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A monoclonal antibody was obtained from BALB/c mice immunized with aflatoxin Bl (AFB1) conjugated to bovine serum albumin. This IgG2a antibody, ASCI, with K light chain has a high specificity for AFB1. In an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay the antibody litre in ascites fluid was 1: 6000 for 50% binding to plates coated with aflatoxin-poly-L-lysine. The assay is sensitive to 2.5 pg aflatoxin/assay. ASCI cross-reacts with closely related aflatoxin metabolites such as AFB2, AFM1 and AFG1. However, ASCI displays negligible cross-reactivity with other related aflatoxin analogues such as AFM2, AFP1, AFQ1 and aflatoxicol. An immunoabsorbent was prepared by coupling ASCI antibody to Ultrogel AcA 22. This immunomatrix was used to purify aflatoxins at 0–1 ng/ml levels from contaminated body fluids such as bovine milk. The antibody affinity column was regenerated and re-used several times. Owing to its high specificity for AFB1 and AFM1, ASCI will be of value in immunodetection and immunopurification of these toxins in various foodstuffs.  相似文献   
The genome of four Streptomyces ambofaciens strains from different geographical origins (ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9247 and ETH 11317) was analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The PFGE technique has allowed the study of the extrachromosomal content of these strains and the characterization of their genomic DNA by restriction analyses. Electrophoretic migration of undigested DNA allowed us to detect a 80 kb-length linear molecule with concatemeric forms in S. ambofaciens ATCC15154. These extrachromosomal molecules were shown to be homologous to the circular plasmid pSAM1 (80 kb) suggesting that pSAM1 could exist not only in circular form but also in linear form. In the same way a 45 kb-length linear molecule was detected in S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317. In contrast, no extrachromosomal DNA could be detected in S. ambofaciens DSM40697. The analysis of the macrorestriction patterns using the rate-cutting enzymes AseI and DraI indicated a close relationship between the DSM- and ETH- strains. Indeed, three types of restriction patterns were distinguished: while S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317 were characterized by the same pattern and share more than 75% of comigrating fragments with the strain DSM40697, S. ambofaciens ATCC15154 exhibited a restriction pattern different from the other three. The total genome sizes of S. ambofaciens ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9427 and ETH11317 were estimated to be about 6500, 8000, 8200 and 8200 kb, respectively.  相似文献   
The distribution of Calamintha cretica , a taxon restricted on the massif of Levka Ori (White Mountains W. Crete, Greece), is presented. The essential oils of three populations were examined by means of GC and GC-MS. The essential oil yield varied from 0.5% to 1.9%, whereas the major compounds were in all cases piperitenone oxide (26.4–41.3%) and piperitone oxide (33.8–59.9%). Like all other Calamintha taxa examined to date, it is a species rich in p -menthane compounds. The results are further discussed in relation to their chemotaxonomic value.  相似文献   
The Huhner test is an easy, unpainful, unexpensive test which must be done first at the time of unfertility exploration. His clinical and prognosticated interest is much debated because many imprecisions in its realisation and interpretation occur. Our multicentric study proves that this test is quite standardized in his realisation but a loss of its efficacity appears by the fact of a inadequate collaboration between attending physicians and biologists.  相似文献   
A study of the influence of chemical modifications on the activity of Achromobacter iophagus collagenase (EC has led to the following conclusions: a modification of 4 out of 80 COOH groups with carbodiimide led to 90% loss of enzymic activity. A 70% inactivation was found after modification of two tyrosines out of 30 with tetranitromethane. The modification of four to six tryptophans out of 16 with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide decreased enzyme activity to 36%. This inactivation is accelerated in the presence of collagen. An increase of reagent/enzyme molar ratio led to a modification of 16 tryptophan residues and denaturation of Acahromobacter collagenase. A modification of two arginines out of 18 with 1,2-cyclohexanedione and eight NH2 groups out of 24 with 2,3-dimethyl maleic anhydride does not change the collagenolytic activity. All NH2 groups become available for 2,3-dimethyl maleic anhydride after dissociation of the dimer. A possible analogy of hydrolytic site of collagenase with that of two other known bacterial metalloproteinases (thermolysin and Bacillus subtilis neutral proteinase (EC is discussed.  相似文献   
All Enterococcus spp., isolated from environmental water samples (n=81), emitted a high chemiluminescence signal in the presence of luminol (10(-2) M). Kinetic studies of chemiluminescence show a close correlation between chemiluminescence and growth curves during the exponential phase, with a maximum chemiluminescence reached just before bacterial growth entered in the stationary phase. On the other hand, genera closely related to Enterococcus such as Streptococcus or Lactococcus produced a very weak chemiluminescent signal. Chemiluminescence of enterococci could therefore offer a rapid test, in aiding the identification of the genus Enterococcus and in the survey of the microbiological quality of water supplies.  相似文献   
