the cue8 defects is the TIC100 gene. This is one essential component of the “TIC 1-MDa complex,” one of the two versions of the TIC import complex under debate. That complex is made of several proteins, all present at reduced levels in cue8. In laboratory assays in which proteins are imported into isolated chloroplasts, cue8 performed worse than normal plants for a photosynthetic and a housekeeping chloroplast protein. A corrective, “suppressor” mutant was identified, and it carried a second mutation in TIC100, one physically complementary to the first one. Both the single and the double (suppressed) mutant still were slow-to-green, which evidences a signaling role for import defects to the nucleus, making photosynthetic genes active or not.Next steps: Surprisingly the grasses, including the cereals, have one core protein of the TIC 1 MDa complex but not the rest (including TIC100). We don’t know how their TIC channels operate. We also need to learn how the information on the defect in protein import, which occurs at the chloroplast envelope, is relayed to the cell’s nucleus (but we do have some clues).  相似文献   
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