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In a double-bind controlled study, oral Acyclovir has been compared to a placebo in a series of 39 consecutive patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. A dose of 200 mg was given every 6 h from day 8 to day 35 after transplantation. Pharmacokinetic studies have shown the good absorption of the drug despite intestinal damage related to chemoradiotherapy or gut graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), there was no sign of toxicity. The protection against herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection was complete in the treated group when compared to the control group even in patients with high anti-HSV antibody titres. The same protection was observed against cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. The incidence of HSV and CMV was the same in both groups after treatment ended. This study confirms the efficacy of Acyclovir against HSV infection and possibly against CMV infection when it is given prophylactically after bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   
Summary Ethanol production from the inulin of Jerusalem artichoke byZ. mobilis was studied in batch and continuous fermentations. Both acid or enzymatic hydrolysis were used. In continuous cultures enzymatic hydrolysis showed better results. Ethanol productivities of 17.7 and 29.0 g/l.h were obtained at output concentrationsca 35 g/l (% of conversion 99 and 83; ethanol yield 0.45 g/g). The hydrolysed juice could be used without any nutrient addition.  相似文献   
We performed a genome-wide QTL scan for production traits in a line cross between Duroc and Pietrain breeds of pigs, which included 585 F(2) progeny produced from 31 full-sib families genotyped with 106 informative microsatellites. A linkage map covering all 18 autosomes and spanning 1987 Kosambi cM was constructed. Thirty-five phenotypic traits including body weight, growth, carcass composition and meat quality traits were analysed using least square regression interval mapping. Twenty-four QTL exceeded the genome-wide significance threshold, while 47 QTL reached the suggestive threshold. These QTL were located at 28 genomic regions on 16 autosomal chromosomes and QTL in 11 regions were significant at the genome-wide level. A QTL affecting pH value in loin was detected on SSC1 between marker-interval S0312-S0113 with strong statistical support (P < 3.0 x 10(-14)); this QTL was also associated with meat colour and conductivity. QTL for carcass composition and average daily gain was also found on SSC1, suggesting multiple QTL. Seventeen genomic segments had only a single QTL that reached at least suggestive significance. Forty QTL exhibited additive inheritance whereas 31 QTL showed (over-) dominance effects. Two QTL for trait backfat thickness were detected on SSC2; a significant paternal effect was found for a QTL in the IGF2 region while another QTL in the middle of SSC2 showed Mendelian expression.  相似文献   
Sampling along roadsides is convenient and is widely practiced in insect population researches. Ecological conditions in road verges are very different than those prevailing in natural habitats and they affect the annual growth of plants in semi-arid and arid regions. This in turn may improve development, survival and abundance of insects feeding on plants growing in roadsides. These trends may bias the results of sampling. To verify this assertion, we quantified the effects of growing in roadside on annual growth of Pistacia atlantica trees and Pistacia palaestina shrubs and compare two demographic indexes of nine gall-inducing aphid species on trees growing along roads with trees in the open landscape, in Israel. The annual growth of the two host plants was significantly more vigorous in roadsides than away from roads. Tests of Combined Probabilities showed that the likelihood of P. atlantica and P. palaestina to be parasitized by more galls of Fordini species is higher in roadsides than away from roads. Moreover, in the semi-dry regions of Israel, three aphid species on P. atlantica and five species on P. palaestina induced more galls in plants growing along roads than away from roads, while in the rainy Northern region, the difference was not significant between the two habitats. These results indicate a biased evaluation of population size in roadside habitat, which has to be accounted in insect–plant relation researches.  相似文献   
AIM: To evaluate rpoB gene as a biomarker of microbial biodiversity associated to cold-smoked salmon by a novel nested-polymerase chain reaction/temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR/TTGE) technique applied on pure cultures of reference strains. METHODS AND RESULTS: DNA obtained from pure cultures of reference strains was used in a succession of a first PCR amplification of rpoB fragment with degenerated nonclamped primers and a nested-PCR with nondegenerated clamped primers. PCR products were then applied on a TTGE gel in order to analyse strains profile. High quantity of nested-PCR products were obtained for each tested strain and TTGE profiles showed a good separation between the different reference bacteria and an easy way to associate one band to one species. CONCLUSION: The nested-PCR/TTGE technique used in this study is a promising way of investigating bacterial community structure of cold-smoked salmon or other food matrix. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Because of its single copy state leading to single band profiles in TTGE, rpoB constitute a good potential molecular marker for further development of cold-smoked salmon biodiversity analysis.  相似文献   
Motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and their target muscles, bulbocavernosus and levator ani (BC/LA), constitute an androgen-sensitive neuromuscular system. Testosterone regulates SNB soma size, SNB dendritic length, and BC/LA muscle mass in adult male rats. Recent evidence indicates that the cell death-regulatory protein, Bcl-2, may also play a role in adult neural plasticity. The present study examined whether gonadal hormones and/or the Bcl-2 protein influence the morphology of the SNB neuromuscular system in adult B6D2F1 mice. In Experiment 1, adult wild-type and Bcl-2 overexpressing males were castrated and implanted with silastic capsules containing testosterone or left blank. Six weeks after castration, cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase was injected into the BC muscle to label SNB dendrites. Animals were killed 48 h later, and BC/LA muscle mass, SNB soma size, and SNB dendritic arbors were examined. In Experiment 2, wild-type and Bcl-2 overexpressing males were castrated or sham castrated, implanted with testosterone-filled or blank capsules, and examined 12 weeks later. In both experiments, BC/LA muscle mass and SNB soma size were significantly reduced in castrates receiving blank capsules. Surprisingly, however, there was no effect of hormone manipulation on any of several measures of dendritic length. Thus, the dendritic morphology of SNB motoneurons appears to be relatively insensitive to circulating androgen levels in B6D2F1 mice. Bcl-2 overexpression did not influence BC/LA muscle mass, SNB soma size, or SNB dendritic length, indicating that the morphology of this neuromuscular system and the response to castration are not altered by forced expression of the Bcl-2 protein.  相似文献   
The tree shrews are non-rodent, primate-like, small animals. There is increasing interest in using them to establish animal models for medical and biological research. This review focuses on the use of the tree shrews in in vivo studies on viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), myopia, and psychosocial stress. Because of the susceptibility of the tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) and their hepatocytes to infection with human hepatitis B virus (HBV) in vivo and in vitro, these animals have been used to establish human hepatitis virus-induced hepatitis and human HBV- and aflatoxin B1-associated HCC models. As these animals are phylogenetically close to primates in evolution and have a well-developed visual system and color vision in some species, they have been utilized to establish myopia models. Because dramatic behavioral, physiological, and neuroendocrine changes in subordinate male tree shrews are similar to those observed in depressed human patients, the tree shrews have been successfully employed to experimentally study psychosocial stress. However, the tree shrews holds significant promise as research models and great use could be made of these animals in biomedical research.  相似文献   
Protein C deficiency (inherited and acquired) has a relatively high incidence rate in the general population worldwide. For many years, protein C deficient patients have been treated with fresh frozen plasma, prothrombin complex concentrates, heparin or oral anticoagulants, which all have clinical drawbacks. We report the production process of a highly purified human protein C concentrate from 1500 l of cryo-poor plasma by a four-step chromatographic procedure. After DEAE-Sephadex adsorption, protein C was separated from clotting factors II, VII and IX by DEAE-Sepharose FF and further purified, using a new strategy, by an on-line chromatographic system combining DMAE-Fractogel and heparin-Sepharose CL-6B. In addition, the product was treated against viral risks by solvent-detergent and nanofiltration on 15-nm membranes. The protein C concentrate was essentially free of other vitamin K-dependent proteins. Proteolytic activity was undetectable. Neither activated protein C, prekallikrein activator, nor activated vitamin K-dependent clotting factors were found resulting in good stability of the protein C activity. In vitro and in vivo animal tests did not reveal any sign of potential thrombogenicity. The final freeze-dried product had a mean protein C concentration of 58 IU/ml and a mean specific activity of 215 IU/mg protein, corresponding to over 12000-fold purification from plasma. Therefore, this concentrate appears to be of potential benefit for the treatment of protein C deficiency.  相似文献   
Calpains, also called calcium activated neutral cysteine proteases are presently known to play pivotal roles in physiological and biological phenomena such as signal transduction, cell spreading and motility, apoptosis, regulation of cell cycle and regulation of muscle cell differentiation. Concerning this last point, calpains have been shown to play a crucial role during the earlier myogenesis. In this study we have analyzed the involvement of calpains during an important step of myogenesis: myoblast migration. Our findings show that myoblast migration was drastically reduced when the expression of micro- and m-calpain was decreased. We have also observed that MARCKS (myristoylated alanine rich C kinase substrate), a protein localized at focal adhesion sites, was significantly accumulated when the expression levels of calpains were decreased. Also, using phorbol myristate acetate, (an activator of PKC) and plasmids carrying the full-length cDNA of MARCKS or a cDNA fragment lacking the phosphorylation site domain, we demonstrated that normal myoblast migration is dependent on MARCKS phosphorylation and localization.  相似文献   
A pulse of thimerosal (TMS), a sulfhydryl reagent, induces an instantaneous, complete and long-lasting microtubule interphasic network disassembly in mouse primary oocytes, correlated with the irreversible inhibition of meiosis reinitiation This inhibition is bypassed by dithiothreitol (DTT) while thiosalicylic acid, an analog of TMS, does induce neither microtubules depolymerisation nor inhibition of reinitiation and resumption of meiosis. This strongly suggests that the dramatic and pleiotropic inhibitory effect of TMS is specifically related to its sulfhydryl group oxidising activity of critical molecules among which tubulin. In contrast to DTT, okadaic acid (OA), known to bypass the inhibitory effect of drugs interfering with protein kinase activities, induces a late chromatin condensation and GVBD in TMS-pulsed oocytes as compared to the control situation, with no significant concomitant microtubule assembly. These cytological features are suggested to be indirectly induced by a late MAPK activation and confirm that a very early thiol oxidation induced by TMS exerts a much more dramatic effect on resumption of meiosis than any pharmacological manipulation of protein kinase activities leading to activation of MPF. Finally, taxol was shown to promote tubulin polymerisation even when microtubules were irreversibly disassembled by thiol oxidation but fails to restore the ability to undergo maturation.  相似文献   
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