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The colonial morphology of three strains of cultivable, nonpathogenic treponemes including a human oral treponeme was examined by light and electron microscopy. Treponema phagedenis strains Kazan and Reiter produced large white colonies on the surface of solid media composed of sterility test broth, 0.9 to 3.1% agar, rifampin, and 12.5% rabbit or horse serum. A human oral treponeme, strain G7201, grew as diffused white zones on 0.9 to 3.1% agar plates. Under the cultural conditions employed agar concentrations slightly affected the time of appearance of colonies of the three strains of treponemes. When the colonies of these three strains were viewed by scanning electron microscopy, differences in their colonial morphology were observed. The 11-day-old colonies of human oral strain G7201 were very small, 5 to 15 μm in diameter, and had a slight irregular border. Kazan treponemes developed circular, entire and low convex colonies. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the colonies of Reiter treponemes contained spherical forms almost up to 5 μm in diameter, each consisting of an outer membrane and a treponemal main body. They were very similar to the spherical bodies produced by strain G7201 in sucrose-containing broth.  相似文献   
The osmium-dimethyl sulfoxide-osmium method for clear visualization of intracellular structure was used to observe the detailed inner structure of the spherical bodies produced in vitro by a human oral treponeme. Scanning electron microscopy of the cracked spherical body revealed no morphological differences between the outer and inner surfaces of the spherical body membrane, and that multiple folded or somewhat linear main bodies adhere closely to the inner surface. In addition, axial flagella partially free from the main bodies spread widely within the body to make a network, and a number of blebs ranging from approximately 1 μm to 0.2 μm in diameter were located near the terminal or subterminal areas of the main bodies. The origin of the blebs and the mechanism of spherical body formation are discussed.  相似文献   
Changes in subcellular structures during the entire vegetativecell cycle of Chlamydomonas reinhardi Dangeard in synchronousculture were followed with an electron microscope. Giant mitochondriaof various shapes were temporarily formed, probably by fusionof smaller mitochondria, in the algal cells at an intermediatestage of the growth phase of the cell cycle. Formation of giantmitochondria was accompanied by a marked decrease in the oxygen-uptakeactivity of cells. Giant mitochondria divided into smaller formsconcurrently with a re-increase in the oxygen-uptake activityof cells. Some characteristics of changes in the structuresof chloroplast, the nucleus, the endoplasmic reticula, flagellaand dictyosomes are described. 1 This work was reported in part at the 35th Annual Meetingof the Botanical Society of Japan, October 1970. (Received October 13, 1971; )  相似文献   
Summary The presence of a Ca2+ channel in the plasmalemma of tonoplast-freeNitellopsis obtusa cells was demonstrated and its characteristics were studied using current- and voltage-clamp techniques. A long-lasting inward membrane current (I m ), recorded using a step voltage clamp, consisted of a single component without time-dependent inactivation. Increasing either [Ca2+] o or [Cl] o 1) enhanced the maximum amplitude of inwardI m ((I m ) p ) and 2) shifted the peak voltage ((V m ) p ) at(I m ) p to more positive values under ramp-shaped voltage clamping and 3) depolarized the peak value of action potentials. This behavior is consistent with predictions based on the Nernst equation for Ca2+ but not for Cl. DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic acid stilbene) did not suppress(I m ) p in tonoplast-free cells, in contrast with its effect on normal cells. La3+ and nifedipine blocked(I m ) p irreversibly. On the other hand, Ca2+ channel agonist, BAY K 8644 irreversibly enhanced(I m ) p . Both Sr2+ influx and K+ efflux increased upon excitation. The charge carried by Sr2+ influx was compensated for by K+ efflux. It is concluded that only the Ca2+ channel is activated during plasmalemma excitation in tonoplast-free cells. In terms of the magnitude of(I m ) p , Sr2+ could replace Ca2+, but Mn2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ could not. External pH affected(I m ) p and the membrane conductance (g m ) at(I m ) p ((g m ) p ). Increasing the external ionic strength caused increases in both(I m ) p and(g m ) p , and shifted(V m ) p to positive values. At the same time, Sr2+ influx increased. Thus Ca2+ channel activation seems to be enhanced by increasing external ionic strength. The possible involvement of surface potential is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In order to demonstrate the presence of a Ca2+-activated Cl-channel in theNitellopsis plasmalemma, tonoplast-free cells were prepared and their intracellular Ca2+ concentration was modified by internal perfusion. An increase in the Ca2+ concentration caused a large Cl efflux with a concomitant depolarization of the membrane potential. These changes were for the most part reversible. The critical Ca2+ concentration was about 4.0 m. Neither the Cl efflux nor the membrane depolarization showed a time-dependent inactivation. A Cl-channel blocker, A-9-C (9-anthracenecarboxylic acid) reduced both the Cl efflux and the magnitude of the membrane potential depolarization. A small increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which is caused by membrane excitation of tonoplast-free cells is not sufficient to activate this Ca2+-dependent Cl-channel.  相似文献   
Summary To study the three-dimensional structure of tight junction fibrils, the epithelia of the jejunum and epididymis of adult mice were examined by the freezefracture technique in unfixed and in aldehyde-fixed specimens. The fibrils have a stronger affinity for the protoplasmic (P) face of the lipid bilayer in fixed material, and for the external (E) face in unfixed and rapidly frozen material. Therefore we can observe the fibrils both from the outside and inside of the cell. Fibrils appearing on the P-face are smoothly contoured ridges and rows of hemispherical particles, while those appearing on the E-face are exclusively rows of hemispherical particles. Based on these observations, we wish to propose a new fibril model for the tight junction. There are two distinctive types of junctional elements. One type is composed of a smooth and continuous strand in the external view of the cell, but is studded with hemispherical bulgings in its internal view. This type will be referred to as the continuous type. The other type is bead-like, and will be referred to as the particle type. The relative proportion of these two types of elements appearing within a tight junction network differs among tissues.  相似文献   
