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本实验以二甲基氨基偶氮苯(DAB)诱发大白鼠肝癌的动物模型为材料,观察了在诱癌过程中和肝癌形成后大白鼠肝细胞质膜上几种酶活性的变化,用不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心法制备肝细胞质膜,分光光度法对酶活性进行定量测定。实验结果表明,在诱无病癌过程中,肝细胞质膜上5′-AMPase活性上降,γ-GTase活性显著升高。γ-GTase活性升高幅度与病理变化正相关,并且在诱癌早期就能表现出来。  相似文献   
拟水狼蛛的生物学生态学特性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
运用田间观察与室内外饲养相结合的方法,对稻田蛛蛛优势种拟水狼蛛Pirata subpiraticus的生物学生态学特性进行了研究。拟水狼蛛在重庆地区1a发生3-4代,第4代不完整,以第2代历期最短,第3代(越冬代)历期最长;以成蛛或幼蛛越冬;5月初即由田埂向稻田内迁移,在水稻生育期间出现3次卵高峰、2次种群密度高峰;在田间具掘土作穴习性,室内发现4龄后的幼蛛在袋状网内蜕皮、交配期和携卵期有结袋状网或幕状网的习性;属游猎型蜘蛛,可步行、跳跃在植株、水面、陆地等处捕食飞虱、叶蝉、粘虫、螟虫等多种稻虫,捕食量与龄期、蜕皮和性别有关;受惊时,能入水中潜行和潜伏。雌雄蛛均可多次交配,雌蛛一生可产卵3-6次,卵囊含卵量25-130粒,平均75粒。平均孵化率90.5%。孵化的幼蛛,先群集在雌蛛的背部,3-5d后离开雌蛛分散捕食。幼蛛一般蜕皮7-8次,出卵囊前已蜕皮至少1次。拟水狼蛛的产卵前期2-6d,平均3d;卵期9-15d,平均11.4d;幼蛛期57-133d,平均81.6d;成蛛期128-186d,平均140d左右,雌蛛较雄蛛长24-51d,平均39.6d。性比除第1代外的各代均为雌多于雄蛛。论文详细记载了拟水狼蛛求偶与交配行为过程、产卵与护卵习性、孵化及携幼行为、幼蛛生长、蜕皮、各龄期形态特征、亚成蛛及性成熟。幼蛛出卵囊后至性成熟的成活率为21.4%-56.3%,平均达35.0%。室内饲养发现在一定湿度条件下,不提供食物成蛛可存活28-57d,平均42.7d。  相似文献   
黑河流域中游地区荒漠-绿洲景观区啮齿动物群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年4–5月和9月对黑河流域中游地区荒漠-绿洲景观区不同生境中啮齿动物群落结构进行了研究。在甘肃省张掖市高台县黑泉乡选择流动沙丘、含砾沙漠、固定沙地、荒漠灌丛、防护林带、灌耕草地、灌耕农田和河岸草地等8种代表性生境,采用活捕法(4,800铗日)共捕获啮齿动物254只,隶属于3科8属9种。利用捕获记录计算了群落结构特征指数,进一步利用Pearson相关系数考察了不同生境啮齿动物群落的相似性,并在此基础上对不同生境的啮齿动物群落作了聚类分析。群落结构特征指数表明,啮齿动物物种多样性(用Shannon-Wiener指数测度)在灌耕草地中最低(0.6859),在固定沙地中最高(1.7036);物种均匀度(用Pielou均匀度指数测度)在流动沙丘中最低(0.6531),在河岸草地中最高(1.0000)。聚类分析结果显示,研究区啮齿动物群落可以分成荒漠型群落和绿洲型群落两大类。三趾跳鼠(Dipussagitta)在荒漠型生境中密度较高,总体上具有优势地位,尤其是在流动沙丘生境中占据绝对优势;黑线仓鼠(Cricetulusbarabensis)在植被较好的绿洲型生境中占据优势地位,但在流动沙丘外的其他荒漠型生境中也有发现。除五趾跳鼠(Allactagasibirica)外,其他种类的跳鼠只在荒漠型生境中发现。本次调查没有在防护林内部生境中捕获啮齿动物,但在林缘区域仍有捕获记录。啮齿动物群落物种多样性指数与捕获率间无显著关联(r=0.240,P=0.566)。本研究提示人为干扰可能对维持研究区域的啮齿动物多样性有积极意义。  相似文献   
柳州市行道树资源调查与结构特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过对柳州市区主要道路园林绿化全面踏勘,在四城区中筛选出68条道路行道树进行现场调查和综合评价。结果表明:(1)柳州市行道树共有28种,隶属于17科21属,常绿树种与落叶树种比例及乡土树种与外来树种比例合理。(2)柳州市行道树中小叶榕和黄葛榕在各城区应用频度较高,树种组成结构相对单一。(3)季相树种在各城区应用频度不均衡,部分城区春季景观营造效果显著,而夏秋冬季相景观效果不显著。(4)绿化达标率和林荫路推广率离国家生态园林城市还有较大差距,物种丰富度和多样性指数有待提高。建议加大乡土树种的应用与推广,提高各城区物种丰富度及季相树种的应用,营造城市道路特色季相景观。该研究成果提出了发展乡土树种、丰富树种多样性及季相景观营造的技术建议,对柳州市行道树树种规划和建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
突变靶基因xylE转基因小鼠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以pESnx穿梭质粒为载体,选用恶臭假单孢杆菌TOL质粒上的xylE基因作为突变靶基因组构建的重组构件,经微注射导入ICR小鼠549枚受精卵雄原核,将存活的352枚卵移入24只假孕鼠输卵管内,7只妊娠,共产仔41只,其中7只死胎,出生后死亡4只,30只存活。注射卵存活率为64%(352/549),出生率为11.6%(41/352)。存活鼠经PCR-Southern检测,整合率为57%(17/30)。在整合阳性鼠中选择了杂交信号较强的2只当代公鼠,通过回收载体和转化试验,结果表明整合基因完整,具有转化的功能,由此,建立了突变靶基因xylE转基因小鼠模型。  相似文献   
To identify salt stress-responsive genes, we constructed a cDNA library with the salttolerant rice cultivar, Lansheng. About 15000 plasmids were extracted and dotted on filters with Biomeck 2000 HDRT system or by hand. Thirty genes were identified to display altered expression levels responding to 150 mmol/L NaCl. Among them eighteen genes were up-regulated and the remainders downregulated. Twenty-seven genes have their homologous genes in GenBank Databases. The expression of twelve genes was studied by Northern analysis. Based on the functions, these genes can be classified into five categories, including photosynthesis-related gene, transportrelated gene, metabolismrelated gene, stress-or resistancerelated gene and the others with various functions. The results showed that salt stress influenced many aspects of rice growth. Some of these genes may play important roles in plant salt tolerance.  相似文献   
基因组大小在被子植物物种之间存在着巨大的变异, 但目前对不同生活型被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的关系缺乏统一的认识。本研究基于被子植物245科2,226属11,215个物种的基因组大小数据, 探讨了不同生活型物种种子重量、最大植株高度和叶片氮、磷含量4个功能性状与基因组大小之间的关系。结果表明, 被子植物最大植株高度和种子重量与基因组大小间的关系在草本和木本植物中存在显著差异。草本植物最大植株高度与基因组大小的关系不显著, 但种子重量与其呈极显著的正相关关系。木本植物最大植株高度与基因组大小显著负相关, 但种子重量与其关系不显著。木本植物叶片氮含量与基因组大小呈显著正相关, 但其他生活型植物的叶片氮、磷含量与基因组大小均无显著相关性。本研究表明被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的相关性在不同生活型间存在差异, 这为深入研究植物多种功能性状和植物生活型与基因组大小的权衡关系在植物演化和生态适应中的作用提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