Second generation rats depleted in long-chain polyunsaturated omega3 fatty acids display several features of the metabolic syndrome, including visceral obesity, liver steatosis, insulin resistance, hypertension, and cardiac hypertrophy. In the framework of an extensive study on such metabolic, hormonal and functional perturbations, the phospholipid fatty acid pattern and ex vivo metabolism of D-glucose were recently investigated in the soleus muscle of these omega3-depleted rats. The present study deals with the triglyceride fatty acid content and pattern of the soleus muscle in control animals and omega3-depleted rats. Some of the latter rats were injected intravenously 60-120 minutes before sacrifice with either an omega3 fatty acid-rich medium-chain triglyceride/fish oil emulsion (omega3-FO rats) or a control medium-chain triglyceride/olive oil emulsion (omega3-OO rats). The total fatty acid content of triglycerides was comparable in control and omega3-depleted rats and, in both cases, inversely related to their C20:4omega6 relative content. At variance with the situation found in control rats, no long-chain polyunsaturated omega3 fatty acid (C18:3omega3, C20:5omega3, C22:5omega3, C22:6omega3) was detected in the omega3-depleted rats. Unexpectedly, the triglyceride content in most long-chain polyunsaturated omega6 fatty acids (C18:2omega6, C20:3omega6, C20:4omega6 and C22:4omega6) had also decreased in the latter rats. Moreover, the activity of Delta9-desaturase was apparently increased in the omega3-depleted rats, as judged from the C16:1omega7/C16:0 and C18:1omega9/C18:0 ratios. The omega3-FO rats differed from omega3-OO rats by a lower contribution of C18:2omega6 metabolites (C18:3omega6, C20:3omega6, C20:4omega6 and C22:4omega6). These findings indicate that the prior injection of the medium-chain triglyceride/fish oil emulsion, known to increase the muscle phospholipid content in long-chain polyunsaturated omega3 fatty acids, may nevertheless accentuate the depletion in long-chain polyunsaturated omega6 fatty acids otherwise found in the triglycerides of omega3-depleted rats. Such a dual effect is reminiscent of that observed, under the same experimental conditions, for selected variables in D-glucose metabolism in the soleus muscle.  相似文献   
Summary Although only one gene is known to be functional, numerous glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) related sequences are scattered throughoutMus musculus andRattus rattus genomes. In this report we show that: (1) GAPDH pseudogenes are repeated to comparable extents, at least 400 copies, in 12 other Muridae species; (2) the complete, or nearly so, sequence of GAPDH messenger RNA is amplified, and a high proportion, if not all of these copies, are intronless; (3) GAPDH pseudogenes are preferentially located in heavily methylated and DNAse I-insensitive regions of chromatin; and (4) the presence of atypical GAPDH-related mRNAs in different cellular contexts raises the possibility that more than one GAPDH gene is transcribed.  相似文献   
Anti‐atherosclerotic effects of vitamin E – myth or reality?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atherosclerosis and its complications such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke are the leading causes of death in the developed world. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and a diet high in cholesterol and lipids clearly increase the likelihood of premature atherosclerosis, albeit other factors, such as the individual genetic makeup, may play an additional role. Several epidemiological studies and intervention trials have been performed with vitamin E, and some of them showed that it prevents atherosclerosis. For a long time, vitamin E was assumed to act by decreasing the oxidation of LDL, a key step in atherosclerosis initiation. However, at the cellular level, vitamin E acts by inhibition of smooth muscle cell proliferation, platelet aggregation, monocyte adhesion, oxLDL uptake and cytokine production, all reactions implied in the progression of atherosclerosis. Recent research revealed that these effects are not the result of the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, but rather of precise molecular actions of this compound. It is assumed that specific interactions of vitamin E with enzymes and proteins are at the basis of its non-antioxidant effects. Vitamin E influences the activity of several enzymes (e.g. PKC, PP2A, COX-2, 5-lipooxygenase, nitric oxide synthase, NADPH-oxidase, superoxide dismutase, phopholipase A2) and modulates the expression of genes that are involved in atherosclerosis (e.g. scavenger receptors, integrins, selectins, cytokines, cyclins). These interactions promise to reveal the biological properties of vitamin E and allow designing better strategies for the protection against atherosclerosis progression.  相似文献   
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