By mixing chlorophyll (Chl) a or b with a dense bovine serum albumin solution, the water-soluble Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes were prepared. These complexes, eluted near the void volume on a gel filtration, were separated well from unreacted bovine serum albumin, indicating an aggregation of such molecules in the complexes. Preparation of chlorophyllide (Chlide) a- or Chlide b-bovine serum albumin complex was unsuccessful, while the phytol-, and β-carotene-bovine serum albumin complexes could be obtained. Chls in the Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes had the following characteristics. (i) Main absorption peak of Chl a or b in the red region occurred at 675 nm or 652 nm, respectively. The Chl a-bovine serum albumin complex having absorption peak at 740 nm was also prepared. As compared with the stabilities of Chl a and b in Triton X-100. (ii) Both Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were stable against oxidative stresses, such as photobleaching, Fenton reagent, peroxidase-H2O2 system. But (iii) they were easily hydrolyzed by chlorophyllase. These properties of Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were similar to those of Chls in the isolated light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complex. A possible localization of Chls within the bovine serum albumin complexes was suggested that the porphyrin moiety of Chl was buried in bovine serum albumin; however, the hydrophilic edge of porphyrin ring, adjacent to the phytol group, occurred in the hydrophilic region of a bovine serum albumin molecule.  相似文献   
A special exposure system was used for the inhalation of nickel oxide (NiO) aerosol by Wistar male rats. The median aerodynamic diameter and the geometric standard deviation were 1.2 μm and 2.2, respectively. A histopathological study of the rats was performed immediately, and at intervals of 12 and 20 mo after a 1-mo expsoure to NiO. Electron microscopy showed that localization of NiO particles was restricted to the lungs and that each particle had been engulfed by the alveolar macrophages. Type II pneumocytes and nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells (Clara cells), as well as numerous tubular myelin (surfactant) in the alveoli were prominent. In rats dissected after 12 mo, clusters of NiO particles were still present within the terminal bronchioli, alveolar walls, and lysosomes of the alveolar macrophages. Pools of tubular myelin were observed in the peribron-chial lymphatics. The Clara cells, which project into the lumen of bronchioli, showed active secretion and were filled with smooth en-doplasmic reticulum (SER) in the apical cytoplasm. In the experimental group sacrificed after 20 mo, one rat had papillary adenocarcinoma and two rats showed adenomatosis in the peripheral portion of the lung, but none in the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   
The common marmoset, a New World monkey, requires a large amount of cholecalciferol (110 i.u./day per 100g body wt.) to maintain its normal growth. In a previous report, we demonstrated that the circulating levels of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [1 alpha,25(OH)2D3] in the marmosets are much higher than those in rhesus monkeys and humans, but the marmosets are not hypercalcaemic [Shinki, Shiina, Takahashi, Tanioka, Koizumi & Suda (1983) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 14, 452-457]. To compare the effect of the daily intake of cholecalciferol, two rhesus monkeys were given a large amount of cholecalciferol (900 i.u./day per 100g body wt). Their serum levels of calcium, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 24R,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol were markedly elevated, but the serum 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 levels remained within a range similar to those in the rhesus monkeys fed the normal diet (intake of cholecalciferol 5 i.u./day per 100g body wt). Intestinal cytosols prepared from both monkeys contained similar 3.5 S macromolecules to which 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 was bound specifically. However, the cytosols from the marmosets contained only one-sixth as many 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 receptors as those from the rhesus monkeys. Furthermore, the activity of the 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3-receptor complex in binding to DNA-cellulose was very low in the marmosets. These results suggest that the marmoset possesses an end-organ resistance to 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 and is a useful animal model for studying the mechanism of vitamin D-dependent rickets, type II.  相似文献   
Sargassum thunbergii growing on the sheltered coast of Maizuru Bay, which faces the Japan Sea, has been ecologically studied. The alga is perennial, its basal part (holdfast and stem) persisting even after its primary laterals have decayed. The alga forms a conspicuous zone especially in the summer. In the winter the plant is small and its growth is very slow. After that, with the rising of both temperature and tidal levels the alga grows progressively both in length and weight, and also forms numerous lateral branches. In summer (July to August) when the tidal levels are high (+21 cm to +43 cm), the alga is always submerged. At this time, the water temperature reaches the highest in the year (27–29 C), and the alga attains its maximum length and weight. Simultaneously, maturation occurs, and soon afterwards its primary laterals rapidly decay away, while young primary laterals beging to grow. Formae ofSargassum thunbergii (f.typicum, f.latifolia, f.nipponicum and f.swartzianum), which were established by Yendo (1907) and by Okamura (1923) are also discussed in terms of their ecology.  相似文献   
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