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The colonial morphology of three strains of cultivable, nonpathogenic treponemes including a human oral treponeme was examined by light and electron microscopy. Treponema phagedenis strains Kazan and Reiter produced large white colonies on the surface of solid media composed of sterility test broth, 0.9 to 3.1% agar, rifampin, and 12.5% rabbit or horse serum. A human oral treponeme, strain G7201, grew as diffused white zones on 0.9 to 3.1% agar plates. Under the cultural conditions employed agar concentrations slightly affected the time of appearance of colonies of the three strains of treponemes. When the colonies of these three strains were viewed by scanning electron microscopy, differences in their colonial morphology were observed. The 11-day-old colonies of human oral strain G7201 were very small, 5 to 15 μm in diameter, and had a slight irregular border. Kazan treponemes developed circular, entire and low convex colonies. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the colonies of Reiter treponemes contained spherical forms almost up to 5 μm in diameter, each consisting of an outer membrane and a treponemal main body. They were very similar to the spherical bodies produced by strain G7201 in sucrose-containing broth.  相似文献   
The osmium-dimethyl sulfoxide-osmium method for clear visualization of intracellular structure was used to observe the detailed inner structure of the spherical bodies produced in vitro by a human oral treponeme. Scanning electron microscopy of the cracked spherical body revealed no morphological differences between the outer and inner surfaces of the spherical body membrane, and that multiple folded or somewhat linear main bodies adhere closely to the inner surface. In addition, axial flagella partially free from the main bodies spread widely within the body to make a network, and a number of blebs ranging from approximately 1 μm to 0.2 μm in diameter were located near the terminal or subterminal areas of the main bodies. The origin of the blebs and the mechanism of spherical body formation are discussed.  相似文献   
Changes in subcellular structures during the entire vegetativecell cycle of Chlamydomonas reinhardi Dangeard in synchronousculture were followed with an electron microscope. Giant mitochondriaof various shapes were temporarily formed, probably by fusionof smaller mitochondria, in the algal cells at an intermediatestage of the growth phase of the cell cycle. Formation of giantmitochondria was accompanied by a marked decrease in the oxygen-uptakeactivity of cells. Giant mitochondria divided into smaller formsconcurrently with a re-increase in the oxygen-uptake activityof cells. Some characteristics of changes in the structuresof chloroplast, the nucleus, the endoplasmic reticula, flagellaand dictyosomes are described. 1 This work was reported in part at the 35th Annual Meetingof the Botanical Society of Japan, October 1970. (Received October 13, 1971; )  相似文献   
By mixing chlorophyll (Chl) a or b with a dense bovine serum albumin solution, the water-soluble Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes were prepared. These complexes, eluted near the void volume on a gel filtration, were separated well from unreacted bovine serum albumin, indicating an aggregation of such molecules in the complexes. Preparation of chlorophyllide (Chlide) a- or Chlide b-bovine serum albumin complex was unsuccessful, while the phytol-, and β-carotene-bovine serum albumin complexes could be obtained. Chls in the Chl-bovine serum albumin complexes had the following characteristics. (i) Main absorption peak of Chl a or b in the red region occurred at 675 nm or 652 nm, respectively. The Chl a-bovine serum albumin complex having absorption peak at 740 nm was also prepared. As compared with the stabilities of Chl a and b in Triton X-100. (ii) Both Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were stable against oxidative stresses, such as photobleaching, Fenton reagent, peroxidase-H2O2 system. But (iii) they were easily hydrolyzed by chlorophyllase. These properties of Chls in the bovine serum albumin-complexes were similar to those of Chls in the isolated light-harvesting Chl a/b protein complex. A possible localization of Chls within the bovine serum albumin complexes was suggested that the porphyrin moiety of Chl was buried in bovine serum albumin; however, the hydrophilic edge of porphyrin ring, adjacent to the phytol group, occurred in the hydrophilic region of a bovine serum albumin molecule.  相似文献   