Cornaceae is a core representative family in Cornales, the earliest branching lineage in the Asterids on the life tree of angiosperms. This family includes the only genus Cornus, a group of ~55 species. These species occur widely in Northern Hemisphere and have been used as resources for horticultural ornaments, medicinal and industrial manufacturing. However, no any genome sequences are available for this family. Here, we reported a chromosome­level genome for Cornus controversa. This was generated using high-fidelity plus Hi–C sequencing, and totally ~771.80 Mb assembled sequences and 39,886 protein-coding genes were obtained. We provided evidence for a whole-genome duplication event (WGD) unique to C. controversa. The evolutionary features of this genome indicated that the expanded and unique genes might have contributed to response to stress, stimulus and defense. By using chromosome-level syntenic blocks shared between eight living genomes, we found high degrees of genomic diversification from the ancestral core-eudicot genome to the present-day genomes, suggesting an important role of WGD in genomic plasticity that leads to speciation and diversification. These results provide foundational insights on the evolutionary history of Cornaceae, as well as on the Asterids diversification.  相似文献   
Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process responsible for the degradation and recycling of cytoplasmic components through autolysosomes. Targeting AR axis is a standard strategy for prostate cancer treatment; however, the role of AR in autophagic processes is still not fully understood. In the present study, we found that AR played a negative role in AR degrader celastrol-induced autophagy. Knockdown of AR in AR-positive prostate cancer cells resulted in enhanced autophagy. Ectopic expression of AR in AR-negative prostate cancer cells, or gain of function of the AR signaling in AR-positive cells, led to suppression of autophagy. Since miR-101 is an inhibitor of autophagy and its expression was decreased along with AR in the process of celastrol-induced autophagy, we hypothesize that AR inhibits autophagy through transactivation of miR-101. AR binding site was defined in the upstream of miR-101 gene by luciferase reporter and ChIP assays. MiR-101 expression correlated with AR status in prostate cancer cell lines. The inhibition of celastrol-induced autophagy by AR was compromised by blocking miR-101; while transfection of miR-101 led to inhibition of celastrol-induced autophagy in spite of AR depletion. Furthermore, mutagenesis of the AR binding site in miR-101 gene led to decreased suppression of autophagy by AR. Finally, autophagy inhibition by miR-101 mimic was found to enhance the cytotoxic effect of celastrol in prostate cancer cells. Our results demonstrate that AR inhibits autophagy via transactivation of miR-101, thus combination of miR-101 mimics with celastrol may represent a promising therapeutic approach for treating prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Having a comprehensive understanding of population structure, genetic differentiation and demographic history is important for the conservation and management of threatened species. High‐throughput sequencing (HTS) provides exciting opportunities to address a wide range of factors for conservation genetics. Here, we generated HTS data and identified 266,884 high‐quality single nucleotide polymorphisms from 82 individuals of Cupressus chengiana, to assess population genomics across the species' full range, comprising the Daduhe River (DDH), Minjiang River (MJR) and Bailongjiang River (BLJ) catchments in western China. admixture , principal components analysis and phylogenetic analyses indicated that each region contains a distinct lineage, with high levels of differentiation between them (DDH, MJR and BLJ lineages). MJR was newly distinguished compared to previous surveys, and evidence including coalescent simulations supported a hybrid origin of MJR during the Quaternary. Each of these three lineages should be recognized as an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU), due to isolation, differing genetic adaptations and different demographic history. Currently, each ESU faces distinct threats, and will require different conservation strategies. Our work shows that population genomic approaches using HTS can reconstruct the complex evolutionary history of threatened species in mountainous regions, and hence inform conservation efforts, and contribute to the understanding of high biodiversity in mountains.  相似文献   
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