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The reproductive interactions of the Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis , a brood parasite, and the Yellow-hooded Blackbird Agelaius icterocephalus , a host of the cowbird, were studied In Trinidad, West Indies. We gathered information on the breeding biology of the Shiny Cowbird and the Yellow-hooded Blackbird, the frequency of use of the host species, and the effects of brood parasitism on host breeding success. Yellow-hooded Blackbirds are polygynous for the most part; males build nests and attempt to attract females to lay in them by means of song and visual displays directed towards the nests. This behaviour probably makes it easy for cowbirds to locate breeding birds and their nests. Cowbird eggs were found in 153 of 377 (40–3 %) blackbird nests located before the nestling stage. Shiny Cowbird parasitism of the Yellow-hooded Blackbird had little negative impact on host reproductive success, whereas predation accounted for the majority of nest failures. Vigilant nest defense by male blackbirds combined with colonial breeding apparently also minimized the extent of host egg damage and removal by cowbirds, and the parasitized and unparasitized nests were equally successful at producing blackbirds. Cowbirds most frequently parasitized the first or only nesting attempts in blackbird territories, and first or only nests were also successful more frequently than subsequent nests.  相似文献   
All bryophytes evolved desiccation tolerance (DT) mechanisms during the invasion of terrestrial habitats by early land plants. Are these DT mechanisms still present in bryophytes that colonize aquatic habitats? The aquatic bryophyte Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. was subjected to two drying regimes and alterations in protein profiles and sucrose accumulation during dehydration and rehydration were investigated. Results show that during fast dehydration, there is very little variation in protein profiles, and upon rehydration proteins are leaked. On the other hand, slow dehydration induces changes in both dehydration and rehydration protein profiles, being similar to the protein profiles displayed by the terrestrial bryophytes Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch and Schimp. and, to what is comparable with Syntrichia ruralis (Hedw.) F. Weber and D. Mohr. During dehydration there was a reduction in proteins associated with photosynthesis and the cytoskeleton, and an associated accumulation of proteins involved in sugar metabolism and plant defence mechanisms. Upon rehydration, protein accumulation patterns return to control values for both photosynthesis and cytoskeleton whereas proteins associated with sugar metabolism and defence proteins remain high. The current results suggest that bryophytes from different ecological adaptations may share common DT mechanisms.  相似文献   
Epicuticular Wax and Cuticular Resistance in Rice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
High leaf cuticular resistance has been reported as a component adaptation of plants to drought prone regions, Experiments were conducted to evaluate and characterize the role of epicuticular wax as a component of cuticular resistance to water vapor loss from rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves. This information is necessary to determine the applicability of including higher cuticular resistance in an upland rice breeding program and to evaluate potential selection methods. Diffusion porometry, electron microscopy, and gas liquid chromatography were employed. Measurement of cuticular resistance by leaf diffusive resistance porometry after stomatal closure by exposure of rice leaves to pure CO2 for 15 min was found sufficient to induce complete stomatal closure regardless of light level, and was superior to dark acclimation for this purpose. Removal of epicuticular wax from rice leaves by chloroform dip significantly reduced the cuticular resistance. Stressed plants were observed to increase cuticular resistance, illustrating the responsive nature of this characteristic. Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) of the chloroform leaf dip proved to be an expedient method of characterizing both quantitative and qualitative differences in the epicuticular wax of rice cullivars. The porometry and GLC techniques may be useful in selecting parents, spot checking in a pedigree program, or checking lines reaching the yield testing stage, but ate not well suited lor mass screening early generation progeny. Significant differences were found in the two rice cultivurs, ‘63–83′, an upland adapted rice from West Africa, and “IR20′, bred and selected in submerged paddy culture in ihc Philippines, by tlie above methods of characterizing cuticular resistance and epicuticular wax. These results are of ecological significance to plant breeders.  相似文献   
We measured the Δ Ψ and ΔpH components of the transthylakoid proton motive force ( pmf ) in light-adapted, intact tobacco leaves in response to moderate heat. The Δ Ψ causes an electrochromic shift (ECS) in carotenoid absorbance spectra. The light–dark difference spectrum has a peak at 518 nm and the two components of the pmf were separated by following the ECS for 25 s after turning the light off. The ECS signal was deconvoluted by subtracting the effects of zeaxanthin formation (peak at 505 nm) and the qE-related absorbance changes (peak at 535 nm) from a signal measured at 520 nm. Heat reduced ΔpH while Δ Ψ slightly increased. Elevated temperature accelerated ECS decay kinetics likely reflecting heat-induced increases in proton conductance and ion movement. Energy-dependent quenching (qE) was reduced by heat. However, the reduction of qE was less than expected given the loss of ΔpH. Zeaxanthin did not increase with heat in light-adapted leaves but it was higher than would be predicted given the reduced ΔpH found at high temperature. The results indicate that moderate heat stress can have very large effects on thylakoid reactions.  相似文献   
Abstract: Latinos in the United States are an increasing segment of the population and are becoming important stakeholders in the management of natural resources. Although Latinos have been included in attitudinal research on environmental concerns, few studies have focused exclusively on Latino attitudes toward natural resources and the environment. We surveyed Texas college and university students of Mexican descent (n = 635) to determine their environmental concerns. Using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP), we determined an environmental concern score for each respondent and compared this index to several demographic variables. We found that gender, a political candidate's environmental position, mother's education, combined parental income, and, to a lesser degree, the number of grandparents born in the United States and religiosity (church attendance), were important model variables. We hypothesized that acculturation would be an important factor in predicting NEP scores; however, acculturation level was not an important predictor in our study, which we attribute to both the nature of our sample (i.e., highly acculturated college students) and small sample sizes of less-acculturated college students. We recommend that future research consider determining the importance of acculturation in Latino attitudes toward natural resources and the environment.  相似文献   
The behavioural and electrophysiological (electroantennography) responses of the first two instars of Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Latreille to fresh and dry faecal headspace volatile extracts from fifth instar conspecific nymphs and synthetic compounds were analysed in this study. Recently emerged nymphs (3–5 days) aggregated around filter paper impregnated with dry faeces and around filter paper impregnated with extracts from both fresh and dry faeces. Older first instars (10–15 days) and second instars aggregated around filter paper impregnated with fresh and dry faeces, and their respective headspace extracts. Dry faecal volatile extracts elicited the strongest antennal responses, followed by fresh faecal extracts. Gas chromatography?mass spectrometry analysis of dried faecal headspace volatiles demonstrated the presence of 12 compounds: 2‐ethyl‐1‐hexanol, 1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene, n ‐octadecane, n ‐nonadecane, n ‐eicosane, n ‐heneicosane, n ‐tricosane, n ‐pentaeicosane, n ‐hexaeicosane, n ‐octaeicosane, nonanal, and 4‐methyl quinazoline. In fresh faecal headspace extracts, only nonanal was clearly detected, although there were other trace compounds, including several unidentified sesquiterpenes. Four of the 11 compounds tested individually elicited aggregation behaviour at concentrations of 100 ng/µL and 1 µg/µL. A blend containing these four components also mediated the aggregation of nymphs. These volatiles may be valuable for developing monitoring methods and designing sensitive strategies to detect and measure T. dimidiata infestation.  相似文献   
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