A special exposure system was used for the inhalation of nickel oxide (NiO) aerosol by Wistar male rats. The median aerodynamic diameter and the geometric standard deviation were 1.2 μm and 2.2, respectively. A histopathological study of the rats was performed immediately, and at intervals of 12 and 20 mo after a 1-mo expsoure to NiO. Electron microscopy showed that localization of NiO particles was restricted to the lungs and that each particle had been engulfed by the alveolar macrophages. Type II pneumocytes and nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells (Clara cells), as well as numerous tubular myelin (surfactant) in the alveoli were prominent. In rats dissected after 12 mo, clusters of NiO particles were still present within the terminal bronchioli, alveolar walls, and lysosomes of the alveolar macrophages. Pools of tubular myelin were observed in the peribron-chial lymphatics. The Clara cells, which project into the lumen of bronchioli, showed active secretion and were filled with smooth en-doplasmic reticulum (SER) in the apical cytoplasm. In the experimental group sacrificed after 20 mo, one rat had papillary adenocarcinoma and two rats showed adenomatosis in the peripheral portion of the lung, but none in the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   
Sargassum thunbergii growing on the sheltered coast of Maizuru Bay, which faces the Japan Sea, has been ecologically studied. The alga is perennial, its basal part (holdfast and stem) persisting even after its primary laterals have decayed. The alga forms a conspicuous zone especially in the summer. In the winter the plant is small and its growth is very slow. After that, with the rising of both temperature and tidal levels the alga grows progressively both in length and weight, and also forms numerous lateral branches. In summer (July to August) when the tidal levels are high (+21 cm to +43 cm), the alga is always submerged. At this time, the water temperature reaches the highest in the year (27–29 C), and the alga attains its maximum length and weight. Simultaneously, maturation occurs, and soon afterwards its primary laterals rapidly decay away, while young primary laterals beging to grow. Formae ofSargassum thunbergii (f.typicum, f.latifolia, f.nipponicum and f.swartzianum), which were established by Yendo (1907) and by Okamura (1923) are also discussed in terms of their ecology.  相似文献   
Close linkage of MEN2A with RBP3 locus in Japanese kindreds   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary The gene responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) has recently been assigned to the pericentromeric region of chromsome 10 in European Caucasian kindreds by linkage analysis using a DNA marker, interstitial retinol-binding protein 3 (RBP3). We have found tight linkage between the MEN2A and RBP3 loci in Japanese MEN2A kindreds. The maximum lod score is 5.19 at a recombination fraction of 0.00. This result suggests that mutation of a certain gene close to RBP3 is responsible for MEN2A irrespective of ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   
Abstract Microcystis aeruginosa (Synechocystis ) is a unicellular cyanobacterium that performs oxygenic photosynthesis. We found two novel sets of repetitive sequences, A (REP-A) and B (REP-B), on the M. aeruginosa K-81 genomic DNA, which consisted of distinct motifs of tandem repeated sequences located in the up- and downstream regions of the orf1 structural gene, respectively. Genomic Southern hybridization revealed multicopies of REP-A and -B on the genome. Furthermore, genomic Southern blots of cyanobacteria species with the REP-A and -B probes revealed that different hybridization signals appeared on the genomic DNAs of all 12 Microcystis strains, but no signal appeared on those of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, and Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.  相似文献   
Lyophilized photosystem I particles from spinach were treatedwith diethyl ether that contained various organic solvents withdifferent dielectric constants. More pigments were extractedas the dielectric constant of the solvent added to ether increased.The reaction-center chlorophylldimer, P700, was more resistantto extraction than the rest of the chlorophyll. Particles thatcontained only 6 chlorophylls in addition to P700 and the primaryelectron acceptor (A0), in a single reaction-center unit, wereprepared by extraction with a mixture of ether and acetaldehyde.A distinct shoulder at 695 nm due to P700 or at 686 nm due toP700+ was observed in the absorption spectra of the reducedor oxidized particles, respectively, even at room temperature.No secondary acceptor phylloquinone remained in the particles.Stable charge separation was restored upon the addition of 2-amino-anthraquinone,even though the particles had the lowest molar ratio of chlorophyllto P700 of any reported particles. (Received February 20, 1995; Accepted May 8, 1995)  相似文献   
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